Re: The people ruining Usenet


The 2-Belo

Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>posters are gone

Name ONE.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> transparently proposed:

>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>posters are gone

>Name ONE.

Average Joe


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:10:11 +0000, Aratzio wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
> <> transparently proposed:
>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>posters are gone

>>Name ONE.

> Average Joe

**** off, Berry Kercheval. Your identity is no longer a mystery.

W "Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them."
. | ,. w ,
\|/ \|/ Perna condita delenda est
Aratzio <> posted
<> in alt.flame on Thu, 22
Mar 2007 14:10:11 GMT:

>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
><> transparently proposed:
>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>posters are gone

>>Name ONE.

>Average Joe

Tim Thorne.

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia.
-Charles Schultz
Lionel wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:10:11 +0000, Aratzio wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
>> <> transparently proposed:
>>> Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>> Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>> posters are gone
>>> Name ONE.

>> Average Joe

> **** off, Berry Kercheval. Your identity is no longer a mystery.

ooooh, he feels /so/ nekkid now.

why is anonymity sucha big deal?
stupidity is an exposure in any environment.
If you're stupid in VR then you are likely to be stupid in RW too.

you could probably get my RW ID in about five minutes.

Not like I've tried to hide it.

When you do something right,
No one will know you did anything at all.

....attributed to 'God'

Posted via a free Usenet account from
In <>, Aratzio said:
: On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
: <> transparently proposed:
: >Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
: >
: >>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
: >>posters are gone
: >
: >Name ONE.
: Average Joe

Not gone. spp, over there -->

Qnyr "Nirentr Wbr" Xryyl vf cerfragyl nzbat uvf pbzenqrf wrfarff
naq ohyyvf va fcc. Fbzr uvynevbhf fghcvqvgl, rawbl.

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
On the long hot summer day of Thu, 22 Mar 2007 12:13:30 -0500, K.A.Cannon
> Aratzio posted in alt.flame on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:10:11 GMT:
>>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo transparently proposed:
>>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>>posters are gone
>>>Name ONE.

>>Average Joe

> Tim Thorne.

No, that was just a dream. Unfortunately.

Henry "Azaxyr"/"Cuddles" Vizi.;-{P}

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21
The original "Henry Schmidt"

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007
Message-ID: <Xns98EE28E1C58ABwranglercaballista@>

Brad Jesness Memorial Kook Appraisal Test (KAT or KAT Index) v. 5.1 by
Cipher and the a.u.k crew

So, you think you've got a contender, eh? Hard to separate the Kooks
from the mere pains in the ass though. Hopefully this will help you.

Instructions :
In this section give your Prospective Kook ONE point for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

Grading scale follows questions.

Have they ever :

1. Been the first to go ad-hominem in a newsgroup debate.

2. Accused someone of breaking a non-existent Federal Law.

3. Called a properly formatted cancel of a BI>20 article a forged

4. Ranted about Free Speech when a moderator rejected their article.
Two points if it's spelled "FREE SPEACH".

5. Tried to censor others, yet scream when others suggest that they
killfile them or create a moderated newsgroup.

6. Complained to someone's ISP when they got spanked in a flame war.

7. Been complained about to their ISP deservedly.

8. Flamed someone from an anonymous account.

9. Made a spelling flame. ( )

10. Used RANT-CAPS & manic punctuation.

11. Claimed to be qualified to make a legal determination or medical
diagnosis with no justification - bonus points if the kook is obviously
projecting her/his own condition/behavior. ( )

12. Claimed an academic or professional degree they obviously do not

13. Claimed that because of a degree or research topic, another poster
cannot know anything about any other subject.

In this section give your Prospective Kook TWO points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Called someone a pedophile or drug pusher without proof.

2. Bonus if they called anyone a "Republican Nazi Pedophile"

3. Ranted about Free Speech when an anti-spammer canceled their

4. Posted to a newsgroup via sock-puppet.

5. Thought about becoming a Freedom Knight.

6. Voted via sock-puppet in a Big Eight vote.

7. Defended a well known kook.

8. Been Nominated for a Kook award.

9. Invented Usenet 'rules' & 'laws', particularly coming up with
creative definitions for what constitutes spam & spamming.

