Re: Definition of God

On 23 Aug 2006 16:54:01 -0700, "Paul Holbach"
<> wrote:

>> God is the Being whose essence is existence.

>God is characterized by the theists as the being whose essence is

>But there is absolutely nothing self-contradictory in claiming that the
>being whose essence is existence does not exist.

Prove it.


Celebrate diversity:
Glock, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Sig Sauer, etc.
On 23 Aug 2006 15:42:19 -0700, "thepossibilities"
<> wrote:

>I don't want to
>believe we are born on this earth live out our life and then cease to

Why not?

What could be more blissful than nonexistence.

I am looking forward to it. One lifetime is enough to last me all

It would be cruel if God forced us to exist as finite creatures for
all eternity. The existential dread would drive us mad.


Celebrate diversity:
Glock, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Sig Sauer, etc.
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:56:44 +0000 (UTC),
(Cary Kittrell) wrote:

>Lizz Holmans <>
>> Except the Empire didn't fall when Rome did. The capital was moved to
>> Ravenna, which was taken by the Arian Christian Ostrogoths.

>You're a nurse: isn't that some kind of bone cell?

Hmm. Could be. But I've retired, so I don't have to know that stuff
any longer (Osteoblasts are extremely under-represented in religious

>Oh, I know, I know. Nothing is ever remotely that simple -- nor do
>I even think that the official adoption of Christianity had much, if
>anything, to do with subsequent events.

There, I knew thee was a sensible fellow.
>What you saw is a knee-jerk reaction has arisen from years of
>reading posts along the line of "FAGS WILL CAUSE GOD TO DESTROY

I understand. Although I am not particularly patriotic, I do have the
same reaction when I hear or read something unfairly anti-American.
Talk about a demonized minority.
>Interesting history lesson, by the way. Thank you.

Studying Church history would probably result in more atheists--even
the earliest Christians were human beings, and we all know how
contrary they are.

Lizz 'I am beginning to like my cats more and more, but I'm not into
bestiality' Holmans
Rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta
In article <> Lizz Holmans <> writes:
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:56:44 +0000 (UTC),
> (Cary Kittrell) wrote:
> >Lizz Holmans <>
> >
> >> Except the Empire didn't fall when Rome did. The capital was moved to
> >> Ravenna, which was taken by the Arian Christian Ostrogoths.

> >
> >You're a nurse: isn't that some kind of bone cell?

> Hmm. Could be. But I've retired, so I don't have to know that stuff
> any longer (Osteoblasts are extremely under-represented in religious
> history).

Actually it's a term which has come about lately due to the
rise of bone-marrow transplants -- or "grafts" -- where the
donor is _Bradypod plodplodica_, or the Even Lesser Sloth.
Surprisingly, the human immune system just can't seem to
be bothered attacking the donor cells, always intending
to "get around to it someday". Surgeons from the start were
bit uncomfortable saying "Osteo-graft, sloth" -- particularly
wherever news cameras were involved -- and thus quickly coined
the obfuscating neologism "ostrogoth".

Next, hemotologists followed suit, although they... but I see I'm
boring you.

> >
> >Oh, I know, I know. Nothing is ever remotely that simple -- nor do
> >I even think that the official adoption of Christianity had much, if
> >anything, to do with subsequent events.

> There, I knew thee was a sensible fellow.

Of course: it's Thursday.

> >
> >What you saw is a knee-jerk reaction has arisen from years of
> >reading posts along the line of "FAGS WILL CAUSE GOD TO DESTROY

> I understand. Although I am not particularly patriotic, I do have the
> same reaction when I hear or read something unfairly anti-American.

You must be seeing more than a bit of that these days. Not all
undeserved, either.

> Talk about a demonized minority.
> >
> >
> >Interesting history lesson, by the way. Thank you.

> Studying Church history would probably result in more atheists--even
> the earliest Christians were human beings, and we all know how
> contrary they are.

I did recently read Elaine Pagels on Aquinas. Can't say I was too charmed.

-- cary
thepossibilities wrote:
>>> i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
>>> beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
>>> they can't handle someone believing differently.

>> I think you are seeing something that isn't there (again?).

> okay, you can call it what you wish, how about a rise?

How about a response ?

>>>> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?
>>> it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
>>> absolutely everything just most things.

>> How do you know which are the right ones? Is it because you want them
>> to be? (Like you had said about belief in the religion in general), or
>> because of the historicality of certain parts, or what?

> historical things that are backed up by recent archeological
> discoveries. not to mention writings from others about Jesus's
> existence and what happend that have nothing to do with the Bible.

