One Person's Thoughts On Children

HHMM looks like some kid just got grounded for being an idiot to me LOL I remember saying that same **** when I got busted for coming home and not making it through teh front door without landing on my face HEHE I am sure I will hear teh same **** from my own kid some day too.
I have to say that I largely agree with this person's post. I'm really ****ing tired of parentals telling me what to do and wear and be because that's what THEY want. If they want something to train, they should get a dog. If they want a little version of themselves, they should back cloning because...well....**** that! I'll be who I want to be, and they have no right in the world to tell me who I can and cannot be. I didn't tell THEM to have sex, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have wanted to have been born if I'd had any choice in the matter.

And while I'm on the topic, though I know the rest of you aren't, I'm also sick of everyone saying that people can't decide to end their OWN LIVES. Putting aside the whole matter of 'what if they aren't mentally fit to make that decision' and so on, since that's not what I'm talking about, WHAT THE ****?! Since when does anyone OWN anyone else? Not for quite some time, yet society still has the mentality that everyone is responsible for everyone else--in that they can control them! Where is the sense in telling people that because they HAPPENED to have been born, they must suffer for as long as everyone ELSE says so?
Silver_dragon87 said:
I have to say that I largely agree with this person's post. I'm really ****ing tired of parentals telling me what to do and wear and be because that's what THEY want. If they want something to train, they should get a dog. If they want a little version of themselves, they should back cloning because...well....**** that! I'll be who I want to be, and they have no right in the world to tell me who I can and cannot be. I didn't tell THEM to have sex, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have wanted to have been born if I'd had any choice in the matter.

And while I'm on the topic, though I know the rest of you aren't, I'm also sick of everyone saying that people can't decide to end their OWN LIVES. Putting aside the whole matter of 'what if they aren't mentally fit to make that decision' and so on, since that's not what I'm talking about, WHAT THE ****?! Since when does anyone OWN anyone else? Not for quite some time, yet society still has the mentality that everyone is responsible for everyone else--in that they can control them! Where is the sense in telling people that because they HAPPENED to have been born, they must suffer for as long as everyone ELSE says so?

There is a problem with your perception SD, The problem is, who will care for an infant ?? Who will care for that 5 year old ? Of course... parents... the problem is, where is the CUT OFF age, and how much do you cut someone off to do things for themselves ?
On that site I am known as Insect. I made a comment as far as how to go about it. I'm no parent but some aspects are rather common sense. Lemme copy and paste and see what you guys think...

In response to someone agreeing about having more kids...
7/12/2005 2:48:18 PM From: Insect I am quite serious when I talk about not having all these extra people running around. These days, there is more and more incopetence to taking care of a child...especially when these stupid ****ing teenagers have them.

In response to letting kids do whatever they want...
7/12/2005 2:50:47 PM From: Insect BUT...when you have those kids, it is your duty as a parent to take care of them and set them on the right path. Let them choose a positive path and help them stick with it. Discipline is need to accomplish this. I may not be a parent but think about it. If I ever get stupid enough to have kids, I will steer them onto the right path and keep them there by any means. You can only give them so many privlidges to them at a certain age. It is all a part of growing up...but as they get older, they gain more independence. You cannot grant them this at such a young age.

Just my own lil mini rant here...
7/12/2005 3:30:09 PM From: Insect "The best way to contribute to society is to stop having kids." - Dante Hinson Now THAT'S a quote! And a true statement...

Tell me what ya think.
I think it's some 15 year old kid that was refused to have sex for the first time. :rolleyes:
Parents are responsible for you.And you gotta be grateful for everything they do for you.

'In response to letting kids do whatever they want...
7/12/2005 2:50:47 PM From: Insect BUT...when you have those kids, it is your duty as a parent to take care of them and set them on the right path. Let them choose a positive path and help them stick with it. Discipline is need to accomplish this. I may not be a parent but think about it. If I ever get stupid enough to have kids, I will steer them onto the right path and keep them there by any means. You can only give them so many privlidges to them at a certain age. It is all a part of growing up...but as they get older, they gain more independence. You cannot grant them this at such a young age.'

