Report cites warnings before September 11, 2001...

  • Thread starter Anonymous Remailer
  • Start date
On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
> < US > wrote in
> > On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> > wrote:

> >>< US > wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>< US > wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$
> >>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:
> >>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

> >>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
> >>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
> >>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
> >>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
> >>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
> >>>>>>> bringing
> >>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
> >>>>>>> decade
> >>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these leaders
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>> their course.

> >>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
> >>>>>>would
> >>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
> >>>>>>process.
> >>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
> >>>>>>would
> >>>>>>lead
> >>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children to
> >>>>>>die
> >>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
> >>>>>>America
> >>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

> >>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

> >>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

> >>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.

> >>> More people should share your level of awareness.

> >>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
> >>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
> >>of
> >>these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> > The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
> > a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
> > to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
> > civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
> > They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
> > instant it makes them enough money.

> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.
> Hopefully one day impeachment will happen till then a guy can dream.

Danm, Seon! Evertimne you post I think you can't be that silly and
then you prove me wrong.

Oil - production:
530,000 bbl/day (2005 est.)
Oil - consumption:
877,300 bbl/day (2004 est.)
Oil - exports:
523,400 bbl/day (2001)
Oil - imports:
530,800 bbl/day (2001)
Oil - proved reserves:
3.664 billion bbl (1 January 2002)

Shill #312
On Jun 30, 10:20 pm, (
Anonymous Remailer) wrote:
> Thursday, September 19, 2002 Posted: 10:48 AM EDT (1448 GMT)
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional committees said in a report released Wednesday.
> In 1998, U.S. intelligence had information that a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden airplane into the World Trade Center, according to a joint inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees.
> However, the Federal Aviation Administration found the plot "highly unlikely given the state of that foreign country's aviation program," and believed a flight originating outside the United States would be detected before it reached its target inside the country, the report said.
> "The FBI's New York office took no action on the information," it said.
> Another alert came just a month before the attacks, the report said, when the CIA sent a message to the FAA warning of a possible hijacking "or an act of sabotage against a commercial airliner." The information was linked to a group of Pakistanis based in South America.
> That warning did not mention using an airliner as a weapon and, the report said, "there was apparently little, if any, effort by intelligence community analysts to produce any strategic assessments of terrorists using aircraft as weapons."
> Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the goal of Wednesday's hearing was "not to point a finger or pin blame" but to correct "systemic problems (that) might have prevented our government from detecting and disrupting al Qaeda's plot."
> Nothing found is a "smoking gun," Graham said. "But collectively I think there was enough there that we should have done a better job of seeing what was coming and hopefully, with luck, stopping it."
> Graham told CNN "It wouldn't have taken a lot of luck. It would have taken someone who could have asked and gotten answers to the right follow-up questions and then put it together."
> The report, which looked at more than a dozen federal intelligence agencies, suggests the United States had more information that might have helped to prevent the terror attacks than the government has previously said.
> As early as 1994 the government received information that international terrorists "had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks," the report says.
> In July 2001, the report says, a briefing prepared for senior government officials warned of "a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties ... (it) will occur with little or no warning."
> The joint committee's report discusses information federal intelligence agencies gathered about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.
> It said that in 1998, officials received reports concerning a "bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and Washington, areas." Officials received reports that al Qaeda was trying to establish an operative cell in the United States and that bin Laden was attempting to recruit a group of five to seven young men from the United States to travel to the Middle East for training in conjunction with his plans to strike U.S. domestic targets.
> The intelligence reports "generally did not contain specific information as to where, when, and how a terrorist attack might occur," the committee said, and they represented only "a small percentage of the threat information that the Intelligence Community obtained during this period, most of which pointed to the possibility of attacks against U.S. interests overseas."
> Nonetheless, the report said, "the totality of the information in this body of reporting clearly reiterated a consistent and critically important theme: Osama bin Laden's intent to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States."
> In fact in December 1998, the report says, the director of central intelligence, George Tenet, told his deputies, "We must now enter a new phase in our effort against bin Laden. ... We are at war."
> "Relatively few of the FBI agents interviewed by the joint inquiry staff seem to have been aware of Tenet's declaration," the report said.
> The report says that in July and August 2001, intelligence reporting "began to decrease" -- even though the al Qaeda threat was growing.
> On September 10, 2001, some 35 to 40 personnel were assigned to a unit created by the director of central intelligence with the specific task of tracking bin Laden. Fewer than 20 people were part of a similar unit at the FBI. The report raises "questions about the adequacy of these resources with respect to the magnitude of the threat."
> The report also suggests intelligence officials did not focus enough attention on a critical al Qaeda operative, unnamed in the report, whom officials had known about since 1995 "but did not recognize his growing importance" to the organization or to Osama bin Laden.
> The report says the director of central intelligence has refused to declassify two pieces of information: precisely what the White House knew and information about a key al Qaeda operative involved in the attacks.
> Government sources told CNN that operative is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, whom they describe as one of the masterminds of the September 11 attacks. He was indicted by the United States for plotting to bomb U.S. airliners in 1995. Officials believe he also plotted to have airplanes hijacked and flown into U.S. buildings.
> Listed as one of the government's 22 most wanted terrorists, Mohammed is in hiding. U.S. officials believe he was in Pakistan when last heard from.
> Stephen Push, who lost his wife in the World Trade Center, told lawmakers at the hearing, "Our loved ones paid the ultimate price for the worst American intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor."
> Push said the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy must be thoroughly restructured. "If it isn't," he said, "the next attack may involve weapons of mass destruction -- and the death toll may be in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands."

