Poems That you wrote when you were feeling down?


Active Member
Jul 8, 2004
CA, Panorama City
Mine is:

As i sit next to my window and look at the view I see my flower plant very happy and shiney. Locked up in my room makes me happy.
My mom comes in, slames the door open starts and and screaming. As i sleep in my bed I start to cry, as my flower plant gets sad and dies.
o_O...my kinda thred...


oh how much simpler life seems
when you gazes upon the stars,
the endlessly twinkling stars
on their slow path across the sky

your mind wanders
and all your cares liquefy
flowing from your body
like an invisible river of emotion

all that is around you morphs
degrades and disappears
until there is nothing between you
and the endless dark of night

and you feel yourself become weightless
and fragile and somehow the stars seem closer
almost as if you could reach out
and pluck them from the sky

and yet without fail
something will cause you to fall
cause you to cascade toward the earth
and ruthlessly snap you back to reality

and it is so sudden that you look about
examine your surroundings
you reach out and touch the nearest object
just to make sure you are alive
I think I've wrote one poem that wasn't for school. I wrote it when I was kind of stressed. It goes a little something like this:


Beautiful, hey?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't write poems or anything when I'm feeling down. I usually find other ways of trying to feel better.
misery said:
I think I've wrote one poem that wasn't for school. I wrote it when I was kind of stressed. It goes a little something like this:


Beautiful, hey?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't write poems or anything when I'm feeling down. I usually find other ways of trying to feel better.

hah go you
LinkinPark33Grl said:
Mine is:

As i sit next to my window and look at the view I see my flower plant very happy and shiney. Locked up in my room makes me happy.
My mom comes in, slames the door open starts and and screaming. As i sleep in my bed I start to cry, as my flower plant gets sad and dies.
aww.. thats a sad, but very good..

heres my poem, lol i wasnt sad when i wrote it, i wrote when i as eating chocolate ice cream, and that was about 10 mins ago, and i dont think this poem relates to me in anyway, it just kinda popped into my head, so i thought i write it down.. meh.. i knows it sucks..

Here i lay at night curled up in a ball, staring at the ceil and wonder why i exist,
and asking myself these question..

Does anyone i love me?
Does the world need me?
Does anyone care if i die?

Then i remember what you said to me, all those years ago,

I love you..
I need you, your my world..
If you died, i would die too..

Then i smile to myself and slowly drift to sleep.
There’s a woman crying out tonight,
She moans and wails, there is no light.
She cannot sleep at night,
She cannot make things right,
Her son has died,
He committed suicide.
No one noticed his pain,
They thought he was sane.
He was the one walking in the hall,
Bumped and not noticed at all.
And yet it changed right there,
With a flick and a swish of air.
Now they notice and care,
As they talk about it walking down the stairs,
“Who was he?” they ask,
After school has passed.
They tell his name,
And how they’re to blame,
But soon they’ll forget his name,
And everything will remain the same.
There’s a woman crying out tonight,
She moans and wails, there is no light.
How can they sleep at night?
How can they make things right?
She can’t sleep at night,
No one can make it right.

inspired by the Good Charlotte song We Believe
misery said:
I think I've wrote one poem that wasn't for school. I wrote it when I was kind of stressed. It goes a little something like this:


Beautiful, hey?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't write poems or anything when I'm feeling down. I usually find other ways of trying to feel better.

*tear tear*
That was so beautiful!!

I dont write poems,when im feeling down,i turn up music,REALLY LOUD.
It calms me.
When im down ilisten to music and write at the same time, its kinda my therapy, and i write a lot. this is a poem when i felt really really down, it isnt exactly a happy poem..

Go on
Scream at me
I wont feel it
Not anymore
I’ve become numb
I’ve blocked your voice

I’m waiting
Waiting until your done
But I stay in the anticipation
Of your screaming
Your mortifying words
Feeling it cut
Cut in my soul
Deeper everytime

I’m waiting
Waiting for the lethal strike
I will be freed
I will be free
When I die
It’ll be over
I’ll never feel again
The bliss it would be
Please kill me..

yeah..i was kinda depressed..
This is a poem I wrote when I was a bit depressed

It’s Now

Here I go, I’m diving in
Straight to the depths of this ice cold ocean
It’s freezing now, but not to me
I can’t feel myself dying
Because to me my blood is boiling
And as the waves crash down
They bury me within the sands

So perfectly still I lie here
Trying not to make a sound
As the rocks cut my body
And blood pours all around
And it’s now I start to freeze
My hands shiver with the waves
And it’s now that I feel I’m dying

The waters turn a crimson red
Where my body lays
So still beneath the surface
It feels like I’ve been here for days
My heart pounds loudly in my head
I can’t hear myself scream
Just the sound of my dying heart

I want to wake up from this dream
But I have to face the truth
There’s no one here to save me now
I’m drowning in myself
I pray for life, I pray for air
I know I’ll never wake
I’m not living in a dream anymore
misery said:
I think I've wrote one poem that wasn't for school. I wrote it when I was kind of stressed. It goes a little something like this:


Beautiful, hey?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't write poems or anything when I'm feeling down. I usually find other ways of trying to feel better.

best one yet. ;)
wow everyone is very talented. well i do have poems in the writers corner but i will post here too.

Lonely Tomorrow

Being alone is the scariest feeling.
When there is no one around to talk to.
When you're stuck in a rut of loneliness.
When you feel as if no one could possibly love you.

When you feel ugly no matter what they will say.
The face in the mirror is even full of despair.
The personality has become annoying.
The people who loved you once, no longer care.

Then the world you live in begins to transform.
It takes on a new face.
The peole that were once here are dead to you now.
There is no one worth the pain in this place.

You go though the day without help.
You feel nothing but disgust for these people who fake sympathy.
You're too insecure to even be concerned.
You hide your confusion in your misery.

You forbid too cry because tears show weakness.
Frowns bring nothing but questions and sorrow.
All memories of the past are erased to protect the isolation you now live in.
Now you dread for another lonely tomorrow.

written by: Terry O
I write some "poems"(if u can call what I write poems:rolleyes:lol)when I feel sad or happy or even if I´m listening a romantic song lol,I have a romantic side(kinda).
Anyway here it´s the last one I wrote:

Without You

Here I am
Watching this landscape
And thinking you will never come back
Now that I´m alone,I don´t know what to do.
Everything feels so empty
Without you.
We used to be happy together.
Why did u have to leave?
My heart cries every time
I think about you.
Sometimes I wonder if I
Was the one who made a mistake
I wish everything could be like before,
But now everything is different and
I miss you so badly that I can´t live without you.
I ask myself if you can live without me.
4everLP_Shinoda said:
I write some "poems"(if u can call what I write poems:rolleyes:lol)when I feel sad or happy or even if I´m listening a romantic song lol,I have a romantic side(kinda).
Anyway here it´s the last one I wrote:

Without You

Here I am
Watching this landscape
And thinking you will never come back
Now that I´m alone,I don´t know what to do.
Everything feels so empty
Without you.
We used to be happy together.
Why did u have to leave?
My heart cries every time
I think about you.
Sometimes I wonder if I
Was the one who made a mistake
I wish everything could be like before,
But now everything is different and
I miss you so badly that I can´t live without you.
I ask myself if you can live without me.

I really like that. and yes thats a poem.