Re: Why Fear and Detest the Atheist?

Starkiller wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 22:50:27 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
> wrote:
>>Starkiller wrote:
>>>On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 19:49:11 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
>>>>Karl Johanson wrote:
>>>>>"Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote
>>>>>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>>>Batman needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>>Perhaps you'll explain how my existence proves the existence of batman.
>>>I believe they think that you were created by Batman.
>>>Y'know Robin did go around saying "holy" a lot.
>>>I dunno, I'm just sayin'....

>>In other words you're just sayin nothin.

> As the old saying goes. **** you if you can't take a joke.

Richard Anacker wrote:

> Virgil , 01.21.2008:
>>>Irrelevant, idiot.

>>It is relevant to your credibility

> Which credibility? This fool has none at all.

Good to see atheist morons stroking each other in public.
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:36:53 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>

> wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 06:53:51 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
>> wrote:
>>>Raymond wrote:
>>>>On Jan 19, 7:26?pm, "Mr4701" <> wrote:
>>>>>A Godless person is just as bad as an overzealous person. Atheist Stalin had
>>>>>no more of a beef killing people than Islamofascist Osama Bin Laden.
>>>>And Catholic Hitler had no more of a beef killing people than Atheist
>>>>Stalin or Christian Episcopalean.....George Bush
>>>Hitler and stalin were and Bush is an atheist, self worshipers. How
>>>people define themselves to the world is hardly ever the reality.

>> "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of
>> the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am
>> fighting for the work of the Lord."
>> "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
>> fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by
>> a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned
>> men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a
>> sufferer but as a fighter."
>> Guess who said the above? There is as much evidence Hitler was a
>> Christian as that he was not. He does seem to believe in some type of
>> God so to profess that Hitler was an atheist is very dubious at best.

>You make my point. Politics has people saying all sorts of untruths. As
>I said.

.....and all the good little Christians just went along. Says much more
about religion than politics. And there are a great many including
yourself who's love to see the two go hand in hand in the US.

>>>>Most political and religious leaders throughout history have had no
>>>>troulble killing millions of people----especially religious leaders.
>>>>Religion has everything to do with terrorism Anyone who doesn't
>>>>understand that has never been exposed to a decent history course or
>>>>history book.
>>>Anyone who takes history courses and books at face value needs a
>>>tutorial in reality.

>> So you're going to rewrite history to rationalize your ignorance?
>> Figures!

>Ignorance is taking necessarily biased accounts of history at face value.

Biased acount of what? But I do understand your mindset - it's made up
and gets confused when faced with historical fact(s).

>>>>And we must not exclude the Jewish leaders---including the main Man
>>>>himself . G-d that is.
>>>Hmm... the obligatory anti God hysteria.

>> Anti-God hysteria. The burden of proof is on the believers - not on
>> the non-believers. Now prove to us all that there is a God. Hint -
>> Kant couldn't and you can't.

>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof enough.

God is a belief made up by humans to try and explain what they don't
understand and to use as a crutch in time of need. Don't confuse your
faith with the physical world. It's inane, ignorant, and far from any

>>>>SEE Atrocities in the Bible. Shalom aleichem
>>>Absolute exploitative insanity.

>> Excuse me - it's in the Bible and isn't everything in the Bible God's
>> honest truth?

>To what in the Bible do you refer? If all you're going to do is
>regurgitate garbage from that Jew hating web site you'll be engaging in
>a conceptually irrelevant act.

Just who are you talking to? Apparently not me as I've said nothing
nor referenced anything which has to do with Judaism or its adherents.
Try and stay on point. BTW - Judaism is much more on point than
Xtianity. At least there's some real history attached to it.

>>>>Also see:
>>>Arab propaganda.

>> Yeah, right. And the Holocaust was Jewish propaganda foisted off by
>> the Rothschilds as truth. And the Inquisition was just a pop quiz. And
>> the Crusades a cruise on Holland-America. And pogroms were cheerleader
>> props.

>Denial suits you.

Excuse me - denial of what? Or don't you understand sarcasm. Try
hitting yourself upside the head and jumpstarting your brain.

>>PS - you and the Muslims have the exact same God.


There's more than one? Oh, I know what you're saying. Your God's
better than their God.

