Pro-illegal freaks at Columbia U at it again.

Those same ****suckers actually think its racist of people to say immigrants should assimilate by learning English. They wave the Mexican flag, not the American flag. We are being invaded. As they dip deeper into the American political system, they are extorting power through the vote.

In California they have so many accidents involving illegals crossing the Santa Ana freeway, that they posted a crossing sign that shows a man, woman and child holding hands and running. To warn drivers of the impending danger of pedestrian traffic. The local Mexican activist view this sign as racist. What the ****?
Political Correctness at its most illogical "best". The "logic" by which these morons operate is proof that the ultra-liberalism this country is suffering from is doing far more harm than good.
Kryptonite Man said:
Political Correctness at its most illogical "best". The "logic" by which these morons operate is proof that the ultra-liberalism this country is suffering from is doing far more harm than good.

First clever thing I've read of your's greengrocer. Are you feeling okay? :confused:
Kryptonite Man said:
Political Correctness at its most illogical "best". The "logic" by which these morons operate is proof that the ultra-liberalism this country is suffering from is doing far more harm than good.

What ultra-liberalism? Between the extreme crackdown in censorship from Ashcroft's FCC, the reduction of civil rights from The Patriot Act in order for greater security, the constant war and threats to invade anywhere Dubyah deems an outlaw regime, and the Republicans' virtual monopoly of two of the three branches of government, I don't see how you could consider the current regime anything but ultra-conservative. The repressiveness is growing rather than shrinking, too.

Yeah, those students were ****tards and border control should be increased, but don't pretend this kind of thing reflects a trend when it's more of an abberation.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
What ultra-liberalism? Between the extreme crackdown in censorship from Ashcroft's FCC, the reduction of civil rights from The Patriot Act in order for greater security, the constant war and threats to invade anywhere Dubyah deems an outlaw regime, and the Republicans' virtual monopoly of two of the three branches of government, I don't see how you could consider the current regime anything but ultra-conservative. The repressiveness is growing rather than shrinking, too.

Yeah, those students were ****tards and border control should be increased, but don't pretend this kind of thing reflects a trend when it's more of an abberation.
It is quite a trend, fella. We have gays wanting to get married. Illegal immigrants that think they have the same ****ing rights as Americans. Blacks that blame whits folks for hurricanes. Minority groups are snatching the whole pie instead of just a piece.

Illegal Mexican immigrants (excuse me>>>INVADERS) are using their political leverage to destroy what is America. How is it that aliens invaders have political leverage? Because they have ultra-liberal pinkos on the inside. Bleeding hearts that feel for every sorry ******* with a sob story. What the **** is wrong with Mexico? Why is that country so bad off that millions of their people feel the need to come here and leech?

Get ready Canada. Some day the spics are gonna **** this nation up so bad and overtake the population to such an extent, that they will start looking around at what they have created (rather destroyed) and say to themselves "Wow, look at all the Mexicans, lets go to Canada, I hear there aren't any wetbacks there". What gets me is how they obviously hate their own nation so much that they risk their lives and the lives of their families to come here. Then they slap Mexican flags all over their vehicles and homes and refuse to learn English.

The truth is ugly. Mexico sucks. Mexicans suck. To refute this you fly in the face of the obvious. Legal Mexican immigrants that assimilate and become part of America, rather then take part of America, are good by me. The rest need to be killed. Executed for assailing the American way.
Jhony5 hit the vinegar stroke when he typed this ****.
The truth is ugly. Mexico sucks. Mexicans suck. To refute this you fly in the face of the obvious. Legal Mexican immigrants that assimilate and become part of America, rather then take part of America, are good by me. The rest need to be killed. Executed for assailing the American way

That puts the onus on you, big fella, to describe in minute detail, the "American way". If you could do that for me, I would be eternally grateful.
Or just gloss over the main pointers would be a starter, Jhony5.

We'll take it from there.
builder said:
Jhony5 hit the vinegar stroke when he typed this ****.

That puts the onus on you, big fella, to describe in minute detail, the "American way". If you could do that for me, I would be eternally grateful.
You just wouldn't understand, bud.

Foreigners just hate it when Americans say "The American way".
I'll try in more detail later. My daughter just awoke.
Jhony5 said:
You just wouldn't understand, bud.

That's an assumption buddy. You people might not care about the rest of the world you live in, but strangley enough, the rest of the world cares.

Jhony5 said:
Foreigners just hate it when Americans say "The American way".

