
I ****ing hate jehovah's witnesses! If they weren't so dangerous they'd be funny! Don't you just hate it when you've been working hard all week - out with friends on Saturday & looking forward to a nice lazy long sleep on Sunday...

Sunday 7:30am ...Ding! Dong! - 'Excuse me... have you ever thought of letting god into your life?' FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!! Have you ever thought of DYING OF ****ING CANCER!!! If your god is that ****ing great and supposedly all around us, in everything we see and do (and all that other mindless moronistic dogma) why do you feel the need to call round doors, and stand around street corners like common street whores touting for it's business??? YOU KNOW WHY??? Because your a pathetic delusional lowlife who likes to play the martyr (with doors being slammed in your face & being constantly ridiculed) like your fantastical super hero - I bet even Peanut M&M's would fall through the palms of your hands you're SO righteous??? Oh poor me? These heathens just don't understand the fact that you don't need to face life head on - you can bury all your thoughts and dreams in some stupid fiction and exist solely for that!

The last time this **** happened to me - I pointed to the tattoo on my arm (of a demon raping an angel whilst tearing it's wings apart), and I said, 'See this here??? It means YOU'RE NOT ****ING WELCOME!!! **** OFF!!!', and at that point I whipped out my penis and chased the stupid bitches into the lift with it... extreme conditions demand extreme responses... and they were ****ing asking for it!!! One thing's for sure though - they got the ****ing message alright... and they ain't been back since!!! :D

The moral of this story - take your god & **** off!!!
Wow Tyler, it must happen to you very often! It has been a while since I had to deal with those people coming to my door. The worst time for them to come, is when I am eating or sleeping. Then again, that is with ANYONE who comes a knockin' on my door.
Tyler Durden said:
YOU KNOW WHY??? Because your a pathetic delusional lowlife who likes to play the martyr (with doors being slammed in your face & being constantly ridiculed) like your fantastical super hero -

Accually, according to the JoHos, only gods people (AKA those who are JOhos) accually exist, the rest of us are just illusions. It is their job to root through the pile of illusions and make sure that all the 'real' people are awakened. The rest of us can piss off. (My roomate talks to them on a regualr bases for fun.)
Tyler Durden said:
I pointed to the tattoo on my arm (of a demon raping an angel whilst tearing it's wings apart), and I said, 'See this here??? It means YOU'RE NOT ****ING WELCOME!!! **** OFF!!!

You're so ****ing cool, Ty. Do you have a newsletter? If you do I'd like to subscribe.
RoyalOrleans said:
You're so ****ing cool, Ty. Do you have a newsletter? If you do I'd like to subscribe.

I hope there was a hint of sarcasm RO.

I'm not sure why someone knocking on your door would have as much of a negative reaction as you depicted in your post, Tyler, but if it does I feel sorry for the poor little girl scouts selling cookies in your neighborhood.

As for the story itself, it may have happened but I doubt it. Yea, I'm gonna have to throw the "bullshit" flag on that one. 15 yards and loss of down.
ImWithStupid said:
I hope there was a hint of sarcasm RO.

I'm not sure why someone knocking on your door would have as much of a negative reaction as you depicted in your post, Tyler, but if it does I feel sorry for the poor little girl scouts selling cookies in your neighborhood.

As for the story itself, it may have happened but I doubt it. Yea, I'm gonna have to throw the "bullshit" flag on that one. 15 yards and loss of down.

Yeah, you have misplaced sorrow here for sure! There's a vast world of difference between a couple of girls knocking your door to sell cookies (which are edible, you can utilise your 5 senses to actually KNOW they exist and you can experience the pleasure of eating the cookies), I have no problem with this - and they would be greeted with a smile & occasionally a sale. When someone wakes me up at an early hour on a Sunday morning (most people's day of rest), and tries to sell me an illusion - they can take themselves to ****!

You can doubt what the **** you want, I couldn't care less...

