Panic! At the Disco.

I saw Panic! play at Bamboozle. Surprisingly they had a rough crowd and I nearly died. Lol no they asked everyone to start crowdsurfing and as you can imagine being in the front it gets too rough for you. I got kicked in the head a crap load of times. I was squished between a hot guy and a fat guy. So I told the hot guy to lift me up and hand me over to security. After that I just walked around and texted my friend to come find me. Yea... I'm cool.
I love panic! and fob too (of course) you people are lucky, cos they'll never come to where I live. bleh. Right now, I'm in love with Time to Dance
My friend gave me a burnt copy of their CD. I've only listened to it all the way through once. It's pretty catchy, but a bit boring for my taste. Also, I'm not very fond of the lead singer's voice. I really can't remember all the song, but I do know that the first one was pretty good. "I Write Sins not Trageties" is a mediocre song IMO, not sure why they released it... it's lyrically not that great. (The the "bride's maid is a whore" did have me laughing).

So from what I remember, it's an okay album, but not my style.

I will have to listen to the whole album about 2 more times to fully form my opinion.
The only reasson i can see why they are called Panic At The Disco is the massive panic they create when they come on as people rush for the door.

- This my opinion btw and not the views of everyone ^.^
Oh man.
I went to see them a few days ago.
It was a sold out show and the only people there were 13 year old girls in designer clothing and big rimmed sunglasses WITH FLIP FLOPS ON.


It smelled like puberty and sweat the whole night.
Oh best part.
There were a few buff guys that started mosh pits and shoved people and whatnot and one girl next to me got so fed up that she yelled to her other Paris Hilton wannabe friends "I'm never going to another show unless they have seats, guyyysssszzzz!11@".
It made me smile. :]
And giggle on the inside.
Stenners said:
The only reasson i can see why they are called Panic At The Disco is the massive panic they create when they come on as people rush for the door.

- This my opinion btw and not the views of everyone ^.^
I think at the concert they explained how they got their name and it was something along the lines that they started in Las Vegas and they started as Panic! At the Streets but changed it for some reason... yeah, something like that. lol
Oh man.
I went to see them a few days ago.
It was a sold out show and the only people there were 13 year old girls in designer clothing and big rimmed sunglasses WITH FLIP FLOPS ON.


It smelled like puberty and sweat the whole night.
Oh best part.
There were a few buff guys that started mosh pits and shoved people and whatnot and one girl next to me got so fed up that she yelled to her other Paris Hilton wannabe friends "I'm never going to another show unless they have seats, guyyysssszzzz!11@".
It made me smile. :]
And giggle on the inside.

Did you got o bamboozle or something?


Now look at this.

How do I know they hurt me?

1. I remember where i was standing.
2. In the capture you will see a crowdsurfer being helped by a tall guy.... I will always remember that hottie. [Look at the time signature if you need help]
3. And at the very end of the video you will see a security gaurd extend his arms to save me... thank you hot tall guy.

and that concludes my near death expierence for today.
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ShinodaBear said:
I think at the concert they explained how they got their name and it was something along the lines that they started in Las Vegas and they started as Panic! At the Streets but changed it for some reason... yeah, something like that. lol

Their name was taken from a line in the song Panic (by Name Taken), in reference to a song of the same name by The Smiths.
Breakdown Conspiracy said:
Despite me being a big hater of all things punk/emo/ and popular XD, i accutly like them. Far better that Fall out boy, even thought they sound the same.

well yeahhhhh they would sound the same. fall out boy helped get panic! at the disco signed. :p