One Person's Thoughts On Children

Wow...this post sure went to **** huh? Oh and IMO kids are just getting worse and worse...could it be because of the parents or is it that kids are just straight up out of control and dumber than their predecessors?

Oh yeah, anyone else care to answer the other questions I had on the first page of this post?

Sorry, Outlaw. I bet you'd rather not hear my two cents but I'll give 'em anyway.

"I am quite serious when I talk about not having all these extra people running around. These days, there is more and more incopetence to taking care of a child...especially when these stupid ****ing teenagers have them."

I agree entirely. Not only is the population ridiculously out of control, but any moron from the red states can breed, creating and shaping MORE little morons and so on and so forth down the line to the imminent destruction of the planet. Hurah! Anyone of any age and intelligence and HEALTH can have all the kids they want--it's lunacy.

"..when you have those kids, it is your duty as a parent to take care of them and set them on the right path. Let them choose a positive path and help them stick with it. Discipline is need to accomplish this. I may not be a parent but think about it. If I ever get stupid enough to have kids, I will steer them onto the right path and keep them there by any means. You can only give them so many privlidges to them at a certain age. It is all a part of growing up...but as they get older, they gain more independence. You cannot grant them this at such a young age."

It's true that children need some guidance, and of course lots of protection. My only concern with this comment is that everyone's idea of the "right" path is different. For example, my right path is VERY different from, say, a Catholic's right path. Or a Muslim's, or someone that of a Jewish person. People of different backgrounds have different ideas about what is right or acceptable, and that gets transferred to the children, which shapes if not who they are then who they think they SHOULD be. This causes massive amounts of stress, and plenty of suicide and/or mental problems. It's a tricky thing.

""The best way to contribute to society is to stop having kids." - Dante Hinson Now THAT'S a quote! And a true statement..."

Abso-****ing-lutely, and that's all I can really say about that.

Of course I wanna hear your two cents. That's why i posted all that stuff in the first place. I know the person who originally posted on that other site was a lil bit overboard but also had some valid points. I (Insect on the other site.) just simply responded with what I knew. I made up that quote myself, it sounds harsh to the people who wanna have kids but think about it...there are plenty of kids out there that don' have a future and cannot have one...why can't we care for them instead of bringing more potentially worthless people into this world?

And I agree with ya about the whole "right path" argument.
Wow, this DID deteriorate fast, didn't it? Ridiculous name-calling aside, the fact that everyone immediately assumes SD was talking about being gay when she said nothing of the sort is interesting, and probably reveals a lot about personal insecurities... but back to the real topic.

I agree with SD here. What I don't get, is why do people forget/disregard how they felt when they were younger as soon as they have kids of their own? If you obviously remember enough to say "Well, I felt that way as a kid, too", then why doesn't anyone use that knowledge to try to have a better relationship with their children? You know how they feel, you know what upsets them because you've been there before. You'd think more parents would be able to be sensitive enough to the needs of their kids to bridge the generation gap a little.

Having children - bad idea in almost every case. Personally, the only reason I fully intend to have at least one child when I grow up is that the world needs a nice, hand-crafted, well-done individual to combat the hordes of mass-produced idiots out there. People have kids like it's nothing, but no one has a clue how to raise them properly, not even the people who form angry organizations to loudly proclaim themselves 'parents'. The world is overpopulated with people who've been raised to be just as stupid as the generation before... only there's more of them now. Adding to the good quotes about children.. here's one from a book by Patrick O'Brian - "I would not add to the misery of the world by putting more people into it."

I understand that parents have hopes and dreams for their children. They'd be damn pathetic parents if they didn't. But what they need to keep in mind is that the little creature they're raising is a developing human being, not a ball of clay to be shaped into the person that they want them to be. The purpose of parenting is to give a child a basis as a human being(as much as I would love to find another phrase) so that they have the wisdom to make their own choices in their life and end up as the person that makes THEM happy, even if that's not what their parents would chose. Young children need to be cared for and loved, and helped to developed as a person. They should not be steered, or molded, or 'protected' in that sickening way that seems to be so popular lately.