Okay, so let's get specific.

Matthew 19:24:
droth wrote:
> thepossibilities wrote:
> >>> i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
> >>> beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
> >>> they can't handle someone believing differently.
> >> I think you are seeing something that isn't there (again?).

> >
> > okay, you can call it what you wish, how about a rise?

> How about a response ?

thought I did respond when I explained that I misread the earlier post,
however I deem this issue mute at this point and doesn't matter a whole
lot in the grand scheme of things.

> >>>> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?
> >>> it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
> >>> absolutely everything just most things.
> >> How do you know which are the right ones? Is it because you want them
> >> to be? (Like you had said about belief in the religion in general), or
> >> because of the historicality of certain parts, or what?

> >
> > historical things that are backed up by recent archeological
> > discoveries. not to mention writings from others about Jesus's
> > existence and what happend that have nothing to do with the Bible.

> Okay, so let's get specific.
> Matthew 19:24:
> "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a
> rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
> A couple of questions:
> 1. Do you believe this is a true part of the Bible?
> 2. If so, what archeological evidence, or writings of others, leads you
> to that conclusion?
> 3. If not, are there any other quotes attributed to Jesus that you lack
> archeological evidence of their truth, but still believe them to be true?

you know other than you not believeing in God why don't you educate me
a little on what atheists believe so I better understand who I am
dealing with.
Bob wrote:
> On 23 Aug 2006 15:42:19 -0700, "thepossibilities"
> <> wrote:
> >I don't want to
> >believe we are born on this earth live out our life and then cease to
> >exist.

> Why not?
> What could be more blissful than nonexistence.

this would be your opinion in regard to the matter.

> I am looking forward to it. One lifetime is enough to last me all
> eternity.
> It would be cruel if God forced us to exist as finite creatures for
> all eternity. The existential dread would drive us mad.

if you consider heaven to be dreadful then you should read up on it a
Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> On 24 Aug 2006 10:21:29 -0700, "thepossibilities"
> <> wrote:
> >Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> >> On 24 Aug 2006 08:48:25 -0700, "thepossibilities"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Why do you morons invent beliefs we don't have?
> >>
> >> Learn the difference between your stupid, ignorant and smug straw man,
> >>

> >
> >i didn't invent the belief its been around for thousands of years and
> >is still going.

> You meant the belief that brindead theists have about what is in
> atheists' heads?
> And that excuses you lying about atheists to our faces, brainwashed
> moron?

don't get where you are going with this, can you offer a more detailed
response with less criticism, it distracts from the subject matter. i
am touching on the subject of God primarily because that is the main
subject here, I explained why I believe in God so explain to me the
convincing evidence you have there is no God and what other belief's an
atheist has.

> > > Another straw man to the point of lying.
> >>
> >> Why can't you assholes have a shred of honesty?

> >
> >so if I cuss and throw some acusations around I'll be considered
> >honest? okay, why can't you assholes be a little nicer?

> More Christian dishonesty.

you seem to have brandened every "Christian" as dishonest, do you know
every "Christian" personally? I am not trying to prove otherwise since
in your mind you firmly believe this so I would say it's best to let it

> >> Then you're a brainwashed idiot.

> >
> >so you have proof that your way of life is better? and everyone should
> >believe in nothing?

> Yet more stupidity. The only people who imagine atheists "believe
> innothing" are deliberately ignorant theists like you who invent
> positions we don't have, projecting their own deficiencies on us.

again explain to me what you believe in other than there being no "God"
so I better understand you.
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> Robibnikoff wrote:
>> Where did he stated he believe there is "only evil"? Sounds like
>> projection
>> on your part.

> not so much projection as i stayed up late watching baseball and
> misread what he said, my bad.
>> Thank goodness for that. I would hope that sort of thinking went out
>> with
>> the dark ages.

> i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
> beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
> they can't handle someone believing differently.

LOL - You're funny. What in the world makes you think we "can't handle" it?
I can handle it quite fine, dearly. I assure you.
>> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?

> it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
> absolutely everything just most things.

Uh huh. Pick and choose what to believe in, eh? How typical. You're
what's known as a "Salad Bar Christian".

>> Yeah, right, sure.

> :) give it up your not changing anything I've witnessed, you can
> believe it didn't happen that's fine with me.

Don't worry yourself, deary. I don't believe a word of it.
>> Fine, then bug off, okay?

> no, plain and simple no, this is a discussion board and this is a
> seriously interesting discussion to me.

Alrighty then - You've been warned ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message

> okay, you can call it what you wish, how about a rise?

