Religion and religious people piss me off.

Cogito Ergo Sum

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
:cool: NOTE: I used this in another post and I liked it so much that I decided to make it a separate topic. What are your thoughts on this topic?


I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again in the future, more than once I'm sure: the most inhuman crimes against humanity have been committed by humans carrying the standards of their religions, believing that they were committing their acts in the service of their deity, or hiding their own personal desires for power or gratification - sexual or otherwise - under the cover of same religion.

Religion has become a way not of bringing a moral base to the masses, not a system of beliefs by which human beings may achieve a greater sense of community, but rather a way for a few people to exercise power over a mass of others irrespective of national borders.

One doesn't need to gain control over the masses by lines drawn on a map, but rather by herding the weak into a psychological corral based on religious dogma, playing to their basest need for validity for their existence as a part of a greater scheme in an effort to control them into doing your will. Once said sheep are in said corral, the religious sheepherders can bugger the flock to their hearts' content, all the while deluding themselves and the flock that it's for the good of the whole.

When the truth comes to light, they use their position as "God's servant" as a shield to deflect the punishment that the flock would have received for the same crimes, because after all, they were God's servants.

Yes, it's true - I hate all religions. Every single one of them. However, I support your right to believe as you wish but not to force it upon others in any way.

Personally, in my eye, preaching anywhere outside of the confines of your church building should be illegal.:cool:
My Dad was a minister, he retired but still was a very religious man, he used to say the same thing.

Religion is truly the root of all least in my way of thinking.
Thank God for religious people since most of the secular humanists are ****ing liberals. The root of all evil is lazy people who can't earn a living on their own stealing the property of others. Sadly, the biggest thief we have is the federal government.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
:cool: NOTE: I used this in another post and I liked it so much that I decided to make it a separate topic. What are your thoughts on this topic?


I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again in the future, more than once I'm sure: the most inhuman crimes against humanity have been committed by humans carrying the standards of their religions, believing that they were committing their acts in the service of their deity, or hiding their own personal desires for power or gratification - sexual or otherwise - under the cover of same religion.

Religion has become a way not of bringing a moral base to the masses, not a system of beliefs by which human beings may achieve a greater sense of community, but rather a way for a few people to exercise power over a mass of others irrespective of national borders.

One doesn't need to gain control over the masses by lines drawn on a map, but rather by herding the weak into a psychological corral based on religious dogma, playing to their basest need for validity for their existence as a part of a greater scheme in an effort to control them into doing your will. Once said sheep are in said corral, the religious sheepherders can bugger the flock to their hearts' content, all the while deluding themselves and the flock that it's for the good of the whole.

When the truth comes to light, they use their position as "God's servant" as a shield to deflect the punishment that the flock would have received for the same crimes, because after all, they were God's servants.

Yes, it's true - I hate all religions. Every single one of them. However, I support your right to believe as you wish but not to force it upon others in any way.

Personally, in my eye, preaching anywhere outside of the confines of your church building should be illegal.:cool:


Religion is a load of propaganda spewed forth by self righteous morally superior bigots. Plain and simple.

Not to mention it's also a crutch for people who can't form their own morals and beliefs and give an explanation for them. (IE: such and such is wrong because god said so). If you're going to say something is absolutely wrong or right, come up with a coherent, thought out and rational reason on why it would be wrong or right. Guess it's safe to say that BIBLE THUMPERS ARE IDIOTS

Now I don't care if someone wants to be a morally uptight bigot, but YOU HAD BETTER RESPECT MY RIGHT TO NOT BE ONE.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
:cool: NOTE: I used this in another post and I liked it so much that I decided to make it a separate topic. What are your thoughts on this topic?


I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again in the future, more than once I'm sure: the most inhuman crimes against humanity have been committed by humans carrying the standards of their religions, believing that they were committing their acts in the service of their deity, or hiding their own personal desires for power or gratification - sexual or otherwise - under the cover of same religion.

Religion has become a way not of bringing a moral base to the masses, not a system of beliefs by which human beings may achieve a greater sense of community, but rather a way for a few people to exercise power over a mass of others irrespective of national borders.

One doesn't need to gain control over the masses by lines drawn on a map, but rather by herding the weak into a psychological corral based on religious dogma, playing to their basest need for validity for their existence as a part of a greater scheme in an effort to control them into doing your will. Once said sheep are in said corral, the religious sheepherders can bugger the flock to their hearts' content, all the while deluding themselves and the flock that it's for the good of the whole.