>>>>Catholics today all try to repudiate Adolf Hitler and deny that he was
>>>>a fellow Roman Catholic. But this was definitely not the case so long
>>>>as he was in power, In fact, Hitler could not have come to power
>>>>without the assistance of the Vatican and the German Catholic Church>
>>>>So long as Adolf Hitler was in power, his Roman Catholic Church never
>>>>questioned his Catholicism - at least not in public - which is where
>>>>it mattered politically.--- just as no one questions GW Bush's
>>>>--- at least not in public - which is where it matters politically.
>>>Hitler could not have come to power without the support of the people,
>>>no matter their religious or anti religious affiliations.

>> Of course - your point is?

>Read what you wrote above.

I didn't write it, God boy.

>>>>A man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never
>>>>tolerant. At the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another
>>>>religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of
>>>>a religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in
>>>>another religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not
>>>>successful. However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might
>>>>of the majority is behind it. In the case of a Christian clergyman,
>>>>the tragic-comical is found in this: that the Christian religion
>>>>demands love from the faithful, even love for the enemy. This demand,
>>>>because it is indeed superhuman, he is unable to fulfill. Thus
>>>>intolerance and hatred ring through the oily words of the clergyman.
>>>>The love, which on the Christian side is the basis for the
>>>>conciliatory attempt towards Judaism is the same as the love of a
>>>>child for a cake. That means that it contains the hope that the object
>>>>of the love will be eaten up...
>>>You have just described the mental and physical behaviors of believers
>>>in the atheist religion.

>> Atheism is a religion? Beep - wrong. Nobody's out there signing up
>> converts.

>Bull. Atheism evangelizes. Or have you no idea of your fundamentalist,
>evangelical devotion to your own religion.

Religion explicitly entails a belief in some higher being. The belief
that this fairy tale is not real does not constitute any type of
religious belief. Personally if I were to adhere to any religion, it
would be centered around Astarte and natural phenomena.

>>>> Letter to Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago's Anshe Emet Congregation.
>>>>"If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a
>>>>Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior."
>>>>Reply to a Roman Catholic student urging him to pray to Jesus Christ,
>>>>the Virgin Mary, and convert to Christianity.
>>>>--- Albert Einstein
>>>>". I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not
>>>>believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And
>>>>if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such
>>>>an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."
>>>>--- Bertrand Russell
>>>Russel the moron.

>> Yup - Roy's the perfect ignorant Xtian - his mind's made up. Everyone
>> who doesn't believe in his brand of Xtianity is a moron. This includes
>> Russell, Kant, Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, and a cast of thousands.
>> Pretty good company. If there ever was a Jesus, (there's no proof of
>> his existence except for a footnote in an archaic text that refers to
>> a Christos) he'd be much more at home with those folks than with a
>> bunch of narrow-minded bigots.

>Typical atheist zealot's rant.

You really feel that Jesus existed? I can understand many believing in
God - please note belief and not fact. What I can't understand is
belief in an nonexistent individual born of a virgin (made up 300
years after the fact), deemed divine (made up 300 years after the
fact), and later used as an excuse to torture and kill those who
didn't wish to follow. Yup - makes perfect sense.

WB Yeats wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:36:53 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 06:53:51 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
>>>>Raymond wrote:
>>>>>On Jan 19, 7:26?pm, "Mr4701" <> wrote:
>>>>>>A Godless person is just as bad as an overzealous person. Atheist Stalin had
>>>>>>no more of a beef killing people than Islamofascist Osama Bin Laden.
>>>>>And Catholic Hitler had no more of a beef killing people than Atheist
>>>>>Stalin or Christian Episcopalean.....George Bush
>>>>Hitler and stalin were and Bush is an atheist, self worshipers. How
>>>>people define themselves to the world is hardly ever the reality.
>>>"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of
>>>the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am
>>>fighting for the work of the Lord."
>>>"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
>>>fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by
>>>a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned
>>>men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a
>>>sufferer but as a fighter."
>>>Guess who said the above? There is as much evidence Hitler was a
>>>Christian as that he was not. He does seem to believe in some type of
>>>God so to profess that Hitler was an atheist is very dubious at best.

>>You make my point. Politics has people saying all sorts of untruths. As
>>I said.

> ....and all the good little Christians just went along. Says much more
> about religion than politics. And there are a great many including
> yourself who's love to see the two go hand in hand in the US.

Sheephood is not restricted to a specific class.

