Radio Shack


New Member
Mar 16, 2006
Decided to buy a car stereo for my car last weekend, so i said wtf might as well head to radio shack, b/c wal-mart didn't have the harness i needed. Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. Walked in there, and got the **** i needed, so i thought until after the 30 mile drive home. The ****-face at the counter gave me the wrong damn stereo insert (told him twice it was a dodge intrepid, NOT A ****IN DODGE NEON). So, i had to drive another 30 miles to get the right one. My dash wasn't back together b/c stereo was stickin out too far. b/c, you guessed it, the ****-face gave me the wrong stereo insert. It's ****in snowing outside and i couldn't see a ****in thing b/c the defrost wasn't hooked up. why? b/c the dash wasn't hooked up due to the fact that a ****-face sold me the wrong damn stereo insert. After driving in this snowy oblivion for about an hour, i reached my destination (Wal-Mart) and got the right one. And rest assure i finished the installation in the ****in wal-mart parking lot. So what i want to know is this. Am i the only one, b/c i'm sure there's plenty of people out there that drove 160 miles for somethin that really wasn't that important, but they drove that distance b/c they where really ****ing pissed off.
Evil_Monkey_Inc said:
Decided to buy a car stereo for my car last weekend, so i said wtf might as well head to radio shack, b/c wal-mart didn't have the harness i needed. Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. Walked in there, and got the **** i needed, so i thought until after the 30 mile drive home. The ****-face at the counter gave me the wrong damn stereo insert (told him twice it was a dodge intrepid, NOT A ****IN DODGE NEON). So, i had to drive another 30 miles to get the right one. My dash wasn't back together b/c stereo was stickin out too far. b/c, you guessed it, the ****-face gave me the wrong stereo insert. It's ****in snowing outside and i couldn't see a ****in thing b/c the defrost wasn't hooked up. why? b/c the dash wasn't hooked up due to the fact that a ****-face sold me the wrong damn stereo insert. After driving in this snowy oblivion for about an hour, i reached my destination (Wal-Mart) and got the right one. And rest assure i finished the installation in the ****in wal-mart parking lot. So what i want to know is this. Am i the only one, b/c i'm sure there's plenty of people out there that drove 160 miles for somethin that really wasn't that important, but they drove that distance b/c they where really ****ing pissed off.

Why would anybody buy a car stereo from Wal-Mart or Radio Shack???
Do you live so far out in the hills that they don't have a Best Buy or Circuit City there?
I purchased my car stereo over the internet, giving me plenty of time to read the details without some little **** sales person annoying me, I got a good deal, I had time to check the competitors, the stereo was waiting for me at my local Circuit City, I walked to the back where they installed my stereo free of charge...simple really. For an extra 25 bucks I got a 5 year gaurantee as well.
The only thing I buy at Radio Shack is batteries I can't find other places...THEY SUCK!!!
Lethalfind said:
Why would anybody buy a car stereo from Wal-Mart or Radio Shack???
Do you live so far out in the hills that they don't have a Best Buy or Circuit City there?
I purchased my car stereo over the internet, giving me plenty of time to read the details without some little **** sales person annoying me, I got a good deal, I had time to check the competitors, the stereo was waiting for me at my local Circuit City, I walked to the back where they installed my stereo free of charge...simple really. For an extra 25 bucks I got a 5 year gaurantee as well.
The only thing I buy at Radio Shack is batteries I can't find other places...THEY SUCK!!!

well let's see, i live in a town with about oh, let's say 900 ppl. The nearest Best Buy or Circuit City is in Grand Island, that's about i wanna say 80 miles. and purchasing **** over the internet is not my kinda thing. I've been in the military for over 9 years, and i'm not a real patient man. And be honest w/ ya, i don't really trust some moron in the back to put MY **** in, that fool would be lookin through all the **** in my car while he's trying to put this stereo in. And good for you, you got that 5 year warrantee, b/c you're gonna need it.
Evil_Monkey_Inc said:
well let's see, i live in a town with about oh, let's say 900 ppl. The nearest Best Buy or Circuit City is in Grand Island, that's about i wanna say 80 miles. and purchasing **** over the internet is not my kinda thing. I've been in the military for over 9 years, and i'm not a real patient man. And be honest w/ ya, i don't really trust some moron in the back to put MY **** in, that fool would be lookin through all the **** in my car while he's trying to put this stereo in. And good for you, you got that 5 year warrantee, b/c you're gonna need it.

