Please Read ASAP

Solid Snake said:
If you have a router, your IP changes every 24 hours. If you use dail-up, your IP changes everytime you log on. They can't do jack with your IP without the help of your ISP. Just delete your trail and stay offline for a months......o_0
but with his ip they can contact his isp, and get his contact info
WOW! Sounds like you have been having a rough night or two. Damn...Well hopefully everything gets better and worked out.

Stupid Ass (EDIT) (EDIT) (EDIT) "Human"!

You should hunt him down and kill him. :p
lol, I didn't mean to be racist too Germans. I was specifically talking about that guy. But yes I did think about that maybe people would get offensive before posting that. Sorry for anyone who thinks I was being offensive.

Damm Bro, I Spend One Night Away From My Comp And All This Happens :O * Feels Responsable* I'll Keep Trading For Us Whilst You'r Gone And I Got Ur Home Addy So Ill Send You Some Bits To Make You Time Easier Man, :'( See Ya Soon Man
Wow. Well, I'm not going to say much because a lot of other people already said what was on my mind. So I guess I'll wish you good luck with getting out of your tight spot and I hope we still see you around. I'm ultra-careful nowadays with copyright on websites, I never used to be but I didn't know much about it anyway. It certainly pays off to be careful, as illustrated here.
Whoa Hahn, damn it looks like you got yourself in a really sticky situation there o_0 That's some crazy ass story that I thought only happened on tv or something lol. I'm so sorry to hear but uhh, I guess that'll teach you a lesson? >.> <.< *cough*. I don't know but really, I really hope nothing happens to you. You're a kid right? They can't really do much o_0 Just say you didn't know better. Good luck! It sucks so bad but you'll be fine! Update us on the situation if it gets better / worse ok? All the best Hahninator, see you around!
Well did he actually even do anything yet? Like wasnt he planing on selling stuff... but did he actually?

O, and he told me on AIM he would be posting on here soon... I think more about his situation. All he told me was "Its Bad". Right now his away message says "Dinner"... So maybe he'll post after that... I dunno really.

Good luck Mark...