I squealed as I jumped up and kissed him. Kale made his way over to us. he's such a dip dork.
Draven and I said before he said anything. His mouth just flapped open like a goldfishes. He gave a little growl and then turned to his girlfriend.
"Lets go the happy couple seems a little edgy."
We laughed as they both went off. Draven picked me up in a piggy back as he carried me to the band van.
"Want to go get some coffee?"
He asked. I shrugged. I didn't mind it too much. When we got there, it took them forever to get us our frappachinos.
"I ordered a frappichino, where's my ******* frappichino?"
Draven and I both said as we immitated his dad from the collision course DVD we made hand motions like he did.
"See I told you whitey can whoop!!"
Draven and I broke out in laughter. We finally got our frappichinos after about twenty minutes. He held my hand as we walked out in the park. the rain started up and it made me sneeze. I hate it when it rains and I'm stuck outside, i always get sick. I looked up into Draven's beautiful brown eyes.
"I guess I better get you home, the last time we stayed out in the rain like this you were sick for a week."
I guess he remembered. How could he forget? He was the one who stayed with me that whole week and kept me company. He brushed a wet strand of hair from out of my face. He took me back to the van where he put his flannel Jacket on me. It made me feel warmer.