I don't actually have a photo of my tattoo, but here's a link to the actual image the tattoo artist used for a template... the one I have is on the bottom right hand side... my verison has them both surrounded by flames...
Tyler Durden said:
Yeah, you have misplaced sorrow here for sure! There's a vast world of difference between a couple of girls knocking your door to sell cookies (which are edible, you can utilise your 5 senses to actually KNOW they exist and you can experience the pleasure of eating the cookies), I have no problem with this - and they would be greeted with a smile & occasionally a sale. When someone wakes me up at an early hour on a Sunday morning (most people's day of rest), and tries to sell me an illusion - they can take themselves to ****!

You can doubt what the **** you want, I couldn't care less...

I don't actually have a photo of my tattoo, but here's a link to the actual image the tattoo artist used for a template... the one I have is on the bottom right hand side... my verison has them both surrounded by flames...

Hey, whatever you say there slick. You may have the tattoo of the demon and angel, screwing, on your arm. (Although I'm not sure why someone who purports themselves as a athiest would choose religious symbols to be permanantly placed on their body, but you have completely impressed me in the way you stand by your beliefs, Junior) You may have even chased these "stupid bitches" away from your door, with your jimmy in your hand.

Memorable Quotes from
American History X (1998)
Derek Vinyard: D'you see this?
[Pulls down shirt to reveal huge swastika tattoo on his chest]
Derek Vinyard: This means "Not welcome".

After reviewing the tape, I am still gonna have to throw a flag on the play and charge you with 5 yards and loss of down for being unoriginal.

I noticed you added the word "****ing" in the "not welcome" part. Was that to avoid any problems with being sued for plagiarism in your "tale"?

Again, I understand why someone ringing the door at 7:30 in the morning could cause such a reasonable and rational response. (especially if you might have felt intimidated by the church ladies or you felt in fear for your safety)

Go get 'em tiger.
ImWithStupid said:
Hey, whatever you say there slick. You may have the tattoo of the demon and angel, screwing, on your arm. (Although I'm not sure why someone who purports themselves as a athiest would choose religious symbols to be permanantly placed on their body, but you have completely impressed me in the way you stand by your beliefs, Junior) You may have even chased these "stupid bitches" away from your door, with your jimmy in your hand.

Memorable Quotes from
American History X (1998)
Derek Vinyard: D'you see this?
[Pulls down shirt to reveal huge swastika tattoo on his chest]
Derek Vinyard: This means "Not welcome".

After reviewing the tape, I am still gonna have to throw a flag on the play and charge you with 5 yards and loss of down for being unoriginal.

I noticed you added the word "****ing" in the "not welcome" part. Was that to avoid any problems with being sued for plagiarism in your "tale"?

Again, I understand why someone ringing the door at 7:30 in the morning could cause such a reasonable and rational response. (especially if you might have felt intimidated by the church ladies or you felt in fear for your safety)

Go get 'em tiger.

Ahhhh... you're a film fan too - how observant of you! 10/10 and 12 gold stars!!! :D I never 'claimed' to be original - I'm only one of millions of people in this world. When a quote is worth using, it's worth using well... it doesn't matter where it comes from... only that it has the desired effect!

In my case - yeah, I used this quote on the particular morning this happened, because it was the first thing that entered my head! What is language worth, if it's not to be used??? People use quotes and phrases practically every day of their ****ing lives, but I guess by your standards EVERYONE must be 'unoriginal' and guilty as charged?!?! :eek:

I apologise profusely at not being able to astound you with an eloquent well-turned Oscar Wilde witticism in this situation... Of course, when some idiots come ringing at your doorbell at 7:30am, trying to sell you indoctrination (after you've only had roughly 4 hours sleep), I'd be REALLY ****ing impressed if YOU could 'be original' at a moments notice on just waking up! :D

I don't feel intimidated or fearful of these idiots in the slightest - they only 'piss me off!'. Am I wrong in thinking this forum is somewhere for everyone with a PC to rant their distate at a multitude of things? I understand you may or may not agree with my opinions, but if you really think my opinions are boring and uninspirational, feel free to totally ignore my posts and find some other threads where you may feel more intellectually at home... :)
Tyler Durden said:
I apologise profusely at not being able to astound you with an eloquent well-turned Oscar Wilde witticism in this situation.

