Origins of Your Username

Mine= I love the 80's. I love the Bangles and their song Manic Monday. It's also the day of the week I attempted suicide and that day became manic to me.
manicmonday said:
Mine= I love the 80's. I love the Bangles and their song Manic Monday. It's also the day of the week I attempted suicide and that day became manic to me.

I thought of that very song when I saw your name, awesome group, for those of us that are old enough to remember that is.
I hope that whatever drove you to attempt to take your own life, is no longer an issue for you. I know I may seem heartless at times on this site however I do have a heart and I hate to hear stories of people feeling like death is a better alternative to life. Such a waste...
Lethalfind said:
I thought of that very song when I saw your name, awesome group, for those of us that are old enough to remember that is.
I hope that whatever drove you to attempt to take your own life, is no longer an issue for you. I know I may seem heartless at times on this site however I do have a heart and I hate to hear stories of people feeling like death is a better alternative to life. Such a waste...

Thank you Lethal. I'm actually holding my reason not to die right now and he smells like milk and is giggling in his sleep. It's better now.
Mine is the last name of my alter ego.

Been using it ever since. Since about 1997

before that

I used to go by the name Spectre after the comic book character

Cept when i was on the BBS days..... (i think the bbs was called The Mages Inn 13 line board....well that was when i was 14 or so back in omaha) For some reason i spelled it wrong and typed in Spectere...fixed it once the internet came about to the correct Spectre

But if i play games online or on my xbox i go the the name SuneRa

That name is a fusion of 2 gods...Sune (in D&D) the Goddess of love and beauty. And Ra the egyptian god. (whom his eye is tattood on my back).
manicmonday said:
Thank you Lethal. I'm actually holding my reason not to die right now and he smells like milk and is giggling in his sleep. It's better now.

thats so sweet...I'm glad to hear that. I can imagine what he must look like. Babies are wonderful aren't they?
My real name is Hugh G. Rection (The "G" stands Grant.), but when I came to the site and found the name was already taken... I was pissed. I sent Hugh a number of PM's lashing out at him, but to no avail. He would not yield.

So I settled for a title of a Led Zeppelin song.
Outlaw2747 said:
For a few reasons. It is the name of one of my favorite cars from the Twisted Metal series of games. It is a cop car that totally kicks ass. Plus the name sounded cool so Outlaw is born. It also represents my behavior, not as a thief or a law breaker, but merely an outsider and one that doesn't follow the doctrine and ideologies of "normal" people (I.E. I don't drink, I don't **** every girl I see, I don't party, I don't do drugs, I don't hang in groups, blah blah blah...). I was always the loner in the Army and school and once again since the name Outlaw sounds cool, I chose that. But mainly for the Twisted Metal reference. :D

As for the 2747 part, I like the number 27 and since 47 almost sounds the same, I thought it would make a good name. And I used that name in chat rooms and forums ever since.

Love the name, Outlaw. It's a keeper.

My name is no big mystery, nor is it clever, - it's merely a self made balm, kinda like scratching one's own back against a corner.

Love to skate. "Easily gets lost in skating"

and have always loved the color green. Just the very concept of green makes me happy. It's soothing, it's buoyant, it's ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Other fav. names ...
Phreak - oh, it fits, it fits
Tizz - Ditto! My Baby Sis.
CES - so worthy of note
RO - cool as he is
fullauto - such pizzazz!

I also like the way other names are so nicely nicknamed...Reggie, Vortie, and Leth. ... and one only nicknames those worthy!
I've been using the handle "vostok" for many years because of the simple fact that I like the way it sounds. I forget where/why the "Hazard" part was added but I added it somewhere along the line, and the "Comrade" part was added when I started to get into communism.
I actually needed to come up with a username and had recently watched "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" (the last in the Desperado film series). I thought that Johnny Depp's character, CIA Agent Sands', shirt that had the I'm With Stupid phrase on it with the finger on the hand pointing down at his junk, was funny as **** and went with it.
Anna Perenna said:
Cool thread, Outlaw. All of the responses have been fascinating to read.

Anyway, it was all a big ruse and I started posting as Apocryphal Anna ....

..... which somehow graduated into Anna Perenna.

There was a valid reason for me wanting to be known as the Goddess of Time, but I can't remember why.

Anyway, I've been using the name Anna Perenna on forums for years now.

"The Roman goddess of the new year. Her festival was celebrated on March 15. The Romans gave various explanations to the origin or her name, amnis perennis ("eternal stream"): she was a river nymph; her name was derived from annis ("year"); she was a moon-goddess of the running year; also, she was equated with Anna, the sister of Dido, who was received in Latium by Aeneas, but drowned herself in a river. In the class-struggle between the patricians and plebeians she chose the side of the plebeians. "
Anna Perenna said:
That reminds me .... have you revealed your alter ego to the others yet? :)

Not yet....probably when i come closer to retirement (and that could be as early as next month)
Vorty, The gay superman bustin' through that pink triangle to save the day and suck a dick is too much! But I must admit I get a chuckle out of it everytime I see it.
TheJenn88 said:
I have no cool story.

But!!! The '88 is my birth year nods with extreme enthusiasm
Ahh, but there is something to be said for simplicity.
Vortex said:
Not yet....probably when i come closer to retirement (and that could be as early as next month)

I've seen the pic too, but I think Vorty said it best here. :p

Vortex- is so hot im creaming myself right now. he sent me his pic and i can seriously die now...i have seen it all
Mine was my socom 2 name but its also my last name (well part).
I just needed something quick one night and it stuck!
I like it....kinda country..LOL