Real Heros of the war

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tizz said:
I take it from this respoonse that you have never lived in or been to a town where a cop or a volunteer or paid firefighter has lost their life in the line of duty. To say americans only hold military personel as heroes has to be the absolute DUMBEST thing you have said yet. I suggest you keep your ignorant mouth shut until you actually experience something other than the hormones of puberty and stop trying to play with the grownups, you are really not ready. Go back yo recess kid!

hey I'm a kid and i still play against the grownups, but then again, shes just so damn stupid, i don't see any other explanation
Well I still sit down with one of my HS teachers quite often, had onother act as my confirmation sponsor when I was twelve and send many others christmas and birthday cards and make sure to make an appearnce at many retirement dinners in order to publically show my gratitude for what they gave me. Oh and I still make christmas cookies for my HS music teacher and friend. I am NOT the only person I know who makes it a point to express gratitude for those that give us so much when we are young, in fact there was quite the letter to the editor about the sisters of mercy and their work with a very depressed area and how much a now 40 woman appreciated what they gave them in HS. I could post it here for you but I doubt you would understand or dare to grasp the fact that we americans are not quite what you so want us to be.
Msixty said:
hey I'm a kid and i still play against the grownups, but then again, shes just so damn stupid, i don't see any other explanation

Let me clarify that I will only point out the ignorance and stupidity of youth when it shows (and only in the extremely arrogant little piss ants ;) )
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.
You obnoxious little bitch, you have totally stepped over the line this time, people don't get medals for the **** the president or any other person makes them do, they get medals for there actions. I ****ing HATE George Bush with a passion, but I respect every person in the armed forces who does there job, reguardless of what dickhead told them to do it.. Things like taking a ****ing bullet for there fellow soldiers, they get a purple heart, and other such accomplishments of integrity to there country, even those ****ing Canadian pussys get them.

You have no respect for the people who gladly gave there life to give you the right to shoot your ****ing mouth off in the first place, and for that, your sorry ass is going in the ****ing idiot box for a month, NON NEGOTIABLE BITCH !!

Unless of course a PREMIUM MEMBER wants me to ADD more time, I'll be more then happy to comply.
phreakwars said:
You obnoxious little bitch, you have totally stepped over the line this time, people don't get medals for the **** the president or any other person makes them do, they get medals for there actions. I ****ing HATE George Bush with a passion, but I respect every person in the armed forces who does there job, reguardless of what dickhead told them to do it.. Things like taking a ****ing bullet for there fellow soldiers, they get a purple heart, and other such accomplishments of integrity to there country, even those ****ing Canadian pussys get them.

You have no respect for the people who gladly gave there life to give you the right to shoot your ****ing mouth off in the first place, and for that, your sorry ass is going in the ****ing box for a month, NON NEGOTIABLE BITCH !!

Thank you phreak. I missed this little diddy. Let me tell you, mis ignoramous, my grandfather won a medal of Honor in 1914 in Vera Cruz, for sticking his neck out and holding up in an alley over night with nothing but his ****ing side arm, and the only reason he did it is because a soldier whom he had not met before that day was wounded an my grandfather could not carry him alone. It has nothing to do with WHY he was there, it has to do with what he did when he WAS there. You probably would be cowering in a corner raising a white flag and letting others die so you could say I told you so. **** off.

My uncle Smedley Butler won TWO medals of Honor and went on to has a battle ship named in his honor. He won his medals for facing the same extreme circumstances and standing his ground to protect and save the men under his comand. AFTER he returned he went on to retire and speak out against war and the economics that lead to it, but he never once said he would not have done what he did when he did it. I honestly have never met a more ignorant little piss in mylife! I take it back, I was nothing like you. At least I had the courtesy to allow others their own poijt of view and would NEVER belittle a person willing to give their life to save mine regardless of wether we agreed ont he reasons. If a soldier believes he is risking his life dfor the sake of others, it is a noble cause. You think the US is so bad, go live in Israel where EVERY citezen must join and become a lifetime member of the military. Get a ****ing clue allready!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is THANK GOD CLASSES START UP AGAIN SOON!!!! YOU NEED ALL THE ****ING EDUCATION THEY SHOVE INTO YOUR PUNY INTELECT!

