
RoyalOrleans said:
No they don't, Curt. Anyone can see the flaws in religion. I can, you can, Tyler can, a blind man can.

Off to a good start...

RoyalOrleans said:
I mean, we see what we want to see. I see a lot of anti-religious bunk on these boards and find it all boring. The same ol' same ol'. Nothing new to report other than the name of the threadstarter. It's beating a dead horse, as I've said a hundred times.

Then why do you continue to care?

Just because you are bored with it, does not mean that you have
declared all future discussion to be null. You might be a mod, but
making this kind of edict is a bit on the soviet side for my tastes.

Let people debate, no-one has a machine pistol in your face
forcing you to digest Tyler's opinion! You are not in Iraq any more....

(...if indeed you claims of Iraq service below are true.)

RoyalOrleans said:
If I were to throw my lot in with the godfreaks, I'd be the first to get smote down. I am not a Jesus-freak, nor do I subscribe to the local religion.

It wouldn't make any difference to me if you were Fred Phelps himself.

RoyalOrleans said:
The mindless insults come about when there is nothing left to discuss. And there isn't. I mean, you and Tyler can talk about this til your respective little fingers fall off for all I care. My original post to Tyler was to warn him that this topic has been discussed in a hundred different posts.

There is no need for mindless insults period.
These reduce my view of a person's intellect by 1000%.

So, you can try to impress me with debate until your brain implodes;
but use insults, and I will write you off as jsut another forum spastic.

RoyalOrleans said:
If he were to say, post a thread discussing his contempt toward the Baptists... that would be a little more original and not so much generalized. Like the hundred or so posts made by Mohammed Rots In Hell, he continues to rant about Islam.

Why must we pick out one faith, when they all make the same fallacies?

RoyalOrleans said:
Anyways, I didn't travel to Iraq and back to trade wits with a witless worm.


You haven't a clue. ;)

If you were so witty, you wouldn't have to rely on hollywood for 90% of your one-liners.

RoyalOrleans said:
And what makes you justified in telling me that I don't have any justification? You have your reasons and I'll have mine.

I am a spectator, watching you and Tyler slug it out.

or rather, Tyler being reasonable, and you throwing tantrums.

RoyalOrleans said:
No I don't have an earth shaking argument lined up. Though you fail to see the point I was laboring to make by warning Tyler about the redundancy of his post.

So, are we all to convert to a religion that we find illogical and pointless,
just because you have decided any dissent is redundant? Very good.

Not related to Josef Stalin, are you?

RoyalOrleans said:
This is always a fail safe with you assholes that feel a need to defend everyone. Call me an idiot, basically, for ****ing with a youngblood on this board. You and your ilk are the bread and butter of the ACLU.

Now you lose the plot!

Haha! You are the one who has come across looking like a 'youngblood',
with your hilarious tantrum and lame arguments that contradict themselves.

Then to top it off, you rant some utter oxcrap me subscribing to one of
the American hippy/lefty organisations! You had me going for a while,
I almost had you noted as a reasonable type, then you blow it. :D

Bloody hell, this site is comedy gold for sure!

RoyalOrleans said:
Call me a fool, fine... enjoy the Idiot Box. Mod's rule.

Enjoy being regarded as a scatalogical lunatic.

Now drop and give yourself twenty!
ImWithStupid said:
Show of hands. Who else saw this commin' down the tracks at Curt?

Tyler is a big boy, I think, he can defend himself. He's obviously explained his opinions very well and by this, he certainly can retort to me. He doesn't need the help of some limp-wristed ****nut.
And by the way, you can change my tag to 'I am an idiot' all you wish.

But if that is all you can do to make me look bad on the forum, then I have defeated you.

Obviously, you lack the courage and maturity to gain ground over me in a debate;
so you are reduced to using your cheap little mod-powers to take vengeance...

What a big hero!

Good stuff, I am laughing at such pathetic tactics.