...and Oscar Wilde appreciates you not plaigarizing him as well.
Tyler Durden said:
Ahhhh... you're a film fan too - how observant of you! 10/10 and 12 gold stars!!! I never 'claimed' to be original - I'm only one of millions of people in this world. When a quote is worth using, it's worth using well... it doesn't matter where it comes from... only that it has the desired effect!

American History X is actually one of my favorite movies of all time.

In my case - yeah, I used this quote on the particular morning this happened, because it was the first thing that entered my head! What is language worth, if it's not to be used??? People use quotes and phrases practically every day of their ****ing lives, but I guess by your standards EVERYONE must be 'unoriginal' and guilty as charged?!?!

I have nothing against using a good quote when it applies well. The fact that your reaction, in the story, seemed a little extreme a bit much combined with the fact that I recognized the quote, caused me to have some doubt to the validity of your story.

I apologise profusely at not being able to astound you with an eloquent well-turned Oscar Wilde witticism in this situation... Of course, when some idiots come ringing at your doorbell at 7:30am, trying to sell you indoctrination (after you've only had roughly 4 hours sleep), I'd be REALLY ****ing impressed if YOU could 'be original' at a moments notice on just waking up!

No apology needed. I was just giving you a couple of jabs.

I don't feel intimidated or fearful of these idiots in the slightest - they only 'piss me off!'. Am I wrong in thinking this forum is somewhere for everyone with a PC to rant their distate at a multitude of things?

You are totally right about this being forum to rant, hence the name. I was just trying to get a feel for your personality. So, by all means vent your frustrations and discontent.

I understand you may or may not agree with my opinions, but if you really think my opinions are boring and uninspirational, feel free to totally ignore my posts and find some other threads where you may feel more intellectually at home... :)

Now that's what I like to hear. I called you out, you stuck to your guns, you didn't get too upset and resort to juvenile name calling or anything and I think you even figured out what I was doing. Good show.

I'll give you 5 yards back but I'm still charging you with the loss of a down because chasin' the "church ladies" with your junk out is just wrong man.

See ya around the site.:cool:
Tyler Durden said:
I understand you may or may not agree with my opinions, but if you really think my opinions are boring and uninspirational, feel free to totally ignore my posts and find some other threads where you may feel more intellectually at home...

Your opinions are ill-conceived and one-sided. You sound worse than the lead gossiper in a sewing circle. A little, whiney puppy is what you sound like.

Your opinion of religion probably stems from a bad break up with a mouth-breathing Jesus freak that would not give it up to you. It could also stem from your father who may be an evangalist of some sort. It could come from your mother who made you wear a bowtie every Sunday. Yeah... it could be a whole host of things.

My question to you, Tyler Durden, is; are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?
RoyalOrleans said:
My question to you, Tyler Durden, is; are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?


Now Tyler, here is an example of a movie quote used well. Very good choice also RO. Mr. Blonde is the definition of the term "Stud" in that movie. Of course that's just me voicing my opinion again and don't forget you have the same right to ignore my posts, that you so graciously gave to me.

Tyler Durden said:
I understand you may or may not agree with my opinions, but if you really think my opinions are boring and uninspirational, feel free to totally ignore my posts and find some other threads where you may feel more intellectually at home...
My question to you, Tyler Durden, is; are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?

You mean, am I going to actually kill someone over my beliefs??? Like a ****ing extremist? I think not! The only way that would happen is if one of these clowns actually approached me with intent of malice... in which case - it's eye for an eye. This isn't a point of view just extended to religious freaks - it applies to 'anyone' who approaches me with intent of physical violence for any reason.

Is it wrong to protect yourself in such a situation? Christianity would have you believe so with their, 'turn the other cheek' policy. Why should I lie down like a dog to be beaten by a stick when someone wishes me harm? It reeks of retardity not to fight for self-preservation under any circumstances when you're physically capable?

