Origins of Your Username


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
Yes, we had this post before, I found it in the piss pot way in the back. But since we have a million new faces here I thought it be cool to make another one of these since our member list has grown enormous.

Anyways, how did everyone come up with theri usernames on this site? Where did it originate from? Oh and thank Jhny5 for making the original version of this thread.
Well that's a givin MRIH.

Mine is a military term. But we had a dog when I was very young. My dad being in the Air Force came up with it as his name. I've liked it ever since and decided to use it.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I wanted the islamic community to know just how much I respect their patriarch!

When I first came on WYPO, I saw your user name, Its very expressive, I like short and to the point. People know what their going to get before they engage you, at least on that one topic.
Eisan is/was a nickname, the story behind which is kind of a mystery, even to me. If you can can figure it out please tell me. bt is for Burger Time; Boca burgers=Yum. Its a name I use commonly online.
Mine is the combination of my daughter's middle name, Victoria, and my son's middle name, Allen. I just thought it fit together well...
Angie is one of my aliases. Short for another online name I use (AngelinaYorke). That name is just too goddamn long. Had to cut it down.
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City - 1996 ... Had just finally received my wings and was reporting to my first mission planning. Role was taken, and the MCC realized he had a new crew member on board... "Airman Fal... Fuh... Falar.... **** it! You're Fullauto..."

Been that way ever since...
fullauto said:
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City - 1996 ... Had just finally received my wings and was reporting to my first mission planning. Role was taken, and the MCC realized he had a new crew member on board... "Airman Fal... Fuh... Falar.... **** it! You're Fullauto..."

Been that way ever since...

To cool I like it! :)
Cool thread, Outlaw. All of the responses have been fascinating to read.

Let me see if I can remember exactly .....

I used to post on forums as Sexana Sexburgha. And if I recall, Sexana was some sort of saint? Her mother was Anna .... I think ...

Actually, I have no idea.

Anyway, it was all a big ruse and I started posting as Apocryphal Anna ....

..... which somehow graduated into Anna Perenna.

There was a valid reason for me wanting to be known as the Goddess of Time, but I can't remember why.

Anyway, I've been using the name Anna Perenna on forums for years now.

Why did you end up choosing the name Outlaw?
Anna Perenna said:
Why did you end up choosing the name Outlaw?

For a few reasons. It is the name of one of my favorite cars from the Twisted Metal series of games. It is a cop car that totally kicks ass. Plus the name sounded cool so Outlaw is born. It also represents my behavior, not as a thief or a law breaker, but merely an outsider and one that doesn't follow the doctrine and ideologies of "normal" people (I.E. I don't drink, I don't **** every girl I see, I don't party, I don't do drugs, I don't hang in groups, blah blah blah...). I was always the loner in the Army and school and once again since the name Outlaw sounds cool, I chose that. But mainly for the Twisted Metal reference. :D

As for the 2747 part, I like the number 27 and since 47 almost sounds the same, I thought it would make a good name. And I used that name in chat rooms and forums ever since.
Not even slightly interested phreak. I like the current model.

Builder is such a curious handle. Not.

Attach it to a curious bloke and it takes on a new meaning. Not.

Uuuum, it has a ring to it? Not.

It has wings? Not.

It's inoffensive? To some, maybe. Depends if they're female or not.

It carries meaning in the complex areas of the visualisation of future creation.
Yes, Yes!!!! I think I am gunna cu.....aaaaah, I'm gonna go and write a letter to satan, I mean to my lovely father.