Palin to resign as Alaska governor


Active Members
My point is she has access to money. She's obviously good at raising money, too. Wasn't that what we were discussing before, how helpless and unable she was to fight those so-called ethics violations?
But as IWS tried to inform you, she "DOES NOT" have access to that money. There are laws on how that money can be spent and it is strictly enforced. It cannot be used for her legal bills...

There may be book deals and such, sure and that is another reason people are trying to go after often do you see homeless or poor people persecuted like this?



New member
Sarah Palin won't have the title of Alaska governor for much longer, but she gained a new one on Monday: Fundraising queen. Her political action committee has reportedly raised nearly a million dollars since Palin created it at the end of January

:D :D:D

Yeah baby!



New member
not really relevant to the discussion,a dn I know it is a fake, but:



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New member
not really relevant to the discussion,a dn I know it is a fake, but:.

Off course it?s fake. Sarah wouldn?t be sporting just a BB gun.

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New member
We have truly gone too far down the road to serfdom. It truly saddens me to watch "conservatives" embrace socialism. I sure won't support someone who catered to a whole state of welfare bums.

You mean all those socialists in Texas who bask in the socialism of low/no state income tax because of the taxes on oil companies.

Hypocrite, socialist.



New member
You mean all those socialists in Texas who bask in the socialism of low/no state income tax because of the taxes on oil companies.
Hypocrite, socialist.
Without going any farther you are assuming that just because I live in Texas I agree with everything the Texas legislature does. I guess because you live in the USA you support everything Obama does. Sarah Palin is GW Bush in a skirt, an individual with no principles on economic issues. The only Texas politician I support is Ron Paul. You can keep supporting socialism at a slower rate.



New member
Without going any farther you are assuming that just because I live in Texas I agree with everything the Texas legislature does. I guess because you live in the USA you support everything Obama does. Sarah Palin is GW Bush in a skirt, an individual with no principles on economic issues. The only Texas politician I support is Ron Paul. You can keep supporting socialism at a slower rate.
Do something about it. Hypocrite/socialist. Voluntarily give taxes to the state at the rate another state does, that doesn't steal from the oil companies like the communist that you are.

Put your money where your mouth is, big mouth.



New member
Do something about it. Hypocrite/socialist. Voluntarily give taxes to the state at the rate another state does, that doesn't steal from the oil companies like the communist that you are.
Put your money where your mouth is, big mouth.
That would be in' stupid. Why should I contribute toward increasing the size of government that I abhor?

It gets worse all the time, now conservatives on this site think individuals should contribute even more of their hard earned dollars to government.



New member
That would be in' stupid. Why should I contribute toward increasing the size of government that I abhor?

If you benefit from a socialist agenda, whether it be a rebate or not being taxed because the government engages in a socialist action, that makes you culpable in socialism.

You've benefited for decades for a socialist program in Texas, that you say is a detriment in Alaska, makes you a hypocrite.

You're a socialist/hypocrite.



New member
If you benefit from a socialist agenda, whether it be a rebate or not being taxed because the government engages in a socialist action, that makes you culpable in socialism.
You've benefited for decades for a socialist program in Texas, that you say is a detriment in Alaska, makes you a hypocrite.

You're a socialist/hypocrite.
I don't support 80% of what the state of Texas does with that money. The 20% I support can easily be supported by the sales tax I pay on I buy. I do not benefit from the social welfare programs that our state spends a good deal of their budget on. In fact, I suffer for it. The programs encourage sloth which results in higher crime rates. Now, if I was a cop, it might increase my job security.



New member
I don't support 80% of what the state of Texas does with that money. The 20% I support can easily be supported by the sales tax I pay on I buy. I do not benefit from the social welfare programs that our state spends a good deal of their budget on. In fact, I suffer for it. The programs encourage sloth which results in higher crime rates. Now, if I was a cop, it might increase my job security.

So you want to justify being the same socialist that you complain about. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, comrade.

Keep benefiting from that socialist oil company money and tell yourself you're a big bad libertarian, hypocrite.



New member

Revenue by Source for Fiscal Year 2008

Tax Collections By Major Tax Tax Collections By Major Tax Amount Percent of Total Percent Change from 2007

Sales Tax $21,604,090,350 24.8%

Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental $3,341,588,813 3.8%

Motor Fuels Taxes $3,101,526,779 3.6%

Franchise Tax $4,451,325,736 5.1%

Insurance Taxes $1,450,184,267 1.7%

Natural Gas Production Tax $2,684,647,510 3.1%

Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes $1,446,894,671 1.7%

Alcoholic Beverage Taxes $784,068,675 0.9%

Oil Production Tax $1,436,879,156 1.7%

Inheritance Tax $5,580,142 0.0%

Utility Taxes $503,878,555 0.6%

Hotel Tax $370,979,724 0.4%

Other Taxes $176,284,575 0.2%

Total Taxes $41,357,928,953 47.5%

Other Major Sources of Revenue Tax Collections By Other Revenue Sources Amount Percent of Total Percent Change from 2007

Federal Income $26,238,327,684 30.2%

Licenses, Fees, Permits, Fines and Penalties $10,227,892,331 11.8%

Interest and investment Income $2,309,013,776 2.7%

Net Lottery Proceeds $1,597,487,228 1.8%

Sales of Goods and Services $495,941,577 0.6%

Settlements of Claims $548,521,665 0.6%

Land Income $1,050,029,895 1.2%

Contributions to Employee Benefits $15,020,092 0.0%

Other revenue sources $3,142,862,204 3.6%

Total Other Sources $45,625,096,453 52.5%

Totals may not sum due to rounding.

I contribute enough in Alcohol Beverage taxes to make up for more than whatever the perceived benefit in taxes on oil is.

I got a job, I benefit very little from state programs. Not enough to cover my increased drinking expenses.



New member
Hey, so you want to find a way to justify your hypocrisy for what you say about Alaskans and Palin.

Nobody wants to be called out for what they claim someone else is.

A socialist by any other name is, a socialist.

I'm sure Alaskans pay similar taxes but you find them to be socialists.

****, most states have those taxes on top of state income tax.

The fact is, the only reason you don't pay state income tax is because the government takes money from the oil industry to benefit you.

You're a socialist/hypocrite.



New member
Hey, so you want to find a way to justify your hypocrisy for what you say about Alaskans and Palin.
Nobody wants to be called out for what they claim someone else is.

A socialist by any other name is, a socialist.

I'm sure Alaskans pay similar taxes but you find them to be socialists.

****, most states have those taxes on top of state income tax.

The fact is, the only reason you don't pay state income tax is because the government takes money from the oil industry to benefit you.

The oil production tax equals about $50 per Texan, the alcohol tax equals about $25 per Texan. I drink more than twice as much as the average Texan.

You're a socialist/hypocrite.
You will probably be sober in the morning and realize how ridiculosly stupid your arguments are tonight.



New member
Hey, so you want to find a way to justify your hypocrisy for what you say about Alaskans and Palin.
Nobody wants to be called out for what they claim someone else is.

A socialist by any other name is, a socialist.

I'm sure Alaskans pay similar taxes but you find them to be socialists.

****, most states have those taxes on top of state income tax.

The fact is, the only reason you don't pay state income tax is because the government takes money from the oil industry to benefit you.

You're a socialist/hypocrite.
The alcohol tax equates to $25 a Texan, the oil production tax $50. I drink more than twice as much as the average Texan, I do not benefit from the welfare programs Texas spends a good part of their revenue on. The 25% sales tax is more than enough to pay for the legitimate uses of government.

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