When the truth comes to light, they use their position as "God's servant" as a shield to deflect the punishment that the flock would have received for the same crimes, because after all, they were God's servants.

Yes, it's true - I hate all religions. Every single one of them. However, I support your right to believe as you wish but not to force it upon others in any way.

Personally, in my eye, preaching anywhere outside of the confines of your church building should be illegal.:cool:

You got mad because some body was preaching something on another thread. What do you think you're doing?
THUMPER1 said:
You got mad because some body was preaching something on another thread. What do you think you're doing?

He has the right to. LMAO

You have depth, but only on the surface. Down deep inside, you are shallow.
Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
I agree religion is the root and cause of all of humanities problems and those who disagree please go read some unaldulterated history and FFS don't quote the bible as truth.
On a personal note, I do believe in god, but its nothing like what is represented in the bibles of the world. People who follow religion are slaves, they are slaves because of there own fear of there impending death, it is our own fear of mortality that makes us slaves and drives so many to the lies and bullshit that is religion.

Religion does not mean you believe in god and a belief in god does not mean you are religious.
Religion is a cult, it control it followers, dulls there minds and when you dare say anything against there precious little belief structures they attack.
I would like to think humanity will someday over come there dependency on this fallocentric way of thinking, but to be honest with you I doubt it, not unless something monumental happens to evolve humanities thinking.
Quite frankly, most religions were created to control people in the first place. Like a substitiute for government. I for one am free of religion. I am bound by enough rules already, why do I need some old book and a "deity" to regulate my life?
A:people are assholes B: People are religious. This does not mean B causes A.

Chimpanzees fight wars. They ain't particularly religious. Religion does make controlling the masses, to help the leaders pursue their worldly goals, much easier at times.

Religion is neither good or evil. It is a powerful force. People are good or evil.

If you want to find a bunch of closed minded idiots, all marching to the beat of the same drummer, go to and check out the political forum.

The secular humanists goal of seperation of church and state seems honorable on the surface. Until you realize they keep expanding the state.

The Goomhanian religion, which I founded in 2001 and has grown 8 fold since then, has remained a peaceful religion. With the exception of one ugly incident when three of us went for the last two beers in the cooler.

If everyone had an oil well in their backyard 9/11 would never have happened.
THUMPER1 said:
You got mad because some body was preaching something on another thread. What do you think you're doing?

This is not preaching. It is expressing an OPINION.

Unlike you who preaches, I'm not telling anybody what GOD wants or feels or thinks of them or their behavior. I would never be so arrogant and obnoxious as you, nor think that I knew what a all powerful deity wanted.

Your such an Arrogant ass, now go back to your Country Pride Account.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
hugo...I've told's not healthy for you to be so self-depricating. :eek:

Go and take your medicine and be a dear will you?

That's better.

Go back to worshipping Saint Karl.
hugo said:
Go back to worshipping Saint Karl.

hugo...he's not a Saint, he's a "Sir".

Sir Karl Raimund Popper, and he was a great great man indeed.

I'm amazed you even know anything about him. I would have thought that his ability to think was way outside of your ability to comprehend.

Live and learn.
hugo said:
What a ****ing idiot.

You are the idoit little one. Have a read of history and you will come to the same conclusion, religion is the clear link to the on going persiction of the human race, one of the main problems within the middle east is there religion, which keeps the people uneducated and controlled.
I feel sorry for you Hugo, you have my pitty, because you are a small narrow minded little man.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
hugo...he's not a Saint, he's a "Sir".

Sir Karl Raimund Popper, and he was a great great man indeed.

I'm amazed you even know anything about him. I would have thought that his ability to think was way outside of your ability to comprehend.

Live and learn.

If you would read the works of Popper's buddy, Hayek (no, not the actress for idiots like Quarky), you might become a true libertarian.
quarky said:
You are the idoit little one. Have a read of history and you will come to the same conclusion, religion is the clear link to the on going persiction of the human race, one of the main problems within the middle east is there religion, which keeps the people uneducated and controlled.
I feel sorry for you Hugo, you have my pitty, because you are a small narrow minded little man.

Is english your first language?
hugo said:
If you would read the works of Popper's buddy, Hayek (no, not the actress for idiots like Quarky), you might become a true libertarian.

Good God Man! :eek: Why would I want to do that? Afterall, I am quite satisfied being of my species; a true Moderate. It's a beautiful thing indeed. :)