Real Heros of the war

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You ****ing dolt!
I am sure you will have fun in the box. **** you and **** your opinion.
I am free because of the sacrifices of those before me. Others are free because I had the balls to get in their and **** those individuals up who dared threaten that freedom for them and their famillies. You are free because I laid my balls on the front line you little grabastic piece of simian ****!!!
**** you you seething ****!!
Enjoy your life in the box!!!!
:mad: :mad:
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Cifuentes, 25
Fairfield, Ohio
The other four Marines were assigned to Marine Forces Reserve
To Gray~Gal..
Thank you and your husband for your sacrifices givin for me and even morons like SD.
Your husband is a true hero!
And never forget the fallen.. (POW-MIA)
Semper Fi
snafu said:
To Gray~Gal..
Thank you and your husband for your sacrifices givin for me and even morons like SD.
Your husband is a true hero!
And never forget the fallen.. (POW-MIA)
Semper Fi

I would never forget the fallen. I will always pay tribute to the ones who let me say how i feel and lost their lives protecting our rights. I am all for the red, white and blue.

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.

~Jose Narosky

Thank you snafu for what you did. You served your country, might have been in the Navy but you did that...partying or not. :) Thank U
Oh, ouch. Your rage and hatred wounds me. See how I cry? I feel sorry for you stupid Americans, I really do. (Stupid mostly for being dominantly Christian and for electing your piss-ass president) This is exactly why you're at war now, and why all those boys you sent over died, and probably deserved it. Again, a culling that's come far too late. If someone doesn't like you, you think they're scum. If someone opposes you, you try to steamroll them. If someone says something against you, it's off with their ****ing head. If someone insults your country or your culture, it's up in arms. You losers are only proving my point.
Gal, I have to conceede that some of the people in Iraq ARE doctors etc. who might be there regardless of whether or not they agree with the cause--they may be there because they want to help people who need it. I hadn't thought of them, and therefore change my statement to "**** everyone who is pro-war in any way" instead of "**** everyone there." Happy? :)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh, ouch. Your rage and hatred wounds me. See how I cry? I feel sorry for you stupid Americans, I really do. (Stupid mostly for being dominantly Christian and for electing your piss-ass president) This is exactly why you're at war now, and why all those boys you sent over died, and probably deserved it. Again, a culling that's come far too late. If someone doesn't like you, you think they're scum. If someone opposes you, you try to steamroll them. If someone says something against you, it's off with their ****ing head. If someone insults your country or your culture, it's up in arms. You losers are only proving my point.

Well even the war protesters hate you. Not hate you but your views. You are ignorant to the rest of the world. Well all here in America believe in different things...but most of us believe you dont disrespect the dead or the brave.
Those boys did their duty. They listened to the commander in chief even if they disagreed with his decesion. When you oppose the dead you do oppose US....and yeah we would like to say OFF WITH YOUR ****IN HEAD. But here in America and Canada we got the freedom of speech. Yeah and you know how you got that little one, someone fought for it and got killed. But you still got your right...huh? We may be losers in the case we do lose dedicated men and women, teachers and surgeons everyday in the war to keep terrisiom outta ur back yard!
Bit weird that we call it "free speech" and yet there's an idiot-box.
I understand the concept, and I don't agree with it. Despite how much you hate what someone says, it's still free speech? Or does free speech now come with guidelines? Is that what the soldiers are fighting for? Lies? We don't have nearly as much freedom as we claim to, so an idiot-box where we can pretend we are the judge of right and wrong it completely (in my opinion) lame.

I'd just like to point out the entertaining irony of this situtation. First you all chuck a spaz about people my age, calling all of us regardless of our personal experience, or rate of development, or our mind, complete idiots. And none of you seem to blame us for it because, in your words, our problem is that we don't know any better. But when one of these 'helpless idiots' says something you dislike, well. Your God save them.

