
An old phobia has recently resurfaced for me. I have no problem going up stairs, but going down stairs is difficult for me. It probably has to do with my fear of heights. It is worse if there is someone behind me. I have to stop and let them pass. I can not walk down if there is someone behind me, even if there is a reasonable distance between us. The steeper and narrower the stairs, the worse it is. I go up the stairs to class, and down the elevator when I leave.
ToriAllen said:
An old phobia has recently resurfaced for me. I have no problem going up stairs, but going down stairs is difficult for me. It probably has to do with my fear of heights. It is worse if there is someone behind me. I have to stop and let them pass. I can not walk down if there is someone behind me, even if there is a reasonable distance between us. The steeper and narrower the stairs, the worse it is. I go up the stairs to class, and down the elevator when I leave.

You're just insane, Tori.
ToriAllen said:
An old phobia has recently resurfaced for me. I have no problem going up stairs, but going down stairs is difficult for me. It probably has to do with my fear of heights. It is worse if there is someone behind me. I have to stop and let them pass. I can not walk down if there is someone behind me, even if there is a reasonable distance between us. The steeper and narrower the stairs, the worse it is. I go up the stairs to class, and down the elevator when I leave.

I do things like that without thinking. Although I do up the elevator and down the stairs. I think my issue is the fear someone will push me.
I have to have at least a sheet on me or I can't sleep. Can't have any body parts hanging over the mattress, a snake may get me. No, never had a snake in the house. Have NO idea where that one comes from. And I usually sharply hesitate a second before going down stairs, as to get my bearings. Quit chewing my finger nails bout 4 years ago..
Lethalfind said:
Although I do up the elevator and down the stairs. I think my issue is the fear someone will push me.
You can't have anyone behind you going up the stairs, but you don't care about going down? So, you're afraid someone might push you up the stairs, but it is alright if they decide to push you down the stairs. And RO says I'm insane...

scout said:
I have to have at least a sheet on me or I can't sleep. Can't have any body parts hanging over the mattress, a snake may get me. No, never had a snake in the house. Have NO idea where that one comes from. And I usually sharply hesitate a second before going down stairs, as to get my bearings. Quit chewing my finger nails bout 4 years ago..
Yep. I can
ToriAllen said:
You can't have anyone behind you going up the stairs, but you don't care about going down? So, you're afraid someone might push you up the stairs, but it is alright if they decide to push you down the stairs. And RO says I'm insane...

