rate my crappy fable


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2005
In the Beginning

After six long hard days creating the universe, God was needful of rest. Yet rest was elusive. Surely something was wrong. Something was missing.

Time had been made. In the unimaginable distance, great whorls of galaxies lay fermenting in the darkness. And here, upon this most blessed of tiny satellites, life had been given to many varieties of plants and animals that frolicked in the pre-dawn.

At last God came to understand. Another creature must surely be created. This one, in the very image of God.

And so it came to pass, that from the very dust a woman was formed. And God called her Eve. After this last almighty creation, God repaired, shattered to the Garden of Eden, needful of rest.

God slumbered for days, eventually awaking, God strolled about the garden, whereupon Eve was spied.
Ahlee says:
It would have been funnier if it had been a useless asshole.

I wish I'd have thought of that.........but how could Eve have had an extra asshole....
slip_knot said:
Ahlee says:
It would have been funnier if it had been a useless asshole.

I wish I'd have thought of that.........but how could Eve have had an extra asshole....

How could she have 3 ****
Ammended for ahhlee

In the Beginning

After six long hard days creating the universe, God was needful of rest. Yet rest was elusive. Surely something was wrong. Something was missing.

Time had been made. In the unimaginable distance, great whorls of galaxies lay fermenting in the darkness. And here, upon this most blessed of tiny satellites, life had been given to many varieties of plants and animals that frolicked in the pre-dawn.

At last God came to understand. Another creature must surely be created. This one, in the very image of God.

And so it came to pass, that from the very dust a woman was formed. And God called her Eve. After this last almighty creation, God repaired, shattered to the Garden of Eden, needful of rest.

God slumbered for days, eventually awaking, God strolled about the garden, whereupon Eve was spied.

“God” cried Eve, “Surely everything in your garden of Chernobyl is perfect. Well not quite everything”?

“What ever do you mean Eve”? “Well” said Eve,” I’m not at all bothered about these three breasts that thou hast given me. But this extra asshole is really annoying. All the other animals just get one. I am sick of having to wipe two asseholes each time I take a dump. Surely God I have one asshole too many. Adam says he is also sick of me having two asseholes, its twice the farts he says”.

God reached forward and placing a hand upon the offending asshole, and eased it from the woman. God cast the asshole aside.

God prepared to leave, but Eve had yet more to say. “God said Eve, all the other female creatures have a mate. The ewe has her ram, the cow her bull, the doe her buck. Wherefore is my mate”?

God understood Eve’s want, and decided to create a mate for her. “Eve” said God, “you must lie down whilst I place you into a deep sleep. I shall then remove a rib from you, and from this one rib shall create a man.”

But upon further thought- “wait cried God there is no need to remove a rib, for I already have some of your tissue, from which to make a man”

Now where DID I put that useless asshole”?