Rape (important, read)

wow scary O_O i didnt know people were raped in cars, shows how much i know.

thats why i never go or want to go to partys where there are older people*even if its friends of the sister of my friend* that i dont know, cuz im scared of being raped, like everybodys drinking and then everybody would be to smash to notice me be dragged off, meh im a parnoid person.
I still have to say I think there is something wrong. Guys don't just start raping women just because. Sure they can appear normal, but underneath there is something wrong.

but wow Rav, thanks for all that info :thumbsup:
yeah, hm.. sometimes its the way they've been brought up, you know not to repect women that "were nothing" cuz dude some parents are like that or they could be in with the old way which is its only rape when the women changes her mind or something like that.
to the people who said rape is an ugly topic. If rape was not talked about how would you know what to look for or what to do if it happend to you. Here in south africa some people think that if you rape a virgin you could be rid of aids. So if all of this was not talked about how would they know that they are just spreading this even more. Rape is not one of the famouse topics to talk about but it happens and i for one would like to know more about this. And.....it can save you from getting raped if you get all the right info. cheers
Thanks for all that info Rav. :]

Fribby--I don't think that a rapist would have a mental or psycological disorder, but an emotional or personality disorder would make a lot of sense. And usually those are very small and hard to identify if it's subtle....Though, not all would necessarily have something wrong with them.
Maybe so, it's just so hard for me to imagine someone perfectly healthy, mentally and physically (well maybe only mentally counts on this one) do something like this.
I just...don't get it.
I don't think any of us do unfortunately - that's why when it happens we're all at a loss to explain why it happened in the first place. If it was as easy as zeroing in on a particular defect genome or a mental disorder then we could in effect have a way of 'curing it' like we're trying to do with say cancer or aids. It's never that simple.

I think there's a lot of truth to the theory that rapists are rapists because of socialogy/upbringing and like it or not the environment and the people around them are good triggers for it. You've seen enough cop shows to know the profiler of a serial rapist has some kind of psychological trauma that 'triggers' the impulse - hence they'll target all women that fit a certain criteria that's interrelated to the cause of their distress. Mummy beat him so he beats all women who remind him of mummy, that kind of thing.

And agreed that rape can be and often is a conscious decision amongst 'normal' individuals that is triggered by the environment - genocide in war time, Joani had a perfect case in point. No one would argue most army officers are of sound mind but when they intentionally rape and torture women from other cultures be it for amusement or as a deliberate order, we don't say these men are monsters - they're normal hardworking men just doing their job, right? Wrong.

There's a lot of incidences of 'normal men' just 'snapping' and sometimes even they are at a loss as to explain why they really did it. If all rapists were the A-typical oversexed predator lurking in the shadows wearing a trenchcoat we'd sweep our streets and round them all up, right? Truth is they are our neighbours and friends and work colleagues, even our parents and partners. A psychological disorder is always a possiblity, and even taking into account that some people are just more inclined/predisposed to it (violent upbringings, moral disregard for women, feelings of superiority, abhorent chauvenism etc)What about people who can't deal with the stresses of everyday life? They just let things pile up until one day they snap. They may never do it again but the fact they've done it regardless, despite being a good husband or little league coach or whatever, indicates the general rapist, at least theoretically is just like you and me.
How scary is that prospect?
yeah but when they "snap" why rape? id rather kill someone, i think some suffer from metal disorders others just have a blatant disrepect for others.
*looks vague*
Wish I knew. People react differently to situations I guess. Many impulse murders are loosely connected to something - a 'crime of passion', a mugging, a drunken brawl that gets out of hand, road rage, gang-land retaliation, etc...
Maybe rapists aren't as 'out of control' (dare I put it that way) as murderers. I never claimed to be an expert on the subject. Just musing too.
But still, it should be worth noting that there's a fair percentage of rapes that end in homicide... that's the ultimate in 'snapping.'
yeah but its weird, all the presure and stress so then they go rape?
meh i dont think we should be trying and working out why there doing it or what state of mind there in, cuz its just to hard, cuz each person is different and would do it for different reasons.