You all mentioned teen scuicide. Do you know when the age group of 'teenager' actually emerged? The 1800s, when the perception of young people dramatically changed from 'potential contributors to the society' to 'our little angels'. Back when things were dificult, children had no choice but to be thrown headfirst into life, because everyone was needed to keep society flowing with the lack of mechanization. Once things got easier, people started trying to protect children from reality as long as possible. That's when adolescence happened - the switch over from being coddled to being expected to be able to handle the world all on your own. It's painful. And it's only gotten worse as children have become more and more idolized. The more parents keep their kids uninformed of the horrors of the world, the harder and deeper the plunge is when it happens. Hell, somewhere, subconciously, it took me until two years ago to really realize that you couldn't trust the people you were suposed to. You're raised thinking authority figures such as teachers are automatically safe and good - what are you going to think when you get molested after class? It's one of many possible examples. Teenagers are surly and universally depressed and try to kill themselves a lot. Well, what do you expect? They have to face a very ugly world that they've been taught was pretty and safe. Gay teenagers kill themselves a lot? How would you feel if you couldn't shake a feeling you have, a feeling you've been taught is wrong, or even never seen before because it's incredibly illegal to let small children know homosexuality exists. Why wouldn't you kill yourself?

Well, I'd like to have a nice conclusion, but I've been writing for a while, and there's my two bits, take 'em or leave em.

Right on, Asmodai! My only problem with what seems to be 'our' arguement is that we expect quite a bit from humans, which is just stupid of us. Sure, we can say how parents SHOULD be, and how we would try to be as parents, but I have to admit that trying to tell parents to me open-minded and understanding and patient for the sake of their children is like telling a christian to take off their cross because it offends someone else. Why would they do something to inconvenience themself to make someone else more comfortable, or happier? They feel they have the right to do whatever they want with, and sometimes to, their children. After all, what's the number one parental arguement? Why? BECAUSE I'M THE PARENT. We dream of Utopia. -_-

Oh and I forgot one point in my post--colours. There no reason to paint a child's room pink. There are other, neutral colours such as green, yellow, or purple. Or your God forbid, BLUE in a girl's room. Pink is a sickening colour.

Parents do the best they can. There is no instruction manual, there are no "rules" as each kid is different. Parents make choices and descions entirely based on what they feel is going to end up being the best for the kid in the long and short of it. Hell my kid is four years old, and I keep myself up nights wondering if teh descisions I am making are the right ones. To think that a parent does this al out of some selfish impulse is just, well... adolescent. Get back to me when you have a kid and we will see if your perspective has changed a bit. This is not to say that there are a few parents out there that take it a bit far, but a I would say without doubt that most parents base their descions on what they think will be best in the long run.

You certainly make a point, Tizz, but I still firmly believe that the reason that parents want their children to do well is because they want to feel successful. They want their children to do well because their children reflect upon THEM. If your child turned out to be a......garbage person, you wouldn't support them if it, for some reason, was what they wanted to do--you would be embarrassed when you told your friends or co-workers or other family members about it. And you would feel that you had failed because your child never 'made something of themself'--thereby fulfilling YOUR dreams.

I think parent are more worried about their kids not suceeding in what they want to do. If a kid wanted to be a garbage man and ending up doing it, liking it and working hard at it, most parents would be proud. We are worried about our children being unhappy, lost or going down a dangerous path. I will tell ya, I work for no money, I am a single mother and I live at home and my entire family is still proud of me because I stand by the choiced I made, I don't complain, I am happy and my daughter is happy loved and safe. I think you missinterpret what parents would NOT be proud of. It is not about the external crap but more about parents being worried that something will end badly and their children will not be happy. Sometimes a parent doesn't totally understand when or why their children are happy and that causes a lot of crap, but still a parent's intent is always to make sure that they are sending a well adjusted, well prepared, confident and happy child out into the world to become an adult. Hopefully we have cramed enough into you so that when you are responsible for making your own choices, you make good ones, not just for you but for those that are effected by those choices. It's all about love underneath, it just doesn't always come out like that.
tizz said:
I think parent are more worried about their kids not suceeding in what they want to do. If a kid wanted to be a garbage man and ending up doing it, liking it and working hard at it, most parents would be proud. We are worried about our children being unhappy, lost or going down a dangerous path. I will tell ya, I work for no money, I am a single mother and I live at home and my entire family is still proud of me because I stand by the choiced I made, I don't complain, I am happy and my daughter is happy loved and safe. I think you missinterpret what parents would NOT be proud of. It is not about the external crap but more about parents being worried that something will end badly and their children will not be happy. Sometimes a parent doesn't totally understand when or why their children are happy and that causes a lot of crap, but still a parent's intent is always to make sure that they are sending a well adjusted, well prepared, confident and happy child out into the world to become an adult. Hopefully we have cramed enough into you so that when you are responsible for making your own choices, you make good ones, not just for you but for those that are effected by those choices. It's all about love underneath, it just doesn't always come out like that.

