Real Heros of the war

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
I dont know if there was ever a thread about this but i want to put down who i think are some of the heros of this war and any others people may think about on a day to day basis.

My Heros are....
My Husband-Purple Heart Recipient
Sgt. 1st Class Victor A. Anderson, 39, of Ellaville, Staff Sgt. David R. Jones Sr., 45, of Augusta, and Sgt. Ronnie L. Shelley Sr., 34, of Valdosta.
Army Pfc. Anthony S. Miller
Army 1st Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor
Army Staff Sgt. Lincoln D. Hollinsaid

This isnt many and i will post more but i have to run. But please keep in mind these people all served there country well and all on here are dead but my husband.
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.
****in Christ. Once again, you have made me want to beat you with a bag of forks. When are you going to get it? I hope YOU think you're smart because you're not fooling any of us.
SD can you please try to refrain from ruining a perfectly fine thread? These people died for OUR country. We know you dont like the United States or the President for that matter. Thats great. Its your opinion. Dont spread your disease in a thread that had absolutely NOTHING to do with you. It was to honor AMERICAN heroes. It doesnt bother me that you have an opinion that opposes mine. All Im asking is you give respect for those that died for our country or dont say anything at all. Please.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.
You shouldn't speak of issues you know nothing about.
I hope as you get older you will gain the wisdom to think before you speak.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

You are truly ignorant little girl. You should never speak of the dead that way especially fallen heros. They might have even had the same views as you but you know your ****ing **** on them anyway, you are a true scum bag
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

i usually don't resort to simple bitching, but logic wont get through to you

**** YOU YOU **** you have no idea what these people have done, the gave there lives for ignorant assholes like you you bitch, go to ****ing hell and BURN...BURN YOU ****ING BITCH BURN
you think life will go on and politicians and soldiers are not needed? ok, let the doctors and teachers protect you from the next Hitler, **** OFF you stupid whore, stop saying **** you think you understand
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

I hope you die a slow and painful death you dumb bitch. I hope Canada does something stupid to some country and they come and blow your ass up. You really are a scumbag.
Anybody can get a medal? You ****ing moron! Get your ass out there and see if you can get one. Oh that's right your still a ****ing kid!
I think you come up with this idiotic **** to say just so you can get someone to respond to your posts.
Even your fellow Canadians fought wars. Fought courageously and received medals that they deserved.
When you grow up I hope you also grow a brain.
You should save these posts and then look back on how stupid you are.
The world doesn
I know i posted to bitch at SD already but i am so still so mad. This was a thread to HONOR men and women who gave their lives for all of us living free here in America and other countries. Why are people so STUPID that they would ever say something so HARSH about the dead. They all knew what could happen, it did and now we should at least say THANK YOU for giving their life and we can still enjoy ours.

Gonzales Cordova
Seferino J. Reyna
Marine Lance Cpl. Chase J. Comley
Army Sgt. Brahim J. Jeffcoat
Army Spc. Kurt E. Krout
Marine Gunnery Sgt. Terry W. Ball, Jr.
Army Pfc. Nils G. Thompson


I want to let all who read i will be posting names everyday of the fallen heros of OIF!

if you would like to see more.....
I found a pic of SD. Its my understanding this was taken less than a week ago. Nice work SD. Now I know why your such a bitch. God delt you one shitty hand huh?
8_BALL said:
I found a pic of SD. Its my understanding this was taken less than a week ago. Nice work SD. Now I know why your such a bitch. God delt you one shitty hand huh?

