Panic! At The Disco - Do you like them or not?


New member
P!ATD was a good band at first but yea their music was kinda too emo for me...

I liked IRSNT, and The Only Difference. They weren't that bad live, they did a couple of good songs. But the P!ATD fad is over, I'm not a fan anymore lmao


Dizzla Dan

New member
i like them , think ther cool. but i can see peoples point of going off them fairly easy, which is probably down to MTV


New member
i don't like any of there music of certain reasons but i don't wanna start any arguments so i will just leave it at that


New member
haha sorry,major bump

i have a leaning towards bands with a bit of a different edge to them,i got the cd and i love alot of the songs,lying is~ has got me the most,love how they play it live,how its alot slower and more crescendo-ish compared to the album.

just to clear things,patd isnt emo. none of their songs are about cutting wrists or drowing dsorrows,looking emo,doesnt mean you are. actually their songs are about stuff like aldutery,***,hardcore *** and alot of other small interesting themese. its very good,alot different to what the other bands write.



New member
i agree with most of the people..even though i dont think PATD isnt emo i think they have a few catchy songs like IRSNT and The only difference but the rest are meh..too much like other not that great..shud check out one of those songs but nothin more greater


New member
Yeah, I sure enjoy their music. It's catchy and fresh, at least in my opinion. But I do agree with what's been said before me - they're kinda falling victims to their over-exposure. Everyone knows that listening to the same music over and over again can turn people off of it, and with their singles constantly being played on TV or the radio, people get kinda sick of it. They deserve to be well know, but when it's too much, it just gets old pretty fast.


New member
lol anyone remember a guy named Mike Jones?

who? mike jones. who? mike jones :D

the guy got so old with that **** =.=



New member
here in au, you cant watch any music channels (except country channel and a gay "max" one) for ten minutes without hearing a song. and most the channels cant fit their song names onto the little bar that says what song it is, who its by ect. :p
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