I haven't really done this for awhile:
16-03-08, Monday.
First off, I hate today. like most days, though.
Last night I was on the phone with Taylor, and he kind of just hung up on me, and sent me a text saying he had to go talk to his mom, and didn't text me back after that. How convenient for him. I was talking to my friend Kev about it today and he told me that I over-analyze everything. But it's the way Taylor is. He lies about the stupidest things. But I guess it's mostly my fault... I get really emotional a lot.
Anywho. I couldn't stop thinking about him after that... and yes, admittedly, I was mostly angry with him and being all grumpy and stuff. I was thinking about prom too, and I just couldn't sleep... Okay so this is kind of weird, but if I go to bed mad/ happy/ sad... whatever, that's how I usually wake up. I can't sleep off headaches because I just wake up with it. So. I woke up with morning, on 4 hours of sleep, SUPER grumpy, and really tired. AND almost an hour late. So. I threw up my hair, changed my pants, and put on a shirt. I couldn't find a jacket either... So I had my friend Jocelyn bring me one.
My day started getting more pleasent during school, but during my last class one of my friends text me to tell me that Taylor 'can't go to prom' (she asked him if he was going to ask me). I'm SO ******* ******. My ***. He does this all the time. And I knew very well that he can go. He just needs an excuse, instead of just saying he doesn't want to.
I want to sleep sooooooooooo bad. But if I do, I'll wake up early and be tired again tomorrow. Plus I'm coing running in about half an hour.
*eats someone's face* I'm so angry right now!
A/N: I hate homework.
My brother and I are having one of our ******** about our lives sessions atm so I should be good soon. Eh.