People that don't get my culture piss me off!

Shut the hell up. Before i holled you down for a little bit while Vortex ****S YOU IN YOUR YOU KNOW WHAT.

Inadvertent brilliance, but brilliance nonetheless.

Vortex will be ****ing you in the new hole that SONOFSAMOA just drilled you.
Outlaw2747 said:
Hey, Samoa is cool. In fact some of the best wrestlers are Samoan. The Rock, Rikishi, Haku, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, and High Chief Maivia. I have no issues with the Samoans.

I thought Haku was Tongan?
EnterNetProphet said:
I thought Haku was Tongan?

It's difficult to tell the difference. What is with the rivalry between, say, Tonga, Samoa, Maori? Same bloodlines, no bonding happening at all. ;)
In my Samoan culture. Men sometimes wear what we call a lava lava. It basically looks like a skirt. It also has flowers on it. Hawians, Figians and Tongons wear the lava lava as well. It's just part of are culture. Once in a while some punk ass mother ****er opens his stupid mouth and says something messed up, like look at that fag wearing a skirt. That's when i have to put some big strong Samoan hands to him.


btw Don't you mean? "E lava lava"
builder said:
It's difficult to tell the difference. What is with the rivalry between, say, Tonga, Samoa, Maori? Same bloodlines, no bonding happening at all. ;)

Yeah I really could'nt tell myself builder..they all look the same lol..and they all come in different shades too.My mum was in L.A and was mistaken several times for being spanish!

They pretty much get along in NZ and in Oz's not even an issue seems to be the younger generation here(a minority to put it mildly) who have filled their immature minds with gangsta rap and stories of L.A gangs or something and copped an atitude..yeah probably some isolated incidents I'm sure.

I grew up on Ol Skool Gangsta rap(look at my age)...but I did'nt act like a complete retard about it.
(I'm partial to ice cube meself when he went solo and snoop dog and later eminems early stuff...especially the threeway burns with sauce money ...hahaha and obie trice and bone thugz ...and I have my own blog discussing flows/cyphers/hooks/etc....I rather not give the URL because it's kinda a weird interpretation)

Anyway builder...
Hmmm, you're SSIslander? Cool.

The hatred between the groups comes out in the rugby rivalry.

Also, I had a Tongan housemate who taught me a lot on the bass guitar. My Maori mates used to diss him all the time. I got used to it.

They were out on the front lawn, verbally raping eachother one fine morning.

I entered the fray, and asked if anyone wanted a cup of tea.

They all put their orders in, and went back to the "debate". Funny stuff.
Why is it that people from 'other cultures' expect everyone to give a **** about their cultural traditions? If you are so mystified as to why many americans think that men wearing a skirt looks gay, allow me to enlighten you. American men dont wear womens clothes. Pretty short and sweet but to the point. Don't mean to disrespect but we don't wear skirts unless we are also wearing make up and a wig and going out with vortex for a night of homo-sexual debauchery. Understand this and get over it. If I was a woman and I walked around in public in Iran wearing only a skimpy bikini then I bet I would have some real cultural differences to deal with.

What i'm saying is this. If I see somoans on t.v. wearing the "lava lava" in some traditional manner, then I would think nothing of it. If i'm in line behind a somoan guy at the quicky mart and hes wearing a dress then i'm not even seeing a somoan, i'm seeing a dude in a skirt. Which strikes me as friggin gay.
"Why is it that people from 'other cultures' expect everyone to give a **** about their cultural traditions?"
quoted from Jhony5

I was born and raised here in the US by American parents but I honor my Irish background by remembering their traditions and struggles.
I think we can keep our cultural differences and still all be American.

You are wrong, ALOT of men in the United States wear kilts because of their backgrounds for example, why would Somoans be any different.
When a cop dies they play the bagpipes at his funeral, not because the cop was a Scotsmen but because the first cop (bobby), Robert Peel was a Scotsman. Thats respecting cultural backgrounds.
I guess you haven't ever been in Boston on St. Patricks day. They have a saying that on St. Patricks day, everyone is Irish. I of course have heard of the celebrations in New York and Chicago but have not been there to witness it.
You need to grow up.

I don't care about your culture anymore then I care about my own, why should I? I'm an Indiana redneck. Thats my mother****ing culture bro. Hang out with me and my friends wearing a kilt and your Irish culture will get thrown into the White river along with your pasty white ass.

I guess you haven't ever been to Boston on ST. Patricks day?

No I sure haven't. Sounds alot like Halloween. **** off.

You need to grow up.

I done did big boy. To old to play dress up as a means to validate my ancestors quazi-homo celibratory practices. Go back into your 'cultural' history and dig a little deeper and you'll find cave men wearing only a few tattered pieces of animal fur. Should I wear these garbs as a means of conveying pride in my cave-man ancestory? Maybe I should march down main street with my dick hanging out of my animal wrappings during the parade? Would my deep cultural message be well received?
builder said:
Hmmm, you're SSIslander? Cool.

The hatred between the groups comes out in the rugby rivalry.

There's not that much hatred between Tongons and Samoans. And rugby is a fijian sport. They got that from the British WASP's. Who went to Fiji years ago and ****ed things up for them.
builder said:
Hmmm, you're SSIslander? Cool.

The hatred between the groups comes out in the rugby rivalry. "

There's not that much hatred between Tongons and Samoans. And rugby is a fijian sport. They got that from the British WASP's. Who went to Fiji years ago and ****ed things up for them.

