
cool_dude said:
Use R.O. as an example. By the time you'll leave the prison, you'll be as old as this ****.

That's what I like about schoolgirls, man. I get older and they stay the same age. Alright, alright, alright.
For all of those using the word "pedafile", it does not exist. Pedophile people. Pedophile.

People forget that the medical definition of pedophile is an adult sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. It's not something they can actually help. It is only when they act on such things that it truly becomes wrong. In my opinion at least. Not that I'm all for people attracted to children, just that they can't help it. They didn't choose it to be. However I agree that those who act on it should have horrible punishments of castration and such.
Sabella said:
For all of those using the word "pedafile", it does not exist. Pedophile people. Pedophile.

People forget that the medical definition of pedophile is an adult sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. It's not something they can actually help. It is only when they act on such things that it truly becomes wrong. In my opinion at least. Not that I'm all for people attracted to children, just that they can't help it. They didn't choose it to be. However I agree that those who act on it should have horrible punishments of castration and such.

I think a pedaphile is person with a foot fetish.

A person with an attraction to a prepubescent's feet is called a pedopedaphile.
Sabella said:
For all of those using the word "pedafile", it does not exist. Pedophile people. Pedophile.

People forget that the medical definition of pedophile is an adult sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. It's not something they can actually help. It is only when they act on such things that it truly becomes wrong. In my opinion at least. Not that I'm all for people attracted to children, just that they can't help it. They didn't choose it to be. However I agree that those who act on it should have horrible punishments of castration and such.

How about I help it for them...

Rehabilitation doesn't work...we can't keep them in prison forever...we should shoot them instead.
Sabella said:
For all of those using the word "pedafile", it does not exist. Pedophile people. Pedophile.

People forget that the medical definition of pedophile is an adult sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. It's not something they can actually help. It is only when they act on such things that it truly becomes wrong. In my opinion at least. Not that I'm all for people attracted to children, just that they can't help it. They didn't choose it to be. However I agree that those who act on it should have horrible punishments of castration and such.
The same can be said about Homosexuals.
wolvesslasher said:
The same can be said about Homosexuals.
If a homosexual chooses to act on his compulsion, he is not violating the law. I think people should be free to do what they wish, providing they do not harm others. A pedophile is very harmful to society. Even if they have sex with a child that is willing.

I feel there is a huge difference between a 30 year old man having sex with a 15 year old, and a 30 year old man having sex with an 8 year old. Both are wrong, however one of these circumstances is far and away worse. Most states do recognize the difference, therefor having an age of 13 or under categorized as a worse offense then 14 and older.
wolvesslasher said:
The same can be said about Homosexuals.

And I'm sure some people think that homosexuals should be punished. However, I personally find it ridiculous and unfair for anyone to even begin to compare two adults, regardless of their gender, having sex, to an adult having sex with a child.
Sabella said:
And I'm sure some people think that homosexuals should be punished. However, I personally find it ridiculous and unfair for anyone to even begin to compare two adults, regardless of their gender, having sex, to an adult having sex with a child.
Unless you like to **** kids. Then all of the sudden it makes sense. Or so I'm told.
RoyalOrleans said:
I think a pedaphile is person with a foot fetish.

A person with an attraction to a prepubescent's feet is called a pedopedaphile.


Actually, the term "podophilia" is another way of saying foot fetishism. I was curious, so I looked it up.
Sabella said:

Actually, the term "podophilia" is another way of saying foot fetishism. I was curious, so I looked it up.
I always thought a pedometer was a very suspect title for a device measuring your travel by way of foot.
Sabella said:
And I'm sure some people think that homosexuals should be punished. However, I personally find it ridiculous and unfair for anyone to even begin to compare two adults, regardless of their gender, having sex, to an adult having sex with a child.

Which raises the question of when someone is truly an adult. Obviously, having sex with a prepubescent child is horrible, but once a person's begun puberty, is there really any "age of consent" that's got anything beyond an arbitrary meaning? A 13-year old having sex with a 20-year old is illegal ... But Anna Nicole Smith ****ing a guy about 3 times her age is all well and peachy. Something about that is disettling to me, especially given that IMO the average teen's mind is at LEAST as capable of consent as that of most people that old.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
Which raises the question of when someone is truly an adult. Obviously, having sex with a prepubescent child is horrible, but once a person's begun puberty, is there really any "age of consent" that's got anything beyond an arbitrary meaning? A 13-year old having sex with a 20-year old is illegal ... But Anna Nicole Smith ****ing a guy about 3 times her age is all well and peachy. Something about that is disettling to me, especially given that IMO the average teen's mind is at LEAST as capable of consent as that of most people that old.

I suppose there really is no specific line between child and adult. In most states as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally have sex with anyone over the age of 18. They have laws put in place such that if the AOC is, lets say 16, they still can't be doing the dirty with someone over 21. But what's the difference between a 21 and 22year old?

However, for my post I was more directing that one shouldn't compare pedophiles to homosexuals, both acting on their attractions. Beyond that, I guess it's all down to our own opinions. There's always a grey area somewhere, but we can't deny that two 30something year olds having sex isn't the same as a 30yr old and a 10yr old.
reason i belive that it is illegal for 16 to have relations with a 21 is becuase kids under 18 are not mature enough to make good decisions, then again, after watching the news for sometime, i dont think people mature very well.
Posted by Sabella:
They have laws put in place such that if the AOC is, lets say 16, they still can't be doing the dirty with someone over 21.

Actually I think it's illegal for an underage person to have sex with anyone, of any age. I read a story about this some time ago, not clear on the details. A 14 year old boy and girl were having sex and they both got charged with some kind of ****. Wish I had a link to the story. I remember hearing about it and thinking how absurd it was to charge a kid for having sex with another kid.

Which brings up another point. If a 15 year old took pictures of himself/herself naked, could they be charged with production and possession of child pornography? With our ****ed up laws I sure bet they would be.
Jhony5 said:
Posted by Sabella:

Actually I think it's illegal for an underage person to have sex with anyone, of any age. I read a story about this some time ago, not clear on the details. A 14 year old boy and girl were having sex and they both got charged with some kind of ****. Wish I had a link to the story. I remember hearing about it and thinking how absurd it was to charge a kid for having sex with another kid.

OMFG how stipider can this country get, first they elect a crack head "C" average president, not once but two times, now this.

Which brings up another point. If a 15 year old took pictures of himself/herself naked, could they be charged with production and possession of child pornography? With our ****ed up laws I sure bet they would be.

its themselves, who the **** cares, only thing that should be done is shut them down (not kill)
kokorosenshi said:
OMFG how stipider can this country get, first they elect a crack head "C" average president, not once but two times, now this.

Your reply speaks for volumes.

kokothemonkey said:
its themselves, who the **** cares, only thing that should be done is shut them down (not kill)

That'll show 'em, because killing a deviant sluggard would be wrong.
That'll show 'em, because killing a deviant sluggard would be wrong.

all im saying is that kind of person would be a stupid kid and should have its content removed and punished. just like that **** in your head you call a brain
kokorosenshi said:
all im saying is that kind of person would be a stupid kid and should have its content removed and punished. just like that **** in your head you call a brain

Oooo... got me there, Koko the ****-flinging monkey.