Public Debate member BANNED for having a swastika avatar


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
**** Em all. GF is the best sight of its kind i have ever seen. Then again there really is no site like this one.
**** Em all. GF is the best sight of its kind i have ever seen. Then again there really is no site like this one.

Seriously. I searched for a decent one FOREVER. I couldn't find one I even remotely liked. Then, when all hope had failed! I searched google for "I hate cops" because I was pissed, and now I'm here. YAY! :rolleyes:
If there was only one site that I could think of that deserves the wrath of the Holy Army of the Suckage, for GAY MODERATED FORUMS, it would hands down have to be the ****ing public debate forum.

Australia truly is the idiot box of the world.
phreakwars said:
If there was only one site that I could think of that deserves the wrath of the Holy Army of the Suckage, for GAY MODERATED FORUMS, it would hands down have to be the ****ing public debate forum.

Australia truly is the idiot box of the world.

JG is French. :cool:
Oh, and if you read the home page, the swastika dude was pinged for running arguments with himself under two handles.

Also, long-term member Vee, has posted a swastika as his avatar.

I'm interested in who else here from GF has joined PD. ;)
Phreakwars, If you don't like it, what were you doing there? and why are you so concerned with what happens there?
eddo said:

It's an old story now, eddo, but three of PD's members came to GF for some ****ed up reason, and I was one of them.

Phreakwars got banned for spamming or some ****, at PD, and the ban was what phreak wanted anyway, so..........
phreakwars said:

****ing NAZI MODERATOR is bitching about a Swastika ?? What gives ??

Another was banned for posting his websites URL

Not to mention they even made a cheesy attempt at a shoubox.

And to think BUILDER still posts on that piece of **** board.



That reminds me.

Can I please have an avatar?
PW, please tell me where you have aquired this apperant hatred for aussies considering the fact that as a country we are about the same size (excluding alaska) with one twentith of your population, yet we have been your allies in every major conflict since the fifties. e.g korea, vietnam,the gulf .afganistan,etc.etc. We cant beat you at gridiron (what a **** game),baseball ,or basketball and you could not compete with us in rugby (rugby league is tougher than gridiron ,without the armour that you blokes wear), cricket, aussie rules.. Swimming,golf,tennis we compete o.k So please ,why the anamosity.
berniec said:
We cant beat you at gridiron (what a **** game),baseball ,or basketball and you could not compete with us in rugby (rugby league is tougher than gridiron ,without the armour that you blokes wear), cricket, aussie rules.. Swimming,golf,tennis we compete o.k So please ,why the anamosity.

Now that's going to hurt some. :) ;)

I hear they are playing AFL in many locations in the states. Get a team together, and we can have a crack at kicking your butts in that game too. ;)
I never said I hated Australians, as a matter of fact, the land down under has some FINE..FINE..FINE.. blonde babes (Like ANNA). Don't know where you could have gotten this idea.

However, I do hate the French

As for the public debate forum, It is just sickening that some site admin suck as J.G. would call the place a place where people can give their opinion, when he will kick someone out for not going along with HIS perspective.

He even banned ME because I had the nerve to do what builder never would,.... tell him why his members think he was an asshole.. and tell him what members wanted to see to improve the site... Of course I did it in my own "special" way, and never intended to be a REAL member anyway, but I think he eventually got the point.

Not that I cared if he banned me or not, but doing my buddy builder a favor, was well worth it.

Of course, this has not changed the fact that J.G. (who is French) still will ban users who do not hold the same view as him. And especially the ones who criticize him. Man if I banned everybody from THIS site who openly said I am an asshole, we wouldn't have any members left.

I just have a problem with admin/mods who would think that "moderating" a forum means forcing people to comply with THEIR standards of decency and morality in all subjects and perspectives.

As ANNA would probably say, that is a "Gay, moderated forum"

J.G. might be the sights admin, but he is NOT GOD. Just like the TAP/TAT site. Piss poor management eventually run the site into the ground.

Piss poor management does not mean that one simply let the site goto hell so anybody can post anything, but it does mean that people are forced to comply with someone elses standards or be banned.

That's just ****ed up.
phreakwars said:

****ing NAZI MODERATOR is bitching about a Swastika ?? What gives ??

Another was banned for posting his websites URL

Not to mention they even made a cheesy attempt at a shoubox.

And to think BUILDER still posts on that piece of **** board.



OK so I am wondering, is there any particular reason I should give a ****?