I agree 100% with this.
OMG I have to laugh. Hell I crack up everyytime I think about when I was seventeen and wanted it my may or the highway LMFAO> Now I am a parent and if it weren't so ****ing ironic or funny I would be embarrassed that I ever questioned my mother's descisions concerning me. Hell I plan on being way more strict then she was only because I KNOW what I was doing on the sly LOL. I want to hear back from these kids when they are parents of teenagers. Then I will show them these comments and proceed to ****ing laugh in their faces
I'm glad my dad kicked my ass when I was younger, I'd be a total ****ing loser on welfare otherwise. SD87 GROW UP !!

Phreakman, give the kid a break, his profile says he's 17, what do you expect. Come on now it's a little funny no? I am sure you would have been much worse at 17. Holy crap the thought of you at 17 kind of scares me LOL
tizz said:
Holy crap the thought of you at 17 kind of scares me LOL
At 17, I was working as an orderly in nursing homes, caring for the ederly, and I was ALWAYS working,(I'd come in on my days off to work for others) not for the money, but because I enjoyed my job. Don't cross the PHREAKWARS persona with the real person. I'm actually a pretty nice guy in real life, not even CLOSE to being the sarcastic dick I am here.:D
Well at least you know LMAO The image of phreakwars in a nursing home is too much for me LOL
tizz said:
Well at least you know LMAO The image of phreakwars in a nursing home is too much for me LOL
If it was PHREAKWARS in a nursing home, he'd probably give the old farts a ****ing heart attack.
At 17 I was out steering the USS Gridley.
Well mostly painting and mopping the decks.

But talk about parting out at sea!
Everybody to the fantail!
You know you gotta keep the smoke going down wind :D
I sure wished I'd listened to my parents.

First of all, a bit fat 'shut the **** up' to Jhony5 and phreak, meaning no disrespect of course. That being said, next comes the egg on my face for not explaining what I meant, and I do admit that I should have been clearer. But more than anything, I'm pissed off that you think so little of me as to assume that I'm just being a whiny teenager. I'm not talking about parents steering childern down a positive path and so on blah blah blah, I'm talking about people quite literally telling me who I should be and how I should dress and so on. And no, I don't wear hooker boots or fishnet or anything of the sort--I wear jeans and t shirts, and my mother wants me to wear dresses and makeup. This is not who I am, and I am COMPLETELY within my right to be upset because of this. Someone is trying to control me--to change me into someone and something I am not. To make me social when I prefer to be alone--not for any stupid and melodramatic reason. To make me Catholic when I'm an atheist. To make me enjoy lace and frills and ****ing wicker baskets and dolls when I do NOT. I'm not talking about 'I want to stay out past 11' like some spoiled, stupid little bitch.

Oh, and by the way, I am female, not male. So HER profile says SHE is 17, but thanks anyway Tizz. Apparantly lack of age is my only defense for wanting to defy my parent by being myself. Parents are of course within THEIR right to try to keep their children from making huge and terrible mistakes like...I don't know, snorting coke or what have you. Whatever the idiots are doing these days. I'm talking about trivial attempts to control and shape children into their own ideals. Parents these days, and probably for as long as there have been miserable creatures known as humans, have had expectations from the beginning. For example, if someone is having a baby girl, everything is automatically pink. What if that girl likes baseball or soccer or BLACK? What if that girl doesn't WANT to be made up like a doll and take ballet and be girly? What if, your precious God forbid, a baby boy is destined to be GAY? Yet doesn't every father dream of football practice and so forth? I'm not saying everyone should plan for a tomboy or a gay son--or daughter, I'm just using examples here--but parents have such ridiculously rigid expectations right from the get-go. They even go so far as to be disappointed by the GENDER of their child. What chance does that new person have to be themselves when they were born wrong, and didn't just turn out wrong like myself?

My point was not that I want a cell phone and a car and a credit card and to do whatever I want, but that I am tired of parents attempting to shape children to their own ideals. If they themselves never got to play an instrument, the child is inevitably signed up for music lessons, regardless of whether or not they want them. Yes, it can be enriching and so on and so forth, but some parents refuse to hear the opinions of their children. I am tired of being unwanted because I didn't turn out the way my mother wanted me to. I am not a frilly Catholic who sits quietly in her little pink dress. No child deserves to grow up with these expectations, these 'at your age I had already done this, I was like that' comparisons. Every person is individual, and parents are unwilling, in general from my observations (being a child, I knew many others, and therefore their parents), to give a flying **** about who their child really is and what they want.

