
crazy robster

New member what's all the rage?? When in the wrong frame of mind avoid making statements. You might regret them soon enough. You have always been level-headed what's wrong with you now??


New member
now what the **** is going on with you?
I just realized how very ******* great I truly am!!! No more casting me to one side fuckazzzz!

uhm yes same question :eek:
^^^^^ Read above BIIIIAAAATCH!!!! :yea: what's all the rage?? When in the wrong frame of mind avoid making statements. You might regret them soon enough. You have always been level-headed what's wrong with you now??
Regrets? None! Never! LIVE FOR THE MOMENT!



New member
ah ok lucky you I was about to ***** on you hardcore :p
and yeh you surely are the best :mad: :p
***** on me huh? hardcore ******** hey? I could take it, aparently it's what I gotta do to be me.

oh Sarcasm? heres some sarcasm, Everyone in my town is so ******* awesome and smart, I'm second class to them!

***** on me huh? hardcore ******** hey? I could take it, aparently it's what I gotta do to be me.
oh Sarcasm? heres some sarcasm, Everyone in my town is so ******* awesome and smart, I'm second class to them!
gosh Pete!

calm down you know my sarcasm and how I mean it! damnit whats wrong with you? a tad too hyped? o_O



New member
Here are some Peterdea facts for your Peterdea fact file:

-Peterdea is never too hyped

-Peterdea is the best there is

-Peterdea strongly dislikes being ignored

-Peterdea never overreacts

-Peterdea <3's Cornettos

-Peterdea is the best there ever was

-Peterdea defeated chuck Norris and Mr T in a 2 on 1 handicap 3 Stages Of **** Winner Is The Best match at Wrestlemania 999

-Peterdea strongly dislikes being lied to

-Peterdea is the best there ever will be

-Peterdea beat up his neighbours grandson on three occasions

-Peterdea is the best at Gundam Wing Endless Duel

-Peterdea is feared by his neighbours grandson

-Peterdea is hated by everyone who has a big knife

-Peterdea thinks payback is a *****

-Peterdea thinks "toh si mum s'hsA"

-Peterdea likes lemons

-Peterdea likes steak

-Peterdea would kill for a massage right about now

-Peterdea hates nintendo

-Peterdea loves Donkey Kong Country

-Peterdea hates motorbikes

-Peterdea doesn't have a criminal record

-Peterdea deserves a criminal record

-Peterdea strongly dislikes horse riding

-Peterdea loves boobies

-Peterdea hates it when people overreact

-Peterdea has a 99% chance to beat you at being the best

-Peterdea loves glow pain

-Peterdea hates glow pain that burns eyes and skin

-Peterdea loves blue hair

-Peterdea loves WWE

-Peterdea loves Peterdea

-Peterdea would vote for Jojo in any election as long as the topic be good

-Peterdea orders you to give a minute of silence for the Red Shore who's singer was killed recently

-Peterdea > Y2J > Santino Marella > Kennedy > MVP > Horse **** > Abandoned House **** > John Cena >

-Peterdea has, does and always will love LPF

-Peterdea is a better champion then Randy Orton

-Peterdea likes the LPU T Shirts

-Peterdea drinks soft drink by the galon

-Peterdea hates toe injuries

-Peterdea is the reason the Dudleyz wanna leave TNA

-Peterdea demands respect

-Peterdea demands respect for Petr Cech

-Peterdea loves music from Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 and 2008

-Peterdea loves Taproot, Three Days Grace, Deftones, Amity Lane, Adema and Saliva, like it or blow me

-Peterdea loves TRUSTcompany the most

-Peterdea wants to marry Michelle McCool

More to come citizens or Peteopia, stay tuned!



New member
This is getting Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring, come up with some new material.

If your going to be angry, do it with creativity otherwise it gets tiresome and annoying.



New member
This is getting Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring, come up with some new material.
If your going to be angry, do it with creativity otherwise it gets tiresome and annoying.
Okay boring... the topic of boring... shall I bring your constant criticism of music that I like into this? That got boring... So boring I pretty much ignore your threads altogether, since I can almost guess what your gonna say.

If you don't like the way I post due to it being "Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring", go find someone who cares and talk to them about it, cuz I sure don't.



