The 2-Belo

PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.

How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby Jesus?
I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species of
dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop in the time
it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent sentences, much less
"destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio
five-function wristwatch you call a computer?

Get ON with it, already.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)
The 2-Belo wrote:
> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.

> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby Jesus?

You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
lengthens the process.
> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species of
> dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop in the time
> it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent sentences, much less
> "destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio
> five-function wristwatch you call a computer?
> Get ON with it, already.

Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't run
away.. yet again.. little c nt.
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did the
cha-cha, and screamed:
> The 2-Belo wrote:
>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>> combination:
>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.

>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby
>> Jesus?

> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
> lengthens the process.
>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species of
>> dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop in
>> the time it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent
>> sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me
>> with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function wristwatch you call a
>> computer?
>> Get ON with it, already.

> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't run
> away.. yet again.. little c nt.

"Lame ****"...? Philistine.

Hail Eris! TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABwranglercaballista@>

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID:

"6. Who is a net.giggler?" -- Bloxy's "Monkay", that's who. Message-ID:

"'I find this genetic sequence all the way down the evolutionary
ladder,' he says. 'The major significance of this protein is that it may
be a communication line between the nucleus and the mitochondria.'" --
Andrew B. Chung, from

" black it picks cotton." -- But Alex "Dink" Cain isn't
racist at all, oh no. Not him. Why, some of his best friends are porch
monkeys. I'll bet. Message-ID: <>

"You think I don't know this? What gives you the right to speak as if
you have authority over me? You have none. I like his use of the words
'wanton woman'. They are biblical. Maybe there is some hope for k man
after all. You? There is no hope for you at all you freak of nature. Go
back to the hole you came out of." -- Atlanta Olympiada Kane "knows"
Kadaitcha Man was referring to me, but addressed him as though he was
referring to himself, then foamed all over me, in Message-ID:

"No effort at all c cksucking you, b1tch." -- At last, the Monkey-man
comes out of the closet, in MID: <aXkth.3535$QE6.1902@trnddc02>

"This is a sandwich made by a Spam Witch. You know why Spam Witches
can't starve if they're at the beach? Because they can always eat the
sand which is there." -- Spam Witch sammich, from The Kingdom of
No one expects the Fannish Inquisition!
Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet & Usenet Terrorist

"i have no need for sex; i'd rather tease you, honeybuns." -- Teh Mop
Jockey doesn't know the meaning of "TMI". MID:

"What are marijuana tablets?"

"When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's 'off with her head!'
Remember what the dormouse said:
'Feed your head
Feed your head
Feed your head'"
-- "White Rabbit", Jefferson Airplane

I own "James C Cracked is God!!!":
MID: <>

"Chips on you dud, you got bugged for being near me, Viruses transmit
that way you know." -- Blooey: Master of the Autoflame. Message-ID:

"The nonsense screeds you compose and post to usenet lack any kind of
coherent and rational meaning whatsoever, and are composed of random
bits and pieces stolen from mythology, science fiction, religion, comic
books, etc., placed into a blender, and the switch turned to the highest
About every other screed has droppings of death threats, racial
bigotry, laughably false prophesies of gloom and doom, and inane
attempts to extort money. These bland, meaningless, pulpy messes are
then trowled into usenet; identical or nearly identical screeds are
repeated ad nauseum." -- Art Deco had to clean up bits of Warhol for
days after using the Hammer on him

"Q: How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a
light bulb?
A: None. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision
to stick with that light bulb. People who say that it is burned out are
giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness." -- Anon.

"Outlaw amateur assassins!" -- Chiun

"Property is theft."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is liberty."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is impossible."
-- P. J. Proudhon

Argumentum ad Septicus : argument to putrefaction. Derived from Septicum
Argumentum : putrefaction of argument.

"Septic \Sep"tic\, Septical \Sep"tic al\
a. [L. septicus to make putrid: cf. F. septique.]
Having power to promote putrefaction. Of or relating to or
caused by putrefaction." -- Kadaitcha Man, indirectly to
Donald "Skeptic"/"Septic" Alford, in MID: <>

"I never fail to be amazing" -- Looney Maroon for September 2006 nominee
William Barwell's ego knows no bounds. MID:

"Red meat won't hurt you. Fuzzy, blue-green meat will."
-- Zog the etc., in alt.discordia (correct
as needed)

"may you live to whatever age you'd like to." -- Dave Hillstrom,
in alt.discordia

"We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the
child at play." -- Heraclitus

"And thats another mistake on your part. Your 'playing' games on usenet,
and I'm not playing...It has nothing to do with impressing you, it has
more to do with making sure you have the education you'll need to debate.
The debate is no fun for me if you are mentally incapable of it. I'm
giving you an opportunity to educate yourself. That's all." -- A trashy
former virus-writer turned Outer Filth doesn't know if he's playing or
working, in MID: <>

"I am incapable of original thoughts" -- Ctrl
The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did the
> cha-cha, and screamed:
>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>> combination:
>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby
>>> Jesus?