RoyalOrleans said:
Tyler is a big boy, I think, he can defend himself. He's obviously explained his opinions very well and by this, he certainly can retort to me. He doesn't need the help of some limp-wristed ****nut.

That's why I thought Curt may be headin' to the box. Tyler was doin' fine by himself and Curt seemed to be lookin' for a fight. Your comparison of Curt to the ACLU was spot on and kinda funny too.
RoyalOrleans said:
Tyler is a big boy, I think, he can defend himself. He's obviously explained his opinions very well and by this, he certainly can retort to me. He doesn't need the help of some limp-wristed ****nut.


I was making observations, you can call it 'help' all you wish.

And more insults...Very professional....!!! :D

For a seasoned mod, you act awfully like a retarded noob.

ImWithStupid said:
That's why I thought Curt may be headin' to the box. Tyler was doin' fine by himself and Curt seemed to be lookin' for a fight. Your comparison of Curt to the ACLU was spot on and kinda funny too.

Your ACLU comparison is utterly silly, as I am neither a lefty or American.

But don't let the facts get in the way of you having a good mod-bottom-feeding session.

Curt Sibling said:
And by the way, you can change my tag to 'I am an idiot' all you wish.

But if that is all you can do to make me look bad on the forum, then I have defeated you.

Obviously, you lack the courage and maturity to gain ground over me in a debate;
so you are reduced to using your cheap little mod-powers to take vengeance...

What a big hero!

Good stuff, I am laughing at such pathetic tactics.


Ok... shall we debate? I mean, if you want to dance... I'll dance. Enough of this ****ing around.

You lack the courtesy of allowing Tyler defend himself and in no way was I attacking him. I was clearly being an asshole, but he can fend for himself. Stop being a "big brother".
Curt Sibling said:

I was making observations, you can call it 'help' all you wish.

And more insults...Very professional....!!! :D

For a seasoned mod, you act awfully like a retarded noob.


This ain't a business, Curt. Formalities are thrown to the wind.

And you shouldn't make fun of the less-fortunate, I mean, we all can't be wise and above it all like you.
I mean, we see what we want to see. I see a lot of anti-religious bunk on these boards and find it all boring. The same ol' same ol'. Nothing new to report other than the name of the threadstarter. It's beating a dead horse, as I've said a hundred times.

The mindless insults come about when there is nothing left to discuss.

This is always a fail safe with you assholes that feel a need to defend everyone. Call me an idiot, basically, for ****ing with a youngblood on this board.

Dude, are you truly a moderator on this board? :eek: Sorry, I didn't realize...

If you don't mind me saying... I think you may have lost your passion for moderating this particular board? Perhaps it may be you just need to let off some steam on your own thread for a change instead of continually catering to all of us? Moderators are people too, and it's only right that you have the opportunity to go postal as well... we don't blame you for it - it's got to be mental torture having to deal with us idiots constantly moaning on about the 'same old ****', day in day out, week after week, etc... how mistaken were WE to think we could discuss things on a forum?!?!

I think you ought to start a new thread where you can just solely focus on what pisses you off about everyone & everything on this board, instead of having to randomise your particular hatred for us all & our rants into multiple threads. Just focus it all up into a huge venomous ball on one thread and furnace it out - hopefully you'll feel much better for it! Maybe when the smoke clears, we can all have a quick peek to see if it's safe and we'll maybe get the chance to behold the sheer majesty & might of your conjured wrath! That would be a spectacle to behold - and I tell you something... the tickets would sell like **** on Ebay!!!

If for some reason this doesn't work for you... I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but maybe it's time for a new job moderating a different board which is more positive & varied in nature. It could be that all the bile you have to sift through here has left you very depressed? Maybe being in this type of environment is doing you more harm than good? It's worth thinking about... :)
RoyalOrleans said:
Ok... shall we debate? I mean, if you want to dance... I'll dance. Enough of this ****ing around.

