prostituted 2 year old SucksBBS style of revenge needed

tizz said:
Hey wait, hhhmm could it be that the mother in question is ANNA and the man is PHREAK and here in lies their strange relationship?

Flaming? hmmmm. You guys tell me ,Id really like to know.
Back to the subect here.....My son was molested while in the care of his mother 3000 miles away. He was molested by a 17 yr old male babysitter. I'm still have problems coming to terms with this. So latly i have been following new laws on preventing sex offenders from being allowed to come around children at all!
I have personal experience in this subject, too. It's not funny when people try to crack jokes about it and **** like that. My thing is, if someone knows that it has happened to you and they still crack jokes, they are a ****ING *****. But, the thing is, people don't know. Yeah, people probably should keep their mouths shut since it's a quite common thing these days, but how could you know? Anyways, maybe threads like this should never be started.
sixes said:
Flaming? hmmmm. You guys tell me ,Id really like to know.
Back to the subect here.....My son was molested while in the care of his mother 3000 miles away. He was molested by a 17 yr old male babysitter. I'm still have problems coming to terms with this. So latly i have been following new laws on preventing sex offenders from being allowed to come around children at all!

Ya and I was molested then raped as a teen and abused physically as a kid. SO what. I did not kn0ow it would set him off, mentioned anna, and it was a joke to get back for a lot of **** I was getting. I have a four year old and ya I know the local offender list by heart. Still, it was a jab, very obviously NOT meant to be take seriously at all
Well, like I said, I have personal experience there. Something like that would not offend me if the person didn't know. And trust me, if someone like ME can take it lightly, anyone should be able too. I get mad over EVERYTHING. I can't say I know what it feels like to have it done to someone close to me, so I wouldn't know how it made him feel.

Personally, I think some subjects should be avoided. They cause to much controversy and piss off everyone. Things like this probably should just be all out avoided.
Ya i have been offended on rare occasion when someone hits something they didn't know would bother me but at least I TELL them they crossed a line and I have never had a problem resolving the issue. It's called being an adult.

Ya I went for the crotch, I was a little peeved that I was being singled out but never told WHY, still haven't been, but the fact that I mentioned an idiot like anna shows it was not a serious crotch shot.

I am NOT a mean person and I doubt anyone who has EER met me in life or online would say I was
Outlaw2747 said:
You know what? I am sick and tired of these sick stupid mother****ers that have sex with children. ARE THEY THAT ****ING PATHETIC!?! What the **** possess a ****ing grown adult to have sex WITH A CHILD!?! At that, the ****ing mother allows this? She condones this? You know, I would be honored, if someone employed me to wipe these sorry, mindless, insidious, insignificant excuses of multicelluar organism off the face of the ****ing Earth but not before I put them through a torturous ordeal that they would hope ends in a quick death only for me to end their ****ing lives as slowly and inhumanely as possible.

I feel the exact same way.
Vortex said:
what exactly is your connection to anna?

Never might get some respect!
All right, I've had enough of this ****...

Sacy: The IP Address is: The host name is:

Anna Perenna: The IP Address is: The host name is:

Same asswipe.

Sacy is BANNED Permanently.

Anna is Idiot Boxed for a month.
ANNA, you naughty girl.

Your resume mentioned no such behaviour. I'm hoping this episode was an anomoly.

Benefit of the doubt, you understand? Cool.


What the **** happened here?

Seems to be a gap in the flow.

Perhaps a comet just hurtled through?

I truly don't know. :D
I am getting to the point where I would feel some relief if I could put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. If I could see their bodies crumple to the floor, never to rise and torture another person, I would feel like I had achieved something.

I am writing a 3000 word term paper on the subject of sex offendors and how best to deal with them. Its really get too me I have to say.

go to or com can't remember which, it was mentioned on Oprahs website as well. They have alot of disturbing information there and ways you can help fight to keep these people out of the population by forcing the government to make prison terms longer.
Some of these...or all of them...might work...

And to Jizz, you are possibly the most ****ed up, mentally retarded **** that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to associate with.

And if I remember right, Phreak has a HUGE button there, you bitch! You might want to consult with someone or the person you are accusing of CHILD MOLESTATION before you did it. Cause I could have told you that would be a huge, HUGE mistake.
Jokershit you are a little late here, phreak and I worked it all out and I was NOT aware of his "button" as well I deleted my original post. Get with the program
phreakwars said:
It was the most ****ed up comment that anybody could make you stupid bitch.

I might openly taunt and harass people just so I can entice an arguement, and I might even tease and taunt your worthless ass for being a ****ing forumwhore, but I would be God damned if I would make such a ****ed up remark to someone even if I'm only kidding around.

Your so ****ing stupid, you run out of anything ****ing original or relative to say that you just ****ing say stupid **** for the point of POSTING.

And you ****ing wonder why your in the box ??

Hell, the only reason your idiotic ass in in the box is because the other mods bitched that I banned your worthless ass for a whole ****ing 24 hours.

Whoa, I never even noticed that there was a drama involving me in this thread. Sorry Phreak, why didn't you tell me?

But I love it how people say "Anna is trouble" when I never even ****ing knew about this ****.

Tizz was obsessed with me when I first came, she stalked me like a loser freak, and now she has finally captured a brain cell and pressed the ignore button.

I never started ANYTHING.
tizz said:
Ya i have been offended on rare occasion when someone hits something they didn't know would bother me but at least I TELL them they crossed a line and I have never had a problem resolving the issue. It's called being an adult.

Ya I went for the crotch, I was a little peeved that I was being singled out but never told WHY, still haven't been, but the fact that I mentioned an idiot like anna shows it was not a serious crotch shot.

I am NOT a mean person and I doubt anyone who has EER met me in life or online would say I was

And why exactly does you calling Phreak a child molester constitute in him being wrong somehow?

And for a story, I believe I remember it, with some degree of accuracy. I just don't know if Phreak wants it told. Even guttersluts deserve a reason though...

Back in the olden days, when people were still trading multiple porn pics on, AIM(I believe it was), Phreak was one of those happy go lucky people who thought that the ever so nerdy trading of porn pics would get him some delight. Now this is where Phreak might not want me showing, it will be in black... Anyway, Phreak one day recieved a picture of an infant, or some early stage of life, being ****ed by a 30+ year old. Now, being a normal human being, this gave him quite a shock, and, as a result, he now has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Did I get it right, Phreak? I remember this from a post along time ago...
tizz said:
Jokershit you are a little late here, phreak and I worked it all out and I was NOT aware of his "button" as well I deleted my original post. Get with the program

I don't really care about how you worked it out. The fact that another human being could say that about another human being, joking or not, is so horribly ****ed up, there are almost no words for it. I don't care that he had a "button" to push or not, but the fact that you said he was a child molester shows how pathetic you really are. No one in their right mind would ever consider this about any normal human being, no matter how they were previously treated. So he called you a forum whore? BOO ****ING HOO! So, now, after him repeatedly calling you such, you insist on getting him back for calling you what you are by dictionary definition? You really amaze me. Only someone who has no real feelings for other human beings could possibly say something like this. You are ****ING amazing.

Dipshit, check the DATES here............. DUH
Blah blah blah Drop it, it's long over and I need not explain anything to you..... so