New member
I'm ******* bored, so here's more facts for you fuckerz who aren't too Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored by what I write:

-Peterdea thinks Chevelle's "Well Enough Alone" deserved better then it got

-Peterdea broke himself down and built himself back up again

-Peterdea doesn't care

-Peterdea has only been up at 7:00 AM on 5 occasions in the last 12 months

-Peterdea thinks Newcastle would beat Newcastle in a game of football anyday

-Peterdea likes toast

-Peterdea hates it when there aren't any good movies on tv

-Peterdea won't be stopped easily

-Peterdea isn't leaving

-Peterdea believes "soccer" doesn't exist

-Peterdea never rolls his eyes

-Peterdea is lazy

-Peterdea knows the truth about the "DaVinci Code"

-Peterdea has met an alien

-Peterdea refuses handshakes from people taller then he

-Peterdea doesn't believe in global warming anymore

-Peterdea is not fat

-Peterdea has the most potential for WWE work

-Peterdea has a microphone that's also a plastic tree

-Peterdea broke a rail on his cousins balcony... twice

-Peterdea knows what it's like to be stalked by police

-Peterdea wouldn't touch "Chubby ***" with a 10 foot pole

-Peterdea likes Adult Swim

-Peterdea is listening to Godsmack

-Peterdea likes to bite things

-Peterdea spells like and love wrong all the time

-Peterdea has had his finger nail ****** up twice by 2 retards who ended up getting whats coming to them

-Peterdea discovered the 13th dimension

-Peterdea attempted to bring a human back to life with Alchemy and succeeded

-Peterdea wins

-Peterdea saved your *** in World War 2

-Peterdea shares a birthday with another member of State Of Normality

-Peterdea never negotiates with terrorists

-Peterdea thinks Jeezy is the only one with a million dollar sense of humor

-Peterdea can rhyme when motivated

-Peterdea refused to clean up his old primary school

-Peterdea caused half the mess at his old primary school

-Peterdea used to have a fight every school day for a whole year in primary school

-Peterdea has never lost a fight

-Peterdea has never lost at anything worth winning

-Peterdea can do anything and everything

-Peterdea is everything

-Peterdea knows everything, but at the same time knows nothing

-Peterdea can turn invisible

-Peterdea solves mysteries under the name "Fred"

-Peterdea beat Fullmetal Alchemist Dual Sympathy in less then 2 hours

-Peterdea plays Pokemon on the DS

-Peterdea hates Pokemon on the Wii

-Peterdea hates salt

-Peterdea is Aedretep backwards

-Peterdea has a bogan name, "Peto Durling"

-Peterdea may post new threads

-Peterdea may post replies

-Peterdea may post attachments

-Peterdea may edit his posts

-Peterdea has the best blog in the world

-Peterdea + Michelle McCool = Unbeatable x 2

-Peterdea did mean to be so cold

-Peterdea hates computers more then ever now

-Peterdea hates Resident Evil on the Wii

-Peterdea does not believe in equivalent exchange

-Peterdea always makes a profit

-Peterdea likes funny hates

-Peterdea hates baseball

-Peterdea likes Egypt Central

-Peterdea never flipped

-Peterdea exploded

-Peterdea imploded

-Peterdea has always existed

-Peterdea makes a ******** meal on occasions

-Peterdea doesn't want candy

-Peterdea is not scared of MJ, Osama or Serial Killers, they can all be dealt with

-Peterdea has heard 3 songs called "Always" and likes all 3

-Peterdea double posts

-Peterdea plays "The Wrestling Game"

-Peterdea wishes he was a "S.H.I.T head"

-Peterdea was the 4th member of the Super Heroes In Training but graduated before he could make an appearance

-Peterdea has better eyes then everyone

-Peterdea has a better voice then anyone he knows

-Peterdea likes to read Peterdea facts

-Peterdea thinks you should read all his facts

-Peterdea only states FACTS

-Peterdea overrules Stone Cold

-Peterdea makes it crush you, and makes it bring the worst in you out... ...And knows those colors that your shining are...

-Peterdea needed not finish that last one

-Peterdea didn't even shoot the sheriff

-Peterdea laughs at stigmata

-Peterdea can climb any mountain in less then a second

-Peterdea has a sexy nose

-Peterdea has not, and will never have a sidekick

-Peterdea is not a sidekick

-Peterdea is a team player

-Peterdea likes things that don't make him hungry

-Peterdea is still waiting for his cornetto

-Peterdea won't settle for anything else

-Peterdea is to advanced to click "go advanced"

-Peterdea needs a better sig

-Peterdea sends back anything he doesn't like

-Peterdea likes to put things in bold

-Peterdea is too lazy to click the bold button

-Peterdea is going to bed

-Peterdea wishes all of you who don't think what he says is Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring goodnight



New member
Sorry for upsetting you

He/she/they who has/have lied to me knows who they are, and this is for them

It's clear that your mother has just told you about santa hasn't she.....

no kid deserves to hear that



New member
Sorry for upsetting you

It's clear that your mother has just told you about santa hasn't she.....

no kid deserves to hear that
:clap: great one really! that was so funny! you should be a comedian!

you for sure don't have the best blog
I state all the facts! Prove me wrong!

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