About ******* time I start a new journal. So sit the **** down, either read this **** or don't, I don't ******* care! I'm in control of this out of control thread! And there ain't a damned thing you non yellow or red names can do about it! And if your not down with that... >
Anyways more to the point, I'm the best there is in this ****** town I live in, I'm the best there was in this ****** town I live in, and I'm the best there ever will be in this ****** town I live in.
I've been lied to fairly bad recently... He/she/they who has/have lied to me knows who they are, and this is for them:
http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/7189829a03457241c673d9d6611966c5.jpg In other words... GIT FACKED
No LOL-ing here... This isn't a joke, watch your back...
So anyway, on to the people who I don't hate...
Anyone wanna buy me a cornetto? I'm ******* hungry for one...
Anyways, till I get something else to write about, CYA *******!!!