Oh, you all wound me so with your childish antics. How can I ever continue? Grow up. Just because someone's dead doesn't mean they were or are important, and just because they 'died for your country' (read: 'died fighting a pointless war over oil, diseased by lies, hatred, and stupidity') doesn't make them a hero. People save lives every day and no one calls them a hero--they try to dock their pay and screw them over and sue them when they make a mistake. Each person who willingly went to Iraq is and/or was blind and stupid, and I have no remorse for the loss of any of their lives. Oh yes, the world suffers the loss of almost 2,000 american men. We weep. And I don't care how these people were related to any of you; people who support your brain-dead president and his oil-grubbing war, who believe any of his bullshit, were right to go to Iraq. I say it was not a massacre, not a terrible loss, but a culling.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh, you all wound me so with your childish antics. How can I ever continue? Grow up. Just because someone's dead doesn't mean they were or are important, and just because they 'died for your country' (read: 'died fighting a pointless war over oil, diseased by lies, hatred, and stupidity') doesn't make them a hero. People save lives every day and no one calls them a hero--they try to dock their pay and screw them over and sue them when they make a mistake. Each person who willingly went to Iraq is and/or was blind and stupid, and I have no remorse for the loss of any of their lives. Oh yes, the world suffers the loss of almost 2,000 american men. We weep. And I don't care how these people were related to any of you; people who support your brain-dead president and his oil-grubbing war, who believe any of his bullshit, were right to go to Iraq. I say it was not a massacre, not a terrible loss, but a culling.
I really hope you die the slowest and most painful death ever. I mean it. You are the biggest piece of dog **** on society's boot. NICE "oil grubbing war" I suppose thats why the gas prices are so low in the States you ****in ass clown. ****! I hope you were aiming to piss me off. IM THERE YOU BITCH! IM ****IN PISSED NOW. Im going to make my next week or so an entire **** ON SD FESTIVAL. ****KKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh, you all wound me so with your childish antics. How can I ever continue? Grow up. Just because someone's dead doesn't mean they were or are important, and just because they 'died for your country' (read: 'died fighting a pointless war over oil, diseased by lies, hatred, and stupidity') doesn't make them a hero. People save lives every day and no one calls them a hero--they try to dock their pay and screw them over and sue them when they make a mistake. Each person who willingly went to Iraq is and/or was blind and stupid, and I have no remorse for the loss of any of their lives. Oh yes, the world suffers the loss of almost 2,000 american men. We weep. And I don't care how these people were related to any of you; people who support your brain-dead president and his oil-grubbing war, who believe any of his bullshit, were right to go to Iraq. I say it was not a massacre, not a terrible loss, but a culling.

Yeah we're at war for oil....jesus! Are you a ****in tard....You have no respect for fallen heros. And it doesnt matter if you think there cause was something you support. Yeah teachers, doctors, nurses, they are all heros. BUT DID YOU NOT KNOW THEY ARE OVER THERE TOO YOU ****IN IDIOT. Not everyone in the military are infrantry. Not everyone is over there shooting people or carrying heavy artillery. Drs, teachers, mechanics,and many many yeah i am remembering heros....Not just because they were defending this country but what they did in their line of work. Remember we do have people who have other jobs beside the army, marines, navy....its called National Guard and Reservist. KNOW YOUR ****
Oh my...

All I can say is "youth" "ignorance" and "blind loathing" unfortunately makes the perfect ingredients for "piss poor words".

To those of you wishing pain and death on her, stop and think how you are dropping to her level. Is it really worth it? Do you really mean that? I think not in both cases.

Silver Dragon is entitled to her opinion yes, but should exercise more discretion in presenting it, especially when it is inappropriate.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Oh my...

All I can say is "youth" "ignorance" and "blind loathing" unfortunately makes the perfect ingredients for "piss poor words".

To those of you wishing pain and death on her, stop and think how you are dropping to her level. Is it really worth it? Do you really mean that? I think not in both cases.

Silver Dragon is entitled to her opinion yes, but should exercise more discretion in presenting it, especially when it is inappropriate.

Yes i admit we shouldnt wish her death. she should have to live with her words forever BURNED to her memory. She is an arrogent little WITCH and yes entitled to her opinion but so are we
I stand firmly by every statement I make. I meant every last word. **** SILVERDRAGON.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh, you all wound me so with your childish antics. How can I ever continue? Grow up. Just because someone's dead doesn't mean they were or are important, and just because they 'died for your country' (read: 'died fighting a pointless war over oil, diseased by lies, hatred, and stupidity') doesn't make them a hero. People save lives every day and no one calls them a hero--they try to dock their pay and screw them over and sue them when they make a mistake. Each person who willingly went to Iraq is and/or was blind and stupid, and I have no remorse for the loss of any of their lives. Oh yes, the world suffers the loss of almost 2,000 american men. We weep. And I don't care how these people were related to any of you; people who support your brain-dead president and his oil-grubbing war, who believe any of his bullshit, were right to go to Iraq. I say it was not a massacre, not a terrible loss, but a culling.

I take it from this respoonse that you have never lived in or been to a town where a cop or a volunteer or paid firefighter has lost their life in the line of duty. To say americans only hold military personel as heroes has to be the absolute DUMBEST thing you have said yet. I suggest you keep your ignorant mouth shut until you actually experience something other than the hormones of puberty and stop trying to play with the grownups, you are really not ready. Go back yo recess kid!
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