
djwakka said:
You guys should invest in 35mm SLR cameras if you're interested in photography =]

It's just that there's more need for manual control, therefore more control for the artist. Most digital cameras, unless they're digital SLR cameras which go for thousands, are hella automatic. It's hard to make artwork with snapshots, no?

I recently updated my photofolio, feel free to register and comment nd stuff

You take some amazing photos, i wish my photography class could do things that werent as restricting.
stupidsoul1 said:
You take some amazing photos, i wish my photography class could do things that werent as restricting.

Thank yuhh, but believe it or not, my photo class was very restricting. Here's my advice i sent to a friend when she was thinking about taking photo.

There are ways around the restrictions though. Say maybe you're given an assignment like candid, people assignments. Like in my class, the assignment was to take pictures of immigrants living in America. When you're forced to take pictures of people, it's gonna show in the picture, so instead I took an old negative and printed it. The person in it happened to be an immigrant and it worked for the project.

So basically to sum it all up, don't worry about the restrictions. Take all the photographs you want. And THEN apply them to the assignment. If and only if you don't have pictures to match the assignment at all, then go out and take photos for it. But I haven't come to that point yet and I've been doing photo for 3-4 years now.

On the note of pictures, art, photography, etc... LPinkfreak... Your sig hurts my eyes.
Oh this appeals to me :]

I take photographs/pictures.
Here's an example:

Not my best, but one of my personal faves.
I love Photography. <33

Here's one of the pictures I took.

I had to resize it...It's actually 2592x1944.

and Here's on I took a while back.

I have lots more but I'm too lazy to upload them. :/
djwakka said:
Thank yuhh, but believe it or not, my photo class was very restricting. Here's my advice i sent to a friend when she was thinking about taking photo.

There are ways around the restrictions though. Say maybe you're given an assignment like candid, people assignments. Like in my class, the assignment was to take pictures of immigrants living in America. When you're forced to take pictures of people, it's gonna show in the picture, so instead I took an old negative and printed it. The person in it happened to be an immigrant and it worked for the project.

So basically to sum it all up, don't worry about the restrictions. Take all the photographs you want. And THEN apply them to the assignment. If and only if you don't have pictures to match the assignment at all, then go out and take photos for it. But I haven't come to that point yet and I've been doing photo for 3-4 years now.

On the note of pictures, art, photography, etc... LPinkfreak... Your sig hurts my eyes.

man you speak truth, but i don't have the cash to go doing my own projects so hence im stuck to the confinements.
Thanks though, you made me feel better.
A few days ago me and my friend Aaron went downtown so he could help me with photography and stuff. Here are some of my favorites:





I used Aaron's Nikon, I also used those 35 mm camera things, they are kinda hard to figure out at first.
XrockinfreakX said:
A few days ago me and my friend Aaron went downtown so he could help me with photography and stuff. Here are some of my favorites:

I used Aaron's Nikon, I also used those 35 mm camera things, they are kinda hard to figure out at first.

I likeee. The first one was a little eh.. not to much going on there. But all the others are great :thumbsup:
djwakka said:
You guys should invest in 35mm SLR cameras if you're interested in photography =]

It's just that there's more need for manual control, therefore more control for the artist. Most digital cameras, unless they're digital SLR cameras which go for thousands, are hella automatic. It's hard to make artwork with snapshots, no?

Well, yes and no, It still depends a great deal on the subject of the photo...
And what you can do in Photoshop, post work is one of the biggest parts of digital photography. At least in my eyes...

Im like your recent stuff on dA btw :thumbsup:

...I havent updated my page on there in ages. :p
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Well, yes and no, It still depends a great deal on the subject of the photo...
And what you can do in Photoshop, post work is one of the biggest parts of digital photography. At least in my eyes...

Im like your recent stuff on dA btw :thumbsup:

...I havent updated my page on there in ages. :p

That's true, anything can be turned into fine artwork. The way I see it is kind of like comparing a box of crayons or markers with a paint set. There's just an increased sense of perception and professionalism.

I was actually amazed at what those tiny digital cameras could do. But the thing was, I couldn't really control it. You can't really focus and adjust the depth of field since it's automatic. Adjusting the light settings is extremely generalized. But these are IDEAL for snapshots w/ your friends and such that you can use with little worry.

Oh and thanks, glad you enjoyed meh photos
So I am taking photography next year in school.. and we have to have access to an 35mm SLR Camera, but I wanna get a new camera this year. So I was thinking I would buy a new camera this year, so I figured I might as well get one I would need for school. Does anyone have any suggestions on which camera I should get?