Another bullshit assumption. Where do you get off Mister? All I see is bluster and bluff.

Jhony5 said:
I'll try in more detail later. My daughter just awoke.

Oh, more important details to attend. I understand entirely.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
What ultra-liberalism? Between the extreme crackdown in censorship from Ashcroft's FCC, the reduction of civil rights from The Patriot Act in order for greater security, the constant war and threats to invade anywhere Dubyah deems an outlaw regime, and the Republicans' virtual monopoly of two of the three branches of government, I don't see how you could consider the current regime anything but ultra-conservative. The repressiveness is growing rather than shrinking, too.

Yeah, those students were ****tards and border control should be increased, but don't pretend this kind of thing reflects a trend when it's more of an abberation.

I guess FDR was a conservative. This administration has increased domestic spending at the fastest rate since LBJ, expanded Medicare and increased federal intevention in our public school system while implementing Wilsonian foreign policy. They are a bunch of ****ing liberals.
Posted by Builder:
Another bullshit assumption. Where do you get off Mister?
Foreigners DO hate it when Americans say this. As evidenced by your reaction to it.

The American way.

Its an intangible and difficult to describe comment. Allow me to try and make it clear.

Take a drive through ten US cities. Go into the various shops and talk to the various peoples.

Then go to Mexico. Drive through ten major Mexican cities. Go into the various shops. Talk to the people.

Return to your home and think about what you've just experienced. The American way. The Mexican way. Each nation has a culture. Each nation has a "way". Ask yourself honestly which "way" you prefer.

I think the Mexicans prefer the American way, ****ing obviously right? They prefer it to their own nations dirt farming backassward impoverished crumb bum way. Or they wouldn't be crossing miles of perilous desert to escape it.
You people might not care about the rest of the world you live in, but strangely enough, the rest of the world cares.
This is a smug generalization of Americans. I do care about the rest of the world, to some effect, and I think most Americans do.

Americans just want the citizens of their nation to be exactly that, Americans. Not Mexicans. If Mexicans want to move to the United States, then god dammit they should be Americans. They can be proud of their Mexican culture, but if your gonna move here and suck $$$ from the welfare system, clog the county jails with alcoholics, and maintain a residence in a government subsidized housing complex. They best ****ing assimilate.

The guy that lives next door to me in my middle class housing sub-division, hes a Mexican American. Hes a gets it. He works hard and has ****. He speaks English when he has a question at the local supermarket.

The gaggle of 5 foot tall Mexicans walking down the side of the road to the liquor store for their daily ration of cerveza, those are spics and I ****ing spit on them, LITERALLY, when I see them. I'm the idiot redneck leaning out my truck window screaming at them "Go back to Africa ya ****ing wetbacks". I might feel bad if the illiterate ****s understood English.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
What ultra-liberalism? Between the extreme crackdown in censorship from Ashcroft's FCC, the reduction of civil rights from The Patriot Act in order for greater security, the constant war and threats to invade anywhere Dubyah deems an outlaw regime, and the Republicans' virtual monopoly of two of the three branches of government, I don't see how you could consider the current regime anything but ultra-conservative. The repressiveness is growing rather than shrinking, too.

Yeah, those students were ****tards and border control should be increased, but don't pretend this kind of thing reflects a trend when it's more of an abberation.

My friend, K-man, sometimes struggles with his thoughts. On this particular point, he is dead on with his assumption.

Why can't it be the political left that has exploited minorities to the brink of mortification? Trivialized our miniscule border patrol? Then abusing our overtly generous welfare institution?

Since we, as Americans, have to tiptoe around ****ing shitheel Muslims because of political correctness; why is it so hard to believe that the foundations laid by neo-commie/ultra-liberal establisments, like the ACLU, has weakened the country's utmost important goal. Which is, national security, and this can only be achieved by thwarting this ****ing leviathan with a harpoon. Strengthen our country's resolve by enforcing the laws of the land.

Then again, the neo-cons have figured it best to concentrate their efforts in Iraq and forego the squabbles of the petty poor citizens.
Jhony5 said:
The gaggle of 5 foot tall Mexicans walking down the side of the road to the liquor store for their daily ration of cerveza, those are spics and I ****ing spit on them, LITERALLY, when I see them. I'm the idiot redneck leaning out my truck window screaming at them "Go back to Africa ya ****ing wetbacks". I might feel bad if the illiterate ****s understood English.

Wait.... this will do for pretext!