>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>> lengthens the process.
>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species of
>>> dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop in
>>> the time it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent
>>> sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me
>>> with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function wristwatch you call a
>>> computer?
>>> Get ON with it, already.

>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't run
>> away.. yet again.. little c nt.

> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>> combination:
>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby
>>>> Jesus?
>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>> lengthens the process.
>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species
>>>> of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop
>>>> in the time it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent
>>>> sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me
>>>> with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function wristwatch you call a
>>>> computer?
>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't
>>> run away.. yet again.. little c nt.

>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.

> Persian...

Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some of
no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of the
earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American Idiot" is
practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my many clueful
American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them. "American" is a term
with only a couple centuries and bit behind it, and currently looks set
to become a "past tense" item, unless all the changes of the Bush admin
are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may want to come up with a better

Hail Eris!
Demon Prince of Absurdity; COOSN-029-06-71069
"Lola Stonewall Riot" is not part of my email addy.

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABwranglercaballista@>

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID:

"Hey Theophan, I need your help again. Will you please come assist me
again? aggreen is after me again. He has been after me for a year and
counting now. I want you to destroy his character for me. I can't do
it." -- Olympiada: Not too proud to beg for help when it comes to
character assassination, and Mistress of the Bleeding Obvious.
MID: <>

"I think we have taken care of the net.KKKopping in alt.gothic. Could
all the kookologists trim alt.gothic from their headers and leave us
alone now? It has gone on long enough. I can take care of myself in there
from here on out. Thanks. I know how to fight off trolls now. Thank you
for the education." -- Olympiada thinks she's had an education, and that
means it's time for those nice kookologists to go away and leave her
sandbox alone now, in MID: <45e330a8$0$16404$>

"Who booby-traps a dead end? That's just not right." -- Cordelia

>> Are you the Peter J Ross that I've heard so much about?

> Probably. I'm the one who doesn't resort to forgery after losing an
> argument.

"You're the one with the extensive brain damage... okay I see. You're
gonna be easily to own them." -- PorchMonkey4Life: Not aware of too many
things. MID: <bf7xh.834$hH2.64@trnddc02>

At last! See Joxer The Mity Monkey on camera! Watch him freak out!!

"And no, I did not have sex with my son. But if I did I certainly
wouldn't tell you. Something so beautiful and precious should be kept
private." -- Kathy L. Mosesian, or possibly not really her, confesses
she may be a liar and committer of incest with her own son, in MID:

The reporter asked Colin Powell (or George Bush), "What proof do you
have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?"
He replied, "We kept the receipts." -- Bill Hicks

Looney Maroon nominee for August 2006 Johnny D Wentzky foamed:
"You never asked someone who goes into areas of the internet that are
only for adults who has an underage id somehow or another if they are a
cop posing as an underage person online?
I guess lots of people just don't watch dateline or read stories much.
Why don;t you go to pervertedjustice,com and see what they do. They are
awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they lied to membners of the
They are awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they posed as an
underage person and agreed to do all sorts of sex acts wioth adult
males, and they are adults posing as teenager themselves. They make
themsleves into liars by falsely impersonating underage persons and by
not fuilfilling the words they tell the victims online in their chats.
Why don't you read it where they tell these victims of their deceit
about how they have been with grown men and such? Why don't you read it
where they say, "That would be cool." after someone makes an advance
towards an adult who is posing as a teenager? And, where they agree to
meet the person, etc.
Lost control, didn't you?
Is that why you feel as if you need to lie so much now? I see where lots
of these false impersonation games are not sticking. They feel as if
they can lie and then order the victims to get counseling in the
gayblade, governmental, pro-choice tax leech counseling centers. They
are doing nothing more than usury and fraud in many cases." -- Wentzky
almost comes out of the closet as a pedo/ephebophile in MID:
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
> thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
>> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>>> combination:
>>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber baby
>>>>> Jesus?
>>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>>> lengthens the process.
>>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several species
>>>>> of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's fossilized poop
>>>>> in the time it's taking you to throw together three or four coherent
>>>>> sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you going to destroy me
>>>>> with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function wristwatch you call a
>>>>> computer?
>>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't
>>>> run away.. yet again.. little c nt.
>>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.

>> Persian...

> Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
> includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some of
> no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of the
> earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American Idiot" is
> practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my many clueful
> American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them. "American" is a term
> with only a couple centuries and bit behind it, and currently looks set
> to become a "past tense" item, unless all the changes of the Bush admin
> are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may want to come up with a better
> vocabulary...

C ntnadian fagg0t trisexual monster

"I love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis
publicly for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"When a gerbil starts kicking around inside of me, I feel all good
inside." -- DevHole gives one reason why he loves gerbil stuffing in, "I
love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis publicly
for the first tim, in Message-Id:

"I hate getting anal stitches. My daddy never lets me heal properly." --
DevHole whines about the after effects of his daddy bunghole rapings in
, message-Id: <pan.2007.>

"I had my first mental breakdown when my mommy made me eat her out. It
was then that I know that I was gonna be a bottomboy." -- DevHole
describes his path to homosexuality in, Message-Id:

"My daddy gave me a pony for my 11th birthday. Little did he know the
pony was riding me too." -- DevHole descrines his path to bestiality in,
Message-Id: <pan.2007.>

"My parents excepted the fact that I love horse genitalia. I haven't
told them about my cravings for gerbils yet. " -- DevHole tries to let
his parents in on his trisexuality in. Message-Id:
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:40:52 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did the
cha-cha, and screamed:
> Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
>> thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
>>> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>>>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>>>> combination:
>>>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber
>>>>>> baby Jesus?
>>>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>>>> lengthens the process.
>>>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several
>>>>>> species of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's
>>>>>> fossilized poop in the time it's taking you to throw together three
>>>>>> or four coherent sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you
>>>>>> going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function
>>>>>> wristwatch you call a computer?
>>>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't
>>>>> run away.. yet again.. little c nt.
>>>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.
>>> Persian...

>> Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
>> includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some of
>> no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of the
>> earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American Idiot" is
>> practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my many clueful
>> American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them. "American" is a term
>> with only a couple centuries and bit behind it, and currently looks set
>> to become a "past tense" item, unless all the changes of the Bush admin
>> are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may want to come up with a better
>> vocabulary...

> C ntnadian fagg0t trisexual monster

If you keep that up (for a few centuries), you might make me cwy, you

Hail Eris! TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABwranglercaballista@>

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID:

"6. Who is a net.giggler?" -- Bloxy's "Monkay", that's who. Message-ID:

"'I find this genetic sequence all the way down the evolutionary
ladder,' he says. 'The major significance of this protein is that it may
be a communication line between the nucleus and the mitochondria.'" --
Andrew B. Chung, from

" black it picks cotton." -- But Alex "Dink" Cain isn't
racist at all, oh no. Not him. Why, some of his best friends are porch
monkeys. I'll bet. Message-ID: <>

"You think I don't know this? What gives you the right to speak as if
you have authority over me? You have none. I like his use of the words
'wanton woman'. They are biblical. Maybe there is some hope for k man
after all. You? There is no hope for you at all you freak of nature. Go
back to the hole you came out of." -- Atlanta Olympiada Kane "knows"
Kadaitcha Man was referring to me, but addressed him as though he was
referring to himself, then foamed all over me, in Message-ID:

"No effort at all c cksucking you, b1tch." -- At last, the Monkey-man
comes out of the closet, in MID: <aXkth.3535$QE6.1902@trnddc02>

"This is a sandwich made by a Spam Witch. You know why Spam Witches
can't starve if they're at the beach? Because they can always eat the
sand which is there." -- Spam Witch sammich, from The Kingdom of
No one expects the Fannish Inquisition!
Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet & Usenet Terrorist

"i have no need for sex; i'd rather tease you, honeybuns." -- Teh Mop
Jockey doesn't know the meaning of "TMI". MID:

"What are marijuana tablets?"

"When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's 'off with her head!'
Remember what the dormouse said:
'Feed your head
Feed your head
Feed your head'"
-- "White Rabbit", Jefferson Airplane

I own "James C Cracked is God!!!":
MID: <>

"Chips on you dud, you got bugged for being near me, Viruses transmit
that way you know." -- Blooey: Master of the Autoflame. Message-ID:

"The nonsense screeds you compose and post to usenet lack any kind of
coherent and rational meaning whatsoever, and are composed of random
bits and pieces stolen from mythology, science fiction, religion, comic
books, etc., placed into a blender, and the switch turned to the highest
About every other screed has droppings of death threats, racial
bigotry, laughably false prophesies of gloom and doom, and inane
attempts to extort money. These bland, meaningless, pulpy messes are
then trowled into usenet; identical or nearly identical screeds are
repeated ad nauseum." -- Art Deco had to clean up bits of Warhol for
days after using the Hammer on him

"Q: How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a
light bulb?
A: None. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision
to stick with that light bulb. People who say that it is burned out are
giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness." -- Anon.