If you parent how you talk, then your daughter's a pretty lucky girl. Wanting a child to make their own decicions and be happy is what parenting should be about. And being proud of them in whatever they chose/makes them happy. But I wouldn't say that's what most parents would want - and I've seen these. A dear friend of mine is now living with me because(among many, many other reasons) he dearly wants to go to college and his parents don't approve at all. Just one of the many parents I know that could care less about their kid's happiness, as long as they're doing what THEY approve of. (Mine not included, thankfully, though we have our problems.) But, Tizz, thanks for being... logical? decent? I can't think of the word, but thank you for being it.
Honestly, though I can think of a lot of parents whose actions are a bit misguided, I think I have yet to meet the parent who cares only about thier own appearence to the world. Whether parents of teh children in my care or friends or anything. I will admit that even my best friend lived at my house several times becasue of differences (she to this day) with her mom, neither of us could ever say her mother didn';t lover her and in her way try to create the best (even though we still call her satan) Even when parent doesn't get it, most times they at least THINK they are doing what is best for their children.
I guess that's true for most of them, but if as a parent and individual your perceptions of 'best' are really screwed up, it can't be good for the kid. Like trying to trap your children into creepy cult religious practices, etc.

Think of the average idiot you meet on the street who pisses you off. Do you think they really know what's right for a developing human being when they can't ever properly order a hamburger at Burger King? Good intentions or not, I just don't think the average human being has what it takes to raise a kid, some excepted.
As far as my parents go, I could give a damn what troubles they went through to have me. Not only because I'd give anything to undo it, but because it really isn't that hard to ****. That's why we're all sitting here, isn't it? Anything after that is just an unhappy side effect. Besides, they didn't go through any hardships for me, they did it for themselves. If they had any common sense or thought for what would be best for their future child, they obviously never would have had me. What sane person would want a defenseless and innocent creature to go forth into this shithole? I was much happier as energy, I can tell you that for certain. But the point is that they went through all that because THEY wanted a child, because THEY had things they wanted to do with a child--the joys of parenting or whatever these lunatics are thinking when they decide to commit such a selfish act. Having a child is not something beautiful, ladies and gents, it should be a crime.
You are a selfish ungrateful little bitch, if you think your parents never went through any hardships for you, then you should spare them any more misery you think you have caused then because of your birth and life and just get the **** out. I don't like to categorize teens too much, but I can guarantee when you are older, you will change your perspective.
And as for your attempt to include facts, I'll simply respond in kind [with another question.] Don't you know the suicide rate for teens in general? It has little to do with whether or not they are homosexual. Teens are unhappy, and yet everyone continues to believe that that says more about the teens than about the world.
Proven fact, teens kill themselves more often because of chemicals introduced into there bodies from puberty changes, some kids will get an imbalance in them that causes depression, so they kill themselves.

I can't exactly speak for gay people, but I figure that they 'mention' that they're gay because they're proud to have overcome the towering obstacle presenting by society and idiots such as yourself who try to stand in their way--with all their hateful, white, christian stupidity--and keep them from being themselves. They defied the powers that be and have freed themselves. It is the same way that I proudly 'mention' that I am an atheist--I feel sorry for people who have not discovered the same truths. It is a feeling of enlightenment, that's all. And by the way, you can't 'steer children away' from being homosexual. It's not something they choose. After all, why WOULD so many people choose to BE so hated and feared and rejected? They're only trying to be themselves. You can no more change a gay person than a male one. A guy can't be 'steered' into being a girl any more than you can change who someone is attracted to. You can't change chemicals, after all. It's all chemicals in the brain.
There you just re-enforced my previous statement, as for gays, the pressure of being gay just adds to this chemical imbalance in your teen years.


Jhony5 said:
I don't hate gays, so don't get me wrong. But whats the deal with gays always mentioning the fact that their gay? You don't hear me reminding everyone i'm hetero in every post. Seriously, get over your gayness. It must really trouble you since you keep mentioning it. What you need little girl is to get grudge ****ed so hard you cough up your girlfriends pubic hair ball.

