Pretentious language


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Just out of curiosity--show of hands. If you heard someone use the following words in a conversation, would you call them pretentious?

balderdash (said loudly)

Let me know.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Words that you don't understand are pretentious?

I think they are all wonderful words, except maybe balderdash; it's a little outdated. I suppose it depends on how they are used. There are many cases where any of those words could be used by a non-pretentious person. Perhaps your opinion of these words is skewed based on your opinion of the person using them.
The only word there I don't here on a regular basis from MOST poeple I know is Balderdash (only my grandma still uses that word) I think you need to surround yourself with people of a more substantial vocabulary
Its a little ironic that you are pissed off that someone is using words such as thoughs. You are constantly dipping into the thesaurus to add intellect to your your should feel OKEY DOKEY with those words
Silver_dragon87 said:
Just out of curiosity--show of hands. If you heard someone use the following words in a conversation, would you call them pretentious?

balderdash (said loudly)

Let me know.

I think that this is an underhanded comment at me perhaps. :p I haven't seen "Balderdash" used except by me, but I could be mistaken.

http://Off Topic

I cannot help but think that our beloved SD's opinions are skewed in an obtuse direction; however her rants are beginning to dwindle.

Unfortunately, she has this burning need to reiterate other people's posts which annoy her, and she is quite deliberate in her intentions to insinuate their lack of intelligence, yet she has no qualms with the balderdash she says so loudly.

It would seem to the casual observer that this is a course of action riddled with pitfalls and quirks and regrettably, one might have thought that she would have striven for excellence instead of her usual sewer squirt she calls opinion writing. :rolleyes:

Oh and one more thing...nobody has agreed with her thus far...again...How nouveaux :p ... :rolleyes:
I don't need a thesaurus, I have my own cool words, like "SCHIAVO", which is what I'm falling into now reading this drivel.

I find it discouraging that a member is complaining about another's vocabulary, rather than the lack of it. What should it matter to you?
Damn CES that was brilliant. I have to start spreading more rep just to get back to that post DAMN!
Having a wide variety of words at one's disposal empowers one to really communicate exactly what one means.

I'd much rather spend my time chatting about with folks who have the ability to know and use language well, ... I love folks who can tell a good story. In order to do so, these folks are usually the ones with great phrases, "turn of the tongue"..and can describe things well - paint a picture with words. I'd much rather listen to this as opposed to someone to whom everything is "neat" or "cool" ..."and then he goes, and then I go" "and he's like and I'm like"

None of the words above are pretentious in and of themselves. What I do find pretentious is when folks use words for which they obviously don't know the definitions - "trying to sound smart". I rarely run into these folks as I don't go to bars! (RFLOL)

SD's posts show she has a decent vocabulary and grammar...though I don't generally spend a lot of time reading the posts due to content. Me thinks she's a reader. Can't knock that.
Reading some of SD's rants reminds me of reading a ****ing Johanna Lindsey novel. And that ****ing font color hurts my eyes.

phreakwars said:
Reading some of SD's rants reminds me of reading a ****ing Johanna Lindsey novel. And that ****ing font color hurts my eyes.


You make me laugh.

Tizz and Gal, I'm not surprised that you think so little of me as to assume that these words are over my head. I understand all of them and that's why when I saw them used as they were, I called it pretentious. They're a class of vocabulary that should be used sparingly; saturating a post with this kind of language makes a mockery of what you're actually trying to say because it comes off AS so pretentious.

Of course, no one here seems to agree with me which, in hindsight, I should have expected. I, too, have been........subjected to some pretty brutal versions of our language, so I can, I guess, see how you might be.........not quite impressed, but it's close enough, by this sort of language. Whereas, meaning no tooting of the horn, I can see that the writer is BEING a pretentious bitch. She has no fine-tuning of the language she uses, but I guess that's really my own thing. (Writer, what can I say? I'm sensitive to the misuse of any awkwardness in a piece.

CES, you should know I wouldn't insult you.

Ruse, I care because I see an, as I lovingly refer to you know, pretentious little bitch abusing my language. You sound like a complete idiot rather than a...whatever you want to sound like. A scholar? Your writing has no flow because you insist on using your thesaurus at every turn.

Gal, I only use a thesaurus in actual writing. Here, I use whatever word comes to mind. What you see in these posts is exactly how my inner monologue sounds. The only thing I use is my spell-check because, stupid me, sometimes I forget how to spell weird words. Also I'm a bit OC and even if I know it's right, I have to check ;)

Skate, there's a very large difference between having a broad vocabulary and being a stuck-up *****. Someone in the room has crossed it. c(o: Who knows, maybe I have too, though I like to think that I walk the line between arrogant and everyday. Well, okay, if I'm up on a high horse sometimes the tone changes.

Which is my problem with Ruse; she rode in on a ****ing 19-hander and hasn't climbed down. Settle down, kid; you don't need to impress people with your 'command' of English.

Sorry phreak, never read Lindsey. And I'm SILVER dragon--my font has to be some sort of grey, and I found this to be the least offensive of the options.

And what happened to your old avatar? It was hilarious. :(

See right there, perfect example, I laughed so hard I cried, I cried so hard I laughed, it was great.. All that was missing is the steamy sex scene and a ****ing picture of Fabio on the front...

SD87 and the new world order
A teenage angst of life:

Now in ****ing hardcover edition !!

EDIT: Which one (avatar) do you mean ?? Chunks, my puppy ??
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Ack sorry phreak, slip of the fingers. I said avatar, but I meant siggy. >_< And **** yes, it should be SD's world order. I'd clean **** up rubs hands together, eyes gleaming but I'll never have that kind of power. wilt Anyway, it's a shame.

And I can't believe Fabio wrote a book. What I can believe is that my mom owns it. Shocked the hell out of me, and now it's a pox on our bookshelf.
The words as you described, Shauna, wouldn't characterize a pretentious person. In everyday speech I use those words, and not with the intention to sound high-class or anything. Honestly, to me, those words seem completely normal, and I'd expect any half-idiot to understand them.

Except maybe "balderdash"

I have an old-school game called Balderdash :D
TheJenn88 said:
The words as you described, Shauna, wouldn't characterize a pretentious person. In everyday speech I use those words, and not with the intention to sound high-class or anything. Honestly, to me, those words seem completely normal, and I'd expect any half-idiot to understand them.

Except maybe "balderdash"

I have an old-school game called Balderdash :D
Balderdash means nonsense.. I prefer the term "Horse ****", it means the same and has a Texas flair. But I do like the term "Balderdash" because professor Farnsworth on Futurama uses it.