"Outlaw amateur assassins!" -- Chiun

"Property is theft."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is liberty."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is impossible."
-- P. J. Proudhon

Argumentum ad Septicus : argument to putrefaction. Derived from Septicum
Argumentum : putrefaction of argument.

"Septic \Sep"tic\, Septical \Sep"tic al\
a. [L. septicus to make putrid: cf. F. septique.]
Having power to promote putrefaction. Of or relating to or
caused by putrefaction." -- Kadaitcha Man, indirectly to
Donald "Skeptic"/"Septic" Alford, in MID: <>

"I never fail to be amazing" -- Looney Maroon for September 2006 nominee
William Barwell's ego knows no bounds. MID:

"Red meat won't hurt you. Fuzzy, blue-green meat will."
-- Zog the etc., in alt.discordia (correct
as needed)

"may you live to whatever age you'd like to." -- Dave Hillstrom,
in alt.discordia

"We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the
child at play." -- Heraclitus

"And thats another mistake on your part. Your 'playing' games on usenet,
and I'm not playing...It has nothing to do with impressing you, it has
more to do with making sure you have the education you'll need to debate.
The debate is no fun for me if you are mentally incapable of it. I'm
giving you an opportunity to educate yourself. That's all." -- A trashy
former virus-writer turned Outer Filth doesn't know if he's playing or
working, in MID: <>

"I am incapable of original thoughts" -- Ctrl
The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:40:52 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did the
> cha-cha, and screamed:
>> Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
>>> thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
>>>> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>>>>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>>>>> combination:
>>>>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber
>>>>>>> baby Jesus?
>>>>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>>>>> lengthens the process.
>>>>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several
>>>>>>> species of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's
>>>>>>> fossilized poop in the time it's taking you to throw together three
>>>>>>> or four coherent sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are you
>>>>>>> going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio five-function
>>>>>>> wristwatch you call a computer?
>>>>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>>>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you don't
>>>>>> run away.. yet again.. little c nt.
>>>>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.
>>>> Persian...
>>> Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
>>> includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some of
>>> no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of the
>>> earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American Idiot" is
>>> practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my many clueful
>>> American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them. "American" is a term
>>> with only a couple centuries and bit behind it, and currently looks set
>>> to become a "past tense" item, unless all the changes of the Bush admin
>>> are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may want to come up with a better
>>> vocabulary...

>> C ntnadian fagg0t trisexual monster

> If you keep that up (for a few centuries), you might make me cwy, you
> know.

Were you saying something????
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 05:44:35 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
> The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:40:52 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>> Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat
>>>> in thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche
>>>> Tea:
>>>>> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity
>>>>>> did the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>>>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>>>>>> combination:
>>>>>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>>>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber
>>>>>>>> baby Jesus?
>>>>>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>>>>>> lengthens the process.
>>>>>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several
>>>>>>>> species of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's
>>>>>>>> fossilized poop in the time it's taking you to throw together
>>>>>>>> three or four coherent sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are
>>>>>>>> you going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio
>>>>>>>> five-function wristwatch you call a computer?
>>>>>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>>>>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you
>>>>>>> don't run away.. yet again.. little c nt.
>>>>>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.
>>>>> Persian...
>>>> Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
>>>> includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some
>>>> of no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of
>>>> the earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American
>>>> Idiot" is practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my
>>>> many clueful American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them.
>>>> "American" is a term with only a couple centuries and bit behind it,
>>>> and currently looks set to become a "past tense" item, unless all the
>>>> changes of the Bush admin are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may
>>>> want to come up with a better vocabulary...
>>> C ntnadian fagg0t trisexual monster

>> If you keep that up (for a few centuries), you might make me cwy, you
>> know.

> Were you saying something????

You don't pull that off too well.

Hail Eris!
Demon Prince of Absurdity; COOSN-029-06-71069
"Lola Stonewall Riot" is not part of my email addy.

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABwranglercaballista@>

WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID:

"Hey Theophan, I need your help again. Will you please come assist me
again? aggreen is after me again. He has been after me for a year and
counting now. I want you to destroy his character for me. I can't do
it." -- Olympiada: Not too proud to beg for help when it comes to
character assassination, and Mistress of the Bleeding Obvious.
MID: <>

"I think we have taken care of the net.KKKopping in alt.gothic. Could
all the kookologists trim alt.gothic from their headers and leave us
alone now? It has gone on long enough. I can take care of myself in there
from here on out. Thanks. I know how to fight off trolls now. Thank you
for the education." -- Olympiada thinks she's had an education, and that
means it's time for those nice kookologists to go away and leave her
sandbox alone now, in MID: <45e330a8$0$16404$>

"Who booby-traps a dead end? That's just not right." -- Cordelia

>> Are you the Peter J Ross that I've heard so much about?