>>>>>Most political and religious leaders throughout history have had no
>>>>>troulble killing millions of people----especially religious leaders.
>>>>>Religion has everything to do with terrorism Anyone who doesn't
>>>>>understand that has never been exposed to a decent history course or
>>>>>history book.
>>>>Anyone who takes history courses and books at face value needs a
>>>>tutorial in reality.
>>>So you're going to rewrite history to rationalize your ignorance?

>>Ignorance is taking necessarily biased accounts of history at face value.

> Biased acount of what?

History. Learn to read.

But I do understand your mindset - it's made up
> and gets confused when faced with historical fact(s).

What is an "historical fact"?

>>>>>And we must not exclude the Jewish leaders---including the main Man
>>>>>himself . G-d that is.
>>>>Hmm... the obligatory anti God hysteria.
>>>Anti-God hysteria. The burden of proof is on the believers - not on
>>>the non-believers. Now prove to us all that there is a God. Hint -
>>>Kant couldn't and you can't.

>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof enough.

> God is a belief made up by humans to try and explain what they don't
> understand and to use as a crutch in time of need. Don't confuse your
> faith with the physical world. It's inane, ignorant, and far from any
> truth.

Nice rant. You should give it from your pulpit.

>>>>>SEE Atrocities in the Bible. Shalom aleichem
>>>>Absolute exploitative insanity.
>>>Excuse me - it's in the Bible and isn't everything in the Bible God's
>>>honest truth?

>>To what in the Bible do you refer? If all you're going to do is
>>regurgitate garbage from that Jew hating web site you'll be engaging in
>>a conceptually irrelevant act.

> Just who are you talking to? Apparently not me as I've said nothing
> nor referenced anything which has to do with Judaism or its adherents.
> Try and stay on point. BTW - Judaism is much more on point than
> Xtianity. At least there's some real history attached to it.

Yes, I'm talking to you, that should be obvious. Your use of a Jew
hating website to promote your own religious ideology makes clear your
agenda. I suggest you pay attention to what you write.

>>>>>Also see:
>>>>Arab propaganda.
>>>Yeah, right. And the Holocaust was Jewish propaganda foisted off by
>>>the Rothschilds as truth. And the Inquisition was just a pop quiz. And
>>>the Crusades a cruise on Holland-America. And pogroms were cheerleader

>>Denial suits you.

> Excuse me - denial of what? Or don't you understand sarcasm. Try
> hitting yourself upside the head and jumpstarting your brain.

Denial comes in the form of you thinking sarcasm hides the fact that you
use arab propaganda to further your agenda?

>>>PS - you and the Muslims have the exact same God.


> There's more than one? Oh, I know what you're saying. Your God's
> better than their God.

No. I said they are not the same God.

>>>>>Catholics today all try to repudiate Adolf Hitler and deny that he was
>>>>>a fellow Roman Catholic. But this was definitely not the case so long
>>>>>as he was in power, In fact, Hitler could not have come to power
>>>>>without the assistance of the Vatican and the German Catholic Church>
>>>>>So long as Adolf Hitler was in power, his Roman Catholic Church never
>>>>>questioned his Catholicism - at least not in public - which is where
>>>>>it mattered politically.--- just as no one questions GW Bush's
>>>>>--- at least not in public - which is where it matters politically.
>>>>Hitler could not have come to power without the support of the people,
>>>>no matter their religious or anti religious affiliations.
>>>Of course - your point is?

>>Read what you wrote above.

> I didn't write it, God boy.

Ooh, ouch - 'God boy'. Antagonism suits you.

>>>>>A man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never
>>>>>tolerant. At the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another
>>>>>religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of
>>>>>a religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in
>>>>>another religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not
>>>>>successful. However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might
>>>>>of the majority is behind it. In the case of a Christian clergyman,
>>>>>the tragic-comical is found in this: that the Christian religion
>>>>>demands love from the faithful, even love for the enemy. This demand,
>>>>>because it is indeed superhuman, he is unable to fulfill. Thus
>>>>>intolerance and hatred ring through the oily words of the clergyman.
>>>>>The love, which on the Christian side is the basis for the
>>>>>conciliatory attempt towards Judaism is the same as the love of a
>>>>>child for a cake. That means that it contains the hope that the object
>>>>>of the love will be eaten up...
>>>>You have just described the mental and physical behaviors of believers
>>>>in the atheist religion.
>>>Atheism is a religion? Beep - wrong. Nobody's out there signing up

>>Bull. Atheism evangelizes. Or have you no idea of your fundamentalist,
>>evangelical devotion to your own religion.

