[Ryan's Journal 2.0]


New member
Entry #10

December 19th, 2006

Full. Not hungry. That's not really a mood though. Kinda in bad mood.

Listening to: The Last Kiss - AFI

To state bluntly, I'm trying to get fat. Sick of being skinny and scrawny and weaker than everyone. So my plan is to get fat, and build muscle, and to overall become bigger. So I will drink lots of milk, and TRY to eat about 4000 calories a day. Probably only be able to do 3000 though. And then after I start gaining weight (I already weight 165, but that's only because I'm tall) I'm gonna lift weights and ****.

I had no breakfast, except for a banana, and a cup of juice, so that didn't work out. That's less than 200 calories. Then I had lunch, and I really don't know how many calories it was. Probably around 500.

Well, now for my late lunch, I've eaten about 800 calories so far. And I'm going to eat a small pizza worth 400. So that'll be 1200. And then 2 cups of orange juice is 1400. (I'm out of milk, damnit)

Now for dinner, I dunno if I'll be able to eat that much. Hopefully it'll work out though.

...Me and Jonathan made up, I guess. I'm still confused. He seemed eager to start hanging out with me again, and he explained himself (still don't know if he's lying) and just.. I dunno. But we're going hunting this weekend. Back behind his house is a buncha woods with deer, and since he's so redneck, I thought I go hunting with him. It's actually quite fun. You get this rush... because I went yesterday, but we didn't get anything.

Well, that pizza is waiting. Bleh.

Edit: Holy ****, if I take another bite, I swear I will vomit. I've eaten like 1300 calories. I ate 6 pretzels (200 calories), a 6 oz. can of tuna (180 calories) with 4 tbps of mayo (150 calories), some crackers with that (about 160 calories), 2 cups of orange juice (about 200 calories), and a small pizza (400 calories) Well, that actually doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it is.

I wish dinner wasn't so soon. >_>



New member
,...well. Call me rtard whatever. I've gotten frunk for the first dtime. drukb. Adn I have to say. It's beem a **** of a night. My friend daredd me to chug some of his dads beeer that was in the garage. no onbe was home.... so i chuged like 3.5 beers. i ddin't thnk it's do anything. then i got aa little buzz. Than I layed down. started cracking up abit.... started getting woozy. I got back up and was lke "ohhluu ****!" I trried walking ib a straight line. and I could bately could my sefl up. jonathan had to hold me up.. .then iwwwas all hugging him for some reason. then he hasd to go and he drove me home and onwe I'm all aloone.

now I jusst oggohope my momand sister downt get home and this will waer off. how th **** long does it dotake for this tto wear off.? I Thought gettug drybj only lassted a while...

Well...i've tried weed, bbeer... and thatt's abo8it it. And sseroiously, i don't really see the point in tmhe. I'm done epxeriemnenting.no more.



Active Members
wow..seems like you really got drunk...

how much did you drink...

I can barely read what you wrote...lol



New member
LOL u got drunk on 3.5 beers ? ill drink 12 and a few shots then im drunk well i got a little LITTLE drunk this holiday fo the first time but boy i drank alot lol


New member
Well I'm skinny, and it was my first time. Probably my last, haha. I didn't think 2would do anything (plus they were Keystone Light... nasty ****), and then I started getting wobbly and buzzed. Then Jonanthan dared me to chug another one. So that was three.

He puked after only a half of a 12 oz beer. I mean he really puked. I gagged, but I managed 3 and a half. I puked the other half of the 4th one.

I barely even feel a hangover. I guess I didn't really get that drunk (Im mean it was only 3.5 beers, but I did chug them), but I was drunk enough to where I could barely walk. Haha, Jonathan was like "dude, quit talking, you speech is really, really slurred."

Then he had to drive me home because his parents were almost home. And when I got home, I got online for a bit... went to bed and passed out like instantly.

Blah. Beer taste like pure ****. ******* nasty. I don't know if I can ever drink another one.



New member
Beer does taste like ****,reminds me of my first time. Twas cheap vodka(8 bucks for a huge plastic bottle) and it tasted like pure hairspray lol


New member
Beer does taste like ****' date='reminds me of my first time. Twas cheap vodka(8 bucks for a huge plastic bottle) and it tasted like pure hairspray lol[/quote']LOL you made me cry there haha and ya beer tastes like **** pee but i like ciders!!


New member
Wow do I regret this whole journal... it's just one whole bad impression. Just to be clear, I don't do any drugs and I don't drink, that whole "drunk" incident was stupid and I've never gotten drunk since then, and I don't really plan to because I'm way underage anyway, haha.

I guess this is my first post in a while. I don't know what happened, but I just drifted away from LPF some how... I want to come back and be as active as possible... but we'll see what happens.

Well, nothings really been happening in the life of Ryan. I'm still 15, no job yet, addicted to RPG's and playing guitar, livin in a shithole, and trying to cut back on cussing, haha.

I swear, I think I've spent most of this month playing Final Fantasy VII. Yes, I'm an oldschool gamer. Or maybe I just don't have enough money for the new stuff. Newest thing I have is a Gamecube, though I want a Wii. I'm supposed to get a PS2 soon so I can go and play all the great games for that system that I never got to.

Oh! I FINALLY got a cell phone. I think it was in April... But yeah, I finally figured out why EVERYONE has one and can't live without them.

Umm, that's all I guess.



Active Members
nice to see you back on here.

And well..I know how it is to play on those old systems....

I'm still on the basic Playstation



New member
HI RYANNNN! I've come back too!

Don't worry, we all make stupid mistakes, and I'm quite ashamed of some of the stuff i've said in my journal at some points, so it's all good. I'm glad you sound healthy though :D

Ugh, sorry you're still stuck in your craptastic town (i got out of mine for vacation. VISIT LONDON, IT'S AWESOME)

ahhh rpgs, ME TOO. I have yet to play a FF game myself, but they sound intriguing. I've started playing Tales of the Abyss, and it's sooo addictive. The story line and the characters are actually pretty amazing. The fighting is fantastic. I highly recommend it.

I think I got a cell phone when I was about your age... so yeah, I can understand that feeling. I really don't use mine for much of anything though *no texting pictures or any somesuch*

well , take care



Shadowed Heart

New member
Ryan ^.^

You know what else you should get on? MSN. :)

And yeah... I love my cell phone too. :D

I'm gonna have to make you call me >: D


But yeah.....................................




New member
Thanks for all your lovely replies. Means a lot. :)

Sygy - Why thank you!

Jeezy - Haha, yes I know what you mean.

MrsBennington-Delson - *brainwashes you to love FF* Hahaha.

Twi - Thanks for your understanding, lol. I'd actually love to visit London! And I'll definately check out that game.

Rissy - Well my number is 662-89i439rejdjssgggzzzzzzz **** my computer messed up again. Hehe. But if you want it I'd probably give it to you.

Again, thanks for all the comments and stuff.

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