Please Read ASAP

Well on the police subject, that wouldn't be too much trouble with the loud music and neighbours. They'll let him off with that I'm sure unless they're really mean or whatever :|

He didn't even do anything yet though, non of that merchandise that was suppose to be for Fort minor was made or sold yet :\ How can they know his intentions when no action had been taken place yet o_0 *Just trying to think of reasons to defend him* As much as I think it's wrong what he did, I know he meant no harm and he doesn't deserve this.

Well hopefully he'll be fine. I hope he gives us an update anyway. Indeed good luck.
hi, i can at least use the internet for a bit.

ok look, the whole problem is that...
A. I used copyrighted logos (even though I changed them around, wtf?)
B. I used a copyrighted name and was selling unauthorized material under that copyrighted name (they don't know the whole story)
C. I was distributing fan bootlegs LOL howd they find out about that? ask my ISP for my internet activity or something? it was the FM shows btw..

I dunno about the cops/FM loud thing, i think im fine with that besides being grounded and all

no damn idea on whats going to happen from warner yet as ive only gotten 3 emails from them stating all the **** thats happened

k, so my parents were contacted..its bad :O

im grounded from going anywhere with friends to like the movies or to their house, etc for like a long time, i dont even know when
then as soon as school is over ive gotta come home and no tv or anything :O
and today i had to do all kinda yardwork from 4-7 -___________-

ill let yall know about it all, and what happens when I can get back online :O

my next action is to release Germany bootleg all over the damn place and shove it in their face. im not taking anything from warner O_O

thanks for the support,
i dont think thyey know hes on though

o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
He didn't even do anything yet though, non of that merchandise that was suppose to be for Fort minor was made or sold yet
he had a store up so anyone could ahve bought anything at any time, so they can only assume thaqt he was trying to sell it, because thats hte only thing you couldve been doin
they dont know im on, theyre at a friends house..I like locked my comp parts in my chest in my room that holds my LP albums
Damn that really sucks. Are they actually going to file a lawsuit against you? If they do you should at least get off easy cause you're a minor and if you can convince them that you weren't planning on selling any of it of something like that. Well good luck to ya with all that ****.
well, the first file sharing victim was a minor, still sued for a couple mill. then lowered it for press appeal to a couple hundred thousand, so they can sue him the same as they can sue an adult. and how can he convince them he wasnt panning to seel it? he had a store up where people oculd buy things
Damn Mark.... that really sucks.... I didn't know if it would actually happen, but I guess it is now. I'm not gonna tell you your an idiot, cause I disagree.... we are doing what we are doing for the good of everyone. Down with Warner! And I hope everything goes alright with you.
Id say what you did was kind of dumb,but i probably would have done the exact same thing(this comes from experionce)
Cyro said:
I'm not gonna tell you your an idiot, cause I disagree.... we are doing what we are doing for the good of everyone. Down with Warner! And I hope everything goes alright with you.
We all want to bring warner down. But selling copyrighted material....thats not the way to do it. We need to be mature about this and think. We dont want to be spontaneos(or w/e you spell it) we want to think out our actions. I have no disrespect for mark, but it was stupid. Im sure you realize it now, but you need to start thinking, and realize it before you act.

Remember, I aint tryin to diss you, I'm just statin the facts, i have no disrespect to you at all.(are actualyl pretty damn badass)
Hyper said:
meh, just throwing this out there, but is ther a possibility you could argue it's kidna like ebay?
Other than the fact that on ebay, if someone is trying to sell something that is copyrighted on there..... the bought it legally.

"It could always be a hoax" -Wont say who said that, but it could be, on hahns end that is.... ;)
Hybrid Soldier said:
We all want to bring warner down. But selling copyrighted material....thats not the way to do it. We need to be mature about this and think. We dont want to be spontaneos(or w/e you spell it) we want to think out our actions. I have no disrespect for mark, but it was stupid. Im sure you realize it now, but you need to start thinking, and realize it before you act.

Remember, I aint tryin to diss you, I'm just statin the facts, i have no disrespect to you at all.(are actualyl pretty damn badass)

Oh... yes... I thout it went without saying that selling copyrighted stuff wasn't a good idea... I thought yall were talking about him blasting his music, lol. My bad, a little misinterpretation on my part. Now that I read over my post... it was kind of misleading, heh, sorry.
Hyper said:
well yeah, but as long as he doesn't gain any profit, it's just opening hte way for more people to buy it..

That was the whole dang purpose. I stated it on the homepage that I didn't make any profit from it O_O