You lack the courtesy of allowing Tyler defend himself and in no way was I attacking him. I was clearly being an asshole, but he can fend for himself. Stop being a "big brother".

Can't you read?

I never took it upon my self to defend anyone, Orleans.
I just seen you calling the insults and questioned your reasons.

Now I know your reasons;
You are a mod and on your little forum you can do what you want.


I will always strike back with the fury of a cobra when given ****, but I
post mostly for the humour...So please get with the program and see that
there is this thing called 'taking the piss' that you seem to be missing.

Our exchange went from serious to nonsense pretty rapidly.

I can accept you were perhaps in a private debate with Tyler,
and so I can also accept I should not have butted in, if you were
so engrossed and enjoying your veneer of mod-power.

Carry on, but please learn about British sarcasm.

RoyalOrleans said:
This ain't a business, Curt. Formalities are thrown to the wind.

Very well.

If formalities are nulled, can I accuse you of molesting horses?

RoyalOrleans said:
And you shouldn't make fun of the less-fortunate, I mean, we all can't be wise and above it all like you.

Hmmm - I guess you can't.

I am always charitable to those of a lesser station than myself, so
I will let you off with your previous wise-ass attempts to be funny.

Tyler Durden said:
Dude, are you truly a moderator on this board? :eek: Sorry, I didn't realize...

If you don't mind me saying... I think you may have lost your passion for moderating this particular board? Perhaps it may be you just need to let off some steam on your own thread for a change instead of continually catering to all of us? Moderators are people too, and it's only right that you have the opportunity to go postal as well... we don't blame you for it - it's got to be mental torture having to deal with us idiots constantly moaning on about the 'same old ****', day in day out, week after week, etc... how mistaken were WE to think we could discuss things on a forum?!?!

I think you ought to start a new thread where you can just solely focus on what pisses you off about everyone & everything on this board, instead of having to randomise your particular hatred for us all & our rants into multiple threads. Just focus it all up into a huge venomous ball on one thread and furnace it out - hopefully you'll feel much better for it! Maybe when the smoke clears, we can all have a quick peek to see if it's safe and we'll maybe get the chance to behold the sheer majesty & might of your conjured wrath! That would be a spectacle to behold - and I tell you something... the tickets would sell like **** on Ebay!!!

If for some reason this doesn't work for you... I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but maybe it's time for a new job moderating a different board which is more positive & varied in nature. It could be that all the bile you have to sift through here has left you very depressed? Maybe being in this type of environment is doing you more harm than good? It's worth thinking about... :)

If you havn't chacked out Phreak's greeting to new members you might want to. It just kind of give a description of the atmosphere at this site.

http://Off Topic

There are some very serious threads and some not so serious threads. Like Phreak says, it's more like a community than a forum. It's kinda like a bunch of friends sitting around talkin' **** and joking around one minute and stone cold serious the next.

Anyway check it out.
ImWithStupid said:
If you havn't chacked out Phreak's greeting to new members you might want to. It just kind of give a description of the atmosphere at this site.

http://Off Topic

There are some very serious threads and some not so serious threads. Like Phreak says, it's more like a community than a forum. It's kinda like a bunch of friends sitting around talkin' **** and joking around one minute and stone cold serious the next.

Anyway check it out.
Yeah, what he said... dumb ass.

I'd also like to add THIS link: http://Off Topic
Curt Sibling said:
Can't you read?

I never took it upon my self to defend anyone, Orleans.
I just seen you calling the insults and questioned your reasons.

Now I know your reasons;
You are a mod and on your little forum you can do what you want.


I will always strike back with the fury of a cobra when given ****, but I
post mostly for the humour...So please get with the program and see that
there is this thing called 'taking the piss' that you seem to be missing.

Our exchange went from serious to nonsense pretty rapidly.