> Religion explicitly entails a belief in some higher being. The belief
> that this fairy tale is not real does not constitute any type of
> religious belief. Personally if I were to adhere to any religion, it
> would be centered around Astarte and natural phenomena.

The operative word in the above is "I". The 'higher being' you believe
in religiously is self. I suggest you digest what you write before posting.

>>>>>Letter to Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago's Anshe Emet Congregation.
>>>>>"If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a
>>>>>Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior."
>>>>>Reply to a Roman Catholic student urging him to pray to Jesus Christ,
>>>>>the Virgin Mary, and convert to Christianity.
>>>>>--- Albert Einstein
>>>>>". I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not
>>>>>believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And
>>>>>if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such
>>>>>an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."
>>>>>--- Bertrand Russell
>>>>Russel the moron.
>>>Yup - Roy's the perfect ignorant Xtian - his mind's made up. Everyone
>>>who doesn't believe in his brand of Xtianity is a moron. This includes
>>>Russell, Kant, Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, and a cast of thousands.
>>>Pretty good company. If there ever was a Jesus, (there's no proof of
>>>his existence except for a footnote in an archaic text that refers to
>>>a Christos) he'd be much more at home with those folks than with a
>>>bunch of narrow-minded bigots.

>>Typical atheist zealot's rant.

> You really feel that Jesus existed? I can understand many believing in
> God - please note belief and not fact. What I can't understand is
> belief in an nonexistent individual born of a virgin (made up 300
> years after the fact), deemed divine (made up 300 years after the
> fact), and later used as an excuse to torture and kill those who
> didn't wish to follow. Yup - makes perfect sense.

I am not xian.
In article <>,
Roy Jose Lorr <> wrote:

> Richard Anacker wrote:
> > Virgil , 01.21.2008:
> >
> >
> >>>Irrelevant, idiot.
> >>
> >>It is relevant to your credibility

> >
> >
> > Which credibility? This fool has none at all.

> Good to see atheist morons stroking each other in public.

It beats seeing idiot Lorr stroking himself in public, which he does
much too often and too publicly
In article <>,
Roy Jose Lorr <> wrote:

> >>>>>Letter to Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago's Anshe Emet Congregation.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>"If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a
> >>>>>Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior."
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Reply to a Roman Catholic student urging him to pray to Jesus Christ,
> >>>>>the Virgin Mary, and convert to Christianity.
> >>>>>--- Albert Einstein
> >>>>>
> >>>>>". I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not
> >>>>>believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And
> >>>>>if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such
> >>>>>an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."
> >>>>>--- Bertrand Russell
> >>>>
> >>>>Russel the moron.

Russell still being incredibly smarter than Lorr ever hoped to be makes
Lorr sub-imbecilic by comparison.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Yup - Roy's the perfect ignorant Xtian - his mind's made up.

Roy will say he is not a Xtian, and that may well be so, but he IS of
the type that Eric Hoffer calls a True Believer, even if it is not the
Xtian belief.

> I am not xian.
"Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote in message
> Karl Johanson wrote:
>> "Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote
>>>Karl Johanson wrote:
>>>>"Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote
>>>>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>>Batman needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>Perhaps you'll explain how my existence proves the existence of

>> If you wish to believe a superstitious cause for the universe, you
>> have an infinite number of choices. All are untestable and about
>> equally likely. There might be one god, there might 23 gods, there
>> might be 42 gods, etc. It's as likely that Batman created the
>> universe as that Elohim did. Close to 1 in infinity. The Bible
>> doesn't prove Elohim exists anymore than that comic books prove that
>> Batman is the supreme being.
>> I was showing the implications of your argument.

> All you've shown is an abundance of atheist idiocy.

You're an atheist, with regard to the notion that batman is a deity.

Karl Johanson
Karl Johanson wrote:

> "Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote in message
>>Karl Johanson wrote:
>>>"Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote
>>>>Karl Johanson wrote:
>>>>>"Roy Jose Lorr" <> wrote
>>>>>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>>>Batman needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof
>>>>Perhaps you'll explain how my existence proves the existence of
>>>If you wish to believe a superstitious cause for the universe, you
>>>have an infinite number of choices. All are untestable and about
>>>equally likely. There might be one god, there might 23 gods, there
>>>might be 42 gods, etc. It's as likely that Batman created the
>>>universe as that Elohim did. Close to 1 in infinity. The Bible
>>>doesn't prove Elohim exists anymore than that comic books prove that
>>>Batman is the supreme being.
>>>I was showing the implications of your argument.