Nothing can stop stupid. But then when we even have a
word in our language for pilots who use planes as weapons.
When we see hijackings routinely. When we watched tired old
war movies of Japans targeting US shipping with their
suicidal attacks. When a plane was seen beening shot
down by a rocket off the NE seaboard before 911.
When a Eqypt airpilot last recorded message before
crashing was Allah is great. When a trainee Arab pilot
was ARRESTED in August at a flight training school in the

Fact is Bush knew they were coming or he'd have resigned
from the shame. Being a pilot himself, a military man, a
airforce national guards man the son of a airforce pilot.
On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
> < US > wrote in
> > On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> > wrote:

> >>< US > wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>< US > wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$
> >>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:
> >>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

> >>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
> >>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
> >>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
> >>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
> >>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
> >>>>>>> bringing
> >>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
> >>>>>>> decade
> >>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these leaders
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>> their course.

> >>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
> >>>>>>would
> >>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
> >>>>>>process.
> >>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
> >>>>>>would
> >>>>>>lead
> >>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children to
> >>>>>>die
> >>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
> >>>>>>America
> >>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

> >>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

> >>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

> >>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.

> >>> More people should share your level of awareness.

> >>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
> >>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
> >>of
> >>these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> > The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
> > a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
> > to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
> > civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
> > They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
> > instant it makes them enough money.

> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

Reserves and resources
Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte


Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.
"GovShill" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>> < US > wrote in
>> > On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>> > wrote:

>> >>< US > wrote in message
>> >>
>> >>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>> >>> <>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>< US > wrote in message
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>> >>>>> <>
>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>> >>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$
>> >>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:
>> >>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to
>> >>>>>>>> make
>> >>>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

>> >>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
>> >>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>> >>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
>> >>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
>> >>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>> >>>>>>> bringing
>> >>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>> >>>>>>> decade
>> >>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
>> >>>>>>> leaders
>> >>>>>>> on
>> >>>>>>> their course.

>> >>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>> >>>>>>would
>> >>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>> >>>>>>process.
>> >>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>> >>>>>>would
>> >>>>>>lead
>> >>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children
>> >>>>>>to
>> >>>>>>die
>> >>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>> >>>>>>America
>> >>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

>> >>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

>> >>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

>> >>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.

>> >>> More people should share your level of awareness.

>> >>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
>> >>Scooter
>> >>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
>> >>nature
>> >>of
>> >>these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

>> > The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
>> > a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
>> > to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
>> > civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
>> > They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
>> > instant it makes them enough money.

>> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.
>> Hopefully one day impeachment will happen till then a guy can dream.

> Danm, Seon! Evertimne you post I think you can't be that silly and
> then you prove me wrong.
> Oil - production:
> 530,000 bbl/day (2005 est.)
> Oil - consumption:
> 877,300 bbl/day (2004 est.)
> Oil - exports:
> 523,400 bbl/day (2001)
> Oil - imports:
> 530,800 bbl/day (2001)
> Oil - proved reserves:
> 3.664 billion bbl (1 January 2002)

Sorry I meant oil fields big enough for America to want to invade.
"nonsense" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> < US > wrote in message
>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
>>>>>>>>world a better place. I'm just a bystander.
>>>>>>>What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these leaders
>>>>>>>their course.
>>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>would lead
>>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children to
>>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.
>>>>>Cheney first, then Bush.
>>>>>They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.
>>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.
>>>More people should share your level of awareness.

>> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
>> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
>> of these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> Here's a simple question for you.
> If there was no crime, then how did Scooter impede
> justice? Bear in mind that having a criminal nature
> isn't illegal. If it were, we'd have no politicians
> at all!

But there was a crime and Bush pardoned him or whatever the word republicans
use is.

> Next question: If due process is nothing more or
> less than fundamental fairness, then why is it that
> the police can legally knowingly lie to you, but
> you are prohibited by law from knowingly lying to
> them?

Because police have more powers, they can taser us, beat us or do whatever
but when we do it it's "assaulting an officer"
< US > wrote in message
> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:11:58 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> wrote:
>>Just not laugh and joke like that. I mean he stayed in that room for 7
>>minutes, ignoring the questions that he could be a possible target the
>>he could do was end the photo op or something.

> His handlers had told him to 'look innocent'.
> What he displayed was his sociopathic indifference
> to the immense suffering and horrific deaths of humans.

Yep thats not looking innocent to me. I agree Bush's actions in the school
room were staged.
John P. wrote:
> "seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message
> >> The PNAC did not say they wanted a terrorist attack (or, more
> >> accurately, another Pearl Harbor). They were saying that's what it would
> >> take to gain the support of the American people. There's a big difference
> >> there.

> > True no one actually said they wanted a new Pearl harbor but i wonder how
> > many of these "Patriots" would be willing to let 911 happen so they can
> > have an excuse to invade other countries.

> Just so you understand, the PNAC did make mention of a "new Pearl Harbor".

Yes, to prepare the American people for what they, a
Machiavellian band of highway robbers slash tinpot emperors dressed in
business suits and exuding the foul stench of conflict of interest (with
their oil, drug, and defense industry ties) ... had long planned ... a
New Pearl Harbour to initiate the imperialist reign of Novus Ordo Mundi.
Absent this trigger, the planned globalist order would've had to be
delayed indefinitely because the American people - individualist by
nature and representing the only serious obstacle to the collectivist
global order - did not or ever did have an appetite for global hegemony,
unlike, of course, the corporate elites. Corporations tend towards
monopoly: state borders yield to the national border yield to the
international order of things (if there existed a viable second planet
in the solar system, be assured the corporate mindset would seek
expansion into an interplanetary order). Corporations are amoral
entities; the people in charge of them are largely immoral people.

Suffice to say, indefinite delay was not an option as the
American economy, burdened with an out-of-control national debt that was
arrived by decades of financial mismanagement and outright pilfering by
the managing classes of the global elitist order, was quickly
approaching critical pressure.

How does this relate to the statement about a New Pearl Harbour
in PNAC? Well, if you understand the context in gestalt, you'll
quickly realize that the comment is gratuitous. It has no real bearing
on the timescale for transforming the American military.

I mean, ask yourself this simple question: has 9/11 changed much
wrt the transformation of the American military? No? All right then,
what exactly has it managed to do? Well, all it has really managed to
do to this point is channel vast quantities of taxpayers' money into the
pockets of the globalist management classes, kill about a million
innocent people, expose major weaknesses in the American military, and
it has made America's overall standing in the rest of the world less
than it was prior to the New Pearl Harbour. If anything, the American
economy is on the verge of collapse, with the Euro now pegged to be the
currency of choice. More the further, the American people are less safe
now than prior to the NPH, and the American government is more reviled
than at any point in its history. In short, this most recent imperialist
misadventure has more in common with the Vietnam misadventure than with
any grandiose century envisioned by its authors.

But if the NPH reference in PNAC was gratuitous, then why
mention it at all? Simple ... to unify the masses by evoking the
memory of the original Pearl Harbour attack. Okay. But why the need
to unify the masses? Simple ... the Inside Jobbers were deep into
their plans for attacking the American people, the American state, and
the American Constitution in September of 2000, a year before they
implemented it on 9/11/2001.

To wit, the inclusion of NPH in PNAC was designed to prepare the
American people, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. But you,
sweet child, would have us believe in something less. Again, what is
your stake in all this?

> Here's a copy of the entire document;

Yes, I encourage people to read the entire document to get an
understanding of the gestalt.