I can accept you were perhaps in a private debate with Tyler,
and so I can also accept I should not have butted in, if you were
so engrossed and enjoying your veneer of mod-power.

Carry on, but please learn about British sarcasm.


1. I don't pay the bandwidth.

2. I'm not the only Mod here and each of them supply their own tactics. Me? I like to post in a newcomer's thread, in the hopes of seeing his/her opinions waver in my onslaught of innane comments. I'm not bragging, but Tyler stood fast which is all he needs to do. His topic, as redundant as it was, was eloquently put and I commend him.

3. Yes. Nonsense is all I can muster, because I'm a Mod on a power kick. I'm such a ****ing pathetic human being.

4. Whether you post for the humor or the sake of others, you really ruffled my feathers enough to idiot box you. I guess, you failed to see my point and I failed to see yours. I don't regret what I did, you'll be back to regular status in 48 hours.

5. And for the record, I was in the USMC during the first invasion of Iraq under Bush the First.

6. I get British humor. I mean, I've seen every single Absolutely Fabulous episode and have several Monty Python features on dvd.
It seems some mods really have to adapt to different styles of humour.
I wonder how much of my piss-taking they think is real?

Hopefully not too much.

My posting gimmick:

1) I am always serious about religion, and such debates.
2) All other comments are usually humour or sarcasm.

We don't adapt to ****, people adapt to us. If they don't get all pissy about us being dicks and stick around to join in on the subjects, then we usually back off.

Curt Sibling said:
It seems some mods really have to adapt to different styles of humour.
I wonder how much of my piss-taking they think is real?

Hopefully not too much.

My posting gimmick:

1) I am always serious about religion, and such debates.
2) All other comments are usually humour or sarcasm.


By jove, I think he's got it. If not though and you decide to go away. Don't go away angry. Think happy thoughts.:D
Curt Sibling said:
It seems some mods really have to adapt to different styles of humour. I wonder how much of my piss-taking they think is real?

So now you are contradicting your own rebukes to me? If you're going to make a stand, make it with your feet planted firmly in the ground. The piss here reeks of vinegar and jalapenos.

Curt Sibling said:
1) I am always serious about religion, and such debates.

You can't take fairy tales and ghost stories seriously. Why take religion? Economics, political, and social policies are a better debate because there is usually two staunch sides of the fence. Whereas, religion has a lot of grey area.

Curt Sibling said:
2) All other comments are usually humour or sarcasm.

So the comments that you made about my intellect and powertrip were all jokes? Ha... I don't get it. Ok... I get it.
RoyalOrleans said:
1. I don't pay the bandwidth.

2. I'm not the only Mod here and each of them supply their own tactics. Me? I like to post in a newcomer's thread, in the hopes of seeing his/her opinions waver in my onslaught of innane comments. I'm not bragging, but Tyler stood fast which is all he needs to do. His topic, as redundant as it was, was eloquently put and I commend him.

3. Yes. Nonsense is all I can muster, because I'm a Mod on a power kick. I'm such a ****ing pathetic human being.

4. Whether you post for the humor or the sake of others, you really ruffled my feathers enough to idiot box you. I guess, you failed to see my point and I failed to see yours. I don't regret what I did, you'll be back to regular status in 48 hours.

5. And for the record, I was in the USMC during the first invasion of Iraq under Bush the First.

6. I get British humor. I mean, I've seen every single Absolutely Fabulous episode and have several Monty Python features on dvd.

OK - I only seen your post after I made the last one there...!


Well, we can understand each other better...I am glad the humour here
is hardball...And no Political Correctness - That is good news. I hope your
feathers were not to ruffled, and a good brushing should fix them!

I am not angry really about the 'idiot box' thing, as it beats the hell out of being banned!

Anyone who taught Soddom Hoosane to eat charcoal is OK in my books.
I have a good opinion the USMC. They are a fine formation of troops.

I hope we can continue in a sense of renewed respect, silliness and mutual hummus.