I agree with Jhony5 on this part.
If you look a Vortex's post he mentions he's gay and has fun with it but he goes on with his life and expresses other opinions without throwing the gay factor in everything.
That gives me respect for him regardless of his sexuality.

Back to the topic of the post.
We need to instill what values that we believe to be correct in our young. So when their young they need to listen. Period. If the parents want you to sleep in a pink room then that's what you get.

When it becomes my way or the highway it means that the kid is old enough or almost old enough to do what they want. They should then choose. If it
Asmodai said:
I guess that's true for most of them, but if as a parent and individual your perceptions of 'best' are really screwed up, it can't be good for the kid. Like trying to trap your children into creepy cult religious practices, etc.

Think of the average idiot you meet on the street who pisses you off. Do you think they really know what's right for a developing human being when they can't ever properly order a hamburger at Burger King? Good intentions or not, I just don't think the average human being has what it takes to raise a kid, some excepted.

It is hard to get this one until you have kids or all your peers do. I am not being condescending, just kind of admitting that I had NO clue until my daughter started getting a little older and I began to realize SOOOOOOOOOOOO much. This is why I have been laughing at some of the responses here, they sound like they were taken right out of my journals. There is so much that influences a parent, religion family economics, peer pressure, trends, doctors, and then there is your gut and your experience and then you find out each kid is different and nothing works on all of them, it is confusing and hard as **** and you spend many many nights with NO sleep and sometimes crying because you have no idea if what you said to your four year old is going to **** them for life. I think that is more the norm it is just hard to grasp till you are there yourself. Trust me, you'll find out eventually.;)
All I can think of to say right now is please don't give me that pat on the head, don't worry little one, you'll learn eventually, I've been around longer so I know better, I know what I'm talking about, I know better, one day she'll grow up patronizing bullshit. Just because I'm not a parent doesn't mean I don't realize what it means to be one. I get it, okay? Some people DO still have imaginations. Life, responsibility, sacrifice, blah de ****in' blah--I'm AWARE. I'm surrounded by parents AND offspring. I. ****ing. Get it. My opinion STILL counts. Thus, I don't give a rat's ass if you think I 'still have to grow up.' I know what I think, and that I have valid points NOT clouded by rosey-ass sunglasses of 'parents know best' Christian horse ****, and 'my child is the greatest thing on the planet' crap. Children are irritating and babies are NOT cute. Birth is disgusting and a selfish act at this point, NOT a ****ing miracle! It's genetics, people, get the **** over it! Don't worship some bearded guy in sandals floating on a cloud and give thanks and all that ****--you should be in wonder at NATURE, you know, the thing that ACTUALLY created life. Dumbasses.

PS: now I have to add 'people who own pictures, figures, or poems of cherubs, angels, or other pudgey, children-shaped sugary pieces of **** to my **** list. **** you.
Silver_dragon87 said:
All I can think of to say right now is please don't give me that pat on the head, don't worry little one, you'll learn eventually, I've been around longer so I know better, I know what I'm talking about, I know better, one day she'll grow up patronizing bullshit. Just because I'm not a parent doesn't mean I don't realize what it means to be one. I get it, okay? Some people DO still have imaginations. Life, responsibility, sacrifice, blah de ****in' blah--I'm AWARE. I'm surrounded by parents AND offspring. I. ****ing. Get it. My opinion STILL counts. Thus, I don't give a rat's ass if you think I 'still have to grow up.' I know what I think, and that I have valid points NOT clouded by rosey-ass sunglasses of 'parents know best' Christian horse ****, and 'my child is the greatest thing on the planet' crap. Children are irritating and babies are NOT cute. Birth is disgusting and a selfish act at this point, NOT a ****ing miracle! It's genetics, people, get the **** over it! Don't worship some bearded guy in sandals floating on a cloud and give thanks and all that ****--you should be in wonder at NATURE, you know, the thing that ACTUALLY created life. Dumbasses.

PS: now I have to add 'people who own pictures, figures, or poems of cherubs, angels, or other pudgey, children-shaped sugary pieces of **** to my **** list. **** you.

Did you forget to take your medication? :confused:

If you did, cool, take it and CALM DOWN

If not, calm down anyway.