I would also like to answer the question you all have--why. Why do Muslims hate you so much, why do people in other countries prefer to rob tourists from the US, why do people burn your flags, why is everyone against you? Because you're trigger-happy and afraid. At heart, all of you are the terrified bully of the global schoolyard, throwing out his chest and hoping no one sees how frightened and hurt he really is. You're ready to leap on any suspicion--any whisper, any glance and implication that people might think you're weak, in whatever way you feel that is. A minority, a rebel, anti-arrogance or pro-choice or, God save you, gay. So you load yourselves with weapons and shove into other countries, desperately hoping to earn someone's respect, someone's gratitude, someone's love. All you want is for someone to love you, and everything you do makes it that much more improbable, if not impossible. You want to be cool, you want to be in.

THAT'S why your sons and brothers and fathers, sisters, mothers, or daughters, are dead. Now you know why.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Gal, I have to conceede that some of the people in Iraq ARE doctors etc. who might be there regardless of whether or not they agree with the cause--they may be there because they want to help people who need it. I hadn't thought of them, and therefore change my statement to "**** everyone who is pro-war in any way" instead of "**** everyone there." Happy? :)

No because you still wanna say **** the ones who died who were for the war. Ya know you can be against it all day long. NO ONE ASKED you to join a military and fight for what you believe in.., ya know why? Because someone is fighting FOR YOU already. People died, their beliefs nor opinions should matter when a person dies for our safety. To make my point....Dont say **** THE DEAD THEY PROBABLY DESERVE IT cause you DID NOT KNOW THEIR VIEWS OR STAND POINTS. Just know they fell for freedom and safety.
TheJenn88 said:
Bit weird that we call it "free speech" and yet there's an idiot-box.
I understand the concept, and I don't agree with it. Despite how much you hate what someone says, it's still free speech? Or does free speech now come with guidelines? Is that what the soldiers are fighting for? Lies? We don't have nearly as much freedom as we claim to, so an idiot-box where we can pretend we are the judge of right and wrong it completely (in my opinion) lame.


Yeah we accept you can say anything you want. Freedom of Speech rocks. But when you disgrace the dead well in our country we DO NOT LIKE YOU...PERIOD! We can take a lot but as a whole most of us consider that sort of speech ignorant...IE IDIOT BOX!

To me S.D. is just like the man who is a professor who said most of the people who died 9/11 deserved their fate! Yeah he can say what they wanna say but we DONT HAVE TO HEAR IT! At least not publicly!
Actually, no one in your military is fighting for me, and they're not fighting for you either. They THINK they are, but they're fighting for your president and his designs, not you. Safety and liberty--get off your high mule. (You think it's a white horse but it's so not that it isn't even funny.) No one's fighting for me because WE didn't go to war because WE believed it was wrong. Everyone who's fighting for me is plotting to assassinate your Head Idiot.

It's also impossible to fight for what I believe in, literally, because I don't believe in violence. Yes, I do insult people freely and perhaps colourfully--though I always wish for more wit--but that's not physical now is it? I believe in justice, a fair trial, and the death sentence. Interesting little combination isn't it?

PS: your fear and insecurity radiates from you all in waves. You're all excellent examples of your country.
Do yourself a favour and stay in Canada, eh? We are just sorry your sorry asses are so close to our border.
The only thing good to come out of Canada is Canady Dry ginger ale.
Take off you knob.
Lets all hope and pray the next terrorist attack is in Toronto.
Beauty goin' hosers.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Actually, no one in your military is fighting for me, and they're not fighting for you either. They THINK they are, but they're fighting for your president and his designs, not you. Safety and liberty--get off your high mule. (You think it's a white horse but it's so not that it isn't even funny.) No one's fighting for me because WE didn't go to war because WE believed it was wrong. Everyone who's fighting for me is plotting to assassinate your Head Idiot.

It's also impossible to fight for what I believe in, literally, because I don't believe in violence. Yes, I do insult people freely and perhaps colourfully--though I always wish for more wit--but that's not physical now is it? I believe in justice, a fair trial, and the death sentence. Interesting little combination isn't it?