Why are so many young people depressed and killing themselves? They want to be heard, and parents have, for some reason, stopped listening. Demands are higher, understanding is at a bare minimum. In short, everything's all ****ed up and no one seems to be able to be themself. That's what I'm pissed about today.

PS: I have a full time job, if you want to get into nitpicking.

Well thank you for explaining that, and indeed it did change my perception of you.You made a very valid argument.

And, on a side note... so your FEMALE huh ??? Wow, and all this time I thought you were a GUY and that you were GAY !!!!

MY BAD !!;)
Silver_dragon87 said:

First of all, a bit fat 'shut the **** up' to Jhony5 and phreak, meaning no disrespect of course. That being said, next comes the egg on my face for not explaining what I meant, and I do admit that I should have been clearer. But more than anything, I'm pissed off that you think so little of me as to assume that I'm just being a whiny teenager. I'm not talking about parents steering childern down a positive path and so on blah blah blah, I'm talking about people quite literally telling me who I should be and how I should dress and so on. And no, I don't wear hooker boots or fishnet or anything of the sort--I wear jeans and t shirts, and my mother wants me to wear dresses and makeup. This is not who I am, and I am COMPLETELY within my right to be upset because of this. Someone is trying to control me--to change me into someone and something I am not. To make me social when I prefer to be alone--not for any stupid and melodramatic reason. To make me Catholic when I'm an atheist. To make me enjoy lace and frills and ****ing wicker baskets and dolls when I do NOT. I'm not talking about 'I want to stay out past 11' like some spoiled, stupid little bitch.

Oh, and by the way, I am female, not male. So HER profile says SHE is 17, but thanks anyway Tizz. Apparantly lack of age is my only defense for wanting to defy my parent by being myself. Parents are of course within THEIR right to try to keep their children from making huge and terrible mistakes like...I don't know, snorting coke or what have you. Whatever the idiots are doing these days. I'm talking about trivial attempts to control and shape children into their own ideals. Parents these days, and probably for as long as there have been miserable creatures known as humans, have had expectations from the beginning. For example, if someone is having a baby girl, everything is automatically pink. What if that girl likes baseball or soccer or BLACK? What if that girl doesn't WANT to be made up like a doll and take ballet and be girly? What if, your precious God forbid, a baby boy is destined to be GAY? Yet doesn't every father dream of football practice and so forth? I'm not saying everyone should plan for a tomboy or a gay son--or daughter, I'm just using examples here--but parents have such ridiculously rigid expectations right from the get-go. They even go so far as to be disappointed by the GENDER of their child. What chance does that new person have to be themselves when they were born wrong, and didn't just turn out wrong like myself?

My point was not that I want a cell phone and a car and a credit card and to do whatever I want, but that I am tired of parents attempting to shape children to their own ideals. If they themselves never got to play an instrument, the child is inevitably signed up for music lessons, regardless of whether or not they want them. Yes, it can be enriching and so on and so forth, but some parents refuse to hear the opinions of their children. I am tired of being unwanted because I didn't turn out the way my mother wanted me to. I am not a frilly Catholic who sits quietly in her little pink dress. No child deserves to grow up with these expectations, these 'at your age I had already done this, I was like that' comparisons. Every person is individual, and parents are unwilling, in general from my observations (being a child, I knew many others, and therefore their parents), to give a flying **** about who their child really is and what they want.

Why are so many young people depressed and killing themselves? They want to be heard, and parents have, for some reason, stopped listening. Demands are higher, understanding is at a bare minimum. In short, everything's all ****ed up and no one seems to be able to be themself. That's what I'm pissed about today.

PS: I have a full time job, if you want to get into nitpicking.

Well, I guess you don't have to worry about having kids, do ya?
****ing freak ass

I've met your kind before. Angry young gay who's bitter because your sexualy confused.

For example, if someone is having a baby girl, everything is automaticaly pink.

