

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2004
Any philosophers here?

I'm really sinking into all these discussions, thoughts and whatnot about philosophy. I started taking this as a class at school, and I fell for it instantly.

I'm really interested in things like how the world started, how it will end, what happens when we die, the real truth about perceptions, meaning of life, and all that stuff.

Anyone interested in Philosophy?

I hope so, this is basically what our whole being is about.
Somewhat. There's some things I think scientists can't explain, or anyone for that matter. Other things (like the meaning of life) I enjoy thinking about. I even wrote something on, of all things, 'perfection'. Don't ask, I was mad at something and ended up writing about it.
Yeah, and your sig has some good philosophy.
If life were simple...etc
That's exactly part of what I've been studying for the past week.
The meaning of life. If there were a meaning, that would mean that we as humans were not at all free to do what we want. But then again, there's also the question, does free will exist.
Friends with a philosophy student....We've had so many confusing but interesting conversations. From philosophy of language to philosophy of music. It's definately a subject for the intelligent, but you might want to consider a different career. Basicly, all philosophy degrees can get you is a job teaching philosophy. But yeah, the all the different parts of philosophy are very interesting in my opinion.
yeah i love philosophy and getting into heated debates with people about things, especially religon.. but you have to be careful with that one because if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, it can be bad lol.. i have a grandmother who still doesn't talk to me because of my opinions on religion.

i'd love to talk to some of you people about stuff, get at me sometime.. post something in my journal if you want to.
g|ft___ said:
yeah i love philosophy and getting into heated debates with people about things, especially religon.. but you have to be careful with that one because if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, it can be bad lol.. i have a grandmother who still doesn't talk to me because of my opinions on religion.

i'd love to talk to some of you people about stuff, get at me sometime.. post something in my journal if you want to.

Agree with ya on that one. Religion is such a touchy subject. *sighs and shakes head*
twilightcrimson7 said:
I really really like philosophy. Whenever my friends and I go to Mc Donalds, we seem to have philosohy discutions.... X)
I'm hard pressed to get offended, and I hate when people get offended when someone disagrees witht them or if someone's closed minded.
Same here. People get really pissed when I have an opinion differeing from theirs or disagree from there and I have support for my position whilst they don't. It's so stupid.
I am a philosopher. Of many years, and of many orientations. Person who started this thread (my apologies, my keyboard does not have the necessary keys to type your name) feel free to ask anything you wish.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Friends with a philosophy student....We've had so many confusing but interesting conversations. From philosophy of language to philosophy of music. It's definately a subject for the intelligent, but you might want to consider a different career. Basicly, all philosophy degrees can get you is a job teaching philosophy. But yeah, the all the different parts of philosophy are very interesting in my opinion.
Yes, that's true, but I'd very well like to teach philosophy sometime.
I'm interested enough in this stuff, this is after all what life and everything concering it is about.

majinkamahl said:
I am a philosopher. Of many years, and of many orientations. Person who started this thread (my apologies, my keyboard does not have the necessary keys to type your name) feel free to ask anything you wish.
Nice to know, and thanks.
[just refer to me a Fri in the future, should you ever have to]
twilightcrimson7 said:
I really really like philosophy. Whenever my friends and I go to Mc Donalds, we seem to have philosohy discutions.... X)
I'm hard pressed to get offended, and I hate when people get offended when someone disagrees witht them or if someone's closed minded.
very true, some people get offended by someone elses opinion. something I can't appreciate is when people state their opinion like a fact, as if it is the way they think it is, which in my turn I think is pretty naive. Religion is very touchy, but also very interesting to discuss, I've always found it hard to believe that there are so many people in this world having a diffeent religion and they can all just keep faith in their own, while there are so many people believing something else, pretty amazing when you think about it.
Most philosophers take no interest in religion, and reject it.
Religion is not a very big part of philosophy anyway. Philosophy covers so many things.

Besides, philosophy is about discussion and debate, not arguing, as you seem to refer pretty much. Oh well, there will always be naive people who argue instead of discussing.
True. There are many different subjects that philosophy can cover, but nevertheless religion is often discussed, mostly among those that have no particular faith or are not strongly religious or biased in their own beliefs. Of course, there aren't many people in this world that aren't religious...

Also, religion brings up a lot of dicussion about how the earth and all of its inhabitants were created, and that constantly conflicts directly with science. "Big Bang" verses "intelligent design". "Intelligent design" verses "Darwin's theory of evolution". I've watched a strongly Christian girl debate those exact subjects with my Biology teacher. That was most definitely arguing, but only because they were both so damn stubborn in their beliefs that they wouldn't even consider stopping to see the issue from the other side.
Yeah, that's true. I think we should lay off religion a bit, it would do everyone good I think.

But being Christian, as I am, I kinda like to go the middle way, the compromise. I believe in part in this Intelligent design, and also in Big Bang, and Darwin's theory. I think they can all fit together in this puzzle we call origins of life. Just like I think there is only one religion basically, just different versions.
I wrote in my journal what I think the meaning of life could be. Is it alright if i copy and paste it in here? I really want people's opinions and i think this is the perfect thread, right? I apoligize if I'm interrupting any discussions that are going on. Just ignore this, for now, then. :)

1. People say we're send here on earth for a reason. Everyone has a "goal" here, right? Then I thought...what about the people who rape 10 year olds? What about murderers and drug dealers? Were they sent here to make this place as bad as it is today? Was that their reason for being here?

2. OR everyone, in life, gets two paths layed down in front of them, in some point of their life. A good one and a bad one. Then it's up to that person to decide for what reason they're here. What's the purpose of their existence? It lies in the path they chose. But who says they're in control of what they chose? Who says that it's not already planted in their mind from the day they're born?

3. Do babies get born as killers and drug dealers? Is their mind already set on those things? Is that their destiny? To traumitize someone and maybe even drive them to suicide??

People say that I shouldn't think about this and just live life the way I want to, but don't they get that everyone asks themselves what the purpose of life is SOMETIME during their life? I dunno...what do you think?