

New member
I'm back again after a small sort of "holiday" I guess you can call it. A holiday from all the **** that goes on on the internet. I pretty much spent the whole time at my cousins place making short films and sleeping.

Played my Wii a little bit but got bored of it really fast. Now I play my DS a lot. Since I still haven't passed Fullmetal Alchemist: Duel Sympathy which, even though it's short, is a really great game!!! I also got Pokemon Pearl for $30 so thats fairly good. + Diddy Kong Racing DS...

I might be getting free $$$ (up to 1,000USD) so thatl pay for a Xbox 360 and some games.

---Pete Out---



New member
Time to start a Peterdea Repz section. Since I can't give out rep to whoever whenever due to limitations...

...I give a million points too...


Legend!!! lol



New member
I have to write about something... or more, someone who has had an impact on my mood at the moment. This person you all may know of, but most, if not all of you will never have met. His name... Timbaland.

So many songs I have been hearing have somehow involved him, all but one suck ****. It's either full of him making noises or going "ehh, ehh" over and over.

The only good song he has something to do with is Apologize by Onerepublic. Problem is, he is taking ALL the credit for it as far as I've seen. So many ringtone ads where it says "Get Timbaland's Apologize on your mobile NOW!!!" It ****** me off since all he does during the whole song is his typical "EHHH EHHH"... Four words to him... "SHUT" "THE" "****" "UP"

The last thing I want when it's 3am and I'm watching TV is evidence of him trying to take over the music industry. He's trying to get ahold of EVERY artist he can just for credit on his part. Everything he has anything to do with (except maybe Justin Timberlake) he takes credit for. And the stuff he actually does more then make noises on are horrible anyway.

He sucks, his music sucks, he lacks REAL talent and he takes credit for stuff that is barely his... gayyyyy



Active Members
well...I haven't met him..but I saw him live at the justin show....

I think he's a good producer...but yeah he is crazy somehow and calls himself King Timbo

and his trademark eyys and ohs and beatboxing gets annoying...yeah...

but still his beats are good for every party.



New member
well...I haven't met him..but I saw him live at the justin show....
I think he's a good producer...but yeah he is crazy somehow and calls himself King Timbo

and his trademark eyys and ohs and beatboxing gets annoying...yeah...

but still his beats are good for every party.
not my parties. lol. And even if he was fit to have his stuff played at my parties, I wouldn't till he stops taking credit for Apologize...



New member
Today marks the end of my holidays. Which sucks as far goes my happiness. But it also marks the beginning of the end of my school life as it's my second last year.

Currently my future stands at a crossroad, I can either do what I can with State of Normality and never stop attempting until we succeed, or I can work closely with my younger brother in a small thing he wants to set up. I have two years to make up my mind so I'll spend those two years having as much fun as humanly possible as well as studying what it is I need to do to get both of the possibilities done. Whichever I choose, I could end up flat on my face or way above where I expect to be.

I have been thinking recently and I'm waiting to get some time home alone so that I can do some vocal recording without being disturbed continuously by my parents ******** at me to do things and my brothers and sister nagging me to help them with something. I hope to have at least 6 covers done by the time the next LPF Sessions is in the works so that I can at least have something decent to send in.

I'm leaning towards some Taproot and Deftones songs since I have a full album of Deftones Instrumentals and Taproot's vocals are often easy to remove.

On that note Taproot, Deftones and TRUSTcompany are all releasing albums this year which is ******* awesome for me since they are all in my top 10 bands of all time.

Lastly click my sig... please :)


P.S. Fuckity Fuckity **** **** :D



New member




New member
I love this journal lol
thats a first :drinks: I quite like it to :) In other news it still seems like my journal is a no go zone for just about everyone :confused: but it could be worse :thumbsup:
LOL your not serious are you? If so, thats sad... Very very sad.