Rise? Hey, whatever blows your dress up, kiddo.
>> >> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?
>> >
>> > it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
>> > absolutely everything just most things.

>> How do you know which are the right ones? Is it because you want them
>> to be? (Like you had said about belief in the religion in general), or
>> because of the historicality of certain parts, or what?

> historical things that are backed up by recent archeological
> discoveries.

Such as?

not to mention writings from others about Jesus's
> existence

Such as? Got a cite for that? BTW, Josephus doesn't count as that's a proven

>and what happend that have nothing to do with the Bible.

What the heck does this mean?

Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> Christopher A. Lee wrote:
>> On 24 Aug 2006 08:48:25 -0700, "thepossibilities"
>> <> wrote:
>> Why do you morons invent beliefs we don't have?
>> Learn the difference between your stupid, ignorant and smug straw man,

> i didn't invent the belief its been around for thousands of years and
> is still going.

Well, duh, of course not.

Doesn't mean it's true either.

> > Another straw man to the point of lying.
>> Why can't you assholes have a shred of honesty?

> so if I cuss and throw some acusations around I'll be considered
> honest? okay, why can't you assholes be a little nicer?

Why the **** should we if we don't feel like it? ;)

>> Then you're a brainwashed idiot.

> so you have proof that your way of life is better? and everyone should
> believe in nothing?

What makes you think atheists "believe in nothing"? We just don't believe
in god(s).
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire
Robibnikoff wrote:
> "thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> > Robibnikoff wrote:
> >>
> >> Where did he stated he believe there is "only evil"? Sounds like
> >> projection
> >> on your part.

> >
> > not so much projection as i stayed up late watching baseball and
> > misread what he said, my bad.
> >
> >>
> >> Thank goodness for that. I would hope that sort of thinking went out
> >> with
> >> the dark ages.
> >>

> >
> > i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
> > beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
> > they can't handle someone believing differently.

> LOL - You're funny. What in the world makes you think we "can't handle" it?
> I can handle it quite fine, dearly. I assure you.

glad to here it then, let's call this a debate and do away with the
terms "moron", "idiot", "straw man" and "dishonest Christain".

> >> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?

> >
> > it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
> > absolutely everything just most things.

> Uh huh. Pick and choose what to believe in, eh? How typical. You're
> what's known as a "Salad Bar Christian".

i think you misunderstand me a little here, parts of the old testiment
were replaced with the new testiment. hey you got any ranch to go with
that? :)

> >> Yeah, right, sure.

> >
> > :) give it up your not changing anything I've witnessed, you can
> > believe it didn't happen that's fine with me.

> Don't worry yourself, deary. I don't believe a word of it.

good for you, it's your right. you wasn't there so what do you care.
found it interesting how many people don't believe it but hey we all
have our own mind. i would probably find it hard to believe myself if
I hadn't ever experienced it and heard the story.

> >
> >> Fine, then bug off, okay?

> >
> > no, plain and simple no, this is a discussion board and this is a
> > seriously interesting discussion to me.

> Alrighty then - You've been warned ;)

bring it on, I don't know everything there is to know for sure so
anything new I can learn about what motivates people in what they
believe in, great. always love learning.
"Christopher A. Lee" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 13:41:21 -0400, "DanWood" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >"Gospel Bretts" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:20:08 -0400, "DanWood" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> ><> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> Immortalist wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> > God is a concept some humans use as a lever
> >> >> > [crutch-lever?].
> >> >>
> >> >> Okay. But with some 6 billion people on the planet,
> >> >> this isn't exactly going out on a limb.
> >> >>
> >> >> I mean, try to imagine if some aliens visited the
> >> >> Earth from another planet, and not knowing a lot
> >> >> about us they asked me about sex, what it is we
> >> >> do. At this point I tell the aliens that some people
> >> >> are masochistic, that they get a sexual thrill out
> >> >> of having pain inflicted on them.
> >> >>
> >> >> I'd be leaving them with a pretty misleading view
> >> >> of human sexuality, would I not?
> >> >>
> >> >> > If evolutionary theory is correct, people with
> >> >> > particular religious instincts survived and the
> >> >> > atheists died.
> >> >>
> >> >> There is absolutely no reason to believe this.
> >> >>
> >> >> None.
> >> >>
> >> >> How are you arriving at this claim?
> >> >>
> >> >There are people who go to their deaths completely
> >> >assured that it's not the end. And are convinced they
> >> >will live again a much better life. Atheist, however,
> >> >have none of this assurance.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Neither do Christians, Dan. They want to believe their fantasies, but
> >> they don't really.
> >>

> >Do you speak for Christians?