PS Phreak you may just have given me a reason to become a premium member finally!! **** the fact I just wuit my job it would be worth send this ignorant piss to the idiot box for good!
You know my husband has the purple heart. He was hit with missle shrapnel and almost killed. He also carried a fellow soldier to safety and put out fires while his eye was full of blood. He is a my hero and you know hes my kids hero too. He reads them stories and jokes with them. He is their hero because he is there and they know he protects mommy and the place we live. I know this might not matter to many but hes a wonderful man, terrific soldier and loving husband. He is a soldier and if you cant accept what he does **** off and move to Cuba....yeah i said CUBA
No matter how I view war, I have respect for anyone willing to give their life for the sake of their country. There is a lot to be said of intent. I do protest war (ANY WAR) but will sincerely thank every soldier for their service (though I wish to god it weren't necesary) I take a lot of **** from people saying it is impossible to be against war but not the soldiers but that is me. I accept that we ARE at war, and that lives are in danger and so i support our soldiers getting more help to do their job, more armor to protect them, getting them home soon and safe (and not to mention adding more help getting back to life out of war when they return) Support your vets, they supported you! But **** war i am a pacifist (I know I sound confuzzled but it al makes sense in my little world ;) ) Thanks to your hubby Gray Gal!
tizz said:
No matter how I view war, I have respect for anyone willing to give their life for the sake of their country. There is a lot to be said of intent. I do protest war (ANY WAR) but will sincerely thank every soldier for their service (though I wish to god it weren't necesary) I take a lot of **** from people saying it is impossible to be against war but not the soldiers but that is me. I accept that we ARE at war, and that lives are in danger and so i support our soldiers getting more help to do their job, more armor to protect them, getting them home soon and safe (and not to mention adding more help getting back to life out of war when they return) Support your vets, they supported you! But **** war i am a pacifist (I know I sound confuzzled but it al makes sense in my little world ;) ) Thanks to your hubby Gray Gal!

Well i know he will appreciate the thanks..he will probably read it tomorrow on here. 8_Ball is a great man...and i love his views..even when we DONT AGREE!
Ok you need to add an option here

Until she grows up a little and has experienced enough of life to redeem herself LOL hhmmm Should take her about TEN years LOL
It will be a 10 day poll, at the end of 10 days, the decision is final and the appropriate additional time will be added.
common people, vote her to permanent idiot

i believe bill engvall said it best, SD HERES YOUR SIGN
Though an opinion is rather small, what she said tonight was ****ED UP! It wasnt the fact she thought that the medals were unimportant. They arent. There isnt a medal in the world to replace a life. Those men and woman died, that is permanent. Thats why she has my vote for permanent.
So, can we see YOUR medals SD? I don't always agree with what goes on down here in the states either, but Jesus Christ, have some respect every now and then and shut the **** up. At least these people had the BALLS to go make a stand for what they believed in, even if they might die (and indeed they did).
**** I almost forgot.
Pointless war? So you think it was ok to sit back and watch while people were being thrown into meat grinders ALIVE and being tortured to confess to things they had nothing to do with? You think its ok to pull out people fingernails with pliers, and sodomize them with halogen lightbulbs? Ok to make people swim in sewage, and push them down in it forcing them to swallow?? Pointless war my ass. The Husseins needed to go down, those bastards. And hey, why not take a little oil while we're over there kickin ass?
Marine Lance Cpl. Grant B. Fraser, 22, of Anchorage, Alaska.
Fraser died when his Amphibious Assault Vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device during combat operations south of Haditha, Iraq. He was assigned to Marine Forces Reserve
The Idiot Box has it's place but this time I just feel that the "Ignore Member" function is much more appropriate. :mad:

Hasta La Vista SD. You went too far. :mad:

Oh Phreak...My fingers slipped on the mouse and I voted incorrectly. Could you change to Permanent Idiot Box for me please? Thanks!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The Idiot Box has it's place but this time I just feel that the "Ignore Member" function is much more appropriate. :mad:

Hasta La Vista SD. You went too far. :mad:
And if anyone else wishes to do the same as C.E.S. just click on her avatar and add her to your ignore list, her posts will then disappear from your view..

C.E.S., your misclick was corrected.
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