And if not, :mad:

oh...LPF Sessions 3?
yeah sometime this summer I guess
we'll see. i don't really mind though. I'll try as hard as I can to get as much as I can done in whatever time left there is.



New member
Peters here once again to tell the tale of his ****** up but also very interesting (at times) life. Tis a tale of revenge, revenge which started out none of my business, however decided to follow the phrase "controversy creates cash" (the cash being a jolly good laugh in this instance) and join the **** in. So ultimately, tomorrow, **** is gonna hit the fan. I wont get into the details... yet... but I'll bet someones gonna get hurt!

It wont be me, since all I do is fuel the fire, under a black mask so that I'm invisible.

Situation 1:

Let's call them, Mr Blue, Mr Green and Mr Red vs Mr Brown and his goons. As long as they sit there NOT fighting, I'll be the one in the crowd either throwing **** or yelling **** louder then any 2 people. Mr Blue is related to Mr Green and Mr Red... and the whole thing is pretty much family vs friends. Fueling it is fun. Someone gonna snap soon... They'll take it out on each other.

Situation 2:

Mrs Black vs Mrs White in a verbal cage match. These two were once best friends but since ones white and the other black, **** was gonna come up eventualy. No they aren't lesbians so thats something not to ask about. The only thing more fun the fueling it, is being the messenger. Telling the other what ***** being said.

Situation 3:

let's say... Stephen vs Rusty. Me being Stephen, and someone who was once my friend being Rusty... Since a new friend came along... let's call him Marshall, Rusty has been acting like a total **** head. Now theres some fun for me to actually be involved with!

I'm on neither side in either situation in fact, I'm almost friends with all of them. But my boredom and the lack of action is taking preference.

And why don't I fight? I only do fight to stick up for my own real friends, mostly nerds. I almost got gang bashed for sticking up for a mate against a few bogans.

I woulda got at least one of em, I fight dirtier then them so I'd feel almost fulfilled.

To finish this off, I gotta say it... [LB] = ****



New member
Wow things have blown out of proportion... What starts off with a single encounter quickly becomes a brawl. I have people wanting to get me with tazers and all kinds of other weapons. I had nothing to do with the whole thing until a short way into it and all of a sudden **** hits the fan. Funny though, none of them would be willing to fight one on one, and obviously not even three on three is enough for them. Ten of them for every one of us... Tazers, bats, shillelaghs and all kinds of other weapons. I may be pretty stupid at most times, but I know when to call it quits. Now is the time, can't put my brother at risk either.

On a happier note, English test... had to write an essay (something I'm ******* horrible at) and has not idea what I was going to do. Until my good mat Tavis helped me out by giving me a help sheet... I still didn't get it but thanks to his sheet, I managed to bullshit on for over 600 words... If thats not an accomplishment I don't know what is! Even if I fail I'm gonna be ******* proud!

As for the next few weeks, gonna spend as much time away from home as possible, for happiness I suppose...

Lastly, Bermuda Triangle is my new thing... I get free Bermuda Triangle T Shirts.... YAY!




New member
Peterdea's last post until something interesting happens:

I'm over LPF... I'm not as happy logging on here as I used to be. I used to feel like I had heaps of pals on this site but slowly thats dying more and more, and the urge to check up on the latest Linkin Park News has pretty much died.

On top of that, this site is too much of a roller coaster ride, a ride which favors boring slow uphill progress over fast moving excitement.

There isn't much of a point going into too much detail in this post, since chances are, very few people will bother to read the ****** thing, so for any of you who do read this, email me if the site picks up, anything interesting at all... be it new LP songs, large boost in active members or even another LPF Sessions... Just let me back in when the fun starts, till then,

Pete's gone, have fun without me!



New member
I'm ******* bored right now so my last resort, is to log on here.

As ******* dumb as it seems, some of you that I barely know very well drove me back here. I'm happy at the moment, let's hope today theres a spark between me and this website unless you ******' hate me in which case SmBs.

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