Of course my opinions are one-sided... the thing is though, in this debate what is the alternative? There's a choice of either dealing with REALITY or FICTION? I choose reality every time! Fantasy is maybe alright to play with once in a while for amusement, but when it comes to consuming your soul to the distraction of all else... that is a concept I can't and won't adhere to.

I understand that taking my knob out and chasing a couple of religious freaks from my door with it, maybe comes across as being a tad too extreme for some people to deal with. Although, this is only a day at the beach compared to what a 'less restrained' anti-religious zealot would be capable of inflicting! I personally get ****ing sick of these god-botherers banging on my ****ing door at ungodly hours, and standing around on street corners bleating about their long dead zygote and their singular opinions taken from only ONE book. The world as a whole has a lot more to offer someone with an open mind... and I accept it gratefully.

Yeah, I DO have a problem with ALL religion - I admit it... but it's a personal choice that I don't expect everyone to follow or agree with...

feel free to convince me otherwise... I welcome it - because after all, who's to say I'M right??? :D
Tyler Durden said:
I understand that taking my knob out and chasing a couple of religious freaks from my door with it, maybe comes across as being a tad too extreme for some people to deal with.

No, not at all; that was the funny bit. The Mormons did that **** in Australia for a coupla years. They've "black-booked" 90 % of our country. We stole their pushbikes, inked their white shirts, welcomed them in for coffee, and held them captive, while we danced naked, consuming alcohol and drugs.

They just didn't get our form of hospitality. We dropped the middle M and called them Morons. It fits well.
Tyler Durden said:
Yeah, I DO have a problem with ALL religion - I admit it... but it's a personal choice that I don't expect everyone to follow or agree with...

I'd still like to hear how an athiest came to the decision to get a tattoo depicting religious symbols. Regardless of the content, just having them there seems a little hipocritical to your beliefs, or lack there of anyway.:confused:
ImWithStupid said:
I'd still like to hear how an athiest came to the decision to get a tattoo depicting religious symbols. Regardless of the content, just having them there seems a little hipocritical to your beliefs, or lack there of anyway.:confused:

To cut a long story short, in my infancy I was raised with a biased opinion since birth. In hindsight... one of my parents believed in lies and the other the truth. Unfortunately, the one believing in lies chose a school for me to attend that took great liberties to expand further on these lies and embellish them on my school friends and I frequently. Not by forceful, sadistic or dictatorship means... more subliminal. Being a child you really have no control over this... your parents decision is final, etc.

Even at an early age, I found to my distaste that the lies I was being fed didn't quite add up to the truth. The 'BFG or Invisible Man' (absent landlord) who was promised would 'always be there', simply - wasn't there. This was not a cry for help or a personal trauma I went through or anything... merely a simple self-realization that there was no truth in what these adults were trying to indoctrinate me with. Confusion soon set in and so began the questions. 'Why should I believe in this?' - the only answer I ever got amounted to, '... Just... (stutter) Because... (cue the red face & sharp breathing of trying to find a way of explaining something you cant possibly do) Everyone else believes in it and...(stutter, mumble... stutter) JUST YOU BELIEVE IN IT TOO!'

As I aged in years, the more I questioned, the more truth I found & the more bitter the lies that I was indoctrinated with since birth, became.

Would I be incorrect on thinking that NO ONE likes or deserves to be lied to? You can only imagine my rage at discovering the hypocrisy of these lies fed to me since birth...

Throughout my life, the lies and fantasy I was fed were quickly abolished from my mind. I replaced them with truth & reality.

However, I ended up getting this tattoo as a reminder of how weak I once was (and could be again... I am human & far from perfect after all) in believing in fantasy that was fed to me by people who really should know better. The demon raping the angel is symbolic of my personal achievement in finally taking control over my 'own' dogma free life & not let it be governed by that which isn't attainable in the physical world I experience.