PS: your fear and insecurity radiates from you all in waves. You're all excellent examples of your country.

Ok you just contridicted yourself i think....Everyone who's fighting for me is plotting to assassinate your Head Idiot.OK meaning whoever is plotting to kill our president including terrorist are fighting for you.
Then u state:I don't believe in violence.
OK ok so which is it JOHN KERRY? Which side of the fence do u stand or are you in the middle and where ever the wind blows there you are.
And i love this little sentences you have:I believe in justice, a fair trial, and the death sentence
Yet the death sentence is violent....even if u gas the person or give them the needle they die because someone had to KILL THEM!
Like your philosphy. I also wanna point out i didnt go to war either....our country did. And i understand that maybe not in your country you all fight for one another when it comes down to it but WE DO! They are fighting for me and anyone else who is probably on this site. They do it for CANADA so they DONT HAVE TO GO TO WAR! DO you guys even have an army or are they all just mounties?
Let me tell you something you ****ing mamby-pamby, ****sucking hermaphrodite. I could care less if you read my opinion or even if you like it or not. I could care less if I hurt your feelings or if you lost sleep over it because I gave you a hint at the truth. However, I will defend my opinion to the best of my God given capacity and talents. Since my opinion is located on this website, in my country, which is bought and paid for by the lost heroes of the past, since I do not charge admission nor do I troll other people
Silver_dragon87 said:
Actually, no one in your military is fighting for me, and they're not fighting for you either. They THINK they are, but they're fighting for your president and his designs, not you. Safety and liberty--get off your high mule. (You think it's a white horse but it's so not that it isn't even funny.) No one's fighting for me because WE didn't go to war because WE believed it was wrong. Everyone who's fighting for me is plotting to assassinate your Head Idiot.

It's also impossible to fight for what I believe in, literally, because I don't believe in violence. Yes, I do insult people freely and perhaps colourfully--though I always wish for more wit--but that's not physical now is it? I believe in justice, a fair trial, and the death sentence. Interesting little combination isn't it?

PS: your fear and insecurity radiates from you all in waves. You're all excellent examples of your country.

OK squirt.. Let me clue you into something. Even as a pacifist, I am willing to acknowledge the person who will willing go to war to protect their ideals (whether they actually do or not is irrelevant they are doing what many simply CAN'T do) The fact is... there may come a time when we need protection that we cannot provide for ourselves, and these men and women have taken an oath to protect us and have proven they are willing to follow through with that oath. Now shhut the **** up, get a clue and go back to class YOU NEED ALL THE EDUCATION YOU CAN GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yOU DUMB ****... You can't DO anything? You can't FIGHT for your ideals??? WTF kind of teen are you anyway? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...TAKE A ****ING CIVICS CLASS!!!!!!! So I guess you never heard of Ghandi, rosa Parks, MLK Jr, the Dali Lama and the list goes on. Just go away, you embarrassing the crap out of yourself and giving the idealism of youth a bad name.
TheJenn88 said:
Bit weird that we call it "free speech" and yet there's an idiot-box.
I understand the concept, and I don't agree with it. Despite how much you hate what someone says, it's still free speech? Or does free speech now come with guidelines? Is that what the soldiers are fighting for? Lies? We don't have nearly as much freedom as we claim to, so an idiot-box where we can pretend we are the judge of right and wrong it completely (in my opinion) lame.


Any freedom we have comes with a responsibility not to take it for granted, and not to abuse it. Freedom of speach is great, but you need to understand that it is NOT unlimited, and that if you are going to open your mouth you better have something to back it up with or someone will just shut you up. The idiot box is an oprotunity to shut up and observe and god forbid learn a little something (and because if you ARE and idiot you need to be kept in check for your own protection)
Silver_dragon87 said:
I'd just like to point out the entertaining irony of this situtation. First you all chuck a spaz about people my age, calling all of us regardless of our personal experience, or rate of development, or our mind, complete idiots. And none of you seem to blame us for it because, in your words, our problem is that we don't know any better. But when one of these 'helpless idiots' says something you dislike, well. Your God save them.

