Parental Controls


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I squealed as I jumped up and kissed him. Kale made his way over to us. he's such a dip dork.


Draven and I said before he said anything. His mouth just flapped open like a goldfishes. He gave a little growl and then turned to his girlfriend.

"Lets go the happy couple seems a little edgy."

We laughed as they both went off. Draven picked me up in a piggy back as he carried me to the band van.

"Want to go get some coffee?"

He asked. I shrugged. I didn't mind it too much. When we got there, it took them forever to get us our frappachinos.

"I ordered a frappichino, where's my ******* frappichino?"

Draven and I both said as we immitated his dad from the collision course DVD we made hand motions like he did.

"See I told you whitey can whoop!!"

Draven and I broke out in laughter. We finally got our frappichinos after about twenty minutes. He held my hand as we walked out in the park. the rain started up and it made me sneeze. I hate it when it rains and I'm stuck outside, i always get sick. I looked up into Draven's beautiful brown eyes.

"I guess I better get you home, the last time we stayed out in the rain like this you were sick for a week."

I guess he remembered. How could he forget? He was the one who stayed with me that whole week and kept me company. He brushed a wet strand of hair from out of my face. He took me back to the van where he put his flannel Jacket on me. It made me feel warmer.



New member
awww... how sweet, but what i don't get is when you said billy came over, but then they said shut up kale, yeah, i'm confused :eek:


New member
I sneezed. eww snot. its gross. I couched and hacked up another lung. this bites. Its mother's day and we were suposed to go to grandma's tonight but Dad says I can't go because I'm sick. Uncle Chester and Draven brought some of their famous chicken soup. its alot better then the stuff that Dad tries to get me to eat. He says its an old acient japanese medicine, i think he's cracked. Draven stayed with me while our dads did some cover work with uncle joe. Finally when it was time for them to go, my dad came in and sat on the bed with me. I liked it how it was now with out mom. I felt bad that she had to leave, but now it was just me and dad now.

"I'm not going to eat any more of your medicine. Just give me some Drixoral will ya?"

I said through my sinus headache. My dad started laughing at me. I crossed my arms.

"With that stuff you feed me you make me think that you think that Draven's a vampire. "

I said as my dad continued to laugh like some one gave him a dose of laughing gas. He pulled out a box of drixoral and dangeled it above my head. I growled as I jumped for it and missed.

"Dad give it to me!!"

I shouted in Japanese.

"You gotta jump for it!!"

He said teasingly. I stopped and blinked. **** mega sneez. Achoo!! I sprayed snot all over my dad and his favorite shirt.

"Cant say I didn't warn you."

I said as I wiped my nose with a tissue. He pulled his shirt off and then took my huge black DC shirt and put it on. I sniffed again. being sick really bites.



New member
I woke up tired and achey. My head hurt. I padded downstairs in my barefeet. My dad was making the usuaul bowl of breakfast rice. I sat down and he put a bowl infront of me.

"Morning dad."

"Morning midget."


He laughed as he ruffeled my hair.

"I'm just messing with you kilala. I have an idea. how about after we eat and get dressed we go up into the attic. There's something that I want to show you."

I did a goku and stuffed all of the rice in my mouth making my cheeks puff out like a chipmunks. I swallowed all of it.

"Kilala, thats no way for a lady to act."

I laughed as I ran back upstairs. I'm such a geek to love going up into the attic. But it had too much history in it. My grandma came over from japan and It had almost everything from our Japanese past. I hurriedly got dressed.

"Kilala are you ready?"

My dad called from up in the attic. I slipped my DC's on. I ran upstairs and up the ladder. My dad had a box opened and had something covered in an old japanese cloth.

"My mom gave this to me when I turned eighteen. Her dad gave it to her when she turned eighteen too. This goes back to our ancestors in acient Japan. I know you'll love it."

I took the thing in my hand. it was long and heavy. I pulled the cloth off of it. It was a Japanese Katana. I pulled the blade out of the sheath. It was an amazing thing. the golden blade was marked with intricate designs in a crimson red. I jumped up and hugged my dad.



New member
thats so sweet.. i liked the whole goku thing.. lol..... we have a tradition like that in out family... it gets passed on to the youngest child (btw..IS ME).... lol so yea i get it when im 16.. woohoo... ne wiaz..i like the update.. keep up the good work


New member
*** can parents be any more cheeyseier? (sp i kno) First Draven and I had to get ready atleast 4 hours before the prom. Both of our parents spent at least five different digital cameras taking pictures. Draven looked really sharp and handsome in his tux. Then at graduiation, ALL of our dads were there whooping and hollering when we walked across the stage. I swear atleast they arn't showing our baby picture of us in the tub. so now we're packing up all of our stuff so we all can move into an appartment. my dad's ooh-ing and ahh-ing over how his little girl is all grown up. (rolls eyes) He was even making a jack *** out of himself when Draven kissed me. I guess its a good think hes a rock star cuz he's never gonna grow up. My dad loaded the last of the boxes into his SUV and we got in the car and set off for the appartment. He was lecturing me about being careful and staying safe while I lived with the guys.

"Yeah Dad I know."

I said. he gave me a quick hug as we were stopped at the stop light.

"I know but your still my little girl."

He said in a babyish voice. I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger. He laughed. Hes probably the only dad that would ever let me do that or joke around with me. it was about a fifteen minute drive to our new appartment. My dad helped us find it. I smirked as I met the other guys and my uncles in the parking lot. They opened up the door of our appartment. The lights were shut off and suddenly there was a blinding light.

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