Yep. I can
I don't know if this happens in real life because I have never opened a bottle of champagne. However on TV it seems to happen all the time.
I would loose it if somenone opened a bottle of ANYTHING and it went all over the carpet, my furniture etc. On TV it seems there is no way to open champagne without it going all over.
Does this really happen? Or like so many other things is this an exageration?
I have issues with my carpet. I would have to get out the carpet cleaner and shampoo the carpet before I could enjoy a glass of anything if the person opening the bottle had just spilled it all over the floor.
In Florida its not unusual for people to tile the entire house. I'm all in favor of this, I would feel so much better about the cleanliness of my floor if I could scrub it like you can tile. As it is my bathrooms, kitchen and entry way are tile and I feel great about those but I look at the carpet and feel like nothing I could do would make it clean in my eyes...
Lethalfind said:
I don't know if this happens in real life because I have never opened a bottle of champagne. However on TV it seems to happen all the time.
I would loose it if somenone opened a bottle of ANYTHING and it went all over the carpet, my furniture etc. On TV it seems there is no way to open champagne without it going all over.
Does this really happen? Or like so many other things is this an exageration?
I have issues with my carpet. I would have to get out the carpet cleaner and shampoo the carpet before I could enjoy a glass of anything if the person opening the bottle had just spilled it all over the floor.
In Florida its not unusual for people to tile the entire house. I'm all in favor of this, I would feel so much better about the cleanliness of my floor if I could scrub it like you can tile. As it is my bathrooms, kitchen and entry way are tile and I feel great about those but I look at the carpet and feel like nothing I could do would make it clean in my eyes...
Champagne will only do that if you shake it, which some people do for effect. It is perfectly possible to open it without it going everywhere.
I completely agree on the carpet issue. When I buy the house I plan to stay in, the whole thing will be hardwood floor or tile, except the bedroom (I have a problem getting out of bed onto a cold floor). I was there when my grandmother had new carpet put in. When they ripped up the twenty year old carpet, there must have been twenty years of dirt underneath that the vacuum couldn't get to. Yuck! Carpet can be a big problem if you have allergies.
ToriAllen said:
Champagne will only do that if you shake it, which some people do for effect. It is perfectly possible to open it without it going everywhere.
I completely agree on the carpet issue. When I buy the house I plan to stay in, the whole thing will be hardwood floor or tile, except the bedroom (I have a problem getting out of bed onto a cold floor). I was there when my grandmother had new carpet put in. When they ripped up the twenty year old carpet, there must have been twenty years of dirt underneath that the vacuum couldn't get to. Yuck! Carpet can be a big problem if you have allergies.
I'm with you guys on that one. Carpeting in main areas of the house is very dirty. When my parents ripped up the carpet, there was inches of dust and carpet powder. And we vacuumed EVERY DAY. It was disgusting. I'll never have carpeting in a high traffic area of the house (the bedroom is nice, though. It's lovely to wake up and step onto nice, fluffy carpeting).
angie said:
Carpeting in main areas of the house is very dirty. When my parents ripped up the carpet, there was inches of dust and carpet powder. And we vacuumed EVERY DAY. It was disgusting.
This is one of the reasons I do not allow shoes in my house. When I lay on the floor with the kids to watch movies, I don't want to worry about what was on the bottom of their shoes when they came inside.
ToriAllen said:
Champagne will only do that if you shake it, which some people do for effect. It is perfectly possible to open it without it going everywhere.
I completely agree on the carpet issue. When I buy the house I plan to stay in, the whole thing will be hardwood floor or tile, except the bedroom (I have a problem getting out of bed onto a cold floor). I was there when my grandmother had new carpet put in. When they ripped up the twenty year old carpet, there must have been twenty years of dirt underneath that the vacuum couldn't get to. Yuck! Carpet can be a big problem if you have allergies.

I know what you mean about a cold floor. When I was in Texas in my brothers house he has tile all over, it was colder then ****. Here in Florida you don't notice it so much because it simply doesn't get so cold.
I hear its very good for allergies as well. You can put down an area rug and still be able to take it up and clean underneath it. I use that spray bleach that is for countertops to clean the tile floors I have now.
I like wood but during the hurricane season of 2004, I heard a couple stories of how a small leak from the hurricane destroyed wood floors. Of course after the hurricanes we had nothing but candles for light at night, I found what a disaster candle wax was for carpet.
I want to be able to throw a burning torch down on the floor and be able to clean up after it so its tile for me, that is once I can afford it.
Just imagine the clean, bleach smell I will have all over the house.
I will probably put a very low pile in Dianes room and the guest room but the rest will be all tile with area rugs in the middle.
I hate liars and bullshit.

Last Christmas, my sister told me she had bought me a non-stick frying pan. But when I opened it, the ****er had a price sticker on it.

Who's she trying to kid?
Well, oddly enough, I gave up chewing on my fingernails. Haven't touched them since the day my daugher was born. So now I have pretty girlie hands :p .

My food has to be HOT. Not spicy hot, temperature hot. Steaming, visibly hot. Borderline 'burn your mouth' hot. Same for my coffee. I can't stand room temperature coffee. But I will drink iced coffee. Weirdo, I know.

I've started going back to my old days of panicking in large crowds. I went to the DMV a few weeks ago to renew my lisence, and it was so busy you could hardly open the door. I walked in, stood in there for about 8 seconds, and RAN out the door. I was shaking the whole way home. Decided I would rather take my chances getting pulled over with an expired lisence. No way was I staying.
angie said:
But I will drink iced coffee.
Haagen-Dazs iced Frappuccino is sooo good.