10. Implied that she/he has powerful allies who will deal with his/her
enemies, due to having affiliations with Microsoft, the CIA or some
other powerful organization - no matter how flimsy the association.

11. Claimed an academic or professional degree after having stated they
are a high school dropout or otherwise indicated their actual level of
achievement, or claim multiple PhD's, MD's, etc.

12. 'Removed' an academic or professional degree or title from another
more clueful poster. (Includes scare quotes such as 'Esq.', or 'Dr.')

13. Claimed one of the well known regulars of AUK is using a remailer to
impersonate them, when all kook sign points to them.

In this section give your Prospective Kook THREE points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Threatened to kill or cause bodily harm to another via mail or post.

2. Told someone they have caused the kook to harm himself.

3. Stalked/harassed an opponent off-line.

4. Mail-bombed anyone.

5. Spammed a newsgroup.

6. Posted a forged or altered newsgroup article.

7. Lost an account due to abuse.

8. Won a kook award.

9. Threatened a groundless lawsuit via mail or post. LA Law bonus:
Additional point if a TV lawyer is used.)

(Grubor bonus: If they claim John Grubor/Law Systems Institoot as

10. Threatened to have their "agents" come after someone.

11. Had a FAQ posted about their kookiness.

12. Pretended to be a sysadmin or ISP owner.

13. CC'ed emailed complaints to irrelevant or non-existent organizations
email addresses, such as the DOJ, AG, CIA, FBI etc.

14. Been TOSsed and then claimed to have canceled it, her/it/himself?

( ) PalmJob Exception Rule. Cannot be applied to a mere troll's points.

( ) Brad Jesness Factor. Not applicable to BJ, it is expected.

Scale/Rank :
1 - 10 points : Kook Wannabe. Needs to read Grubor's posting history on
dejanews. Your Prospective Kook has much to learn. They may have just
screwed up once or twice.

11 - 25 points : Journeyman Kook. Needs to Continue to mimic the real
kooks. Your Prospective Kook could be a contender.

26 - 36 points : Kook First Class. Still a lesser light, but Your
Prospective Kook HAS arrived! People killfile him/her.

36 - 50 points : Kook cum Laude. Someone is considering writing a FAQ
about your Prospective Kook. Has been nominated for at least one a.u.k

51 + points : Kook Magna cum Laude. Your Prospective Kook has a FAQ.
Your Prospective Kook will eventually win all the big awards. Your
Prospective Kook can leap tall newbies with a single bound.
K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>Aratzio <> posted
><> in alt.flame on Thu, 22
>Mar 2007 14:10:11 GMT:
>>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
>><> transparently proposed:
>>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>>posters are gone
>>>Name ONE.

>>Average Joe

>Tim Thorne.


Thanks. That made my morning.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:10:11 GMT, Aratzio <>

>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
><> transparently proposed:
>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>posters are gone

>>Name ONE.

>Average Joe

Cappy Hamper
Lamey wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:10:11 GMT, Aratzio <>
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 19:10:10 +0900, The 2-Belo
>><> transparently proposed:
>>>Lionel and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>Usenet was much better in the old days. Except for me, all the good
>>>>posters are gone
>>>Name ONE.

>>Average Joe

> Cappy Hamper

John Q. Public

jade hasn't said anything about my new sig, either, except that she said
that she did.

Rob "Mop Jockey" "Roberta" Wolfe
OFISHIAL Benevolent Dictator of AUK
<insert more imaginary titles here later>

Posted via a free Usenet account from
The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:


>>Tim Thorne.

>Thanks. That made my morning.

You must lead a very dull life.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>>K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>>>Tim Thorne.

>>Thanks. That made my morning.

>You must lead a very dull life.

I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the Covenant and still
get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able to "ruin" anything more
significant than your own lapel after spilling baby food on it, Timbot.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20
Top Usenet Asshole #16

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)
The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>>>K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>>>>Tim Thorne.
>>>Thanks. That made my morning.

>>You must lead a very dull life.

>I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the Covenant and still
>get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able to "ruin" anything more
>significant than your own lapel after spilling baby food on it, Timbot.