>>All you've shown is an abundance of atheist idiocy.

> You're an atheist, with regard to the notion that batman is a deity.

In article <>,
Roy Jose Lorr <> wrote:

> > You're an atheist, with regard to the notion that batman is a deity.

> Sure.

Batman is as rational deity as any other, so why reject him?
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:31:49 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>

>>>>"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
>>>>fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by
>>>>a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned
>>>>men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a
>>>>sufferer but as a fighter."
>>>>Guess who said the above? There is as much evidence Hitler was a
>>>>Christian as that he was not. He does seem to believe in some type of
>>>>God so to profess that Hitler was an atheist is very dubious at best.
>>>You make my point. Politics has people saying all sorts of untruths. As
>>>I said.

>> ....and all the good little Christians just went along. Says much more
>> about religion than politics. And there are a great many including
>> yourself who's love to see the two go hand in hand in the US.

>Sheephood is not restricted to a specific class.

Open wide and say baaaa.

>>>>>>Most political and religious leaders throughout history have had no
>>>>>>troulble killing millions of people----especially religious leaders.
>>>>>>Religion has everything to do with terrorism Anyone who doesn't
>>>>>>understand that has never been exposed to a decent history course or
>>>>>>history book.
>>>>>Anyone who takes history courses and books at face value needs a
>>>>>tutorial in reality.
>>>>So you're going to rewrite history to rationalize your ignorance?
>>>Ignorance is taking necessarily biased accounts of history at face value.

>> Biased acount of what?

>History. Learn to read.

Now tell us all exactly which history you're referring to? Crusades,
Inquisition, pogroms, or the Holocaust. All of which occurred as a
result of religion or hatred against another religion. Refute it.

> But I do understand your mindset - it's made up
>> and gets confused when faced with historical fact(s).

>What is an "historical fact"?

I guess you really are ignorant as a log. But let me give you one
anyway. In the late 1400's in Spain the monarchs got together with the
church to burn and torture 'heretics' who either would not accept
Christ or would not confess their 'sins'.

>>>>>>And we must not exclude the Jewish leaders---including the main Man
>>>>>>himself . G-d that is.
>>>>>Hmm... the obligatory anti God hysteria.
>>>>Anti-God hysteria. The burden of proof is on the believers - not on
>>>>the non-believers. Now prove to us all that there is a God. Hint -
>>>>Kant couldn't and you can't.
>>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof enough.

>> God is a belief made up by humans to try and explain what they don't
>> understand and to use as a crutch in time of need. Don't confuse your
>> faith with the physical world. It's inane, ignorant, and far from any
>> truth.

>Nice rant. You should give it from your pulpit.

Not a rant Giles God-boy. That reference just went right over your
tiny brain.

>>>>>>SEE Atrocities in the Bible. Shalom aleichem
>>>>>Absolute exploitative insanity.
>>>>Excuse me - it's in the Bible and isn't everything in the Bible God's
>>>>honest truth?
>>>To what in the Bible do you refer? If all you're going to do is
>>>regurgitate garbage from that Jew hating web site you'll be engaging in
>>>a conceptually irrelevant act.

>> Just who are you talking to? Apparently not me as I've said nothing
>> nor referenced anything which has to do with Judaism or its adherents.
>> Try and stay on point. BTW - Judaism is much more on point than
>> Xtianity. At least there's some real history attached to it.

>Yes, I'm talking to you, that should be obvious. Your use of a Jew
>hating website to promote your own religious ideology makes clear your
>agenda. I suggest you pay attention to what you write.

Wasn't me Bozo - try looking before you leap to conclusions.

>>>>>>Also see:
>>>>>Arab propaganda.
>>>>Yeah, right. And the Holocaust was Jewish propaganda foisted off by
>>>>the Rothschilds as truth. And the Inquisition was just a pop quiz. And
>>>>the Crusades a cruise on Holland-America. And pogroms were cheerleader
>>>Denial suits you.

>> Excuse me - denial of what? Or don't you understand sarcasm. Try
>> hitting yourself upside the head and jumpstarting your brain.

>Denial comes in the form of you thinking sarcasm hides the fact that you
>use arab propaganda to further your agenda?

Exactly what Arab propaganda is that. I didn't reference any site.