The image itself may be extreme to a lot of people however, to explain. I do NOT condone physical rape of a woman or a man. It just so happened that in this particular myth, demons are depicted in masculine form & angels in feminine form. Demons obviously represent satan & the angels represent god. Most religions claim you are evil if you don't follow their particular franchise. The whole concept of the art, is the domination over that which you oppose. I oppose religion and all it's doctrines... I also like tattoo's & body art... so why not get it done? This after all is my body I walk around in, and I have the right to mutilate it in any way I wish.

Perhaps, if I was raised to find my own way in life based on my own experiences, I may have 'found the light' as it were? Who knows? One thing though... I don't blame my parents for any of this! Parents always do what they think is in your best interests... although in this case... I chose to rebel for my own sanity...
RoyalOrleans said:
Your opinions are ill-conceived and one-sided. You sound worse than the lead gossiper in a sewing circle. A little, whiney puppy is what you sound like.

Your opinion of religion probably stems from a bad break up with a mouth-breathing Jesus freak that would not give it up to you. It could also stem from your father who may be an evangalist of some sort. It could come from your mother who made you wear a bowtie every Sunday. Yeah... it could be a whole host of things.

My question to you, Tyler Durden, is; are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?


Does someone need all these curious reasons you come up with
in order to see through the lies of indoctrination and religions?

If you are deciding to throw your lot in with the god-freaks, you
had best come up with something a little more solid than these
mere wisecracks and mindless insults...

From what I have seen, Tyler has gave a pretty good account
of what he thinks, without resorting to the kind of denigrations
you have made on a regular basis.

I can see who has more justification in this thread, Orleans.

And it is not you, dude.

Unless you have some earth-shaking argument lined up
to floor us all after the spastic insults, you would be best
keeping the flap shut when you are outclassed by logic.

Curt Sibling said:
Does someone need all these curious reasons you come up with in order to see through the lies of indoctrination and religions?

No they don't, Curt. Anyone can see the flaws in religion. I can, you can, Tyler can, a blind man can.

I mean, we see what we want to see. I see a lot of anti-religious bunk on these boards and find it all boring. The same ol' same ol'. Nothing new to report other than the name of the threadstarter. It's beating a dead horse, as I've said a hundred times.

Curt Sibling said:
If you are deciding to throw your lot in with the god-freaks, you had best come up with something a little more solid than these
mere wisecracks and mindless insults...

If I were to throw my lot in with the godfreaks, I'd be the first to get smote down. I am not a Jesus-freak, nor do I subscribe to the local religion.

The mindless insults come about when there is nothing left to discuss. And there isn't. I mean, you and Tyler can talk about this til your respective little fingers fall off for all I care. My original post to Tyler was to warn him that this topic has been discussed in a hundred different posts.

If he were to say, post a thread discussing his contempt toward the Baptists... that would be a little more original and not so much generalized. Like the hundred or so posts made by Mohammed Rots In Hell, he continues to rant about Islam.

Anyways, I didn't travel to Iraq and back to trade wits with a witless worm.

Curt Sibling said:
I can see who has more justification in this thread, Orleans.

And what makes you justified in telling me that I don't have any justification? You have your reasons and I'll have mine.

Curt Sibling said:
Unless you have some earth-shaking argument lined up
to floor us all after the spastic insults.

No I don't have an earth shaking argument lined up. Though you fail to see the point I was laboring to make by warning Tyler about the redundancy of his post.

Curt Sibling said:
you would be best keeping the flap shut when you are outclassed by logic.

This is always a fail safe with you assholes that feel a need to defend everyone. Call me an idiot, basically, for ****ing with a youngblood on this board. You and your ilk are the bread and butter of the ACLU.

Call me a fool, fine... enjoy the Idiot Box. Mods rule.
RoyalOrleans said:
This is always a fail safe with you assholes that feel a need to defend everyone. Call me an idiot, basically, for ****ing with a youngblood on this board. You and your ilk are the bread and butter of the ACLU.

Call me a fool, fine... enjoy the Idiot Box. Mod's rule.

Show of hands. Who else saw this commin' down the tracks at Curt?