The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
fact, everyone looks down on you.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Timmay! wrote:
: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
:: Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
::: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
:::: K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
::: [...]
::::: Tim Thorne.
:::: Thanks. That made my morning.
::: You must lead a very dull life.
:: I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the
:: Covenant and still get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able
:: to "ruin" anything more significant than your own lapel after
:: spilling baby food on it, Timbot.
: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
: fact, everyone looks down on you.

oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?

Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
Top Asshole on the net#4 Usenet Ruiner#11.
Lits Slut #1.
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


The less a man thinks or knows about his virtues, the better we like
him. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Warning to all: Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order.
Killfile the muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on
his past UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned.
plonk " bear,
"This sig is an abomination of all that is good and right about usenet.
Do the entire world a favor and REMOVE YOURSELF FROM USENET ALTOGETHER,
DUMBASS." miguel,
"must you include your 75847548574893579345 gigabyte sig file in every
****ing post? You're very annoying." projectile vomit chick,
"I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:38:49 +0100, "Steve Leyland"
<> wrote:

>Timmay! wrote:
>: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>:: Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>::: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>:::: K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>::: [...]
>::::: Tim Thorne.
>:::: Thanks. That made my morning.
>::: You must lead a very dull life.
>:: I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the
>:: Covenant and still get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able
>:: to "ruin" anything more significant than your own lapel after
>:: spilling baby food on it, Timbot.
>: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
>: fact, everyone looks down on you.
>oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?

Thorne thinks making "shorty" jokes in a purely textual medium is bad
ass flaming.

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia.
-Charles Schultz
"Steve Leyland" <> wrote:
>Timmay! wrote:
>: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>:: Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>::: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>:::: K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>::: [...]
>::::: Tim Thorne.
>:::: Thanks. That made my morning.
>::: You must lead a very dull life.
>:: I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the
>:: Covenant and still get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able
>:: to "ruin" anything more significant than your own lapel after
>:: spilling baby food on it, Timbot.
>: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
>: fact, everyone looks down on you.
>oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?

No. Have another go at reading and see if you get it right this time.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>"Steve Leyland" <> wrote:


>>: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
>>: fact, everyone looks down on you.
>>oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?

>Thorne thinks making "shorty" jokes in a purely textual medium is bad
>ass flaming.

That's some bad ass flaming there...


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Timmay! <> typed:
: "Steve Leyland" <> wrote:
:: Timmay! wrote:
::: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
:::: Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
::::: The 2-Belo <> wrote:
:::::: K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
::::: [...]
::::::: Tim Thorne.
:::::: Thanks. That made my morning.
::::: You must lead a very dull life.
:::: I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the
:::: Covenant and still get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able
:::: to "ruin" anything more significant than your own lapel after
:::: spilling baby food on it, Timbot.
::: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
::: fact, everyone looks down on you.
:: oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?
: No. Have another go at reading and see if you get it right this time.

so which particular part of "in fact, everyone looks down on you." am I
reading incorrectly?

Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
Top Asshole on the Net#4 Usenet Ruiner#11 Lits Slut#1
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


Space-time is curved. - Albert Einstein
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. plonk "
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 23:52:15 +0100, Timmay! wrote:

> K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>>"Steve Leyland" <> wrote:

> [...]
>>>: The Nazi's would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
>>>: fact, everyone looks down on you.
>>>oh, boy. you claim to speak for everyone now?

>>Thorne thinks making "shorty" jokes in a purely textual medium is bad
>>ass flaming.

> That's some bad ass flaming there...

So is posting google links.


#1 Offishul Ruiner of Usenet, March 2007
#1 Usenet Asshole, March 2007
#1 Bartlo Pset, March 13-24 2007
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004
Timmay! and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>>Timmay! and alt.usenet.kooks is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>The 2-Belo <> wrote:
>>>>K. A. Cannon and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>>Tim Thorne.
>>>>Thanks. That made my morning.
>>>You must lead a very dull life.

>>I could be fistfighting Nazis to get back the lost Ark of the Covenant and still
>>get a chuckle out of the idea of you being able to "ruin" anything more
>>significant than your own lapel after spilling baby food on it, Timbot.

>The Nazi's


>would look down on someone punching them in the knee, in
>fact, everyone looks down on you.

Burden of proof on the accuser, Timbot.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20
Top Usenet Asshole #16

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)

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