Nasty sick people who cough in their hand and then try to shake my hand. Yuck. When I am sick I always cough into my left hand, because it is customary to shake hands using the right hand. Doesn't anyone else think to do this?
Cough into your upper arm sleeve. Rapists aside, nobody hauls you off by the arm so it makes the most sense to me.
ToriAllen said:
Haagen-Dazs iced Frappuccino is sooo good.

Nasty sick people who cough in their hand and then try to shake my hand. Yuck. When I am sick I always cough into my left hand, because it is customary to shake hands using the right hand. Doesn't anyone else think to do this?

Yeah, I'm the freak who when I cough or sneeze in public, I always go to the bathroom. That way it's not out where people can see me, I can clean my hands with my own soap in my purse and use hand sanitizer. Thank God I only get sick maybe once a year. But yeah, people who are gross, make me want to hurt them.
manicmonday said:
Yeah, I'm the freak who when I cough or sneeze in public, I always go to the bathroom. That way it's not out where people can see me, I can clean my hands with my own soap in my purse and use hand sanitizer. Thank God I only get sick maybe once a year. But yeah, people who are gross, make me want to hurt them.
It simply isn’t possible to run into the restroom every time I need to cough or sneeze, so I’ve never tried that. It does leave a funny image in my head though. Jumping up in the middle of class, or running away in the middle of a conversation. See, usually I don’t plan my coughs or sneezes. They just happen with, maybe, a seconds notice. I wouldn’t even be out of my chair. It does make me wonder how you manage to always make it to the restroom., or how you explain running to the restroom at odd moments.
I carry wipes with me everywhere. I always wipe the equipment at the gym down before and after I use it. I also wash my hands constantly, and I usually use paper towels when opening public restroom doors.

eisanbt said:
Cough into your upper arm sleeve. Rapists aside, nobody hauls you off by the arm so it makes the most sense to me.
I don't cough in my sleeve because my kids tend to climb all over me when I sit down. My hand is easier to wash off. If there is anything worse than me being sick it is having one of the kids sick.
It does make me wonder how you manage to always make it to the restroom., or how you explain running to the restroom at odd moments.
I carry wipes with me everywhere. I always wipe the equipment at the gym down before and after I use it. I also wash my hands constantly, and I usually use paper towels when opening public restroom doors.

I'm very rarely sick, thank heavens. Also, the people who know me know I'm very picky and don't think twice about it. The other people, I don't really care about them. You are griping about people coughing into their, I'm taking care of my coughing. It's my solution, it works for me. I'm a clean freak to the max and while it drives most of my friends nuts, it's also hours of amusement for them. I don't use public restrooms unless I need to cough or blow my nose or sneeze. I don't use them to relieve myself.

And I'm better than I used to be.
manicmonday said:
Also, the people who know me know I'm very picky and don't think twice about it. The other people, I don't really care about them. You are griping about people coughing into their, I'm taking care of my coughing. It's my solution, it works for me. I'm a clean freak to the max and while it drives most of my friends nuts, it's also hours of amusement for them. I don't use public restrooms unless I need to cough or blow my nose or sneeze. I don't use them to relieve myself.

And I'm better than I used to be.
I'm not saying it is a bad thing, it is a great thing. I'm just a little unclear on your ability to get to the restroom every time you sneeze or cough. I sneeze and cough at times when I am not sick as do most people, and even when I am sick I never know when I'm going to need to sneeze and cough. I'm just a little curious as to what you do when you are standing in the middle of a store and need to sneeze or cough. Or, if you are outside somewhere and something tickles your nose. What about in the car? It strikes me as odd that anyone would be able to make it into the restroom for something as spontaneous as a sneeze or a cough. I agree with going to the restroom to blow your nose, but that is a planned 'event', not a reflex.
As for never using the restroom in public, I wish I could say the same, but I do not work or go to school at home and find it difficult to hold my bladder for a full 8 to 10 hours.