> Probably. I'm the one who doesn't resort to forgery after losing an
> argument.

"You're the one with the extensive brain damage... okay I see. You're
gonna be easily to own them." -- PorchMonkey4Life: Not aware of too many
things. MID: <bf7xh.834$hH2.64@trnddc02>

At last! See Joxer The Mity Monkey on camera! Watch him freak out!!

"And no, I did not have sex with my son. But if I did I certainly
wouldn't tell you. Something so beautiful and precious should be kept
private." -- Kathy L. Mosesian, or possibly not really her, confesses
she may be a liar and committer of incest with her own son, in MID:

The reporter asked Colin Powell (or George Bush), "What proof do you
have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?"
He replied, "We kept the receipts." -- Bill Hicks

Looney Maroon nominee for August 2006 Johnny D Wentzky foamed:
"You never asked someone who goes into areas of the internet that are
only for adults who has an underage id somehow or another if they are a
cop posing as an underage person online?
I guess lots of people just don't watch dateline or read stories much.
Why don;t you go to pervertedjustice,com and see what they do. They are
awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they lied to membners of the
They are awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they posed as an
underage person and agreed to do all sorts of sex acts wioth adult
males, and they are adults posing as teenager themselves. They make
themsleves into liars by falsely impersonating underage persons and by
not fuilfilling the words they tell the victims online in their chats.
Why don't you read it where they tell these victims of their deceit
about how they have been with grown men and such? Why don't you read it
where they say, "That would be cool." after someone makes an advance
towards an adult who is posing as a teenager? And, where they agree to
meet the person, etc.
Lost control, didn't you?
Is that why you feel as if you need to lie so much now? I see where lots
of these false impersonation games are not sticking. They feel as if
they can lie and then order the victims to get counseling in the
gayblade, governmental, pro-choice tax leech counseling centers. They
are doing nothing more than usury and fraud in many cases." -- Wentzky
almost comes out of the closet as a pedo/ephebophile in MID:
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 05:44:35 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat in
> thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
>> The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:40:52 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity did
>>> the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>> Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 17:32:44 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity sat
>>>>> in thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche
>>>>> Tea:
>>>>>> The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:25:32 +0000, The Demon Prince of Absurdity
>>>>>>> did the cha-cha, and screamed:
>>>>>>>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>>>>>>> PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>>>>>>>> combination:
>>>>>>>>>> I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo.
>>>>>>>>> How long is this "process" going to take, for the love of rubber
>>>>>>>>> baby Jesus?
>>>>>>>> You'll probably be owned by Thursday. You run away so much that it
>>>>>>>> lengthens the process.
>>>>>>>>> I've seen faster ocean floor sedimentation than this. Several
>>>>>>>>> species of dinosaur could evolve, die, and snort each other's
>>>>>>>>> fossilized poop in the time it's taking you to throw together
>>>>>>>>> three or four coherent sentences, much less "destroy" me. What are
>>>>>>>>> you going to destroy me with, anyway? That solar Casio
>>>>>>>>> five-function wristwatch you call a computer?
>>>>>>>>> Get ON with it, already.
>>>>>>>> Oh with lame $hit like that it'll definitely be today.. If you
>>>>>>>> don't run away.. yet again.. little c nt.
>>>>>>> "Lame ****"...? Philistine.
>>>>>> Persian...
>>>>> Oddly enough, not all that much of an insult. "Persian", after all,
>>>>> includes (rugs and cats aside) people of various religions (and some
>>>>> of no religions at all), going back thousands of years -- to some of
>>>>> the earliest religions, even. Meanwhile, calling you an "American
>>>>> Idiot" is practically a redundancy, or would be, if it weren't for my
>>>>> many clueful American colleagues, the newest FNVW among them.
>>>>> "American" is a term with only a couple centuries and bit behind it,
>>>>> and currently looks set to become a "past tense" item, unless all the
>>>>> changes of the Bush admin are undone, or nearly all, anyway. You may
>>>>> want to come up with a better vocabulary...
>>>> C ntnadian fagg0t trisexual monster
>>> If you keep that up (for a few centuries), you might make me cwy, you
>>> know.

>> Were you saying something????

> You don't pull that off too well.

I heard tard moaning....again..
Were you saying something???? I'm not fluent in tardspeak.

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