GovShill wrote:

> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>< US > wrote in
>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>

>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
>>>>>>>>>>world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

>>>>>>>>>What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>>>I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>>>administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>>>There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>>>the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>>>now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these leaders
>>>>>>>>>their course.

>>>>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>>>>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children to
>>>>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

>>>>>>>Cheney first, then Bush.

>>>>>>>They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

>>>>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.

>>>>>More people should share your level of awareness.

>>>>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
>>>>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
>>>>these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

>>>The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
>>>a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
>>>to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
>>>civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
>>>They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
>>>instant it makes them enough money.

>>I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

> Reserves and resources
> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
> Basins.
> ...
> Production
> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

Seon wrong surprise there.
seon ferguson wrote:
> "nonsense" <> wrote in message
> news:c0296$468cf652$49e5d1d$28051@DIALUPUSA.NET...
>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
>>>>>>>>>world a better place. I'm just a bystander.
>>>>>>>>What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>>I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>>administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>>There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>>the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>>now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these leaders
>>>>>>>>their course.
>>>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>>>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>>would lead
>>>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children to
>>>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.
>>>>>>Cheney first, then Bush.
>>>>>>They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.
>>>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.
>>>>More people should share your level of awareness.
>>>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
>>>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
>>>of these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

>>Here's a simple question for you.
>>If there was no crime, then how did Scooter impede
>>justice? Bear in mind that having a criminal nature
>>isn't illegal. If it were, we'd have no politicians
>>at all!

> But there was a crime and Bush pardoned him or whatever the word republicans
> use is.
>>Next question: If due process is nothing more or
>>less than fundamental fairness, then why is it that
>>the police can legally knowingly lie to you, but
>>you are prohibited by law from knowingly lying to

> Because police have more powers, they can taser us, beat us or do whatever
> but when we do it it's "assaulting an officer"

Please drop from your responses in
future if you're going to continue with such
inane stuff.

Thank you.
animal05 wrote:

> GovShill wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>> < US > wrote in
>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> < US > wrote in message
>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> < US > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:f6eplp$ldi$
>>>>>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to
>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.
>>>>>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
>>>>>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>>>> bringing
>>>>>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>>>> decade
>>>>>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
>>>>>>>>>> leaders
>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>> their course.
>>>>>>>>> They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>>>> I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> lead
>>>>>>>>> America into another unjust war and possible force our own
>>>>>>>>> children to
>>>>>>>>> die
>>>>>>>>> for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>>>> America
>>>>>>>>> is impeach the bastards before it's to late.
>>>>>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.
>>>>>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.
>>>>>>> Nothing would suprise me anymore.
>>>>>> More people should share your level of awareness.
>>>>> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
>>>>> Scooter
>>>>> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
>>>>> nature
>>>>> of
>>>>> these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.
>>>> The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
>>>> a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
>>>> to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
>>>> civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
>>>> They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
>>>> instant it makes them enough money.
>>> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

>> Reserves and resources
>> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
>> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
>> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
>> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
>> Basins.
>> ...
>> Production
>> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
>> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
>> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
>> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

> Seon wrong surprise there.

He's an aussie. What would you expect?
On Jul 6, 12:33 pm, nonsense <> wrote:
> animal05 wrote:
> > GovShill wrote:

> >> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

> >>> < US > wrote in
> >>>

> >>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>>> wrote:

> >>>>> < US > wrote in message
> >>>>>

> >>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson"
> >>>>>> <>
> >>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>> < US > wrote in message
> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
> >>>>>>>> <>
> >>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>> "James McGill" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$

> >>>>>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to
> >>>>>>>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

> >>>>>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
> >>>>>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
> >>>>>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
> >>>>>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
> >>>>>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
> >>>>>>>>>> bringing
> >>>>>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
> >>>>>>>>>> decade
> >>>>>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
> >>>>>>>>>> leaders
> >>>>>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>> their course.

> >>>>>>>>> They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill
> >>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>> impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
> >>>>>>>>> process.
> >>>>>>>>> I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
> >>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>> lead
> >>>>>>>>> America into another unjust war and possible force our own
> >>>>>>>>> children to
> >>>>>>>>> die
> >>>>>>>>> for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
> >>>>>>>>> America
> >>>>>>>>> is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

> >>>>>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

> >>>>>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

> >>>>>>> Nothing would suprise me anymore.

