Quotation Nation

Pethetic and bitten off another show I believe, didnt laugh at it then and didnt laugh at it now and I have a twisted humour butttttttt this is just crossing the line.
"If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X, Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut"
- Albert Einstein
BlOnDe4Lp said:
i just don't think that's really funny.
Hyper made this thread specifically for us to post our favorite quotes, not to just comment on his. He never said we had to laugh at it or think it was funny. It's not like this is a "Funny Quote" thread where it should be funny to everyone. If someone comments on Hyper's quote and says how it isn't funny again... I WILL PULL MY OUT AN ARMHAIR!

This is one of my favorite quotes:
"God, remember Tab cola? It was so nasty, possibly the worst soft drink ever, even worse than Crystal Pepsi. I'll always think of Tab as the beverage of choice for child molesters because I knew this creepy old man who drank it and he must have been a child molester because all old people are child molesters." - Jade Puget
Heh... Here's one of mine::
"When we're together we make more noise then those girls in the Herbal Esences commericails"

<too bad I forgot how to spell the shompoo name. lol. I think I got close enough though>
"Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish."
- Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

"You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself."
- Ethel Barrymore

"The important thing is not to stop questioning."
- Albert Einstein

"Desire nothing for yourself, which you do not desire for others."
- Spinoza

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot

"As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG."
- Donald Trump
"You know you're growing up when you get about 15billion socks for Christmas."
"You know you're growing up when you start getting deordarant in your stocking."
"You know you're growing up when you find hair everywhere ."
"You know you're growing up when you realize it's your mother's bra you are wearing."
"You know you're growing up when your guy friends don't ask to hang out anymore."
"You know you're growing up when you're not allowed to run around in JUST a big T-shirt."
"You know you're growing up when you realize the world does not revolve around you."
"You know you're growing up when you get an email address and can do at least 60wpm."
"You know you're growing up when you find a phone number written on your locker."
"You know you're growing up when you can't live without gum."
"You know you're growing up when you've gotten 50million songs memorized as well as 40kagillion phone numbers!"

"It's four in the morning grandma! YOU WIN!"
Hyper said:
All the quotes threads are dead.
So I decided; I'll make one, and add my favorite ones over time.

You may add some too if you want.
Or you can let me post them all. I do not care.

First Quote[from bash.org]:
<Td00d> a girl just walked past the window
<Ernestiqus> Go for it.
<Td00d> she's a bit too young.
<Ernestiqus> I swear officer, I didn't know she was 16
<Td00d> she isn't 16 :/
<Ernestiqus> If there's grass on the field play ball!
<Td00d> she's so young I doubt she's got hair there...
<Ernestiqus> Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed.
<Td00d> i don't think she's in puberty already
<Ernestiqus> Hit it before puberty does.
I really have to remember that. Its hilarious :D


nuff said. Full Metal Jacket owns.
"Do what you can with what you have where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
- Confucius

"Defer not till tomorrow to be wise, tomorrow's sun to thee may never rise."
- William Congreve

"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings."
- William Blake

"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"
- Abraham Lincoln
Hyper said:
All the quotes threads are dead.
So I decided; I'll make one, and add my favorite ones over time.

You may add some too if you want.
Or you can let me post them all. I do not care.

First Quote[from bash.org]:
<Td00d> a girl just walked past the window
<Ernestiqus> Go for it.
<Td00d> she's a bit too young.
<Ernestiqus> I swear officer, I didn't know she was 16
<Td00d> she isn't 16 :/
<Ernestiqus> If there's grass on the field play ball!
<Td00d> she's so young I doubt she's got hair there...
<Ernestiqus> Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed.
<Td00d> i don't think she's in puberty already
<Ernestiqus> Hit it before puberty does.

do you get off on this kinda ****. dude seriously gross. grow the **** up.
Jordan Chenier said:
do you get off on this kinda ****. dude seriously gross. grow the **** up.

*sigh* do you really have to start that crap again? I understand that some people don't find it funny, but the day I let some little kid start disrespecting me is far, far away.
So be a nice little kid, learn some respect, and try doing some growing up for yourself. :thumbsup:
As a 16 year old girl, I do find that very downgrading.
Hit it before puberty does? I mean, sure it's funny but keep it to yourself.
Posting it on a public forum is gunna give you others opinions, which usually aren't gunna be so nice especially on a topic like this.
People have mistaken the basis for this topic then. It's not for discussing quotes, simply to post them. If you don't like the quote, your action is simple. DO NOTHING, and move on.

Input is not necessary.