Old Skool LPF

Clogz said:
I remember us all doing that, lol! And then I remember how it got changed because it turned into a race to get the coveted six arrows...lol.

Good times, good times. :p

I was the first member to get 6 arrows by posting. Shortly after that, I was made mod... ><
Clogz said:
I remember us all doing that, lol! And then I remember how it got changed because it turned into a race to get the coveted six arrows...lol.

Good times, good times. :p

I remember that too, and how posts in the games section stopped from going to our post counts because of spam.

*sigh* I miss how we all used to get along so well and it was so family like.
Everyone knew everyone, and little fights were always resolved.
haha I love seeing these threads. I remember those days crystal clear. You all want to know a fun fact about this website that you probably don't know, well, this site was thought up, designed, and opened to the public in just one day! I was very much in a hurry to get this thing launched.

I remember the hacker days too. You though the pictures haunt you, well me and the mods had to find them all and clear them out. We were looking at those things for a couple of days trying to rid the forum of them.
ATLien said:
haha I love seeing these threads. I remember those days crystal clear. You all want to know a fun fact about this website that you probably don't know, well, this site was thought up, designed, and opened to the public in just one day! I was very much in a hurry to get this thing launched.

I remember the hacker days too. You though the pictures haunt you, well me and the mods had to find them all and clear them out. We were looking at those things for a couple of days trying to rid the forum of them.

Yea with the pcitures of like wet greenish diareah **** comin outa assholes...

God that day sucked.
Lol me and spike were goin crazy
I must have joined just after that since Azem joined a month before me.

Wow, I can barely remember how different LPF was when I joined. All I know is that it changed to what it is shortly after I joined. I like totally joined at the wrong time, haha. But I do remember the arrows ^.^