Duhhhhh! Are you ****ing retarded? What other color should they pick to decorate their baby girls nursery with? Should they just try and guess that their daughter is going to be a rebelious goth wanna be lesbo who likes black?
The problem with you is you have no ****ing idea what troubles your folks went through to bring you into the world. You don't have the slightest idea what its like to have hopes and fears for your child. Why would anyone want their child to bear the burden and rejection of the gay lifestyle? Of course they will try to steer you away from that. Do you have any idea what the suicide rate is for gay teenagers?

What you need is to have your little computer taken away and to be put over your fathers knee and spanked until your little white ass turns PINK.

I don't hate gays, so don't get me wrong. But whats the deal with gays always mentioning the fact that their gay? You don't hear me reminding everyone i'm hetero in every post. Seriously, get over your gayness. It must really trouble you since you keep mentioning it. What you need little girl is to get grudge ****ed so hard you cough up your girlfriends pubic hair ball.
WOW no offence but, welcome to what every generation says about their parents LOL Yours will say the same about you and so on and so forth. It's part of life and whether you believe me or not, you WILL get over it as you get older. I just find it amusing how so much never changes and when we are young we see the world from such a different perspective. I am not busting on you just kind of reminiscing about my own youth. I don't mean any disrespect I just find it amusing. When I was seventeen I would have agrteed %110 with you. Now I am just waiting for my own kid to say tht same crap about me.

I'm afraid that the only one confused or frightened by their own, or someone else's, sexuality is you. Only people who are concerned for their own 'alignment' fear homosexuals, and, well, from where I'm sitting, the stench of fear is unbearable. I feel sorry for you. On that note, I have never seen an intelligent discussion dissolve so rapidly into childish name-calling. So even though you insult not only my maturity and intelligence but your own as well, I will attempt to reply to your remarks.

There is no reason for parents to have children with expectations already in place. There is absolutely no reason to assume that because a person is female, they will enjoy the colour pink, or lace, or dresses, or dolls. Many girls hate that kind of thing, and their sexuality has no bearing over it. You obviously have the same rigid definitions of what is male and what is female, and as far as they are concerned, what is right or wrong. I feel sorry as well for any children who have unforunately already been born of you, or who will have the future misfortune of it.

As far as my parents go, I could give a damn what troubles they went through to have me. Not only because I'd give anything to undo it, but because it really isn't that hard to ****. That's why we're all sitting here, isn't it? Anything after that is just an unhappy side effect. Besides, they didn't go through any hardships for me, they did it for themselves. If they had any common sense or thought for what would be best for their future child, they obviously never would have had me. What sane person would want a defenseless and innocent creature to go forth into this shithole? I was much happier as energy, I can tell you that for certain. But the point is that they went through all that because THEY wanted a child, because THEY had things they wanted to do with a child--the joys of parenting or whatever these lunatics are thinking when they decide to commit such a selfish act. Having a child is not something beautiful, ladies and gents, it should be a crime.

And as for your attempt to include facts, I'll simply respond in kind [with another question.] Don't you know the suicide rate for teens in general? It has little to do with whether or not they are homosexual. Teens are unhappy, and yet everyone continues to believe that that says more about the teens than about the world.

I can't exactly speak for gay people, but I figure that they 'mention' that they're gay because they're proud to have overcome the towering obstacle presenting by society and idiots such as yourself who try to stand in their way--with all their hateful, white, christian stupidity--and keep them from being themselves. They defied the powers that be and have freed themselves. It is the same way that I proudly 'mention' that I am an atheist--I feel sorry for people who have not discovered the same truths. It is a feeling of enlightenment, that's all. And by the way, you can't 'steer children away' from being homosexual. It's not something they choose. After all, why WOULD so many people choose to BE so hated and feared and rejected? They're only trying to be themselves. You can no more change a gay person than a male one. A guy can't be 'steered' into being a girl any more than you can change who someone is attracted to. You can't change chemicals, after all. It's all chemicals in the brain.

Well, I suppose if you were in a freaky SF movie you might be able to, but that would just be....a huge waste of time, and remarkably hateful. Anyway, a brain is wired the way it is, that's all there is to it.