Africa translates very well into Spanish and they may be an ignorant rabble, but they know that they aren't from that region. However, I can see the confusion; border-****** is a popular slang for Mexicans here in the Shining South.

Though similar in appearance, you never want to confuse a Mexican for a Guatamalan or vice versa.
RoyalOrleans said:
Though similar in appearance, you never want to confuse a Mexican for a Guatamalan or vice versa.

That's why I just call them all beaners.
hugo said:
That's why I just call them all beaners.


Their diet consists of corn and bean byproducts. With this much ruffage, you'd think they'd all be lithe and slight of build.
Jhony5 said:
It is quite a trend, fella. We have gays wanting to get married.

And unless you're a bigot, that's a problem ... Why??? I can see wanting to preserve the name of marriage, but they should have every right to form civil unions that give them all the same rights as if they were married. The only issue here is the name of "marriage." Civil unions should make this a non-issue.

If you're against gays being allowed civil unions, then you're just a bigotted tyrant trying to tell people how to live their lives.

Jhony5 said:
Illegal immigrants that think they have the same ****ing rights as Americans.

No, they just complain about certain exploitations. Anyway, yeah, our border policy needs to be stepped up, I agree. That's one of the very FEW legitimate arguments that the oppressive right-wing nutjobs running the government have right now.

Jhony5 said:
Blacks that blame whits folks for hurricanes.

Um, no. They blame the white folks in the government for the shitty response to the hurricane ... Not for causing it. They're blaming the people for NOT DOING THEIR JOB. It would be the same deal if there was a similarly crappy response in NY, Texas, Illinois, Connecticut, Florida, wherever.

Jhony5 said:
Minority groups are snatching the whole pie instead of just a piece.

This sounds kinda like a bigotted comment.

(I'm white, before you ask)

Jhony5 said:
Illegal Mexican immigrants (excuse me>>>INVADERS) are using their political leverage to destroy what is America. How is it that aliens invaders have political leverage? Because they have ultra-liberal pinkos on the inside. Bleeding hearts that feel for every sorry ******* with a sob story. What the **** is wrong with Mexico? Why is that country so bad off that millions of their people feel the need to come here and leech?

What political power do they have? Hell, what political power do "bleeding hearts" have? It's moral tyrants like John Ashcroft who hold the power right now. Again, the border policy needs to be stepped up, but you're VASTLY exaggerating it. It's the same problem it's been for a long time, and they don't have any real political power.

Jhony5 said:
Get ready Canada. Some day the spics are gonna **** this nation up so bad and overtake the population to such an extent, that they will start looking around at what they have created (rather destroyed) and say to themselves "Wow, look at all the Mexicans, lets go to Canada, I hear there aren't any wetbacks there". What gets me is how they obviously hate their own nation so much that they risk their lives and the lives of their families to come here. Then they slap Mexican flags all over their vehicles and homes and refuse to learn English.

... Aaaaand this is all a bunch of bigotted stereotyping of Mexican people.

Lookit me, I can stereotype my own country too!

[All those stupid, fat ****ing redneck American warmongers, going around invading every damn place like they own the world, giving shitty excuses for why people hate them like "It's because we love freedom", pretending they're the freest place on Earth when most of Europe has more social freedoms, complaining about Mexico, but running there every year for Spring Break, with a bunch of dumbass kids flunking out of high school and getting obese from McDonald's while watching pro wrestling]

Jhony5 said:
The truth is ugly. Mexico sucks. Mexicans suck. To refute this you fly in the face of the obvious. Legal Mexican immigrants that assimilate and become part of America, rather then take part of America, are good by me. The rest need to be killed. Executed for assailing the American way.

And this is just nationalistic bullshit. Dude, you're seriously beginning to sound like Ann "Nazi" Coulter.
hugo said:
I guess FDR was a conservative. This administration has increased domestic spending at the fastest rate since LBJ, expanded Medicare and increased federal intevention in our public school system while implementing Wilsonian foreign policy. They are a bunch of ****ing liberals.

Can you even define what "liberal" is? Looks like you're using the Bill 'O Reilly definition, where "liberal" simply means someone who wants to raise taxes or "cause trouble." Either that or you've assigned the practices of a few Democrats to all "liberals."

Read this:

When it comes to things like spending, affirmative action, and border policy, anyway, I can see the "conservative" view. When it comes to personal freedoms, if you're NOT a liberal in the traditional sense, you're most likely a bigot. Libertarians are a lot closer to liberals in the true sense than either Democrats or Republicans, though.