I would also like to answer the question you all have--why. Why do Muslims hate you so much, why do people in other countries prefer to rob tourists from the US, why do people burn your flags, why is everyone against you? Because you're trigger-happy and afraid. At heart, all of you are the terrified bully of the global schoolyard, throwing out his chest and hoping no one sees how frightened and hurt he really is. You're ready to leap on any suspicion--any whisper, any glance and implication that people might think you're weak, in whatever way you feel that is. A minority, a rebel, anti-arrogance or pro-choice or, God save you, gay. So you load yourselves with weapons and shove into other countries, desperately hoping to earn someone's respect, someone's gratitude, someone's love. All you want is for someone to love you, and everything you do makes it that much more improbable, if not impossible. You want to be cool, you want to be in.

THAT'S why your sons and brothers and fathers, sisters, mothers, or daughters, are dead. Now you know why.

UMMM I don't see anyone busting on any of the other kids in here. You are an idiot despite your age. If Jenn here shows the same level of ignorance and inability to accept there is more to know in this world, she will end up your roomate (I don't get the feeling YET ;) ) Get it through your head, no matter how old you are YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!

PS I really need to learn how to put different wuotes into one post, feel free to fix it up Phreak ;)
Perhaps i Might be able to redeem Canada in the eyes of you folks in the wake of the young lady above as she was mistaken on a few points. But then again so were a few of yous...

Yes, the majority of Canadians were opposed to going to war in Iraq, to which i maintain is a terrible war (Read this if you want my Iraq rant: http://Off Topic]) We made a decision and it was ours to make. I don't hate America as a counrty, its people or it's soldiers, nor do i doubt their valour. The problem, as Silver mentioned, is that this isen't a war for America, its a war for the 'ruling class' (forgive me for using the term..). America is NOT a bully looking for respect, it is simply the highest functioning singular capitalist system of our time. Full blown Capitalism means doing ANYTHING within your pwoer to turn the highest possible profit. US companies, being some of the biggest, are just doing what they do best and if that means slavery, war and in-education then so be it. (I'm not saying that Canadian companies are any better mind you, they just don't have the resources to pull it off)

That said, we are an independent country and went with what we felt was right just as you did. Any hassling against that is against the right to self-goverence and i for one refuse to stand idley by while the decisions of my nation are guided by pushy outside forces (Not just the US, but the UN, NAFTA, WTO, World Bank and all the other BS running around controlling the lives of billions)

Now for the rest.
1) Canada has recently found a shitload of oil, enough to feed ALL of north america for the next 50 years under Alberta in addition to our reserves off the east coast. America on the other hand has long since run out of profitable Domestic oil so were you to try and 'cut us off' We'd be just fine, (Not that i support the Oil industry, monsters that they are)

2) This is a debate fourm and you are here telling somebody that you don't want to hear their reasoning for their opinions? You're a Mod are you not, you oughta know better.

3) Free speech IS unlimited, if she wants to make a ****ing idiot of herself then thats her choice, and its yours to listen or not. -"This is a board powered not by religions or governments, nor any organization, but by the power of thoughts." Stright from the rules here.

4) Oh yah i missed one, you say that this site is subject to the laws and rule of the United States? I think not. Welcome to the internet age, it is here for us all, this site is under the rule of its administrators yes, but that dosn't mean its under the rule of the countries they live in. -"This is a board powered not by religions or governments, nor any organization, but by the power of thoughts." Stright from the rules.

Well then...nothing like making a few friends off the bat now is there. sarcasim
Gray~Gal said:
Yes i admit we shouldnt wish her death. she should have to live with her words forever BURNED to her memory. She is an arrogent little WITCH and yes entitled to her opinion but so are we

You shouldn't say things like that. You'll give a bad name to all the other witches out there who would never say rude, hateful, ignorant things about our soldiers like that. ;)
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