> >>>>>> More people should share your level of awareness.

> >>>>> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
> >>>>> Scooter
> >>>>> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
> >>>>> nature
> >>>>> of
> >>>>> these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> >>>> The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
> >>>> a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
> >>>> to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
> >>>> civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
> >>>> They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
> >>>> instant it makes them enough money.

> >>> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

> >>

> >> Reserves and resources
> >> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
> >> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
> >> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
> >> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
> >> Basins.

> >> ...

> >> Production
> >> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
> >> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
> >> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
> >> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

> > Seon wrong surprise there.

> He's an aussie. What would you expect?

Hey! Seon is an immigrant. A citizen (he says), but still an

Shill #312
"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message

> I know about ford pardoning Nixon. That was even worse then pardoning some
> adviser. i'll have to research FALN though but even if Clinton pardoned
> 140 crinimals it still doest make pardoning Libby ok. It just means if the
> democrats were the ones in charge they would do the same.

Birds of a feather flock together - politicians take kindly to other
"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message

> Thats the one I read. You have a point they didnt say we must have a new
> pearl harbour to pursure our agenda.
> I still find all the warnings, breifings and things like w199-eye, Able
> Danger and other smoking guns unusual.

As you would find unusual a great deal of what goes on behind closed doors
in DC.
"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message

> If this really is a "war on terror" why is it only terrorists when they
> attack America or American targets or when American interests are in that
> region?

If you asked a German soldier who the enemy was in WW II, what would his
answer be? What if you asked the same question of a Russian solider? A
French soldier? A Japanese soldier?

The releative nature of 'the enemy' should be rather obvious.
On 6 Jul, 03:39, GovShill <> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 12:33 pm, nonsense <> wrote:
> > animal05 wrote:
> > > GovShill wrote:

> > >> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

> > >>> < US > wrote in
> > >>>

> > >>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> > >>>> wrote:

> > >>>>> < US > wrote in message
> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson"
> > >>>>>> <>
> > >>>>>> wrote:

> > >>>>>>> < US > wrote in message
> > >>>>>>>

> > >>>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
> > >>>>>>>> <>
> > >>>>>>>> wrote:

> > >>>>>>>>> "James McGill" <> wrote in message
> > >>>>>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$

> > >>>>>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:

> > >>>>>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to
> > >>>>>>>>>>> make
> > >>>>>>>>>>> the
> > >>>>>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

> > >>>>>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
> > >>>>>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
> > >>>>>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
> > >>>>>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
> > >>>>>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
> > >>>>>>>>>> bringing
> > >>>>>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
> > >>>>>>>>>> decade
> > >>>>>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
> > >>>>>>>>>> leaders
> > >>>>>>>>>> on
> > >>>>>>>>>> their course.

> > >>>>>>>>> They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill
> > >>>>>>>>> that
> > >>>>>>>>> would
> > >>>>>>>>> impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
> > >>>>>>>>> process.
> > >>>>>>>>> I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
> > >>>>>>>>> would
> > >>>>>>>>> lead
> > >>>>>>>>> America into another unjust war and possible force our own
> > >>>>>>>>> children to
> > >>>>>>>>> die
> > >>>>>>>>> for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
> > >>>>>>>>> America
> > >>>>>>>>> is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

> > >>>>>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

> > >>>>>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

> > >>>>>>> Nothing would suprise me anymore.

> > >>>>>> More people should share your level of awareness.

> > >>>>> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
> > >>>>> Scooter
> > >>>>> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
> > >>>>> nature
> > >>>>> of
> > >>>>> these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> > >>>> The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
> > >>>> a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
> > >>>> to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
> > >>>> civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
> > >>>> They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
> > >>>> instant it makes them enough money.

> > >>> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

> > >>

> > >> Reserves and resources
> > >> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
> > >> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
> > >> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
> > >> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
> > >> Basins.

> > >> ...

> > >> Production
> > >> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
> > >> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
> > >> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
> > >> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

> > > Seon wrong surprise there.

> > He's an aussie. What would you expect?

> Hey! Seon is an immigrant. A citizen (he says), but still an
> immigrant.
> Shill #312

So, how long did it take you to devise such a pertiNet comment?


> ... And the 911 comission was a sham, those views we can both agree on. Was 911
> a false flag attack? well for me the jury is still out.

