
kokorosenshi said:
its means stupid, but you wouldnt know, your too much of a dee dee dee to understand anything

Since when do the unintelligible word "dee" mean stupid? Your niggard dictionary only works in mixed company, i.e. the special room with the blinds pulled, clapping erasers together to Mary Had A Little Lamb.
obviously you are restricted from society and are only allowed to interact and communicate with others through the internet. at least theirs less of a chance of you reproducing
kokorosenshi said:
obviously you are restricted from society and are only allowed to interact and communicate with others through the internet. at least theirs less of a chance of you reproducing

What? Because I don't know the Monkey-speak word for stupid?
kokorosenshi said:
according to your post, i dont think you know anything above 5th grade

Keep talking like a bitch and you will get slapped like one.

I may not know much, but what I do know can fill your wasteland of head with wonder for days. I have forgotten more than you will ever know.
ClassyMissFancy said:
I think the word Pedophile is Greek in origin.. from the two words for "child" and "loving".... Not "makes love to children".

The suffix -philia is usually, classically translated as "friendship", however modern usage has given it a much broader definition.