phone consultants


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
OK so I loaded a firewall and it completely screwed up my internet connection. I caled my provider (three miles away?) did the whole automated response crap (30 minutes of hell) that didn't work so I ended up transfered to an offshore consultant (bad connection to boot). I understand the need to make money and I am al for equality in teh workplace, but have you ever had to take comand codes from someone who does not even use the letters or sounds they are giving you in their netive laguage? I mean if you are going to have to give me a ten letter comand code, it would be nice if you could pronounce the letters or at least learn the universal codes (alpha charlie delta) FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! I have not had to say "excuse me I missed that last one) more times in a row in my life!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't mind getting help from anyone but good god the comands codes are brutal!!!! Took 45 minuted and had the consultant been american or even english speaking it should have taken 10 minutes tops!!!! ARG!
OUtsourcing sux!!!! Esecially when you have some guy trying totell you to type I N E T W I Z my god!!!1! If only I would figire out how to type what it sounded like he was saying EEEEEEP!!!
I used to have an ISP who changed their "phone consultants", I dropped their ass as soon as I found out that they had taken their call center to India.
These companies have taken away American jobs in favor of a workforce that is below standards because they are happy with so much less money and we the consumer get **** for service AND the American workforce loses more jobs...
I work in the Medical Insurance field, when I call United Medical Insurance to get benefits for a patient, I get to speak with someone in India, they have no clue what they are talking about, just reading off the page. But of course when I need a more complicated function like getting a pre-authorization for medical services, I get an American Call Center, what does that tell you???
Here in Florida an electronics firm laid off all their employees and took the business abroad, they still sell their **** for more then its worth to Americans but its a foreign country that gets the jobs.
OK so I loaded a firewall and it completely screwed up my internet connection. I caled my provider

Why is it your providers fault because YOU loaded a firewall?

This one always makes me laugh.

"I loaded something and it ****ed up my connection"

"Did your connection work before you loaded it?"


"So now it's "our" problem?"


Why? YOU did it.
sandman5140 said:
OK so I loaded a firewall and it completely screwed up my internet connection. I caled my provider

Why is it your providers fault because YOU loaded a firewall?

This one always makes me laugh.

"I loaded something and it ****ed up my connection"

"Did your connection work before you loaded it?"


"So now it's "our" problem?"


Why? YOU did it.

I didn't know it was teh firewall until I called the provieder, I just had no connection. The I GOT the firewall FROM my provider. The firewall I downloaded yeserday aparently has issues with my OS that have not made it to the web page yet and they have been getting calles about it for 48 hours straight. Still think I am a dumbass? Come on sand you should know better than to mess with me on this stuff. I would not post something that would make me look that stupid and YOU know it!
tizz said:
I didn't know it was teh firewall until I called the provieder, I just had no connection. The I GOT the firewall FROM my provider. The firewall I downloaded yeserday aparently has issues with my OS that have not made it to the web page yet and they have been getting calles about it for 48 hours straight. Still think I am a dumbass? Come on sand you should know better than to mess with me on this stuff. I would not post something that would make me look that stupid and YOU know it!

You should have said that to begin with Tizz. You didn't say that your provider "gave" you the firewall and had been having problems. You stated that you had problems after putting the firewall on and then complained about "overseas" help.
Well now you should just know better than to think I would have posted it if it was something I just loaded. Come on now how long have you know me? :p
tizz said:
Well now you should just know better than to think I would have posted it if it was something I just loaded. Come on now how long have you know me? :p

even so, the whole topic has turned to "Outsourcing" and that was not your orginal complaint. Doesn't matter if I myself know you better or not.
Outsourcing is definately PART of my complaint. I was just more pissed at the moment that I had to sit and dicifer WTF this guy was trying to tell me. I left my decoder righ at the office!
tizz said:
Outsourcing is definately PART of my complaint. I was just more pissed at the moment that I had to sit and dicifer WTF this guy was trying to tell me. I left my decoder righ at the office!

Well, if you are gonna bitch about outsourcing, then keep it at that. If you are going to include a product that your provider has given you, then be more clear on what you are saying.
WTF are you talking about??? Who gives a poo about the PRODUCT?? Get with the program here sand and stop trying to debate me on a personal level. We can have much more fun debating the use of idiot crap for political gain ;)
tizz said:
WTF are you talking about??? Who gives a poo about the PRODUCT?? Get with the program here sand and stop trying to debate me on a personal level. We can have much more fun debating the use of idiot crap for political gain ;)

See Tizz....this is where you really piss me off.

Who gives a poo about the PRODUCT?? do or you wouldn't have bitched about it. Were you just not complaining about your provider? That was the FIRST thing you bitched about. You didn't state that they had offered it to you OR that they had been having problems with it.
I didn't bitch about the product, in fact I like my firewall it keeps DA out of my box well. I was bitching about the service. Big difference. Even at that.. I was complaining about ONE aspect of the service. They DID fix teh problem and the guy was very nice, I just thought it inapropriateto have someone who can't pronounce the language give computer commands over long distance. See now I thought that was obvious.
tizz said:
Who gives a poo about the PRODUCT?? ;)

This is the cutest thing I've heard all day.

Thank you.

When I have to dial idiots in any "help" section I put the phone on speaker and busy myself on the computer or knitting or something. I refuse to let these assholes take up my time with a phone at my ear. If I get someone who doesn't impress me with knowledge within the first few sentences I just ask for a supervisor/manager and put the phone back on speaker.

OH yeah...and here's a good one I used for ****ing phone company solicitations (before I put self on Do Not Call List) (that works, btw) ... I'd tell the person in a totally Excited voice that I had WON free long distance and local for life! Yep! It was an INCREDIBLE thing that happened.." and I go into this big long excited rave about this wonderful happenstance. It's so fricken funny...their gears just lock up and grind.."uh..uh..well maybe you want to.." "NO! I got it FREEEE!!".

I hang up really cheerful. It makes my day to **** with these guys. Yeah, they got a job to do...but I don't want to be part of it.
tizz said:
I didn't bitch about the product, in fact I like my firewall it keeps DA out of my box well. I was bitching about the service. Big difference.

Are you smoking crack or what?

OK so I loaded a firewall and it completely screwed up my internet connection.

THAT is not bitching about the product?

I can understand where you are coming from about talking to some lame-**** overseas but the first thing you brought up was how you couldn't connect to the net.
The people I dealt with were nice enough and did fix the problem but the language barrier makes it take ten times longer. I went through this the first time I got teh firewall and it woudn't play nice with Windows. They fixed that up but it took ages and I had to type in about 50 commands (really) and I was on teh fone with some guy in India (I asked) Very annoying!
sandman5140 said:
Are you smoking crack or what?

OK so I loaded a firewall and it completely screwed up my internet connection.

THAT is not bitching about the product?

I can understand where you are coming from about talking to some lame-**** overseas but the first thing you brought up was how you couldn't connect to the net.

Jesus christ sand, you are missing the forrest for A TREE!!! This ain't plaza and I am not so nice here so let it go really. If you want a balls about debate pick a topic but stop being an idiot!
LOL @ skategreen, I used to do things like that as well, I used to work in mental health so I would pretend to be completely out of my mind, talking about seeing things, spitting and hissing and the sort when I would get a call like that, just so they could have an interesting story to tell over the dinner table that night.
I agree with skategreen about the do not call list, I rarely get calls like that now.