People that don't get my culture piss me off!


Oct 10, 2005
In my Samoan culture. Men sometimes wear what we call a lava lava. It basically looks like a skirt. It also has flowers on it. Hawians, Figians and Tongons wear the lava lava as well. It's just part of are culture. Once in a while some punk ass mother ****er opens his stupid mouth and says something messed up, like look at that fag wearing a skirt. That's when i have to put some big strong Samoan hands to him.
Hey, Samoa is cool. In fact some of the best wrestlers are Samoan. The Rock, Rikishi, Haku, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, and High Chief Maivia. I have no issues with the Samoans.
Thats cool Sono, I hear alot talk like that about the Scottish kilt. People are idiots.
I prefer to look at the type of clothing you describe as giving easy access in a time crunch, if you get my meaning...
I don't care what ANYONE says, a man in a skirt (with the right body attached) is sexy as all hell!!!
tizz said:
I don't care what ANYONE says, a man in a skirt (with the right body attached) is sexy as all hell!!!

We found something we agree on...
I have a fantasy of a big strapping Scotsmen in a kilt (or a Somoan), getting him up against a wall and having my way with him.
I don't care who he is as long as he has the legs and the ass to carry it off!!!

PLus I can get right to the goody bag (I once made a boyfriend of mine wear a kilt. After he found out the hhhmmm public benefits, HE LIKEY LIKEY ;) )
tizz said:
I don't care who he is as long as he has the legs and the ass to carry it off!!!

PLus I can get right to the goody bag (I once made a boyfriend of mine wear a kilt. After he found out the hhhmmm public benefits, HE LIKEY LIKEY ;) )

LOL@goody bag, exactly what I was thinking...didn't know how to put it so elequently though. I will have to remember that.
Outlaw2747 said:
Hey, Samoa is cool. In fact some of the best wrestlers are Samoan. The Rock, Rikishi, Haku, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, and High Chief Maivia. I have no issues with the Samoans.
You got that one right! Also many great pro football players are Samoan.
I covered that already. He's a thrid generation superstar isn't he?

As for the football players, man Samoans can get big, I surely would not want to get run down by one. I am a little guy! Oh and for those who don't know, The Rock did play football at one time in his life.
i remember the somoan........i played D&D arent they elves of some sort? there are so many its hard to keep track!
After all....


The big ****ing samoans and those scottish people who's favorite past time is fighting eachother kind of means something.... :rolleyes:
Anybody that says something like that to a Samoan deserves to get bitch slapped.
I have found that most Samoans are very polite and docile people.
You got no problems here. I think very highly of Samoans for the most part.
Like most ethnic groups you do have your gangs though.
I wish I could pull off wearing a kilt. My legs are to white.
Talk about getting snow blind!
In my Samoan culture. Men sometimes wear what we call a lava lava. It basically looks like a skirt. It also has flowers on it. Hawians, Figians and Tongons wear the lava lava as well. It's just part of are culture. Once in a while some punk ass mother ****er opens his stupid mouth and says something messed up, like look at that fag wearing a skirt. That's when i have to put some big strong Samoan hands to him.

You are a big fat fag who wears a skirt with flowers on it.

Normally, that would be acceptable, but you can't spell Fiji or Hawaii, so as far as I am concerned, you can throw yourself out of a third storey window.
You're right! Forgot to put the J in fijians. Instead i put a g. Every one makes mistakes sometimes. I do pretty good then other ones from Samoa.
Sounds like you're a little prejudice there. Grow the hell up you imbecile.
You're right! Forgot to put the J in fijians. Instead i put a g. Every one makes mistakes sometimes. I do pretty good then other ones from Samoa.
Sounds like you're a little prejudice there. Grow the hell up you imbecile.

Ok, watch Pulp Fiction, get the reference, then understand that you invited my half-assed comment, and chill the **** out. ;)
you are as much of an asshole as the "Punk ass mfr" who said you look like a fag . So it seems that you like to stoop down to their level rather than rise above it all and use the intelligence of words, keep your traditional garb clean . Why don't use your big Somaon hands to jack off and keep the violence to your self :eek: .
8 mecos said:
you are as much of an asshole as the "Punk ass mfr" who said you look like a fag . So it seems that you like to stoop down to their level rather than rise above it all and use the intelligence of words, keep your traditional garb clean . Why don't use your big Somaon hands to jack off and keep the violence to your self :eek: .
Shut the hell up. Before i holled you down for a little bit while Vortex ****S YOU IN YOUR YOU KNOW WHAT.