> So demonstrate that your pretend friend is more than just a fantasy.
> What's that?
> You can't?
> Given your earlier performance where you couldn't grasp the difference
> between rationalising in terms of an unjustified presumption, and a
> conclusion which you pretended to make, that doesn't surprise me.

Chris, do you consider anything in the religious sphere to be anything,
but unjustified presumptions? I know the difference between a
conclusion and a presumption. I did offer what I consider empirical
evidence for God's existence. And this is evidence which satisfies me.
You disagreed that this evidence points to a creator, but you offered
nothing in its place except guesses, supposition and unsupported

Robibnikoff wrote:
> "thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> snip
> >
> > okay, you can call it what you wish, how about a rise?

> Rise? Hey, whatever blows your dress up, kiddo.

thanks but these days I wear a skirt so it's much easier to get it
blown up. What does "kiddo" have to do with anything? throwing more
sarcism out there to help get your view point across?

> >>
> >> >> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?
> >> >
> >> > it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
> >> > absolutely everything just most things.
> >>
> >> How do you know which are the right ones? Is it because you want them
> >> to be? (Like you had said about belief in the religion in general), or
> >> because of the historicality of certain parts, or what?

> >
> > historical things that are backed up by recent archeological
> > discoveries.

> Such as?

what i've read, how about you citing something to do with there being
no "God"?

> not to mention writings from others about Jesus's
> > existence

> Such as? Got a cite for that? BTW, Josephus doesn't count as that's a proven
> forgery
> >and what happend that have nothing to do with the Bible.

> What the heck does this mean?

i mean sources that aren't Christian and have nothing to do with the
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message

> i think you misunderstand me a little here, parts of the old testiment
> were replaced with the new testiment.

It is this kind of thing that endears us to humans.
I mean look at it.
Ain't it CUTE!
Robibnikoff wrote:
> "thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> > Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> >> On 24 Aug 2006 08:48:25 -0700, "thepossibilities"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Why do you morons invent beliefs we don't have?
> >>
> >> Learn the difference between your stupid, ignorant and smug straw man,
> >>

> >
> > i didn't invent the belief its been around for thousands of years and
> > is still going.

> Well, duh, of course not.
> Doesn't mean it's true either.

what about history books about our country? should we say they are all
completely false, throw out the constitution and do whatever? Since
it's probably fake anyway?

> > > Another straw man to the point of lying.
> >>
> >> Why can't you assholes have a shred of honesty?

> >
> > so if I cuss and throw some acusations around I'll be considered
> > honest? okay, why can't you assholes be a little nicer?

> Why the **** should we if we don't feel like it? ;)

your proving a point to me, kindness will not abound from
non-believers. ;]

> >> Then you're a brainwashed idiot.

> >
> > so you have proof that your way of life is better? and everyone should
> > believe in nothing?

> What makes you think atheists "believe in nothing"? We just don't believe
> in god(s).

explain a little of what you believe in so I better understand
On 24 Aug 2006 12:33:43 -0700, "thepossibilities"
<> wrote:

>Christopher A. Lee wrote:
>> On 24 Aug 2006 10:21:29 -0700, "thepossibilities"
>> <> wrote:
>> >Christopher A. Lee wrote:
>> >> On 24 Aug 2006 08:48:25 -0700, "thepossibilities"
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Why do you morons invent beliefs we don't have?
>> >>
>> >> Learn the difference between your stupid, ignorant and smug straw man,
>> >> and the actuality of HAVING ZERO REASON TO BELIEVE YOUR MYTHS.
>> >>
>> >
>> >i didn't invent the belief its been around for thousands of years and
>> >is still going.

>> You meant the belief that brindead theists have about what is in
>> atheists' heads?
>> And that excuses you lying about atheists to our faces, brainwashed
>> moron?

>don't get where you are going with this, can you offer a more detailed
>response with less criticism, it distracts from the subject matter. i
>am touching on the subject of God primarily because that is the main
>subject here, I explained why I believe in God so explain to me the
>convincing evidence you have there is no God and what other belief's an
>atheist has.

Here's a clue, moron, you obviously need it:


Was that clear enough even for you?

And stop shifting the burden of proof.

>> > > Another straw man to the point of lying.
>> >>
>> >> Why can't you assholes have a shred of honesty?
>> >
>> >so if I cuss and throw some acusations around I'll be considered
>> >honest? okay, why can't you assholes be a little nicer?

>> More Christian dishonesty.