The PM thing is, of course, rubbish. As a speaker against the Bomb, I
got to know quite a few pilots and from time to time, some
administrators of various nutty schemes. I was, I admit, shocked to
find that they agreed with me, often adding additional arguments. If
had to put my finger on it, I 'd say the common denomiator was 'love
of country', and anger at being misrepresented by their bosses!
'Jeez, guy, slow down!' - when i assumed I had to oppose.

Mine is not an attack on America, only on some 'Americans'!

Spike Milligan envisaged a sock consisting only of holes; the 911
story is like that, I fear!

Nobody can stand the whole story up, yet the various different media
either ignore or ridicule it!

What is good is this: the Ancient Geeks are having a go, logically

The upshot need not depend on a 'Deep Throat'. Well, I hope so!

On any pretext, the Establishment Agenda:is: Shut down Usenet and

Don't let it happen, guys! Find a convenient street lamp, and step
of the shade!

'How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?'
"BDK" <> wrote in message
> In article <468ce363$0$12820$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>, says...
>> < US > wrote in message
>> > On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 00:14:29 -0500, "John P."
>> > <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>If you think that is something new and exciting from the current
>> >>administration ...
>> >
>> > Nobody said that.
>> >
>> > You're saying that any wrong you ever even imagined
>> > anywhere else would justify all the wrongs you support.
>> >
>> >

>> At least thats what some people in this group do like the right wing
>> kooks
>> whom shall remain nameless.

> Name names Seon, I would like to read who you think like right wing
> kooks..

I'll give you a clue, he was blinded by the light.
"nonsense" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> "nonsense" <> wrote in message
>> news:c0296$468cf652$49e5d1d$28051@DIALUPUSA.NET...
>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
>>>>>>>>>>world a better place. I'm just a bystander.
>>>>>>>>>What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>>>I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>>>administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>>>There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>>>the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>>>now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
>>>>>>>>>leaders on
>>>>>>>>>their course.
>>>>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>>>>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>>>would lead
>>>>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children
>>>>>>>>to die
>>>>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.
>>>>>>>Cheney first, then Bush.
>>>>>>>They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.
>>>>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.
>>>>>More people should share your level of awareness.
>>>>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
>>>>Scooter Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the
>>>>crinimal nature of these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be
>>>>woken up to.
>>>Here's a simple question for you.
>>>If there was no crime, then how did Scooter impede
>>>justice? Bear in mind that having a criminal nature
>>>isn't illegal. If it were, we'd have no politicians
>>>at all!

>> But there was a crime and Bush pardoned him or whatever the word
>> republicans use is.
>>>Next question: If due process is nothing more or
>>>less than fundamental fairness, then why is it that
>>>the police can legally knowingly lie to you, but
>>>you are prohibited by law from knowingly lying to

>> Because police have more powers, they can taser us, beat us or do
>> whatever but when we do it it's "assaulting an officer"

> Please drop from your responses in
> future if you're going to continue with such
> inane stuff.
> Thank you.

Someone supports police tasering innocent women when they get out of the car
or innocent children.
"BDK" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, US says...
>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:19:11 -0400, Bushkultie Deranged Kook BDK
>> <> wrote:
>> >... try to follow ...

>> It was about profiteering.

> Probably.
>> Do you even know what the word means?

> Yes I know exactly what it means..
>> >... insanity,

> I know what that word means too.
> I bet you do too! You've undoubtedly been hearing it all the time during
> your "life". .
>> >BDK

>> It's your best excuse for your support of the
>> "Heir to the Holocaust".

> Oh goody, a new kook "Phrase". Please, tell me and my shills all about
> it! I bet it's a good one.

I'm guessing it has something to do with holocaust denial. Something to
kooky even for me.
"animal05" <> wrote in message
> GovShill wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in
>>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>>>>>>>>>"James McGill" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make
>>>>>>>>>>>world a better place. I'm just a bystander.
>>>>>>>>>>What do you imagine you would do?
>>>>>>>>>>I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>>>>>>>>>>administration to pass into "former administration."
>>>>>>>>>>There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight to
>>>>>>>>>>the administration under the rule of law for the better part of a
>>>>>>>>>>now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
>>>>>>>>>>their course.
>>>>>>>>>They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill that
>>>>>>>>>impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own impeachment
>>>>>>>>>I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white house
>>>>>>>>>America into another unjust war and possible force our own children
>>>>>>>>>for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to save
>>>>>>>>>is impeach the bastards before it's to late.
>>>>>>>>Cheney first, then Bush.
>>>>>>>>They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.
>>>>>>>Nothing would suprise me anymore.
>>>>>>More people should share your level of awareness.
>>>>>Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
>>>>>Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
>>>>>these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.
>>>>The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
>>>>a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
>>>>to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
>>>>civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
>>>>They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
>>>>instant it makes them enough money.
>>>I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

>> Reserves and resources
>> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
>> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
>> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
>> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
>> Basins.
>> ...
>> Production
>> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
>> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
>> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
>> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

> Seon wrong surprise there.

