Person's Journal

Glad to feel welcomed even though I lurk around >=D

Anyways, it's 9:46am over here, and my parents woke me up about 2 hours ago to take out stuff for a garage sale. Effing 7 o'clock! ; ; I feel like crap right now... I think I only slept like 4 hours =/ Aside from that, I'm sore EVERYWHERE from attacking the soccer field. Life is good =P
Lucky you -.- lol
The money we make is all going to be mine, so I shouldn't be complaining =P
I'm going to Japan this summer, and Mum is giving me all the money ehehe
I don't really go there...
it's just this thing with the school.

I've been wanting to go to Japan, so it's awesome that I get to go next summer =D
WOW. I haven't been in here for the longest. I think it's time I revived this stupid thread and make it worthwhile! Let's begin with a small introduction. For those of you who STILL don't know who I am, my name is Javier (well actually, it's my middle name, but I prefer it A LOT more than Francisco lol). I live in the US. Houston, to be exact. I've made a couple of friends on here, but I'd really love to get to know everyone. Anyways, let's get this journal going! hehe.


Well, I just got home from school today. Arrived home about an hour after we were dismissed, since I had a meeting for my summer Japan trip =o I spent most of it poking my girlfriend. She's too cute haha. Umm... I fell asleep during my 1st and 3rd period today. My eyes couldn't take it! I fell asleep at 2 in the morning last night, trying to hack my iPod Touch (which I did so successfully :D) Now I can listen to any radio station around the world (Live 9 from France is pretty awesome =o), poke GPS, have Google Maps enabled, and can play games! lol It's pretty sweet. Anyways, back to my school day. For 5th period, I spent most of the class fighting sleep off by coloring XD. My eyes were still heavy at the time, so people began to question whether I was on bars or something haha. I find it kinda funny that we'd take the time to COLOR in an AP Government class, but I'm not complaining. We had a light day lol Finally, for 7th period, I had office assistant. They switched me into another AP's office, so I had to learn how they did things in theirs _-_ Mr. Greenlee scares the **** out of me =S But oh well... gotta get used to his loud ass voice, his amazingly shiny head, and squinty evil staring eyes. *dies*
*nods* Once Francisco pokes, you'll have a hard time finding someone who can poke as good as me haha. O_O That sentence has sexual connotation all over it! xD Anyways, today was more of the same. 'Cept today, I fell asleep in French class lol I just got home from school, yet again. Was hungry so I poked a Hot Pocket from the fridge. Hot Pocket + Hot Cheetos = Gourmet lunch =P

My girlfriend got three shots yesterday, so I had a tough time hugging her and stuff. Every time I touched her, she would jerk back in pain ._. I hope she feels better by next week. Hopefully, I'll be able to hang out with her during the weekend. Just need to go behind her family's back in order to do so xD They still don't know about me >=)

Also. I'll try to get a picture of Mr. Greenlee so you guys can suffer his scaryness XD
Heh... it sure IS. You don't know how much I love this chick. We barely got together in September, after years of being best friends. One of those gay, cliche movie type things XD

Heh... I'm still looking for a damn pic. I'm pretty sure I'll find one on our school page... now if I only knew the link XD

@Gradon: It sure would ._. Her parents, no, her WHOLE family is over protective of her. She's like the baby of the family or whatever. I think she's also the smartest *shrugs* Anyways, they don't want her to have a boyfriend until she finished school, but you can't put restrictions on **** like that. If it happens, it happens, right? And, uhh... kinky? XD