>>>>PS - you and the Muslims have the exact same God.

>> There's more than one? Oh, I know what you're saying. Your God's
>> better than their God.

>No. I said they are not the same God.

Okay - so now there's more than one.

>>>>>>Catholics today all try to repudiate Adolf Hitler and deny that he was
>>>>>>a fellow Roman Catholic. But this was definitely not the case so long
>>>>>>as he was in power, In fact, Hitler could not have come to power
>>>>>>without the assistance of the Vatican and the German Catholic Church>
>>>>>>So long as Adolf Hitler was in power, his Roman Catholic Church never
>>>>>>questioned his Catholicism - at least not in public - which is where
>>>>>>it mattered politically.--- just as no one questions GW Bush's
>>>>>>--- at least not in public - which is where it matters politically.
>>>>>Hitler could not have come to power without the support of the people,
>>>>>no matter their religious or anti religious affiliations.
>>>>Of course - your point is?
>>>Read what you wrote above.

>> I didn't write it, God boy.

>Ooh, ouch - 'God boy'. Antagonism suits you.
>>>>>>A man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never
>>>>>>tolerant. At the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another
>>>>>>religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of
>>>>>>a religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in
>>>>>>another religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not
>>>>>>successful. However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might
>>>>>>of the majority is behind it. In the case of a Christian clergyman,
>>>>>>the tragic-comical is found in this: that the Christian religion
>>>>>>demands love from the faithful, even love for the enemy. This demand,
>>>>>>because it is indeed superhuman, he is unable to fulfill. Thus
>>>>>>intolerance and hatred ring through the oily words of the clergyman.
>>>>>>The love, which on the Christian side is the basis for the
>>>>>>conciliatory attempt towards Judaism is the same as the love of a
>>>>>>child for a cake. That means that it contains the hope that the object
>>>>>>of the love will be eaten up...
>>>>>You have just described the mental and physical behaviors of believers
>>>>>in the atheist religion.
>>>>Atheism is a religion? Beep - wrong. Nobody's out there signing up
>>>Bull. Atheism evangelizes. Or have you no idea of your fundamentalist,
>>>evangelical devotion to your own religion.

>> Religion explicitly entails a belief in some higher being. The belief
>> that this fairy tale is not real does not constitute any type of
>> religious belief. Personally if I were to adhere to any religion, it
>> would be centered around Astarte and natural phenomena.

>The operative word in the above is "I". The 'higher being' you believe
>in religiously is self. I suggest you digest what you write before posting.

Take a few Zantac - might help with your (reading) digestion. What I
said does not imply any belief in 'self'. Nice try God-boy.

>>>>>>Letter to Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago's Anshe Emet Congregation.
>>>>>>"If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a
>>>>>>Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior."
>>>>>>Reply to a Roman Catholic student urging him to pray to Jesus Christ,
>>>>>>the Virgin Mary, and convert to Christianity.
>>>>>>--- Albert Einstein
>>>>>>". I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not
>>>>>>believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And
>>>>>>if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such
>>>>>>an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."
>>>>>>--- Bertrand Russell
>>>>>Russel the moron.
>>>>Yup - Roy's the perfect ignorant Xtian - his mind's made up. Everyone
>>>>who doesn't believe in his brand of Xtianity is a moron. This includes
>>>>Russell, Kant, Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, and a cast of thousands.
>>>>Pretty good company. If there ever was a Jesus, (there's no proof of
>>>>his existence except for a footnote in an archaic text that refers to
>>>>a Christos) he'd be much more at home with those folks than with a
>>>>bunch of narrow-minded bigots.
>>>Typical atheist zealot's rant.

>> You really feel that Jesus existed? I can understand many believing in
>> God - please note belief and not fact. What I can't understand is
>> belief in an nonexistent individual born of a virgin (made up 300
>> years after the fact), deemed divine (made up 300 years after the
>> fact), and later used as an excuse to torture and kill those who
>> didn't wish to follow. Yup - makes perfect sense.

>I am not xian.

That might be true(not) but you are the real thing - a genuine idiot.

WB Yeats wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:31:49 -0800, Roy Jose Lorr <>
> wrote:
>>>>>"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
>>>>>fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by
>>>>>a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned
>>>>>men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a
>>>>>sufferer but as a fighter."
>>>>>Guess who said the above? There is as much evidence Hitler was a
>>>>>Christian as that he was not. He does seem to believe in some type of
>>>>>God so to profess that Hitler was an atheist is very dubious at best.
>>>>You make my point. Politics has people saying all sorts of untruths. As
>>>>I said.
>>>....and all the good little Christians just went along. Says much more
>>>about religion than politics. And there are a great many including
>>>yourself who's love to see the two go hand in hand in the US.

