Question for the person posting after ^_^

Um if that's the same question I'd say I'd rather see..

If you're blind it's like your all alone ¬¬

and if you can't hear it's actually peaceful.
And you know where you're going or where you are.

What's your favorite cartoon?
First their music 'spoke to me' - I related to the lyrics and the music moved me in a certain way that had a real impact on my everyday life. Then as time progressed abd I got into the band more and got more 'familiar' with them and their nuances, I started liking more and more things about them; their early interviews, the extra stuff they put on their cds, and seeiming to genuinely care about their fan base in ways most bands should be envious of. Then I just woke up one day and realised their drummer was a slice of human perfection - 'nuff said, really. Hehehe...

Why did you give yourself/how did you come up with your forum name?
Well my normal forum name is darkstar and I "named" myself this cause on the outside I seem to be depressed but really I am happy ^.^ and no one even knows XD I am just really morbid. Lonely_darkness was aquired when I moved to a new province and had no friends, I also go by aya fujimiya which is my favourite anime character and spoonsuicide which is a funny pic I found on deviant art.

what other forums do you go to besides this one?
Ravynlee said:
Live forever in an Anne Rice kind of way; sure.
Live forever in a RL kind of way; hell no!
:D I agree
Well, I sort of do, but then again I'm not sure.. I would be kind of scared to come back to life as something other than me.... not that I would remember
I think I'd come back as something aquatic tho.. not sure why

If you were a country, what would you be named?