>you seem to have brandened every "Christian" as dishonest, do you know
>every "Christian" personally? I am not trying to prove otherwise since
>in your mind you firmly believe this so I would say it's best to let it

Another emotionally prejudicial lie.

We wouldn't give a **** about your religion if you kept it to

And when you don't, or when you lie about us to our faces, don't whine
about the response and resort to further lies.

Like whaen you said "Again if you want to believe you live out your
life on earth and then it's over and done with and you can be happy
with this then so be it".

We don't "believe" that, liar.

Let alone "want to believe it".

It is a fact of life that people die.

If you imagine anybody has to take your ridiculoud beliefs about an
after life seriously YOU have to demonstrate one BEFORE smugly lying
about us.

In the real world outside your religion, it is just SOMEBODY'S

We don't waste our time believing the opposite. Your beliefs are
merely beliefs until YOU demonstrate otherwise.

And rationalisations aren't demonstration that it is anything more
than your wacky belief(s) that we wouldn't care about if you kept them
to yourself.

>> >> Then you're a brainwashed idiot.
>> >
>> >so you have proof that your way of life is better? and everyone should
>> >believe in nothing?

>> Yet more stupidity. The only people who imagine atheists "believe
>> innothing" are deliberately ignorant theists like you who invent
>> positions we don't have, projecting their own deficiencies on us.

>again explain to me what you believe in other than there being no "God"
>so I better understand you.
On 24 Aug 2006 12:45:55 -0700, "thepossibilities"
<> wrote:

>Robibnikoff wrote:
>> "thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
>> > Robibnikoff wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Where did he stated he believe there is "only evil"? Sounds like
>> >> projection
>> >> on your part.
>> >
>> > not so much projection as i stayed up late watching baseball and
>> > misread what he said, my bad.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Thank goodness for that. I would hope that sort of thinking went out
>> >> with
>> >> the dark ages.
>> >>
>> >
>> > i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
>> > beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
>> > they can't handle someone believing differently.

>> LOL - You're funny. What in the world makes you think we "can't handle" it?
>> I can handle it quite fine, dearly. I assure you.

>glad to here it then, let's call this a debate and do away with the
>terms "moron", "idiot", "straw man" and "dishonest Christain".

Then don't be any of those.


Was that clear enough even for you?
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> droth wrote:
>> thepossibilities wrote:
>> >>> i only added my two cents I'm not trying to change your world or your
>> >>> beliefs, but I will admit this is fun watching everyone spin because
>> >>> they can't handle someone believing differently.
>> >> I think you are seeing something that isn't there (again?).
>> >
>> > okay, you can call it what you wish, how about a rise?

>> How about a response ?

> thought I did respond when I explained that I misread the earlier post,
> however I deem this issue mute at this point and doesn't matter a whole
> lot in the grand scheme of things.
>> >>>> EVERYTHING that's in the bible?
>> >>> it was written in older times and by Man so I don't go along with
>> >>> absolutely everything just most things.
>> >> How do you know which are the right ones? Is it because you want them
>> >> to be? (Like you had said about belief in the religion in general),
>> >> or
>> >> because of the historicality of certain parts, or what?
>> >
>> > historical things that are backed up by recent archeological
>> > discoveries. not to mention writings from others about Jesus's
>> > existence and what happend that have nothing to do with the Bible.

>> Okay, so let's get specific.
>> Matthew 19:24:
>> "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a
>> rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
>> A couple of questions:
>> 1. Do you believe this is a true part of the Bible?
>> 2. If so, what archeological evidence, or writings of others, leads you
>> to that conclusion?
>> 3. If not, are there any other quotes attributed to Jesus that you lack
>> archeological evidence of their truth, but still believe them to be true?

> you know other than you not believeing in God why don't you educate me
> a little on what atheists believe so I better understand who I am
> dealing with.

Well, I personally believe my husband's quite the cutie pie, but that's
probably not what you're looking for ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire
"thepossibilities" <> wrote in message
> Bob wrote:
>> On 23 Aug 2006 15:42:19 -0700, "thepossibilities"
>> <> wrote:
>> >I don't want to
>> >believe we are born on this earth live out our life and then cease to
>> >exist.

>> Why not?
>> What could be more blissful than nonexistence.

> this would be your opinion in regard to the matter.
>> I am looking forward to it. One lifetime is enough to last me all
>> eternity.
>> It would be cruel if God forced us to exist as finite creatures for
>> all eternity. The existential dread would drive us mad.

> if you consider heaven to be dreadful then you should read up on it a
> little.

LOL - Perhaps you could prove it exists first ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire