Re: 9 yr old boy jailed for dog with limp wrist


Doug Bashford

Howl Hitler: German who taught dog to give
Nazi salute with its paw is jailed

Last updated at 20:36pm on 21st December 2007

In the doghouse: The German Shepherd crossbreed's name
'Adolf' is painted above its kennel door

Most dog owners delight in teaching their pet to "shake a paw".

But the trick a German man taught his canine companion was much
more sinister... it learned to do a Nazi salute.

The German Shepherd crossbreed, called Adolf, lifted its paw up
high on command in imitation of the infamous raised-arm greeting
used by Hitler and his cohorts.

The nine-year-old dog's owner, known as Roland T, boasted
brazenly in front of police about the animal's trick - even
though the Nazi salute is banned in Germany.

And the 58-year-old former car salesman chalked the name "Adolf"
above the door of his pet's kennel in Berlin.

He claimed the dog was born on Hitler's birthday and he planned
to have him put down on the anniversary of the dictator's

This, he said, was because he could not afford dog food after
being fined for other Nazi-related behaviour.

Roland had been handed suspended sentences by courts since 2003
and was said to be notorious for openly giving Nazi salutes and
wearing pro-Hitler T-shirts.

Sick trick: Roland T prompts Adolf to give the Hitler salute

Judges were previously lenient because of a brain injury he
suffered in 1995. But they jailed him for five months over the
dog salute.

Adolf has now been taken to an animal shelter, where staff have
renamed him Adi.

Spokesman Evamarie Konig said: "We are retraining him to stop him
raising his leg too high.

"He doesn't have anything that would make him interesting to
Right-wing extremists.

"However, we think he will quickly find a new owner because he is
so famous."
================== said about:
9 yr old boy jailed for dog with limp wrist

> Actually, the father was jailed not the boy.

No boy.

> The boy is the owner of
> the dog. The dog had a limp wrist, meaning the bones allowed the paw
> to swivel through a greater angle than normal.


> Now you have to know
> that this is in modern goose-step Gestapo Germany. When the dog raised
> its front right paw, the authorities ruled it was the Nazi salute,
> which in Germany is verboten!
> Probably being a typical red-blooded male, the father is sick and
> tired of political correctness, and is always yacking against the
> authorities. He got 5 months in jail.

You sound rather "politically incorrect."

Instructions from Limbaugh you MUST follow:

Political correctness means "has manners." It's no longer manly.
not "red-blooded male" - wimpy.
Calling somebody "politically incorrect" is the politically
correct was of calling sombody a self-centered asshole.

> And the dog? It was forcibly taken away, forever, from the family,

what family?

> is being given behavioral and psychological modification training. Vie
> fill teeech zie dog goood not to raze zie arm so high! Jah? Jah vohl!

Judges were previously lenient because of a brain injury he
suffered in 1995.

> (I also posted this at )

Get back on yer medication before it's too late.
Also check the ground wire on your AFDB.
They know where you are, and are adjusting their frequencies.
You may need a new magnetic capacitor.

I speak for Limbaugh. You must obey. Before it's too late.