I'll take your word for that. What of the Maoris? You can't deny there is ill-feelings there?
EnterNetProphet said:
Yeah I really could'nt tell myself builder..they all look the same lol..and they all come in different shades too.My mum was in L.A and was mistaken several times for being spanish!

They pretty much get along in NZ and in Oz's not even an issue seems to be the younger generation here(a minority to put it mildly) who have filled their immature minds with gangsta rap and stories of L.A gangs or something and copped an atitude..yeah probably some isolated incidents I'm sure.

They do have some Samoan gangs. The two in LA are Carson Samoan Warriors(bloods) and the Sons of Samoa (crips). I'm not a member of SOS even though I used that name. To me they are a disgrace to the cuture.
builder said:
I'll take your word for that. What of the Maoris? You can't deny there is ill-feelings there?

Yeah there are in some cases there is...but in general will depend on individual experience and how one handles it..

I had a maori guy years ago(at least I think he was) He had the balls to come up to me..while I was crossing the street at a shopping centre and ask for my black denim jacket(lol) he I asked "huh?" and he said nervously(he was actually stoned..those eye lids lol) "I want your jacket!" I was a lil surprised and he kinda gestured with his head that he had "back up" waiting across the road...I looked and saw three guys(skinny runts) trying to look menacing, leaning on a shop window..I looked at this guy next to me(in the middle of the road while cars were passing by)..and his body language read chicken sh!t..but I kinda marveled at his boldness(he was actually a lot shorter than me) I said with a grin"come and get it"...he looked surprised and backed off and headed back to them....I looked across the road at his "back up" and they were laughing their ass's off...the poor guy walked back in disbelief...I kinda figured it was a dare that backfired..and could not believe that something like this happened to me(very rare)....but I kept a sharp look out for them as I continued to the bank(I still had an adrenaline rush from being threatened)...what a rush!!!

Well...It was a one off incident that had a funny ending...but no...I don't hold any grudges against maori's...I'm trying to hook up with one:) hahahaha
Jhony5 said:

I don't care about your culture anymore then I care about my own, why should I? I'm an Indiana redneck. Thats my mother****ing culture bro. Hang out with me and my friends wearing a kilt and your Irish culture will get thrown into the White river along with your pasty white ass.

No I sure haven't. Sounds alot like Halloween. **** off.

I done did big boy. To old to play dress up as a means to validate my ancestors quazi-homo celibratory practices. Go back into your 'cultural' history and dig a little deeper and you'll find cave men wearing only a few tattered pieces of animal fur. Should I wear these garbs as a means of conveying pride in my cave-man ancestory? Maybe I should march down main street with my dick hanging out of my animal wrappings during the parade? Would my deep cultural message be well received?

First off Jhony, I'm not a dude, I'm female and NO ONE throws me anywhere without shaking hands with my Glock, loaded with hollow points...So make sure when your talking your **** about physically assaulting someone you can take the reprocussions...being carried out feet first.

I guess I should have mentioned that while my heritage is Irish I was raised in Texas where we all carry GUNS...with ass holes like you in mind.

As for your dick hanging out, given the rhetoric your spouting, I am guessing your smarting from the "little dick" syndrome, so good luch getting it too hand out far enough to show it off without getting a huge laugh from men and women alike...
Lethalfind said:
First off Jhony, I'm not a dude, I'm female and NO ONE throws me anywhere without shaking hands with my Glock, loaded with hollow points...So make sure when your talking your **** about physically assaulting someone you can take the reprocussions...being carried out feet first.

I guess I should have mentioned that while my heritage is Irish I was raised in Texas where we all carry GUNS...with ass holes like you in mind.

As for your dick hanging out, given the rhetoric your spouting, I am guessing your smarting from the "little dick" syndrome, so good luch getting it too hand out far enough to show it off without getting a huge laugh from men and women alike...

DUDE.....your a freaking dork. "glock"...."hollow points"???? L O L.

Dude you need to realize that your not the only one whom carries a gun. As well, you could kill some one with any gun despite the brand name. It doesn't make you a badass to talk **** about sporting a weapon.

My statement about throwing skirt wearing homos into a river was meant to convey the true attitude of real men who would **** you right on up for acting like a bitch. Lets not take this thread into a chest thumping game of one-upsmanship. As well i'm not saying that I would attack someone for wearing a kilt, but you would get clowned like the freak you are if your a man in a dress. Get my drift DUDE?

.....and why is it that Texans like to fancy themselves as a tougher bread then others? So gay.
Jhony5 said:
DUDE.....your a freaking dork. "glock"...."hollow points"???? L O L.

Dude you need to realize that your not the only one whom carries a gun. As well, you could kill some one with any gun despite the brand name. It doesn't make you a badass to talk **** about sporting a weapon.

My statement about throwing skirt wearing homos into a river was meant to convey the true attitude of real men who would **** you right on up for acting like a bitch. Lets not take this thread into a chest thumping game of one-upsmanship. As well i'm not saying that I would attack someone for wearing a kilt, but you would get clowned like the freak you are if your a man in a dress. Get my drift DUDE?

.....and why is it that Texans like to fancy themselves as a tougher bread then others? So gay.

I think Lethalfind was speaking "figuratively".
Its unfortunate that people who actually need psychotherapy and meds come here and waste time and space rather then seeing the doctor. Having said that, I'm not sure a psychiatric med has been made to combat the "asshole" complex this guy seems to have...