At least I'm not a idiot who believes every word the idiot Bush says.
"GovShill" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 6, 12:33 pm, nonsense <> wrote:
>> animal05 wrote:
>> > GovShill wrote:

>> >> On Jul 5, 10:27 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>> >>> < US > wrote in
>> >>>

>> >>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 14:39:05 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>> >>>> <>
>> >>>> wrote:

>> >>>>> < US > wrote in message
>> >>>>>

>> >>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:03:57 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>> >>>>>> <>
>> >>>>>> wrote:

>> >>>>>>> < US > wrote in message
>> >>>>>>>

>> >>>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:15:37 +1000, "seon ferguson"
>> >>>>>>>> <>
>> >>>>>>>> wrote:

>> >>>>>>>>> "James McGill" <> wrote in message
>> >>>>>>>>>news:f6eplp$ldi$

>> >>>>>>>>>> seon ferguson wrote:

>> >>>>>>>>>>> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to
>> >>>>>>>>>>> make
>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>>>>> world a better place. I'm just a bystander.

>> >>>>>>>>>> What do you imagine you would do?
>> >>>>>>>>>> I think there's really nothing left but to wait for the
>> >>>>>>>>>> soon-to-be-former
>> >>>>>>>>>> administration to pass into "former administration."
>> >>>>>>>>>> There's been talk of everything from impeachment to oversight
>> >>>>>>>>>> to
>> >>>>>>>>>> bringing
>> >>>>>>>>>> the administration under the rule of law for the better part
>> >>>>>>>>>> of a
>> >>>>>>>>>> decade
>> >>>>>>>>>> now. It should be clear that nothing is going to stop these
>> >>>>>>>>>> leaders
>> >>>>>>>>>> on
>> >>>>>>>>>> their course.

>> >>>>>>>>> They are some genuine patriots getting congress to sign a bill
>> >>>>>>>>> that
>> >>>>>>>>> would
>> >>>>>>>>> impeach Bush. I'd probably join them or start my own
>> >>>>>>>>> impeachment
>> >>>>>>>>> process.
>> >>>>>>>>> I'm afraid if we waited that long the criminals at the white
>> >>>>>>>>> house
>> >>>>>>>>> would
>> >>>>>>>>> lead
>> >>>>>>>>> America into another unjust war and possible force our own
>> >>>>>>>>> children to
>> >>>>>>>>> die
>> >>>>>>>>> for oil and the defense contract companies. The only way to
>> >>>>>>>>> save
>> >>>>>>>>> America
>> >>>>>>>>> is impeach the bastards before it's to late.

>> >>>>>>>> Cheney first, then Bush.

>> >>>>>>>> They won't hesitate to have the USA hit again.

>> >>>>>>> Nothing would suprise me anymore.

>> >>>>>> More people should share your level of awareness.

>> >>>>> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the
>> >>>>> Scooter
>> >>>>> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal
>> >>>>> nature
>> >>>>> of
>> >>>>> these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

>> >>>> The fact that Bush and Cheney will gleefully massacre
>> >>>> a million totally innocent Iraqis has awakened the world
>> >>>> to their terrorism. Humans won't be able to claim to be
>> >>>> civilized unless Bush and Cheney are brought to justice.
>> >>>> They'll do to you what they're doing to the Iraqis the
>> >>>> instant it makes them enough money.

>> >>> I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia.

>> >>

>> >> Reserves and resources
>> >> Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
>> >> Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
>> >> in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
>> >> major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
>> >> Basins.

>> >> ...

>> >> Production
>> >> Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
>> >> production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
>> >> bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
>> >> 25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.

>> > Seon wrong surprise there.

>> He's an aussie. What would you expect?

> Hey! Seon is an immigrant. A citizen (he says), but still an
> immigrant.

For the record I meant oil fields of course we have oil how are our cars
suposed to run?