Okay guys, this is how it's going to be...


New member
The Guitar giveaway really brought in a lot of people so doing something like that in the future would be a good idea. But I understand that you may not have the money right now which is fine.
I think having an LPF Newscaster would be really fun. It wouldn't be updates about the band, but about things that are going on with LPF. So if someone was gone for a week they could check out what they missed. It could either be in the form of a video or written out. I would be will to help with either.

I think we should have a Movie/Television section. That way it wouldn't crowd up the General Talk.

Those are my opinions :/
i love the LPF Newscaster idea, it would be really handy because often i may not be able to access the net for a week at a time due to school, sport and other commitments. I think it would be better written, rather then in video, if it was written it would be far easier to update and quicker to view.

as for the inactive members idea, what about like something similar to hotmail, when after a certain time period the account becomes inactive, and it tells people, but the owner of that account can still use it after the account has become inactive. And if the owner of the account knows they are going to be absent from the forums for awhile then they could just PM a mod or leave a message in thread somewhere so the account doesnt become inactive.

i like the LPF downloads idea, although legal issues obviously interfer with what we could do with that, and also space and what not, but it certainly would be interesting.

How about a few minor graphical changes every now and then, like say a new banner or a different colour scheme or something, provided that there was the time and that to do it

anywayz thats what i think of it all so far, i reckon its great that you guyz are asking for members opinions, these forums are great so keep up the awesome work



New member
The news front page is something we'll be leaning towards but I want to talk it over with the staff when I get a chance.

We will also need someone to keep it updated. The person (or people) that do it will likely become mods but probably just for the news section unless they are long time memebrs who might have become a mod anyway.

Stay tuned :thumbsup:



New member
The news front page is something we'll be leaning towards but I want to talk it over with the staff when I get a chance.
We will also need someone to keep it updated. The person (or people) that do it will likely become mods but probably just for the news section unless they are long time memebrs who might have become a mod anyway.

Stay tuned :thumbsup:
are you talking about a news section for Linkin Park or LPF?



New member
The news front page is something we'll be leaning towards but I want to talk it over with the staff when I get a chance.
We will also need someone to keep it updated. The person (or people) that do it will likely become mods but probably just for the news section unless they are long time memebrs who might have become a mod anyway.

Stay tuned :thumbsup:
im willing to lend a hand if you want it, dont know how much help i would be to you guyz but im always willing to help out



New member
Thanks for all the volunteers. Keep em coming. You guys are great!!

I'm gonna let the admins and mods actually decide though as they know you all better than I do at the moment.





Active Members
The news front page is something we'll be leaning towards but I want to talk it over with the staff when I get a chance.
We will also need someone to keep it updated. The person (or people) that do it will likely become mods but probably just for the news section unless they are long time memebrs who might have become a mod anyway.

Stay tuned :thumbsup:
I think I said this somewhere before in an earlier thread talking about this News Idea, but I've been on my school's newspaper for two years, and I'm going to be head editor next year. Needless to say, I know a few things about news and writing and stuff.

So if you need people, I'll throw myself out there. :p



New member
Yup, if you need help with ANYTHING, and I mean anything, I'm more than willing to help out in what ever way possible =)

Wow he's *Blue*. How special is that lol. I'm glad you're definately going to do the front page news section after all. It was something I thought would contribute a lot to the site and will catch us up on the latest LP news first, without looking at old threads on page 5 or whatever >.< I know I'm usually the last to know a lot of stuff so it's great. I hope it looks good as well ^.^

I'm liking a lot of the ideas suggested and I believe all of the major issues have been touched. Inactivity amoungst members and lack of posting being one of them. There just doesn't seem to be as many threads around and I know how hard it is to actually think of an interesting one that hasn't already been done before. I remember one time I did like 5 threads at once in the general talk because there wasn't anything new. I just hope members feel comfortable to contribute towards the site and making it a fun and active place to be.

I also agree with active mods. Vash and Vero are doing an awesome job at moderating and being really really active. The rest of them I've barely seen them here and it's not setting a very good example I guess. They seem like great and cool people to know, just the whole inactivity with them >.<

This isn't really a major suggestion, just a really small thought, but I think skinning the site would be awesome! I've seen forums where you can change what layout and I just thought that was a wicked feature lol. It doesn't have to be a whole new layout, just maybe a new top banner and a change of colour or something. I understand that'll take a lot of time to make new graphics and stuff, but as we know, there are a lot of talented graphics artists lurking around the forums. Uhh I dunno.

Umm so yeah. I bet a lot of forums go through this phrase anyway and like somebody mentioned before, Linkin Park really aren't at their highest in their music career so it's bound to be a little dead. I just hope it gets restored to "the way it was before" ^.^ I'm still lovin' this place a lot though heh. There's something about it that keeps me coming so that must be something.

(Sorry for the essay o_0 Sheesh lol)



New member
ATLien brings up a valid point about the inactive members... we might not want to delete them...but, is there a way to maybe send a message through their email asking for their support? maybe some of them will get active that way...

just a a thought

I am a forum owner, so I know this is possible. An option available to Administrators is the mass email function. This simultaneously sends out the same, carbon copy email to every registered users email. It sure does grab attention.

My suggestion: add something like a rating system. Only administrators and moderators can add ratings to a member and only administrators can remove rating. Kind of like gold stars. You reach 1000 posts, your rating goes up. You help a member, your rating goes up. You are active everyday for a month, your rating goes up. This is a definite way to measure who is who, and a great requirement to see who should be elite or not. For example: you must have a rating of 5 to be elite. Ways to do this: have 1000 posts. Be active everyday for a week. Supply the forum with a download. Help a noob. Write a review on something useful etc, etc.

Just a thought.



Suicide King

New member
Touching a little bit on what MK said, I'm part of a forum which uses a reputation system (or karma system to make it sound fancy) which basically gives members the possibility to give positive or negative reputation to any member along with a comment. That wouldn't be too hard to implement would it? Just a matter of installing a hack.

Edit: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34882



Active Members
Touching a little bit on what MK said, I'm part of a forum which uses a reputation system (or karma system to make it sound fancy) which basically gives members the possibility to give positive or negative reputation to any member along with a comment. That wouldn't be too hard to implement would it? Just a matter of installing a hack.
Edit: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34882
*Karma points to you* :p

I think that is a great idea, because not only would it get members involved in the site, it would help people figure out what the good topics are, and also give the members just a small degree of power.

Makes the forums a little more democratic, in my opinion.



Active Members
I am already considering a warning system. It will allow mods to warn people and the warning is only visible by the user. When you get warned 5 times, you are banned for good, 3 times, you are banned for 1 week. 4 times 2 weeks. That would allow the mods and admins to have better control of who has been warned.


New member
My suggestion: add something like a rating system. Only administrators and moderators can add ratings to a member and only administrators can remove rating. Kind of like gold stars. You reach 1000 posts, your rating goes up. You help a member, your rating goes up. You are active everyday for a month, your rating goes up. This is a definite way to measure who is who, and a great requirement to see who should be elite or not. For example: you must have a rating of 5 to be elite. Ways to do this: have 1000 posts. Be active everyday for a week. Supply the forum with a download. Help a noob. Write a review on something useful etc, etc.

Just a thought.


i was thinking of something just like that



New member
I am already considering a warning system. It will allow mods to warn people and the warning is only visible by the user. When you get warned 5 times' date=' you are banned for good, 3 times, you are banned for 1 week. 4 times 2 weeks. That would allow the mods and admins to have better control of who has been warned.[/quote']You got to make this site more fun and less dull instead of looking for easier ways to get banned
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