>>Sheephood is not restricted to a specific class.

> Open wide and say baaaa.

You in heat?

>>>>>>>Most political and religious leaders throughout history have had no
>>>>>>>troulble killing millions of people----especially religious leaders.
>>>>>>>Religion has everything to do with terrorism Anyone who doesn't
>>>>>>>understand that has never been exposed to a decent history course or
>>>>>>>history book.
>>>>>>Anyone who takes history courses and books at face value needs a
>>>>>>tutorial in reality.
>>>>>So you're going to rewrite history to rationalize your ignorance?
>>>>Ignorance is taking necessarily biased accounts of history at face value.
>>>Biased acount of what?

>>History. Learn to read.

> Now tell us all exactly which history you're referring to? Crusades,
> Inquisition, pogroms, or the Holocaust. All of which occurred as a
> result of religion or hatred against another religion. Refute it.


>> But I do understand your mindset - it's made up
>>>and gets confused when faced with historical fact(s).

>>What is an "historical fact"?

> I guess you really are ignorant as a log. But let me give you one
> anyway. In the late 1400's in Spain the monarchs got together with the
> church to burn and torture 'heretics' who either would not accept
> Christ or would not confess their 'sins'.

Answer the question.

>>>>>>>And we must not exclude the Jewish leaders---including the main Man
>>>>>>>himself . G-d that is.
>>>>>>Hmm... the obligatory anti God hysteria.
>>>>>Anti-God hysteria. The burden of proof is on the believers - not on
>>>>>the non-believers. Now prove to us all that there is a God. Hint -
>>>>>Kant couldn't and you can't.
>>>>God needs no proof but since you insist: your existence is proof enough.
>>>God is a belief made up by humans to try and explain what they don't
>>>understand and to use as a crutch in time of need. Don't confuse your
>>>faith with the physical world. It's inane, ignorant, and far from any

>>Nice rant. You should give it from your pulpit.

> Not a rant Giles God-boy. That reference just went right over your
> tiny brain.

Ooh, u soo smaaht.

>>>>>>>SEE Atrocities in the Bible. Shalom aleichem
>>>>>>Absolute exploitative insanity.
>>>>>Excuse me - it's in the Bible and isn't everything in the Bible God's
>>>>>honest truth?
>>>>To what in the Bible do you refer? If all you're going to do is
>>>>regurgitate garbage from that Jew hating web site you'll be engaging in
>>>>a conceptually irrelevant act.
>>>Just who are you talking to? Apparently not me as I've said nothing
>>>nor referenced anything which has to do with Judaism or its adherents.
>>>Try and stay on point. BTW - Judaism is much more on point than
>>>Xtianity. At least there's some real history attached to it.

>>Yes, I'm talking to you, that should be obvious. Your use of a Jew
>>hating website to promote your own religious ideology makes clear your
>>agenda. I suggest you pay attention to what you write.

> Wasn't me Bozo - try looking before you leap to conclusions.

You are a conclusion that needs leaping upon.

>>>>>>>Also see:
>>>>>>Arab propaganda.
>>>>>Yeah, right. And the Holocaust was Jewish propaganda foisted off by
>>>>>the Rothschilds as truth. And the Inquisition was just a pop quiz. And
>>>>>the Crusades a cruise on Holland-America. And pogroms were cheerleader
>>>>Denial suits you.
>>>Excuse me - denial of what? Or don't you understand sarcasm. Try
>>>hitting yourself upside the head and jumpstarting your brain.

>>Denial comes in the form of you thinking sarcasm hides the fact that you
>>use arab propaganda to further your agenda?

> Exactly what Arab propaganda is that. I didn't reference any site.

Is that so? I see you don't care much for 'historical facts'.
Embarrassing, isn't it? BAGL

>>>>>PS - you and the Muslims have the exact same God.
>>>There's more than one? Oh, I know what you're saying. Your God's
>>>better than their God.

>>No. I said they are not the same God.

> Okay - so now there's more than one.

There is a huge difference between God and gods.

