Yeah, involvement in the PTA and volunteering IS a fool proof way to tell...- pft! You know how many cougars and housewives I know of that are at home cheating on their husbands who also attend PTA meetings and also fit the "soccer/hockey mom" mold?
Just because the circles you run in are that way, don't think everyone else is living that way.
My point is there is all good things as proof to her honest career in politics, for you to "assume" she has not earned her way you have to start imagining evil hidden things. I prefer to believe the proven facts and give her the credit she has earned through many years of slefless service to her comminity instead of making up imaginary reasons to hate her.
Um, when did I EVER say that? I just want to bring some of you back down to reality that no one is perfect, no matter how perfect some people try to portray themselves. And fyi, not only "other women" think she only obtained the nomination because of her looks and gender.
But your all believing that wihtout one shread of fact to back it up. Again, why must a pretty woman be 'first' assumed to be stupid and unqualified to you?
Liberals, conservatives, all of those labels are stupid. Your comment about his color being a "qualification" is even more so. But I do have to admit, I AM impressed that this country has come so far as to giving a minority a real opportunity and chance to becoming President of this country.
Women are considered a minority as well, just in case you forgot that.
The labels are not stupid if they fit. Only liberals are bashing her without any real reasons. Liberals are saying her being elected into the office is a step backward for women, now how in the **** would that be a step backward?
Are you serious?? How about ALL the other candidates were more qualified than her! To name one and a woman, Condelezza Rice for starters!
She has great potential but no background in working with the other side of the asile to reform things. She is also considered Bush's puppet and being as the liberals are doing everything in their power to make McCain seem just like a Bush clone, taking Rice on would only set that idea into stone.
So again, let me ask you to name soneome who is both better qualified and helps him with his reform platform he is running on.
That you say she's such great model and all, but not even that kept her daughter from getting herself in that situation
Nice dodge attempt, but let's go back to my question. Do believe only bad parents have teenage girls who get pregnant?
Being a great role model is not a gurantee that everyone will pay attention and always do the right thing based on that model. Teenage girls have so many pressures on them that it is amazing their heads don't explode so this girl making one mistake does not mean her mother is a bad person or a bad parent, all it means is she made a mistake and has turned to her great mother to help her through this difficult time.
Well from your attack on Sarah for her child getting pregnant I was wondering if you understood that parents cannot control their children like little robots.
To all those complaining about the political discussions getting inserted I am sorry, I was just trying to point out a strong woman getting into one of the highest offices in the land might be a good influence for young ladies like this one but Chi decided that Sarah must be a **** herself because she is pretty and pretty ladies cannot possibly earn their way through life, that just bothered me.
I will not post about the election in this thread again,