Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

You know, considering the whiny ass crybaby bullshit alleged MUSIC that I hear being spewed all over the ****ing TV screen and Radio, the bubblegum bullshit from Britney almost makes her sound good.

I mean why does every "NEW" artist sing like they have a ****ing tongue ring in there mouth and a ****ing bad case of Bi-Polar wannabe disorder ??

So O.K. maybe my teen years were spent in the 80's, but by some, that's not much to brag about either, but big deal, I'd rather put up with Jerry Curl Blacks singing "Mr Telephone Man" And white people waring makeup and ear rings then the lame ass look like a whore/EMO/THUG look and musical statement that is made today.

Lately, I just say **** IT, and listen to some of those old 50's and 60's songs my parents listened too.

There really is no comparison in songs like "LAST KISS" in the way J. Frank Wilson sang it, and the way Pearl Jam ****ing raped it to pieces.

**** the music from the whole new MELLENIUM !!
phreakwars said:
There really is no comparison in songs like "LAST KISS" in the way J. Frank Wilson sang it, and the way Pearl Jam ****ing raped it to pieces.


Pearl Jam atleast shows the new youth of today that real music has been around sense this "Nightmare Teenie Boper Bullshit!" Though they did start a trend with grunge. They fall into the same category of Selling out to the masses. They did fight "ticket master" phreak , and that takes balls!
-I love it when someone redoes a song from along time ago and some dumbass says, "what a wonderful song this band wrote" Clueless to the fact that its not thier song. Hmmmm
Anyway, To answer Outlaws Question of "what the teens would listen to is you toke all that away,"The Be A preteen Whore Shite!!"....... Grrrrr.
I say make them learn how to make music so the can really respect it . Before they get sucked into a Corp. Media Slaughter!
I even decided to send Britney ANOTHER letter letting her know how much GF loves her.

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phreakwars said:
I even decided to send Britney ANOTHER letter letting her know how much GF loves her.


Heh heh...that'll motivate her. :p
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No! No! No! No! NO! NO BRITTNEY SPEARS. Phreak, what if she falls in love with that sweet letter you wrote her and decides to become a member?

//end sarcasm.
Yeah I could ****ing see it now.. Britney Spears "GF MEMBER"

She would start her own topic and call it "Justin pisses me off" or even think we would notice her by REALLY bitching about what we say and post a topic called "Hey, I really CAN sing you jerks, lay off"

She'd be in the idiot box in less than a day.

If anything though, I bet the admin that reviews the comments coming in is getting a good laugh.

He knows fully well that some stupid little wannabe Madonna is paying him big bucks to FIND HER some fans, of course GF will get rejected, but still, Britney should just face it, SHE SUCKS ASS !!
Nope, it would be something like this: "OMG! you guys! geuss waht! I totaly steal luv Justen, I hope he steal luvs me two. I am soo mad that he left mee four being a slut. I had a baby! I am so mad/pissed. I diddnot even wont 1. I have No idea were it came from! Can some1 explain pleez. I can 2 sign. Your all just jaelous.
Yeah, you're prbably right. I don't know if she can spell baby. I just wanted to give her a little credit. I don't know if she knows proper English either. She said a song titled: I
Plain and simply, popstars CAN'T SPELL. How do you expect some dipshit that can't amount to anything other than lipsyncing to do anything as complex as not being illiterate?
Yeah, you're right. I wonder if they have these "tutors" they speak of. They say if they're not out of school yet, they have a "teacher" that goes on tour with them. That's obviously bullshit. That or the "teachers" have brain damage.
cynthiaa89 said:
Yeah, you're right. I wonder if they have these "tutors" they speak of. They say if they're not out of school yet, they have a "teacher" that goes on tour with them. That's obviously bullshit. That or the "teachers" have brain damage.

ah, this is a common misunderstanding, when asked by a reporter what special people/things helped them on the 'hard' 'strenuous' tours, they said, "like ya, my like golden teachers" now you all have made the common mistake of thinking they meant a tutour.....

they were referring to 'golden teacher shrooms' :D
This is an absolute pile of crap.

We used to ride the front seat in the laps of our parents all the ****ing time.

Just cause some group of do-gooders deems it to be dangerous doesn't make it so.

When I was a toddler, every ****ing car in the land came equipped with seats, but no seatbelts, and baby restraint devices were a carry crib, or (wait for it), the parent's arms.

Get over it. Just cause it's Spitney Breers, it's a major incident? Get a ****ing life. :rolleyes:
builder said:
This is an absolute pile of crap.

We used to ride the front seat in the laps of our parents all the ****ing time.

Just cause some group of do-gooders deems it to be dangerous doesn't make it so.

When I was a toddler, every ****ing car in the land came equipped with seats, but no seatbelts, and baby restraint devices were a carry crib, or (wait for it), the parent's arms.

Get over it. Just cause it's Spitney Breers, it's a major incident? Get a ****ing life. :rolleyes:

I agree with what you mean. When we were kids riding in the back of a pick-up or in the back window of the car. But in this case we have the airbag, no not Tizz or Lethalfind but the safety airbag. At a impact of as little 35mph it would come out of the steering wheel at about 200mph and rip that baby's head right off. I'm not a do good-er and don't believe in the seat-belt law, but in the case of a kid she was WRONG!
tiredofwhiners said:
I agree with what you mean. When we were kids riding in the back of a pick-up or in the back window of the car. But in this case we have the airbag, no not Tizz or Lethalfind but the safety airbag. At a impact of as little 35mph it would come out of the steering wheel at about 200mph and rip that baby's head right off. I'm not a do good-er and don't believe in the seat-belt law, but in the case of a kid she was WRONG!

How many crocks of **** do I have to deal with here?

A ****ing airbag is gonna rip a kid's head off? WTF???>?

Have you seen an airbag go off? It would simply push the kid's head into the chest of the adult. Suffocation might be a problem, agreed.

More emotive ****ing crapola. Get a grip. :rolleyes:
builder said:
How many crocks of **** do I have to deal with here?

A ****ing airbag is gonna rip a kid's head off? WTF???>?

Have you seen an airbag go off? It would simply push the kid's head into the chest of the adult. Suffocation might be a problem, agreed.

More emotive ****ing crapola. Get a grip. :rolleyes:
You're not entirely right. The sudden impact of the airbag can cause fatal injuries to a child that young, especially since he wasn't properly strapped in.
Airbags could seriously injure or even kill an unbuckled child or adult who is sitting too close to the air bag or who is thrown toward the dash during emergency braking. In a crash, the air bag inflates very quickly. It could hit anything close to the dashboard with enough force to cause severe injuries or even death.