Circuit City has a deal where you can order it on the internet and then go from there down to the store to pick it up...
Its not like they have to mail it too you unless thats what you want.

Enjoy your **** from Radio Shack because thats all that RS sells...
Evil your right that if your going to buy from Radio Shack, you have to get your own stuff. They sell good stuff but there help are a bunch of dorks. Anything i get there i always check it out myself, there's many time I've had to have them get a differant part than they hand me. A best buy would be nice due to price, but Radio shack sells a good product. I've found the chain stores don't have much better in the way of help. I've always had good luck at that place in Norfolk (local thing) but can't think of the name.
Radio Shack is called Tandy's in the land down under. That says a lot for mine.

Like TOW said, if you know exactly what you are looking for, it's okay, but the dorks on the counter, unless they own the shop, couldn't give a flying **** about you.
tiredofwhiners said:
Evil your right that if your going to buy from Radio Shack, you have to get your own stuff. They sell good stuff but there help are a bunch of dorks. Anything i get there i always check it out myself, there's many time I've had to have them get a differant part than they hand me. A best buy would be nice due to price, but Radio shack sells a good product. I've found the chain stores don't have much better in the way of help. I've always had good luck at that place in Norfolk (local thing) but can't think of the name.

builder said:
Radio Shack is called Tandy's in the land down under. That says a lot for mine.

Do they need an address when you buy batteries there?

The Radio Shack does. I've learned to buy them elsewhere.

Where am I going with this? Train of thought.... turns to Appendix D of the Lord of the Rings. Fried fish, too.
Evil_Monkey_Inc said:
Decided to buy a car stereo for my car last weekend, so i said wtf might as well head to radio shack, b/c wal-mart didn't have the harness i needed. Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. Walked in there, and got the **** i needed, so i thought until after the 30 mile drive home. The ****-face at the counter gave me the wrong damn stereo insert (told him twice it was a dodge intrepid, NOT A ****IN DODGE NEON). So, i had to drive another 30 miles to get the right one. My dash wasn't back together b/c stereo was stickin out too far. b/c, you guessed it, the ****-face gave me the wrong stereo insert. It's ****in snowing outside and i couldn't see a ****in thing b/c the defrost wasn't hooked up. why? b/c the dash wasn't hooked up due to the fact that a ****-face sold me the wrong damn stereo insert. After driving in this snowy oblivion for about an hour, i reached my destination (Wal-Mart) and got the right one. And rest assure i finished the installation in the ****in wal-mart parking lot. So what i want to know is this. Am i the only one, b/c i'm sure there's plenty of people out there that drove 160 miles for somethin that really wasn't that important, but they drove that distance b/c they where really ****ing pissed off.

RadioShack is closing 400-700 stores in the next year anyway. Radioshack is a useless shithole and should never be in business.

RadioShack is closing 400-700 stores in the next year anyway. Radioshack is a useless shithole and should never be in business.


I'm still gobbsmacked that anyone would buy something like a car radio from them...
RoyalOrleans said:
Do they need an address when you buy batteries there?

The Radio Shack does. I've learned to buy them elsewhere.

Where am I going with this? Train of thought.... turns to Appendix D of the Lord of the Rings. Fried fish, too.

Radio Shack has alot of little things I can't get anywhere local. Everything else I have always been able to find a much better deal with. I think they ask for your address because they want to know what we are buying. I built my own dish reciever once. I needed rare parts and ordered it from them. They asked for my addy ,so I gave them the local congress office.:p
Frankly, dipshit, you get what you pay for. If you want high quality electronics for your home or car, or whatever, its usually a good idea to go to a specialty shop. That, or go to a place with enough selection that you can at least get some mid-range hardware. Buyer beware.