>>>>>>>Catholics today all try to repudiate Adolf Hitler and deny that he was
>>>>>>>a fellow Roman Catholic. But this was definitely not the case so long
>>>>>>>as he was in power, In fact, Hitler could not have come to power
>>>>>>>without the assistance of the Vatican and the German Catholic Church>
>>>>>>>So long as Adolf Hitler was in power, his Roman Catholic Church never
>>>>>>>questioned his Catholicism - at least not in public - which is where
>>>>>>>it mattered politically.--- just as no one questions GW Bush's
>>>>>>>--- at least not in public - which is where it matters politically.
>>>>>>Hitler could not have come to power without the support of the people,
>>>>>>no matter their religious or anti religious affiliations.
>>>>>Of course - your point is?
>>>>Read what you wrote above.
>>>I didn't write it, God boy.

>>Ooh, ouch - 'God boy'. Antagonism suits you.
>>>>>>>A man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never
>>>>>>>tolerant. At the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another
>>>>>>>religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of
>>>>>>>a religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in
>>>>>>>another religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not
>>>>>>>successful. However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might
>>>>>>>of the majority is behind it. In the case of a Christian clergyman,
>>>>>>>the tragic-comical is found in this: that the Christian religion
>>>>>>>demands love from the faithful, even love for the enemy. This demand,
>>>>>>>because it is indeed superhuman, he is unable to fulfill. Thus
>>>>>>>intolerance and hatred ring through the oily words of the clergyman.
>>>>>>>The love, which on the Christian side is the basis for the
>>>>>>>conciliatory attempt towards Judaism is the same as the love of a
>>>>>>>child for a cake. That means that it contains the hope that the object
>>>>>>>of the love will be eaten up...
>>>>>>You have just described the mental and physical behaviors of believers
>>>>>>in the atheist religion.
>>>>>Atheism is a religion? Beep - wrong. Nobody's out there signing up
>>>>Bull. Atheism evangelizes. Or have you no idea of your fundamentalist,
>>>>evangelical devotion to your own religion.
>>>Religion explicitly entails a belief in some higher being. The belief
>>>that this fairy tale is not real does not constitute any type of
>>>religious belief. Personally if I were to adhere to any religion, it
>>>would be centered around Astarte and natural phenomena.

>>The operative word in the above is "I". The 'higher being' you believe
>>in religiously is self. I suggest you digest what you write before posting.

> Take a few Zantac - might help with your (reading) digestion. What I
> said does not imply any belief in 'self'. Nice try God-boy.

Denial suits you.

>>>>>>>Letter to Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago's Anshe Emet Congregation.
>>>>>>>"If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a
>>>>>>>Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior."
>>>>>>>Reply to a Roman Catholic student urging him to pray to Jesus Christ,
>>>>>>>the Virgin Mary, and convert to Christianity.
>>>>>>>--- Albert Einstein
>>>>>>>". I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not
>>>>>>>believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And
>>>>>>>if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such
>>>>>>>an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."
>>>>>>>--- Bertrand Russell
>>>>>>Russel the moron.
>>>>>Yup - Roy's the perfect ignorant Xtian - his mind's made up. Everyone
>>>>>who doesn't believe in his brand of Xtianity is a moron. This includes
>>>>>Russell, Kant, Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, and a cast of thousands.
>>>>>Pretty good company. If there ever was a Jesus, (there's no proof of
>>>>>his existence except for a footnote in an archaic text that refers to
>>>>>a Christos) he'd be much more at home with those folks than with a
>>>>>bunch of narrow-minded bigots.
>>>>Typical atheist zealot's rant.
>>>You really feel that Jesus existed? I can understand many believing in
>>>God - please note belief and not fact. What I can't understand is
>>>belief in an nonexistent individual born of a virgin (made up 300
>>>years after the fact), deemed divine (made up 300 years after the
>>>fact), and later used as an excuse to torture and kill those who
>>>didn't wish to follow. Yup - makes perfect sense.

>>I am not xian.

> That might be true(not) but you are the real thing - a genuine idiot.

Again: 'historical facts' are meaningless to you. Marxist dialectics
ring a bell? Is your real name Billary?
Roy Jose Lorr wrote:

> Richard Anacker wrote:
> > Virgil , 01.21.2008:
> >
> >
> >>>Irrelevant, idiot.
> >>
> >>It is relevant to your credibility

> >
> >
> > Which credibility? This fool has none at all.

> Good to see atheist morons stroking each other in public.

Sad to see what the result of religious brainwashing